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BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion

03 Sep 05 - 11:14 PM (#1555811)
Subject: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Bobert

Welll, well, well...

I am still down in Mississippi recordin' at tom's house and have put up a few certified Bobertized posts that show as mississippitoms...

The are mine and do not necessarially reflect the opinions of mississippitom....


03 Sep 05 - 11:53 PM (#1555824)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Boberdz, you is a veritable fount of confusion at all times an' under all circumstances. Th' fact that you may have posted under MizzipiTom's handle does not add to that confusion in any meaningful way. It's like a five-pound bag that already has ten pounds of shit sugar in it. It don't matter if ya toss on another teaspoon or two.

04 Sep 05 - 11:56 AM (#1555922)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Big Mick

This was worth a thread????

04 Sep 05 - 12:57 PM (#1555950)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Charmion

Now, Mick, cool yer jets. This forum has been cluttered for years with the doings of Chongo Chimp and fantasies about William Shatner; a bit more Bobert befuddlement won't do it any harm.

04 Sep 05 - 01:24 PM (#1555959)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Joe Offer

Yeah, heck, I'm trying to think of a clever comment.

Bobert threads are always fun. Well, mostly...

Stay dry, Bobert.

-Joe Offer-

04 Sep 05 - 03:35 PM (#1556031)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Bobert

This is from the real mississippitom.Bobert just left this morning to go back home.We had a great time and recorded some really great stuff.All I have to do now is get my other musicians in here and finish it.We all know how that can be.I will get em though on that one can be certain.I had never heard Bob play before he came here.The man is a virtuoso for sure and a reuly good man.

I am looking for more good artists that have something worhwile to record.I charge nothing for my time.My aim is to get more good independent artists music out to the public.The start of this effort is to record it and at the same time get music from those that have already been recorded.I am with the help of whomever I can find that is like minded going to laucnch a Independent artist Blues Radio Station on the Internet.The format will be unlike anything out there now.It will be engauging informative and all about the music,the artists singing and playing it and it's roots and influences.
The clear channel mentality is to hit the 18 to 35 age group.Why I do not understand when the majority of us in this wonderful country are Baby Boomers and as a group,we love the Blues but are unable to hear it in any quantity in any market.Blues is my thrust in recording but I am also looking for people that have other types of music as well.
If you are interested or know someone that is,I can be reached most easily at
In the words of the first white Blues singer (Elvis)who was born just down the road from whjere I live.Thank you Thank you Very much.tom please excuse any misspells!

04 Sep 05 - 03:44 PM (#1556037)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion

Would not "Bobert threads" and "clever comments" be considered an oxymoron?

04 Sep 05 - 06:11 PM (#1556126)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: GUEST,DC Rider

My, what a nice bunch of snipers in the grass! Which one of you talentless fucks have been praised for your playing the way everyone who has ever heard Bobert, has praised him?

Joe and His Merry Band of Clones seem particularly nasty towards Bobert. Why is that? Jealous of his talent, maybe.

04 Sep 05 - 07:25 PM (#1556183)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Ebbie

I for one appreciate this thread. MIssissippittom is a Mudcat personage in his own right and when Bobert was posting from Missitom's computer it could be confusing.

I think your quest and your plan for the blues and bluesmen (and women?) is a good one.


04 Sep 05 - 07:27 PM (#1556186)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Joe Offer

Hey, I like Bobert. And I'll betcha Mick likes him, too. It's a real kick to spend time with him. Still, it's fun to tease him a bit, because his responses are always entertaining. But it's just banter. Bobert is a good musician and a very nice person, and I really enjoy his sense of humor. I just wish I could come up with the quips as fast as he can.

-Joe Offer-

04 Sep 05 - 07:58 PM (#1556206)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Big Mick

GUEST, DC Rider, come back when you know what you are talking about. I consider Bobert a friend, and a very talented person. In the grand tradition of the Irish, known as slaggin', I am screwing with my friend. It means I like him. You, on the other hand are a no name horses ass, and that doesn't mean I like you. Grab yourself a Coke, sit in the corner, put that stupid smile on your face and shut the f*** up.


