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BS: Mike Brown of FEMA

04 Sep 05 - 01:06 AM (#1555859)
Subject: BS: Mike Brown of FEMA
From: dianavan

Thought you might like to read what Mike Brown (a Bush nominee) had to say about how he planned to respond to an emergency like Katrina.

04 Sep 05 - 01:16 AM (#1555867)
Subject: RE: BS: Mike Brown of FEMA
From: Peace

Looks great on paper, don't it?

04 Sep 05 - 01:30 AM (#1555868)
Subject: RE: BS: Mike Brown of FEMA
From: Charlie Baum

Brown pushed from last job: Horse group: FEMA chief had to be `asked to resign':

04 Sep 05 - 01:30 AM (#1555869)
Subject: RE: BS: Mike Brown of FEMA
From: Bee-dubya-ell

There's no sense in my reposting what I've already said about FEMA on another thread so just click here.

04 Sep 05 - 11:44 AM (#1555916)
Subject: RE: BS: Mike Brown of FEMA
From: pdq is an excerpt from the initial post...Michael Brown's own words from April 7, 2004...

"President Bush's Map Modernization initiative has initiated a multi-year effort to update the nation's flood maps. This is a major effort that is critical to our efforts to reduce the exposure of people and property to flood hazards. There are 300 projects underway nationwide, meeting national standards for geospatial data.

FEMA is helping to build and support improved disaster risk management capabilities at the federal, state and local level and in the private sector. We are developing, deploying and supporting implementation of hazard identification and risk assessment tools and applied technology.

These tools provide state-of-the-art risk identification and assessment modeling capabilities that are used by emergency managers, first responders and planners to communicate and reduce the impacts of future disasters.

One of these tools is HAZUS-MH, a GIS-based risk assessment software program for estimating potential damage, economic loss and social impacts from hurricane winds, floods and earthquakes.

HAZUS-MH is now available at no charge to state and local emergency managers, first responders and planners by contacting the FEMA Distribution Center.

This is a small glimpse of the progress that we're making at the Department of Homeland Security – which just celebrated its one year anniversary since President Bush brought FEMA together with 21 other agencies to unify the national effort to secure America.

As evidenced during Isabel, we're integrating our resources to meet a common goal. Over 180,000 men and women who are the employees of this new organization come to work every day knowing their most important job is to protect their fellow citizens from all-hazards.

It's this all-hazards mission that has enabled us to preserve our freedoms, protect America and secure our Homeland while responding to 56 major disasters and 19 emergencies declared by President Bush.

FEMA responded to numerous significant disasters including the Space Shuttle accident, Hurricane Isabel, the California Fires..."

04 Sep 05 - 11:59 AM (#1555927)
Subject: RE: BS: Mike Brown of FEMA
From: Bill D

much more about Brown in the "outraged over Bush" thread, including links to his history.