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Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

18 Oct 05 - 06:35 AM (#1585116)
Subject: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: DavidHannam

BNP's own record label launched

    17th October 2005

    News article filed by Jenny Griffin
    Going swimmingly - Great White Records is launched
    A review of the newly released 'All Stand Together'.

    IT'S HERE! The most eagerly awaited nationalist/patriotic album in over a decade.

    Time To Make A Stand, (Lee Haggan and guests) is a major development and sure to be a success in the new British patriotic/nationalist music scene. Released by the new label Great White Records, it is a triumphant album which is a must hear, and will without doubt be talked about for many years.

    The album includes the hugely popular anthem, 'All Stand Together', known very well amongst BNP members, and the moving, '19 Years', which pays tribute to the Gavin Hopley, who was murdered by anti-white racists in Oldham two years ago. Also included is one of the most politically incorrect songs in recent nationalist history, 'The Menace', written by BNP Chairman Nick Griffin, and sung by Lee Haggan.

    Here is a small selection of samplers, in MP3 format, from the album to whet your appetite.

    1) 19 Years
    2) British Revolution
    3) All Stand Together
    4) Our Towns Will Be Our Own

    The album comes with full colour booklet with all the lyrics included, and features an outstanding array of songs that will be sung for years to come. Great White Records has further releases by a wide variety of white nationalist artists already in the pipeline, and we are actively looking for other new bands in all (well, almost all!) genres of music. So whatever kind of music you like, as well as enjoying our growing range of releases, get writing, playing and singing, and send us some demo tapes at the address below.

    'All Stand Together' is available from Excalibur, PO Box 116, Leeds, LS27 9WW Priced just £10.99. Please make Cheques/Postal Orders payable to 'Excalibur'. Alternatively, please go to the Excalibur merchandise pages here.

18 Oct 05 - 06:39 AM (#1585119)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I don't think I'll bother, thanks.

18 Oct 05 - 06:42 AM (#1585120)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

Thanks for the mp3's, will have a listen to at least.

18 Oct 05 - 06:54 AM (#1585127)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Grab

Is the Horst Wessel Lied on there too?

18 Oct 05 - 07:03 AM (#1585132)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Nick

Would you be interested in doing a swap for a cd of really good negro spirituals?

18 Oct 05 - 07:19 AM (#1585144)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Hopfolk

Oh f**k.

DavidHannam: This will only bring scrutiny down on existing traditional songs like "The Royal Oak" and "Rule Britannia". Folk currently exists as a place where we can still be proud to be English, without censure from the "Inciting Hatred" brigade.

Please take your disgusting white trash and burn it; you are only doing harm to what is (at present) a very fragile national identity.


18 Oct 05 - 07:28 AM (#1585149)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: McGrath of Harlow

But that's the idea isn't it? Setting people against each other is a key mechanism in these kind of organisations. If you can get people to hate you, and to extend that hate to the ethnic group to which you belong, you are half way there.

18 Oct 05 - 07:34 AM (#1585151)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

it's music.

18 Oct 05 - 07:35 AM (#1585152)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Piers

No it isn't.

18 Oct 05 - 07:46 AM (#1585162)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Grab

Maybe it is music, but the musicality or otherwise is incidental. It exists not to celebrate the music, but to further racism.

There is not a single patriotic element in the BNP. Nor are its members nationalists - the BNP has no interest in nation, only in discrimination by religion and skin colour. Thanks but no thanks.

I really hope no-one intends to buy this for the music. In the words of the song, "You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in"...


18 Oct 05 - 08:20 AM (#1585197)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

18 Oct 05 - 08:42 AM (#1585219)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Paco Rabanne

Richard Wagner was virulently anti semitic, but his music is still performed today.

18 Oct 05 - 08:46 AM (#1585223)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Piers

Wagner didn't make third-rate pub folk-rock.