04 Sep 05 - 09:00 PM (#1556238)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Bobert

Anyone that really knows Bob or Bobert as he is called by many has to like him.He gives you only one choice really.He has his opinions but is also a good listener and is pretty objective.I find that very refreshing myself.We don't agree on some things but we can and do discuss them anyway.Anybody that my dogs like, and I have four there is no doubt they are a good person.Dogs are much better at knowing what is inside of a person than people are as far as I am concerned.mississippitom

05 Sep 05 - 09:35 PM (#1557101)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Sidewalk Bob

Well, well, well...

Here I am back in Mudville... Somehow, whilst I was down in Mississippi Joe Offer 'n Max got together and stole my identity... Sho nuff did...

Heck, I don't blame them much since Iz had been knowed to lite a stink bomb 'er 3 'round here...

Yeah, I come back 'round 'n they say I don't exist.. Heck, I ain't got 'nuff energy to argue successfully that I do so I figgures that the only thing I could do was put on my ol' Grocho Marks glasses and 'stach an' sneak the heak back in...

Which, apparently I have done, but I had to reregister as "Sidewalk Bob" (heh heh, I know that would fool 'um??)...

But here I is and before I they chase me down and throwed e out agin, I figured that I'd go on record of sayin' that I likes both Joe and Max... They both is some fine fellers... Sho nuff would like to have my PM's back 'cause I gotta a lottta addresses in them that I needs..

Sho nuff would like to be Bobert again...

Feel like I'm in a Twilight episode...

Nopw I reckon I know how folks feel when they had they identy stoled up...

Sidewalk Bob, alias Bobert

05 Sep 05 - 10:12 PM (#1557131)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

I think the blues suck, especially sung by morons who pretend they are black.

05 Sep 05 - 10:55 PM (#1557154)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Sidewalk Bob

Danged, Marty...

See you made parole... Too bad...

Mudcat has been a much better place since you were incarcrated...

I hope that Joe and Max will do to you what they have done to me... You deserved it...

You are a genuine creep...

I'm not...

That's what seperates us....

(Of course, I know this is Little Hawk playin MG but, hey, always fun messin' back at MG... Sniff...)

Sidewalk, the real deal bluesman, Bob 'n not pretendin' to be nuthin' more than what I am...

And, if by chance, this is the real MG (which I doubt) an' you wanta meet me at any joint to see who is the pretender, fine...

Bring yer guitar..

I'll kick yer ass...

No brag, just fact..

Sidewalk Bob(ert)

06 Sep 05 - 12:54 AM (#1557205)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Joe Offer

Bobert -

Click here to see the posts from Mississippi Tom - and note that they go back several years, and all are signed by Bobert.
What happened is that you gave your old membership to Mississippi Tom. You were logged in on a computer, and then Mississippi Tom took over. He typed in his information over yours, and the membership became his instead of yours. Give him your user name and password and have him log in as Sidewalk Bob, and then have him go to membership and change the information as it should be. You can do the reverse for his "Mississippitom" membership, and you can take over that one and rename it back to Bobert. Just remember your timing - a member name can be in use on only one membership, so maybe it's best for tom to give you back the tom/bobert membership first, and then Tom can take over the "Sidewalk Bob." membership. You don't look like a "Sidewalk Bob" to me, so you'd better change back to Bobert.

-Joe Offer-

06 Sep 05 - 02:23 AM (#1557232)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Cluin

Cyber dopplegangers.

06 Sep 05 - 07:53 PM (#1558041)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: The Fooles Troupe

Yeah Joe,

Surely even Shambles could not blame you for this one...


06 Sep 05 - 08:42 PM (#1558085)
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
From: Sidewalk Bob

I'm up on it, Joe, but ain't got 'nuff brain left tongiht to fight with no pudders.... Did talk wid mississippitom and he'll do whatever it takes to raise the dough to get me released...

Thanks, an' if you ain't read the other thread, sniff, sorry fir accuseratin you an' Max fir stealin' me...

Sidewalk Bob(ert)