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01 Sep 05 - 10:02 AM (#1553683)
Subject: Aftermath in the south
From: MMario

Bobert and Poppagator have both checked in over at Tweedsville.

Bobert has 17 cuts or so laid down for his CD.

Poppagator got out of NO in time - weathered the storm dry, though without water or power - have relocated sincevNorth to KY.

01 Sep 05 - 10:06 AM (#1553687)
Subject: RE: Aftermath
From: Tannywheeler

Thank God. And we're just internet acquaintances. Prayers for all to be so fortunate. And God's help for NO itself.    Tw

01 Sep 05 - 10:33 AM (#1553727)
Subject: RE: Aftermath
From: jacqui.c

I've been thinking about both 'catters the last few days. It's good news that they are both OK.

I just feel for those who weren't so fortunate and all those people who have lost their homes.

01 Sep 05 - 10:33 AM (#1553729)
Subject: RE: Aftermath
From: Wesley S

Thanks - I've been worried about them.

01 Sep 05 - 10:35 AM (#1553735)
Subject: RE: Aftermath
From: InOBU

thanks again, lor Bless all down there.

01 Sep 05 - 10:44 AM (#1553747)
Subject: RE: Aftermath
From: number 6

Appreciate this post MMARIO


01 Sep 05 - 12:03 PM (#1553826)
Subject: RE: Aftermath

Yesterday I saw convoys of utility trucks going by heading South. It made me cry.

And think of the times they come from other places to here to NC when we need help.

On my morning run I was reflecting on hurricanes I've known: Hugo in Charleston, Fran and Floyd here. I was so overwhelmed by the help recieved in Charleston: right on time.

So, I'm thinking, now it's our turn to help. Expert rescuers and workers are flocking down there now, well-needed and will be put to work. There is nothing for people like me to do there now but get in the way. But later, later, there will still be plenty of work to be done, and people in terrible need. You may or may not know that it took YEARS to get things in order for people in Eastern NC after the flooding.

What can we do? Many people will find an way to help through their church, school, community somehow. Some can just send money now.

But here's this music community. Hmmmm. Seems like there are some musical debts owed in the region so badly hurt. So what about us?

What if in a couple of months, some of us carpooled or caravanned down and spent a few days working. Gives plenty of time to be in touch with people there to see what can be done, and to organize resources and a project to focus on.


What do you all think?

01 Sep 05 - 12:43 PM (#1553869)
Subject: RE: Aftermath
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Made a run from Pensacola to Atlanta and back yesterday to help my step-daughter & family move. Much of the traffic southwest-bound on interstates 65 & 85 was utility and tree service crew convoys. At one point on the way home we were passed by a convoy of around 20 ambulances doing about 85 MPH with flashers and strobes going.

There were also lots of private individuals with pickup trucks and utility trailers full of generators, coolers of food, jerry cans of gasoline etc. We can only hope they were all concerned relatives and good Samaritans, though some of them doubtlessly were low-life price-gouging scumbags who have no compunction about selling a $150 chainsaw for $500.

01 Sep 05 - 01:06 PM (#1553900)
Subject: RE: Aftermath
From: Donuel

You had me worried when you said Bobert had 17 cuts...

01 Sep 05 - 01:08 PM (#1553904)
Subject: RE: Aftermath
From: Ebbie

Thanks for the info, MMario.

Ths scope of this disaster is overwhelming. Dani, I'm afraid that I personally would just be in the way so I'll confine myself to donations but is it possible that after the Getaway a group might want to travel south to work for a few days?

October seems like a long time away but what is needed now is help with rescue and relocation rather than salvage and rebuilding and removal of debris.

01 Sep 05 - 02:02 PM (#1553982)
Subject: RE: Aftermath
From: Dani

That's what I'm talking about Ebbie: now it's better to stay out of the way, I think.

I probably can't do anything directly from Getaway, as my kids will already be playing hooky with me, but one way or another I plan to take them down later in the year.

Let's keep the conversation open.
