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BS: blame the media...

09 Sep 05 - 09:59 PM (#1560224)
Subject: BS: blame the medua...
From: tarheel

well..if you are looking for someone or someplace to start with,as far as blamimg anyone(about the hurricane snafu)...try the media...
after all,they are the ones who came on the air firat thing on the morning network news stations(nbc,cbs,abc,etc..)and declared that NEW ORLEANS had survived the brunt of the bet they did!
with their coat and ties, hair all slicked down, pretty dresses and not a hair out of place on the blonde anchor sweeties giving us the "i broke the news first",treatment!
so it and weep!

09 Sep 05 - 10:02 PM (#1560225)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: Peace

Speaking of the media: Has anyone heard if any politicians are missing in the south? Were any hurt, displaced, etc?

09 Sep 05 - 10:10 PM (#1560228)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: Bobert


Man, pee in this cup... You on serious drugs....

Ahhh, just what are you tryin; to say? Maybe yer tryin't o say that Mike Brown was up to the task??? Heck,that's been shown to be wrong...

Like what are you sayin'... I don't see no read 'um and weep here... All I see is sidestepin' and more sidesteppin'...

Maybe you'd like to elaborate on the "read 'um and weep" ot maybe, if not, share some of whatever it is yer smokin'...

Don't Bogart that joint my frined...


09 Sep 05 - 10:27 PM (#1560235)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: freda underhill

tarheel, did you mean blame medusa

a fitting analogy for Hurrican Katrina, the primordial Great Goddess. Medusa laid waste to the country.

.."She is universal Creativity and Destruction in eternal Transformation. She is the Guardian of the Thresholds and the Mediatrix between the Realms of heaven, earth and the underworld. She is Mistress of the Beasts. Latent and Active energy. Connection to the earth. The union of heaven and earth. She destroys in order to recreate balance.

She rips away our mortal illusions. Forbidden yet liberating wisdom. The untamable forces of nature. As a young and beautiful woman she is fertility and life. As crone she consumes by devouring all on the earth plane. Through death we must return to the source, the abyss of transformation, the timeless realm. We must yield to her and her terms of mortality."


09 Sep 05 - 11:10 PM (#1560249)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: Bob Bolton

G'day freda,

... Yeah ... I've met some like that!



10 Sep 05 - 12:45 AM (#1560268)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: Cluin

So the White House tunes into the network news to see what's going on in the world?

10 Sep 05 - 04:19 AM (#1560318)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: Bunnahabhain

Be worried if it didn't. Someone else paying to have reporters and journalists around the world, who tell you (some of) what's going on? You could ignore it , but it would be rather stupid, just like relying entirely on it to see what's happening would be...

10 Sep 05 - 04:25 AM (#1560321)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: John MacKenzie

He might have meant Medulla as it's obviously a no brain problem, I hope he didn't mean the Bjork album of the same name!

10 Sep 05 - 04:58 AM (#1560329)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: GUEST,Jon

No Giok, as far as I understand it, the condition does not affect the medulla - that's one bit of the brain that remains in tact.

10 Sep 05 - 05:31 AM (#1560340)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

It seems that your Teflon administration (nothing sticks) has already chosen its scapegoat, Mike Brown. They're trying to wriggle off the hook again, and with Dubya leading the investigation into his own cockup, they may well succeed.

What else is new?

Don T.

10 Sep 05 - 05:34 AM (#1560341)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: DMcG

I see Mike Brown is "to return to administering Fema nationally." I'm sure that makes everyone feel more confident.

10 Sep 05 - 06:49 AM (#1560366)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Hang on Los Angeles!

10 Sep 05 - 08:00 AM (#1560388)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: GUEST,van lingle

Well tarheel, maybe Rove and Cheney should limit Georgie's TV time and make him do his homework, instead.

10 Sep 05 - 08:16 AM (#1560389)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: Little Hawk

Medusa, indeed. What a fatefully perfect typo. Given the fact that this civilization has trampled upon and ignored Nature in its quest for money and material goods, Medusa is the perfect agent of its comeuppance. More is yet to come on that account...