18 Oct 05 - 08:47 AM (#1585226)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

yes he did

18 Oct 05 - 09:01 AM (#1585238)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

according to this BBC site Hannam is a convicted racist/anti-semite

18 Oct 05 - 09:03 AM (#1585241)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,see previous 1000 threads

see previous thousand threads on this

18 Oct 05 - 09:12 AM (#1585247)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Nick

The difference, Ted, would be that Wagner expressed his anti-semitic views in his essays and letters NOT in his music - though some people have tried to find hidden anti-semitic views in his musical output. Listening to Wagner's music you are not bludgeoned over the head with proaganda.

The messages in the BNP songs make no bones about the message they intend to convey.

18 Oct 05 - 09:19 AM (#1585255)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Paco Rabanne

Point taken Nick.

18 Oct 05 - 09:42 AM (#1585270)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Blind Numpty Prejudice


so is it no longer advisable to do a cover
of the Clash's "White Riot" anymore..?????????????

..could always adapt the lyrics of another Joe Strummer classic..

"White Fascist Fuckwit in Hammersmith Palais [& all over the rest of the UK remix version]"

18 Oct 05 - 10:46 AM (#1585316)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Piers

The Clash's 'White Riot' and the BNP house band's 'British Revolution', compare and contrast.

Both contain the desire for use of physical force to achieve political aims.

White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own

We fight to smash the red front

In itself a symptom of alienation from political process.

Black people gotta lot a problems
But they don't mind throwing a brick
White people go to school
Where they teach you how to be thick

The Clash are bigging-up 'black people' for fighting back against oppression (presumably a reference to 'race riots'), and lamenting the lack of class conciousness amongst 'whites'.

Both songs express the frustrations of the inevitable failure of the mainstream parties to humanise capitalism, yet the BNP is reactionary: 'bogus refugees', 'cruel and alien creeds' are to blame, and they seek a 'British revolution' (not a revolution as such but an ethinically-cleansed "British" society 'to set our people free'). The Clash see beyond the reactionary and reformist approaches, level their frustration clearly at the capitalists themselves, and seek to end class-based society.

All the power's in the hands
Of people rich enough to buy it
While we walk the street
Too chicken to even try it

Are you taking over
or are you taking orders?
Are you going backwards
Or are you going forwards?

The Clash are clever. The BNP are stupid.

18 Oct 05 - 10:49 AM (#1585320)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

Why not use "Great Black Records" instead of "Great White Records"

What an insult to peoples intelligence, go and trade elsewhere Hannam if you can find someone to listen

18 Oct 05 - 10:53 AM (#1585323)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

White Riot is clever. If one takes it at face value....

David, music? try politics with a bass line.

18 Oct 05 - 11:11 AM (#1585337)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Fat old Skin

wot abaht all the early 1980's skin'ead OI !!! bands..

..are we all middle-aged fat slimy fascist pub folk rockers nahh ?

OI OI OI !!!!!!.. cough wheeze splutter.. pass us a fag and my heart tablets..

18 Oct 05 - 11:18 AM (#1585342)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

Hannam, why don't you just get the f*ck off this forum, it's obvious you're not going to get any joy on here,we're all too intelligent for you and your thick crowd.

18 Oct 05 - 11:21 AM (#1585348)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam


18 Oct 05 - 11:23 AM (#1585350)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

oh dear david, have you run out of letter boxes to post s**t through? And has your thieving girlfriend repaid the funds you stole yet?

18 Oct 05 - 11:52 AM (#1585382)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

Many thanks, enjoy.

18 Oct 05 - 01:58 PM (#1585463)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Rich

It's not worth having a go at him. He's used to being a hated man, insult will be like water off a ducks back. Best thing we can do is ignore the c**t and let the thread die.

No more replies to this thread!!

18 Oct 05 - 02:06 PM (#1585471)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Right on, Rich. Let him talk to himself, and he'll look elsewhere for his kicks.

Don T.

18 Oct 05 - 02:41 PM (#1585499)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: greg stephens

Well I think I'll pop this CD on the list, along with "Celtic Dolphin Relaxation", of albums I might have a listen to when I've got a minute.

