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BS: Here's some fashion advice

30 Aug 05 - 11:23 AM (#1552794)
Subject: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: GUEST,Mr. Fancy Pants

Remember kids. It is good fashion etiquette not to wear your white pants and trousers after Labor Day. So you better hang them up until next summer.

30 Aug 05 - 12:14 PM (#1552852)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Wesley S

I'm sure you're not including "winter white" - a popular color for the ladies ?

30 Aug 05 - 02:26 PM (#1552908)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: GUEST,Mr. Fancy Pants

A true woman would never wear white pants between Labor and Memorial day, regardless if it is "winter white" or how popular it is. It is in the same category as same as a true woman would never wear heels with track pants. God Forbid !!

30 Aug 05 - 02:48 PM (#1552922)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Rapparee

Kin I keep wearin' ma white shoes? The li'l girlies at the hops jist think they're the cat's pajamas.

30 Aug 05 - 03:06 PM (#1552936)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice

Rapaire your foot attire would certainly classify you as a fashion hound in a Kansas City Cat House. A true gentleman never wears shoes such as those.

30 Aug 05 - 03:26 PM (#1552946)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Ebbie

Avoid the fashion morass- go barefoot. Clean feet are IN.

30 Aug 05 - 03:48 PM (#1552950)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice

Going barefoot in Greece is called 'wearing your mother's shoes.'

30 Aug 05 - 04:58 PM (#1552993)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Donuel

How does one wear suspenders with "fashion sense".
I can't wear a belt for a year now since I have a nexus of severe pain at the navel.
I have a 39 inch waist but suspenders usually make me look like a Bavarian tourist.

Maybe I should try safety pins to my shirt for "support"?

30 Aug 05 - 07:37 PM (#1553102)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: GUEST,Mr. Fancy Pants

In your case Donuel I suggest a pair of overalls in an informal situation. Definately not denim. A pair seersucker overalls would be acceptable. When a more formal situation calls, try a sarong!

30 Aug 05 - 07:43 PM (#1553111)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Donuel

Well thats just wrong on too many levels.

30 Aug 05 - 07:45 PM (#1553114)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: bobad

I think i've seen a pic of Marlon Brando in a sarong.

30 Aug 05 - 08:00 PM (#1553121)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: GUEST,Mr. Fancy Pants

I know the sarong must sound rather shocking. It is totally acceptable. But I stress the sarong must be made of a darker material. Like white pants, a white sarong must not be worn after Labor Day. Personally I don't like white sarongs, as you would look more like a corrupt sleazy Roman senator than a true gentleman that you are.

Yes Bobad, Marlon Brando did wear sarongs from time to time, and I must confess he did look quite snappy in them.

31 Aug 05 - 11:04 AM (#1553580)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: PoohBear

The mind boggles. . .

31 Aug 05 - 11:08 AM (#1553586)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: GUEST,Mr. Fancy Pants

It certainly does PoohBear. Do you need any fashion advice?

01 Sep 05 - 10:20 AM (#1553704)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Paul Burke

Donuel: to us Brits that conjured up an awful picture- over here suspenders are things svelte ladies buy from Ann Summers
to hold up their silk stockings, and the thought of a 39" waist and skimpy lingerie definitely set the pulse racing- for the door.

01 Sep 05 - 10:51 AM (#1553758)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Amos

Even in DOnuel's case, two sarongs don't make a Right.


02 Sep 05 - 06:43 AM (#1554592)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Wilfried Schaum

A true woman would never wear white pants between Labor and Memorial day
Now, aren't the ladies in Her Majesty's Senior Service no ladies anymore?

03 Sep 05 - 02:27 AM (#1555257)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: GUEST,Bill the Collie

And I always thought this was a folkie site

03 Sep 05 - 03:20 PM (#1555539)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Liz the Squeak

So my rainbow trousers are out then....?


03 Sep 05 - 04:06 PM (#1555564)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Tannywheeler

Rapaire, NO--I repeat--NO white shoes after Labor Day. My grandmother is turning over in her grave. Boy, was you raised in a barn???!!!      Tw

03 Sep 05 - 11:00 PM (#1555803)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: LadyJean

It is white shoes after labor day. White pants can be worn year round, but, in my opinion, should not be worn at all. They are magnets for soy sauce, red wine, ink, vegetable oil, and every other world class stain producing substance on earth. Ladies, if you want to bring on a slow period. Wear white pants.
The National Gallery had a picture of Princess Diana in them, and I admired her courage

03 Sep 05 - 11:42 PM (#1555821)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Sarong, it's been good t' know ya.

03 Sep 05 - 11:45 PM (#1555822)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Peace

So, is it OK to wear heels with jeans? And will navy blue and dark brown clash? I simply MUST know, what, with the cotillion just around the corner. I'm sure you understand.

03 Sep 05 - 11:54 PM (#1555825)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: bobad

Is that cool cat on the left wearing heels with jeans? And are those leather jeans to boot? My my!

03 Sep 05 - 11:57 PM (#1555827)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Peace

Jesus, Joseph and Mary . . . .

04 Sep 05 - 01:04 AM (#1555857)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Bee-dubya-ell

There's a very simple reason why Princess Diana was able to get away with wearing white trousers after Labor Day. It's because Labor Day is only celebrated in the US. That means people in the rest of the world can wear white any time they damned well please.

04 Sep 05 - 01:34 AM (#1555871)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Peace

Now THERE'S a fashion statement.

04 Sep 05 - 02:07 AM (#1555879)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Peace

"It's because Labor Day is only celebrated in the US."

Little piece of trivia here.

04 Sep 05 - 11:45 AM (#1555918)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Well, darn, Bruce! And here I was thinking the comrades in Soviet Cannuckstan celebrated Mayday along with the rest of the pinko world.

04 Sep 05 - 10:17 PM (#1556271)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Tannywheeler

Guys, not so loud. My sainted Grandmother....             Tw

04 Sep 05 - 10:26 PM (#1556276)
Subject: RE: BS: Here's some fashion advice
From: Peace

"Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald"

The above is from the link I provided. Let it be know to all that the correct spelling of Sir John A's name is Macdonald. He may have had the highest bar bills in the history of this country; he may have sent the Northwest Mounties off to arrest Louis Riel (and then when meeting Riel on the street gave him $50 so that he could go to Minnesota and stop causing Macdonald all those difficulties); he may have been responsible for the theft of land for the Canadian Pacific Railway (which made Harding's 'Manifest Destiny' idea go away at least as it had to do with what is now Canada); and he may have been somewhat erratic in his attendance at Parliament due to his penchant for beverages that contained alcohol, but he was BY GOD the man responsible for this country coming into existence, and he deserves to have his name spelled correctly.

Thank you.