Much more. Medusa will wake up the sleeping and bring down the mighty in high places. "She destroys in order to recreate balance."

No weapon of mass destruction will suffice to halt or contain her.

10 Sep 05 - 08:22 AM (#1560390)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: TIA

Please provide a link to a headline or news story in which a media outlet said that New Orleans was just fine on Tuesday morning. Otherwise, you are simply repeating a Rove/Limbaugh/Hannity talking point (and playing "the blame game" by the way).

10 Sep 05 - 09:18 AM (#1560401)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the medua...
From: Clinton Hammond

Lemme paraphrase John Stewert...

I used to work in a bar, some time ago.... There was a guy who sat in there every night, being FAT (not with a PH) and drunk.... That was ALL this guy did... One night someone tried to break into his car, and this guy lept off his barstool, ran out into the parking lot, and beat two guys with a tire iron.... my first thought was "Holy shit, that fatass can MOVE when he wants to!"

That was the 'media' where this disaster is concerned.

10 Sep 05 - 09:36 AM (#1560409)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: Donuel

I think he meant median.
A dangerous place where you can get hit from both directions.

10 Sep 05 - 10:11 AM (#1560423)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: John MacKenzie

Dammit; clone done fixed the typo, that sort of screws up half the posts in this thread then!

10 Sep 05 - 10:36 AM (#1560432)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: McGrath of Harlow

They were right enough to say New Orleans had come off lucky at that point - the hurricane as such didn't do that much damage to New Orleans (though of course it did to other places). It was the breaches to the levees and the flooding that destroyed the city. As rapidly became clear, and our media over in England kept us up to date with it anyway.

10 Sep 05 - 01:35 PM (#1560533)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: dianavan

"I see Mike Brown is 'to return to administering Fema nationally.' I'm sure that makes everyone feel more confident."

FEMA was downgraded to only one of several national agencies under the administration of Homeland Security. This was another move by Bush. In that way he could rob FEMA of funds and redirect those funds to his war on terrorism.

Mike Brown is definitely unqualified but, realistically, who could do a better job with a critically underfunded FEMA. Mike Brown is just a convenient scapegoat so that the public will not look too critically at the Dept. of Homeland Security.

The underfunding of necessary repair to the levees and the inablility to respond to Katrina is more than the responsibility of one man. It is a systemic failure due to the need for funds to advance an illegal war for personal profit.

10 Sep 05 - 01:42 PM (#1560537)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: Kaleea

Q: "So the White House tunes into the network news to see what's going on in the world?"

A: Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

         (with apologies to the Pope's millinery designer)

10 Sep 05 - 01:51 PM (#1560542)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: Don Firth

That's odd. I was watching the tube and listening to the radio, and I had a pretty good idea of what was going on. I would have thought that the gummint would have better sources than I have.

No, wait! I forgot about Iraq's huge cache of WMDs. How foolish of me!

Don Firth

10 Sep 05 - 01:56 PM (#1560544)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: Jack the Sailor

So the White House tunes into the network news to see what's going on in the world?"

Actually, looking back at their actions, it seems that they don't. If they had Bush would have cut two more days off his holiday and he would have waited a month or two to be photographed paling the wrong chord on a guitar.

The might even have told Mike Brown there were people in the convention center before he went on Nightline.

The thing is. TarHeel only told about 10% percent of the presses involvement in this story. He neglected to mention that it is shameful when Emergency Management people take two days to learn vital things about their tasks which have been reported by the press.

It is especially shameful that if Bush had taken the same approach he did for the pre-election Florida Hurricanes, he would have been much better informed and able to act.

10 Sep 05 - 02:02 PM (#1560549)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: CarolC

The media is probably responsible for saving a lot of lives in this case. I'm no fan of the media myself, and I usually blame them for everything that goes wrong. But this time, the pressure they were putting on the Bush administration to get off its complacent ass and DO SOMETHING, probably helped a lot of people and saved many lives.