18 Oct 05 - 02:43 PM (#1585500)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

18 Oct 05 - 02:53 PM (#1585509)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: greg stephens

I was very intrigued to read that this is the most eagerly awaited patriotic/nationalist album in more than a decade. For those us not very well up on the relative merits (and degree of awaitedness) of albums of this nature: which was the record of more than a decade ago that exclipsed the current offering?
    I'm also quite surpriesd by David Hannam's grasp of the sweep of musical history over more than ten years. In another current thread, he points out that he only went to his first concert last year. Still, I suppose you can keep up with things by assiduously reading the reviews in the Guardian, probably his paper of choice.

18 Oct 05 - 03:10 PM (#1585529)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Fullerton

Where was it recorded?

Does it have a distribution deal? ( Pinnacle etc.)

18 Oct 05 - 03:10 PM (#1585530)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

As I understand it, there are great parallels between the so-called 'folk revival' in the 1960s and leftist/socialist political groups, and as such the revival wouldn't have happened without the great contribution of such people as Leon Rosselson, Roy Bailey, Martin Carthy, Ewan MacColl, Ian Campbell etc. etc. Not a fascist amongst 'em. These people, and those who came after have a greater love for this country and its people than the nazi-loving wankers in the BNP will ever have. I would recommend a bonfire of their CDs.....oh, bugger, someone else has already had that idea. (Sorry Adolf) I tell you what, let's put them with all the dull and out-of-date hunting songs in a big museum, to which no one will ever go, but we can pop in every one in a while to remind ourselves of the bad old days of the british empire, how much we've left behind, and that, contrary to how it sometimes feels, we have made a great deal of progress as a nation.

18 Oct 05 - 03:45 PM (#1585554)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

The subject of this thread puts me in mind of a line from a much older song about revolution:
But if you want money for minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait

18 Oct 05 - 03:47 PM (#1585556)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Piers

Progress as a nation? Yeah, it's a good thing the British state isn't involved in imperialistic adventures overseas, whilst repressing civil liberties and squeezing workers economically at home.

It's the tragedy of most of the socialists becoming a left-wing of capitalism rather than seeking to abolish capitalism that we are still in a world divided into nations and classes with the concomitant wars and poverty.

18 Oct 05 - 03:51 PM (#1585557)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

Fair point, Piers, I concurr with your general overview
But next to the dogshit put out by the BNP, and the completely bollocks view of 'eng-er-land' they espouse, it feels like progress, however small.

18 Oct 05 - 04:04 PM (#1585572)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Capitalism actually has little to do with the world still being divided into class. It is not a defence but nor is it the cause of all the world's ills. You'll not find a single system without class differences.

18 Oct 05 - 04:09 PM (#1585580)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Piers

Capitalism is the dominant mode of production the world over, except for a few pockets of feudalism in the developing regions.

18 Oct 05 - 04:20 PM (#1585581)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Even without capitalism, without anything like that, there would still be divisions into class, perhaps by merit, but divisions nonetheless.

18 Oct 05 - 04:27 PM (#1585585)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Nigel Parsons

A little surprised to read in the initial post that:
The album comes with full colour booklet

Do you think they'll be re-writing their advertising blurb?


18 Oct 05 - 04:29 PM (#1585587)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

Wherever you find class division you will also find people challenging those divisions. Unfortunately you will also find scum like the BNP trying to exploit those divisions by appealing to those at the bottom of the pile that at least they're not black, or asian or Jewish, or Irish, or ...(add your own prejudices here...). All this whilst trying to maintain the unfairness of the status quo of power relationships in this country.

18 Oct 05 - 04:55 PM (#1585616)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,smiler

The guy who started the thread has, to my knowledge, never said anything particularly racist on mudcat, and according previous posts is a big fan of Bob Dylan, who happens to be Jewish.

If I'm to have a problem with BNP members posting, I have just as much a problem with Labour party members posting, as by the same reckoning, they are to blame for the current genocide in Iraq, and the past mass killings of families in Kosovo.

