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Support the Mudcat!

09 Jan 99 - 08:20 PM (#53084)
Subject: Support the Mudcat!
From: Roger in Baltimore

Just ordered some CD's through the Mudcat. In some magical way, Max will get some of my money to keep this amazing site going.

You, too, can do this!!! Click on the Catfish jumping out of the banjo where it says "Support the Mudcat". You will get access to Amazon, Music Boulevard, Acumin, Spree, CDNOW, CD Universe, and Barnes and Noble.

Just a gentle reminder to all those Mudcatters, new and old.

Roger in Baltimore

09 Apr 99 - 06:41 AM (#69353)
Subject: RE: Support the Mudcat!
From: The Shambles

Fund-raising and money making have not been areas where I have excelled in the past, but I did have this thought, for what it's worth. Maybe with ideas like this one, it is just as well I didn't do it in the past, I might have spent a long time in jail?

I can understand the legal problems that would ensure from trying to implement this idea on any where near a formal level, but if we could do it very quietely, and leave it voluntarily, it up to peoples conscience, it should not present too many problems............. Or would it?

What I propose is that if anyone earns any money, regularly or as a once off. in other words, gets paid for a gig in which they perform any material, that they think is obtained from or inspired by The Mudcat, that they donate a percentage of that. to help towards running costs etc.

It would enable those of us who do perform to give back something to The Mudcat, directly in proportion to what we receive from it and by doing so we might realise just how much in debt to The Mudcat we are and contribute anyway?

See the Help Support The Mudcat banner at the top for details of how to actually pass any money over.

09 Apr 99 - 08:55 AM (#69367)
Subject: RE: Support the Mudcat!
From: Sam Pirt

Great so Mudcat can even get support when I'm feeding my addiction, Buying CD's!!!

Not a bad addiction if you ask me!

Bye, SAm

09 Apr 99 - 09:09 AM (#69374)
Subject: RE: Support the Mudcat!
From: Barbara

Hey Shambles, you took the words out of my mouth. Catspaw here, (on the kazoo thread) in a moment of abandon (one of many, to look at his posts) offered to pay me for the possum ocarina. Actually he said "pat" me, but I assume it was a typo (rash, huh?) and I'm going to suggest he just send to Mudcat what he thinks it's worth.
It certainly was inspired - if that's the word - completely by the 'Cat.

09 Apr 99 - 09:21 AM (#69376)
Subject: RE: Support the Mudcat!
From: Bert

Nah! he definately wants to PAT you. But did he say where?

09 Apr 99 - 10:00 AM (#69385)
Subject: RE: Support the Mudcat!
From: catspaw49

Say now, here's a thought, maybe it's a Freudian typo? Good idea on the "whistle Pig." I've personally decided that an amount that made sense to me was half of my internet access cost or $9.00/month. So yesterday, Iwrote a check for the first quarter, $27.00.

Glad you're still here Shambles even if you've joined bad company. However you are now tied with me on the Possum thing...I only made that remark on one post, but a lot of people sure ran with it!

Barbara, try my e-mail again and THANKS...I still have something to send you in return also for the Possum.


09 Apr 99 - 12:25 PM (#69425)
Subject: RE: Support the Mudcat!
From: Peter T.

I was wondering if there was any way of keeping a record of individual use of the Mudcat, and sending out a electronic reminder after a hundred or 5 hundred or whatever uses -- that you have used it X times, and wouldn't you like to keep using it? Maybe even have a voluntary fee total added -- a cent a hit, for example, or more. Some of these commercial sites must keep a record of who uses it -- there must be a software inventor who could rig up a system for totting up names, and uses, and triggering an e-mail gentle reminder about how much one comes on to this site. I appreciate that this is an invasion of privacy, but maybe it could be done automatically in some way that wasn't openly easy to manipulate for extra junk mail, selling subscription lists, etc. This is just a thought, as I am a software illiterate, and am also very wary of computer tracking. But gentle hints do work.

Yours, Peter T.

09 Apr 99 - 08:52 PM (#69529)
Subject: RE: Support the Mudcat!
From: bbelle

It's actually quite easy to donate to the Mudcat Cafe. Just go into the secure and enter your card number and an amount and send it along. For anyone who doesn't want to use a card, you can send a check ... the information is all there. moonchild