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BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...

08 Sep 05 - 07:05 AM (#1558908)
Subject: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Sidewalk Bob

Well, well, well...

Looks as if Hillary has waded into the waters deep enough for the sharks...

Yup, she is asking for an "independent" investigation into the failures of the Bush adminstartion in responding to the situation left in Katrina's wake...

So, looks like we're going to get the usual chorus of Repubs screamin', "Foul"...

Who knows, befo9re it's over Rove may have their chior blamin' Hillary's hubby for Katrina??? Nuthin' would surprise me???

BTW, what ever happened to "Snitchgate"???

Hmmmmm??? Anyone, other than me ever wonder how it is that the Bush folks can get one bad thing off the frontpage by doing something even worse??? Where does it end??? An accidental firing of a nuclear weapon on a population center in a blue state...

"Well, we don't know how it happened but we'll look into it..."


08 Sep 05 - 07:54 AM (#1558939)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: The Fooles Troupe

The announcement that George will conduct the enquiry in why the buck didn't stop with him has caused endless mirth in Aus, both among the general population as well as Journalists!

08 Sep 05 - 08:07 AM (#1558952)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Bat Goddess

I'm hoping our press will actually regrow their spine over this.

Seems like that may be happening.


08 Sep 05 - 08:11 AM (#1558957)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: DMcG

There has been very little actual comment on this in the UK, but there has been glorious use of pauses and intonation. ("The inquiry will be conducted .......... by George Bush")

I was somewhat surprised that all of the press present when the announcement was made managed to suppress a guffaw or other sign of astonishment.

Leaving aside all the details though, and more seriously, since this will almost certainly end up finding the federal level behaved impeccably but the whereas the states made a mess of things, will this be used to give the federal level greater power to override the state?

08 Sep 05 - 10:49 AM (#1559073)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Peace

"Who knows, befo9re it's over Rove may have their chior blamin' Hillary's hubby for Katrina???"

He GOT the blowjob, not gave it.

08 Sep 05 - 11:01 AM (#1559079)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Willie-O

Did you know that after JFK was assassinated, newly minted President Johnson proposed that since the assassination had besmirched Texas' honour, it should be investigated by a commission composed solely of Texans?

Not that the Warren Commission was, in the end, much better.
But let's not go there...

Bush is doing a good job of sticking to his script on this. He keeps saying "we'll look into WHAT WENT RIGHT, and what went wrong..." smiley-face anyone?


08 Sep 05 - 11:05 AM (#1559084)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Bill D

I wonder who will help Bush word the pardon to himself.

He has already declared that "I don't think anybody anticipated the
breach of the levees."

08 Sep 05 - 11:49 AM (#1559102)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Peace

I don't think Washington anticipated how pissed off people are--especially American people.

08 Sep 05 - 12:02 PM (#1559112)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: M.Ted

For all his tenacity and media savvy, Rove is not the sort of mastermind that y'uns seem to think--he hasn't figured out one of the basic truths, that substance overrides perception--or, to put it another way, you can say whatever you want, but when the water rises, it's still either sink or swim--

08 Sep 05 - 01:07 PM (#1559144)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: CarolC

They just have to keep pissing off ever greater numbers of people (as they have been doing). As long as they can control how many people know the truth about what they are doing (and the disasterous consequences), they can continue to mislead large numbers of people. A disaster like Katrina, that affects so many thousands of people, makes it awful hard for them to cover up the truth. When the number of people who know the truth reaches critical mass... watch out, Karl Rove.

08 Sep 05 - 01:08 PM (#1559145)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Don Firth

Bobert, it occurred to me when I read your question, "Anyone, other than me ever wonder how it is that the Bush folks can get one bad thing off the frontpage by doing something even worse???" that although the Bush administration didn't cause hurricane Katrina (not that if they hadn't cut the funds for levee improvement and such--but that's another matter), with all the news focussed on New Orleans, we seem to have lost track of the progress of the Iraqis in agreeing on and ratifying a constitution.

Within the past week or so, I haven't heard word one about how that's coming, if at all. Nor have I heard anything at all about what's going on in Iraq.

Jus' curious.

Don Firth

08 Sep 05 - 04:25 PM (#1559263)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: GUEST,Jon

I wonder who will help Bush word the pardon to himself.

Well Bill, I suggested in another thread that it is possible for Bush even have an independant enquiry and be assured that he will be freed of all blame. In the UK, we have had experts in this field. Lord Hutton would be worth a try, the most he might suggest is that Bush "subconsciously influenced" something.

My favourite bit of writing on his enquiry at the time is here

08 Sep 05 - 06:24 PM (#1559336)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Donuel

Where does it end??? An accidental firing of a nuclear weapon on a population center in a blue state...