I'll decline on the CD purchase.

18 Oct 05 - 05:04 PM (#1585624)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Never said anything particularly racist? What is particularly in your book?

18 Oct 05 - 05:21 PM (#1585649)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: frogprince

It's just kinda saddening to open ones favorite book and find that somebody has taken a big sloppy shit in it.

18 Oct 05 - 05:26 PM (#1585655)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Smiler, I'm a big fan of Wagnerian music, does that mean I love Anti-Semitism?
One could give loads of examples, from you-know-who loving Chaplin films, to Stalin being a fan of John Wayne.

18 Oct 05 - 05:35 PM (#1585668)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Euro Right

BNP CD shop invites paypal purchases from Europe..

nice to see such progressive attitude towards payment in Euros..

18 Oct 05 - 05:39 PM (#1585672)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

I would like to ask everyone to join me in a rousing rendition of a Song of Patriotic Prejudice!!!!!

18 Oct 05 - 05:40 PM (#1585673)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,smiler

If someone wants to express an opinion about immigration La Scaramouche, that is a valid topic to discuss either way. And I'm not offering an opinion on immigration either.

Particularly racist is when someone addresses someone with a derogatory term in terms of skin colour, or alternatively, speaks to others about someone, in such a way.

Without defending his political beliefs, Dave is entitled to his opinions about immigration and people are equally entitled to disagree with them.

18 Oct 05 - 05:46 PM (#1585680)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: frogprince

never said anything particularly racist

"It all depends on what your definition of 'is' is".

18 Oct 05 - 05:50 PM (#1585684)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

You have clearly not been on the end of a beating for the colour of your skin (neither have I for that matter). If all the BNP did was to spout racism then they wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as they are. The problem is a tendancy to back up their beliefs with fists, boots & baseball bats. Anyone promoting the BNP, as 'Dave' has (look at his original posting-it is a direct relaying of a BNP press release) is by their nature condoning this violent racist behavoiur, and should be challenged. Freedom of speech for those who would deny it to others? A bit of a liberal dilemma. However, bullshit like 'great white records' needs to be challenged. Silence will not make them go away.

18 Oct 05 - 05:59 PM (#1585693)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

'm also quite surpriesd by David Hannam's grasp of the sweep of musical history over more than ten years. In another current thread, he points out that he only went to his first concert last year. Still, I suppose you can keep up with things by assiduously reading the reviews in the Guardian, probably his paper of choice.

ten years, haha, not me governor. I only know what i like. I only went to my first concert last year, but it was great. Dylan was pure class.

18 Oct 05 - 06:01 PM (#1585695)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

"Particularly racist is when someone addresses someone with a derogatory term in terms of skin colour, or alternatively, speaks to others about someone, in such a way."
But he has, it's just couched in seemingly innocent terms. Personaly, I don't feel the overwhelming urge to, but I can go and find enough examples on archived threads.

18 Oct 05 - 06:04 PM (#1585697)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

"ten years, haha, not me governor. I only know what i like. I only went to my first concert last year, but it was great. Dylan was pure class."

How does that square with you saying you follow Dylan and Leonard Cohen religiouslly when on tour?

18 Oct 05 - 06:04 PM (#1585698)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,smiler

The trouble with that thinking LM is that the BNP does not exist in a vacuum. Its power base is disaffected white people.

Why are they disaffected? Address that, and you get rid of the BNP.

18 Oct 05 - 06:06 PM (#1585700)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

See piers reference to capitalism
this has more pertenance than any daily mail (john) bull about immigration

18 Oct 05 - 06:06 PM (#1585701)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

It's power base is reactionary hooligans. You'll never be rid of those.

18 Oct 05 - 06:21 PM (#1585713)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: akenaton

Smiler is no supporter of racism or any other injustice as far as I can see.

He's also no supporter of the "lynch mob".