10 Sep 05 - 03:03 PM (#1560571)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: Don Firth

I am listening to "This American Life" right now on my local NPR affiliate. Interviews with people who were in New Orleans when the hurricane hit, and people who were trying to get out. And people who were prevented from leaving.   One person said that it was as if the authorities were prison guards and they (the people trying to get out) were prisoners trying to escape. Groups of people gathering at police stations, fire stations, etc., and being lied to, just to get rid of them—told that there were buses "across the bridge." When they tried to cross the bridge, were stopped and sometimes even shot at. Then, they learned there were no buses. "Looters" who, risking being shot, raided stores for food and bottled water to take to children and elderly people in improvised shelters.

Harrowing. Un-bloody-believable!

This is not spin or "liberal media." These are eye-witness accounts by people who were there. What do you call them? Not "refugees," because that implies that they had or have a refuge to go to.

According to the "This American Life" web site, the audio is not available yet, but will be soon, on RealAudio. Listen to it!

After the Flood.

Don Firth

10 Sep 05 - 03:08 PM (#1560574)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: Peace

The internet is media, too.

"Halliburton continues to be a source of income for Cheney, who served as its chief executive officer from 1995 until 2000 when he joined the Republican ticket for the White House. According to tax filings released in April, Cheney's income included $194,852 in deferred pay from the company, which has also won billion-dollar government contracts in Iraq.

Cheney's office said the amount of deferred compensation is fixed and is not affected by Halliburton's current economic performance or earnings.

Allbaugh's other major client, Baton Rouge-based Shaw Group, has updated its Web site to say: "Hurricane Recovery Projects -- Apply Here!"

Shaw said on Thursday it has received a $100 million emergency FEMA contract for housing management and construction. Shaw also clinched a $100 million order on Friday from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers."


10 Sep 05 - 03:42 PM (#1560595)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: Don Firth

By the way, the local media came up with an interesting tidbit of the "forewarned is forearmed" variety. A couple of local reporters checked into the background of the head of the Northwest Regional office of FEMA here in Seattle.

He has a degree in business from a diploma mill (one of those places where if you send them a check, they'll send you a nice looking diploma to hang on your wall) and absolutely no experience in or knowledge of emergency management.

Is this a great country, or what?!!

Don Firth

{Who the hell appoints these people, anyway!??}

Oh! George did! Recommended to him by Jennifer Dunn, a Washington State Congressional Representative (Republican).

10 Sep 05 - 03:46 PM (#1560598)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: dianavan

Thats a good link, Peace.

Cheney also maintains 433,333 shares of unexercised stock options in Halliburton.

Just because he's now the VP doesn't mean he can't profit from Halliburton's cushy contracts.

He's a major slimeball.

11 Sep 05 - 08:56 AM (#1560971)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...
From: tarheel

i make no apologies for my typing...i can spell just as well as anyone in here,but i type the ole fashion way...(seek and ye shall find!)...again ,i make no apologies for it...i do the best i can and for the POT HEAD JERK IN HERE...i am not smokin' anything...i do not mess with drugs, alcohol or any of that junk! i state my opinons and its so funny as all get out to see the "know it all's" in here jump to their keyboard and tell me where to stick it,as if they have the FINALE word on everything!

i am retired,happy and as alert as anyone in here...
i read the newspapers,magazines,watch the tv newscast and then maker my opinion from as much information as i can get!
some of you should try doing that for a change, instead of rushing into every post here and ripping it apart and accusing the member who posted it here who may not agree with you,,,that they are on pot,drinkin' too much,etc...
the only thing that i am on is the love of Jesus Christ as my Savior, Lord and King!
john 3:16
"for God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish,but have everlasting life"!...Amen!

11 Sep 05 - 09:14 AM (#1560981)
Subject: RE: BS: blame the media...

Firth @ 3:03 PM

"prevented from leaving" - How could that have happened? GWB was on vacation in Crawford, he was NOT in NOLA.