Funny you should say that. We have had many broken arrows (lost nukes from crashes or other reasons) But we did in fact have a silo nuclear missle explode and launch the nuke haphazardly several miles from the silo. It happened in a rural "red" state about 20 years ago.

The way I hear it, it was not Bush who bungled anything but rather a faceless beauracracy achieved results that were unacceptable.

The media was handled and embedded so well for the Iraq war that many people bought into the whole success fiction. Not so for the Southern coast disaster.

The most salient points that mudcaters have pointed out in our discussions, pictures and songs are being addressed by the media at large.

I believe the next Great National Realization will be coming soon.

It will be the realization that no matter how unimaginable the scope and extent of the hurricaine disater in lost lives, property and money
really sinks in the minds of average Americans... it will still dwarf the cost in money, national debt, and lives lost in our hasty and ill concieved Iraq invasion.

My math may be "fuzzy" but the $250 billion borrowed to wage the Iraq war is expected to balloon well over $400 billion. The estimates for the cost of Katrina now stands at $50 billion.

08 Sep 05 - 06:36 PM (#1559350)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Bill D

my, Jon....that "Hutton Report" piece sounds terribly familar! It seems that all the necessary answers were decided beforehand, and the facts were merely twisted, interpreted, shuffled and whitewashed until they fit the pre-ordained conclusions.

"First you throw the dart, then you draw the bulls-eye"

08 Sep 05 - 07:50 PM (#1559400)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: McGrath of Harlow

I think the people who should conduct this enquiry are probably still sitting on a roof in New Orleans, or sleeping in a football stadium.

08 Sep 05 - 08:16 PM (#1559414)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Ebbie

Don, I was about to challenge your statement "But we did in fact have a silo nuclear missle explode and launch the nuke haphazardly several miles from the silo. It happened in a rural "red" state about 20 years ago." but you are not too far off on what happened, so I'll accept it. *G* Note that it does not appear to have been quite as eye popping as your memory would have it.

September 19, 1980, Damascus, Arkansas

"Fuel vapors from a Titan II intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) exploded in the missile's silo, blowing off the 740-ton silo door of reinforced concrete and steel and catapulting the missile's nuclear warhead 600 feet. The accident occurred when an Air Force repairman dropped a heavy wrench socket that struck the missile, causing a leak in the missile's pressurized fuel tank. The fuel caught fire and exploded approximately 8 ½ hours later, killing one person and injuring twenty-one others. The missile's reentry vehicle, which contained a nuclear warhead, was recovered intact."

Accounts of Nuclear Accidents/Nuclear Incidents

08 Sep 05 - 08:29 PM (#1559423)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Jack the Sailor

Several miles, a tenth of a mile... whats the dif?

08 Sep 05 - 09:36 PM (#1559451)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: GUEST,petr

Katrina is George Bush's Monica Lewinsky..
the only difference is that Monical Lewinsky didnt have 20,000 people stranded in her vagina.

This is inarguably a failure of administration at the top level.
NOt only in the vast manipulation of the politics of fear==
they have the population in constant fear of terrorist acts, that have historically only affected a small number of people while ignoring and being unprepared for very real, environmental disasters that can kill
and displace thousands.

If I were an American Id be outraged at BUsh's behaviour, continuing his vacation while the disaster occurred, only a week into the flooding.
At first joking about how he used to go down to New Orleans to have a good time and more concerned about Trent Lotts house than the vast majority of the poor people in New Orleans.
Theyre all sticking to their talking points, we dont want to play the BLAME game, you can be sure whenever people are talking like that...
they are to blame.

08 Sep 05 - 10:10 PM (#1559460)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: Sidewalk Bob

Well, maybe the American people are still too busy eatin', buyin' junk they can't afford on credit, ect. but looks like thAmerican press has awakened from their 7 year comma... Yeah, that are goin' after Scott McClennan like we ain't seen since they were afetr Clinton over Monika Lewinski or Richard Nixon during Watergate...

Now I realize that Iz predicted Bush's demise on many occasion but Karl Rove has always been able to manufacture yet another diversion but I'z here to say that I smell some serious blood here... The press is no longer afraid of Bush or Rove... That's ome purdy bad news for the two of them...

Yeah, the folks who have raped the taxpayers since 2000 will continue to pour millions and millions of dollars into PR campaignes aimed directly ar the NASCAR dads using any emotional issue they can come up with to hold power but, and I'm going out on a limb here, but I think the NASCAR dad's is ripe fir pickin'....

Yo, Howard Dean!!! What are you guys doin'???

Oh, nuthin'???


Sidewalk Bobert

08 Sep 05 - 10:51 PM (#1559475)
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
From: katlaughing

And not a word about Cindy Sheehan for the past week or so; it's been rather convenient for bush that that went away...I hope the press do get back to at least reporting what she is doing...though I agree they NEED to stick it to bush et al and grow a spine, again.