Take a look at the "free speech" thread, Take a look at the action of our own govt. I dont see much difference between Blair's gang of thugs and Mr Hannan's.

Open your eyes and ears, scrutinise the actions of all politicians, you'll find they're all the same beast under the skin...Ake

18 Oct 05 - 06:30 PM (#1585722)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

The stuff about Blair's thugs is all well and good, but something of a non sequiteur so far as I can see. Why do we always have to see things in terms of 'goodies' vs. 'baddies'? Sometimes they're all baddies. Smiler may not be part of the lynch mob, but he is in danger of giving the BNP's ideas legitimacy. By all means hold your own opinions and beliefs, but people are actually being attacked, injured, sworn at, and in the case of some, killed by people like the BNP. That is the difference. I believe Blair to be a war criminal for his actions around the world, but that is not what this thread is about. It's about the BNP releasing a record.

18 Oct 05 - 06:37 PM (#1585725)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

The folks in the BNP--hey, many already HAVE records.

18 Oct 05 - 06:39 PM (#1585727)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

so what's one more criminal record then (Ta-da!)

18 Oct 05 - 06:40 PM (#1585728)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

Drum roll . . . .

18 Oct 05 - 06:46 PM (#1585732)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

Have a boo at this then . . .

18 Oct 05 - 06:58 PM (#1585735)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Mr Happy

y r u peeple feeding this trolll?

18 Oct 05 - 10:12 PM (#1585858)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Dead Horse

Agreed, Mr Happy. Dump this shit.

19 Oct 05 - 02:18 AM (#1585952)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: The Fooles Troupe

The 4 alleged mp3 links don't work.

19 Oct 05 - 03:50 AM (#1585981)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: mandotim

I grew up in Oldham. A town that used to be friendly, tolerant and welcoming, until the BNP got involved. I wrote a song recently about this issue. In 1936 my Granddad and some of his mates threw Oswald Moseley's Blackshirts out of Oldham after they held a rally in Tommyfield market, trying to whip up anti-semitic and anti-catholic feeling. Granddad is dead now, but we could use a few more like him.
Tim from Bit on the Side

19 Oct 05 - 05:23 AM (#1586013)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

Getting back to the music where would we be without Gospel, Blues, Soul and Jazz? We have a lot to thank our 'Brothers' for. I often think of the Vegan who wears leather sandals.................

19 Oct 05 - 05:33 AM (#1586020)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

And how many pompous, biggoted nationalist songs do we really remember years after they were written, apart, perhaps, from God Save the King and La Marsseillaise?

19 Oct 05 - 07:17 AM (#1586062)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

DVD to go with the CD

19 Oct 05 - 07:50 AM (#1586075)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Tam the man

who gives a shit really about the British Nazi Party and their members and followers, I mean don't even bother giving them the Publicity because they are just the scum of the earth.

19 Oct 05 - 07:50 AM (#1586076)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Tam the man

I wouldn't even call it real music

19 Oct 05 - 08:01 AM (#1586083)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

real music? what is unreal?

19 Oct 05 - 10:28 AM (#1586173)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

It would be nice to think that by ignoring the BNP they'll just go away. Unfortunately the only thing that seems to work (as the late 70s shows) is to challenge them at every step. Otherwise the folk memory of what a bunch of thugs they are tends to fade wawy, and before we know it, someone like Nick griffin comes along and tries to turn them into a credible force. Unfortunately, as my local council shows, some people do actually fall for it.

19 Oct 05 - 10:36 AM (#1586190)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

"what is unreal?"

The BNP is unreal. British Nazi Party.

19 Oct 05 - 10:48 AM (#1586195)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records


Did someone call?

19 Oct 05 - 11:03 AM (#1586211)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Bunnahabhain

All records like this do is to tarnish real music, be it fairly light hearted stuff ( i.e. Fairports' jewel in the crown) or somewhat more serious stuff ( Peter Bellamy, keep on Kipling).

There is plenty of very english, somewhat nationalistic music around, and I'd rather not be be mixed up with that lot for liking it.

19 Oct 05 - 11:57 AM (#1586256)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: mandotim

Ooops, Bunnahabhain; suggest you have another listen to 'Jewel in the Crown'! Julie Matthews wrote it, and it is written and delivered with savage irony. Julie herself said that when she wrote it she was in a very angry mood. It is really a blistering attack on the atrocities committed by us Brits in the Empire years. Having said that, it is in danger of going the same way as Springsteen's 'Born in the USA' in being adopted as some kind of right-wing anthem by people who either don't listen to the lyrics in the verses, or don't understand irony. ( i.e Americans)
Tim from Bit on the Side

19 Oct 05 - 12:48 PM (#1586324)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

The BNP is unreal. British Nazi Party.

Scary thought that over a million nazis voted for the BNP last year!

Thanks to all those who have had a listen.

19 Oct 05 - 12:54 PM (#1586329)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Either he has learnt what irony is, or the gloves are off....

19 Oct 05 - 01:31 PM (#1586351)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,We know where you live nazi scum

aint it about time BNP leaders and activist thugs found
themselves living in fear of vigilante 'hit squad'
surprise assaults and beatings..?

..of course meeting violence with more violence is no positive long term solution for social disfunction & division..

but it sure would feel good giving a nazi a well deserved kicking !!!

19 Oct 05 - 02:20 PM (#1586368)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

"Scary thought that over a million nazis voted for the BNP last year!"

No doubt.

19 Oct 05 - 02:22 PM (#1586369)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,you know we i live - nice for you

aint it about time BNP leaders and activist thugs found
themselves living in fear of vigilante 'hit squad'
surprise assaults and beatings..?

..of course meeting violence with more violence is no positive long term solution for social disfunction & division..

but it sure would feel good giving a nazi a well deserved kicking !!!

Finally you showed your true colours!

19 Oct 05 - 02:31 PM (#1586373)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

surely this is only a dose of your own medicine? One of the few uses of M16 et al is to get the nazis fighting amongst themselves and saving us all the effort

19 Oct 05 - 02:48 PM (#1586388)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,give me strength to maintain self restraint.

oi nazi scum mate..

citizens like myself have never needed to disguise our 'true colours' !

.. its simply that our strongly ingrained and disciplined respect for intelligent civilised behaviour, cultural tolerance, and social order..

tends to keep our more 'primitive' instincts well under control..

thus preserving thugs like your lot from spending as much time in hospitals
recovering from the 'punishment'you rightly deserve..

19 Oct 05 - 03:20 PM (#1586416)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,never heard so much bollocks

aint it about time BNP leaders and activist thugs found
themselves living in fear of vigilante 'hit squad'
surprise assaults and beatings..?

..of course meeting violence with more violence is no positive long term solution for social disfunction & division..

but it sure would feel good giving a nazi a well deserved kicking !!!

Speaks for itself. You are violant

19 Oct 05 - 03:21 PM (#1586418)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

Violant, or violent? I'm not usually one to pick up people on their spelling, but the two have different meanings.

19 Oct 05 - 03:23 PM (#1586421)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: jeffp

Violet. He thinks you're purple (with rage?)

19 Oct 05 - 05:00 PM (#1586497)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

true though. mudacatters resorting to talking about people being hounded by hit squads is disgraceful.

i dont like hannams opinions or the bnps but i dont like talk like that

19 Oct 05 - 05:26 PM (#1586517)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

Maybe it's a case of 'sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander'.

19 Oct 05 - 08:58 PM (#1586652)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: andymac

Part of the problem here surely is that the tactics of organisations such as the BNP is to make sure that enough "red herrings" are thrown into the conversation to keep the oppostion fighting amongst themselves and thus divided and unable to mount an effective opposition to their bigoted and intolerant views. Read back over this thread as I have just done and you will see that is exactly what has been going on so far.

The point surely is this..the BNP are perfectly entitled to produce CDs, books and to organise in ways to promulgate their views only as long as the same right is afforded by them to others in opposition to them.
As history has shown, this is not the case, therefore they should lose their right to be considered a legitimate political organisation and their spokesmen banned or convicted of inciting violence and terrorism against British citizens.
Advocating violence against them is no good since all it does is promote civil unrest which in turn can (and certainly will)be blamed against the non-whites...thus fomenting further hatred and polarity, which is entirely their modus operandi.

I am no fan of organisations such as the IRA or any of the myriad Loyalist organisations in N. Ireland but do feel that if they could be proscribed for promoting terrorism then so should the BNP..but deny them the oxygen of publicity on here at least..please?..


19 Oct 05 - 09:16 PM (#1586661)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

I reckon Joe Offer should ban Hannam. If enough posters on here complained to him maybe it might happen..?

19 Oct 05 - 09:28 PM (#1586667)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: bobad

Consider this a complaint.

20 Oct 05 - 03:39 AM (#1586795)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

Hannam you are a disgrace to society, please leave this forum alone and trade elsewhere.

Hitler youth has long gone

20 Oct 05 - 04:13 AM (#1586798)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: akenaton

Im against bigotry in all its forms.
There are several different kinds of bigot on this forum, who decides which bigot is allowed to post here.

All this talk about "a good kicking" (is there such a thing) is so much macho bollocks.

Where do you stop? when the inevitable murder happens?

Then you've just swapped one group of fascists for another..Ake

20 Oct 05 - 04:22 AM (#1586802)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

well said akenaton. it is arrogance of people on here unable to cope with diverse opinions that they want someone banned and killed by a hit squad

20 Oct 05 - 04:26 AM (#1586805)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Paco Rabanne

Hmmm...... tricky one.... If you exclude Mr Hannam, should you not also exclude the pro IRA contingent on here as well?

20 Oct 05 - 04:32 AM (#1586809)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

no flamenco, the IRA are a legitimate organisation. They don't murder, maim, terrorize, kill, torture and engage in drugs, but the BNP on the other hand were reported to be putting leaflets through doors in some parts of the country.

DOn't take this message as Pro-BNP im just saying banning this person or that person because you disagree shows weakness in all your personalities and shows you dont respect freedom of speech.

20 Oct 05 - 04:34 AM (#1586811)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

sorry i must be reading this wrong. what have they done so wrong? This thread can't be simply about them making music surely?

20 Oct 05 - 04:34 AM (#1586812)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: akenaton

Yes Ted...Everyone has a different definition of bigotry.

Pro Ira
Anti Ira
Pro Palistinian
Anti Palistinian
Pro Capitalist
Anti Capitalist

The list is endless....Just havn't worked out a catagory fo you yet!!

We should be able to discuss any subject in the safety of this group, and perhaps change a few minds in the process...Ake

20 Oct 05 - 08:35 AM (#1586872)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,perplexed lefty ex-pacifist

so enough armchair philosiphising..

when have any of you folkie hippy liberals
ever defeated and reformed a racist nazi thug
with nothing but pure reason and love ?

.. oh.. and maybe 20 or 30 years of spare time
to devote to converting a nazi's mindset
to a more respectful consideration and affection
for all of humanity..

20 Oct 05 - 08:54 AM (#1586890)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

If the law allowed it there'd be one hell of a lot of vigilanty groups hanging around street corners. Each with their own buskers spouting their own brand of poison. We all live on the edge of anarchy.

20 Oct 05 - 09:30 AM (#1586925)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Pied Piper

"Scary thought that over a million nazis voted for the BNP last year!"

That's an out and out Lie (no more than one would expect)
Actual votes for the BNP in the 2005 general election 192,850 about 0.74% of the UK vote and it lost 84 deposits.


20 Oct 05 - 09:41 AM (#1586933)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

You idiot! Last year, you see, you see where it says last year. Look closer in future.

euro votes 808200

couples with local election results, and bingo.


20 Oct 05 - 09:53 AM (#1586942)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Little Musgrave

Well, what complete bollocks.
if there were two elections, both of which were on the same day, both of which you are 'counting'and adding together for your 'million people', then surely at most you got 500,000 people voting for you twice. Allow for a poor turnout (as no-one else seems to be motivated to choose between two major brands of the same stuff, plus some racist nutters), some people who actually believe the crap they read in the daily mail, and therefore think that voting BNP is a good form of protest vote (cos even they realise the BNP would never win-even they wouldn't vote BNP if they thought it would lead to the BNP getting into power)and a small, but unfortunately dedicated minority of BNP supporters, then you haven't actually made much 'progress' have you, Dave?
In areas where the BNP have elected councillors, racist attacks against the public have increased significantly.

20 Oct 05 - 09:54 AM (#1586944)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Pied Piper

Oh I've rattled your cage.
How sad.
What a pity.

20 Oct 05 - 10:01 AM (#1586949)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

Wow Little Musgravem that was the most concise analysis of voter behaviour i have ever read. Well done you. And that half-ing of the figures, pure genius. But to be fair, yes a million votes is more appropriate.

Rattled Piper, yes, rattled by your stupidity. It is awe-inspiring. Again, read my posts twice next time before you speak...i know how much you enjoying reading my posts afterall.

20 Oct 05 - 10:04 AM (#1586953)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

This is a fair post i think

Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger
Date: 20 Oct 05 - 04:32 AM

no flamenco, the IRA are a legitimate organisation. They don't murder, maim, terrorize, kill, torture and engage in drugs, but the BNP on the other hand were reported to be putting leaflets through doors in some parts of the country.

DOn't take this message as Pro-BNP im just saying banning this person or that person because you disagree shows weakness in all your personalities and shows you dont respect freedom of speech.

20 Oct 05 - 10:04 AM (#1586954)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

"couples with local election results, and bingo."

So, now the British Nazi Party is running bingos?

20 Oct 05 - 10:06 AM (#1586956)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

haha, are you from around these parts?

20 Oct 05 - 10:08 AM (#1586959)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

But again, thanks to all who taken part in heated discussion. I even got a google BNP news alert and mudcat was amongst it with this thread, so it has been worth the debate at least.

20 Oct 05 - 10:08 AM (#1586960)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

"yes a million votes is more appropriate."

A million NAZI votes as you said above.

20 Oct 05 - 10:10 AM (#1586963)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

Oh yes, all people who vote BNP are nazis Peace.

Just last week i knocked on a door canvassing and this horrible 84 year old pensioner wanted to vote BNP. She was evil and a nazi. :/

20 Oct 05 - 10:12 AM (#1586964)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

Debate me arse. Most of the BNP can't read and certainly most can't write. Dismal bunch of hate mongers. Fuck you all, Nazi bastards.

20 Oct 05 - 10:12 AM (#1586966)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

Eat me, Hannam.

20 Oct 05 - 10:14 AM (#1586968)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

Stupid shits. Ya get 91 votes in an election and call it a million. Learned math from Bush no doubt.

20 Oct 05 - 10:16 AM (#1586970)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Hannam

Debate me arse. Most of the BNP can't read and certainly most can't write. Dismal bunch of hate mongers. Fuck you all, Nazi bastards.

Eat me, Hannam.

Stupid shits. Ya get 91 votes in an election and call it a million. Learned math from Bush no doubt.

You are just too easy!

20 Oct 05 - 10:16 AM (#1586972)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

You suck farts from dead seagulls.

20 Oct 05 - 10:19 AM (#1586974)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Hannam

You suck farts from dead seagulls.

oh the humanity. hahahahahahaha.

20 Oct 05 - 10:41 AM (#1586989)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,perplexed lefty ex-pacifist

..give 'em enough rope..

[ oops.. an in joke for Clash fans..!!!]

this 'man' Hamman

is exposing himself here as the epitome

of a slow witted fool

who's convinced he's cleverer than everybody else..

we should feel sorry for him if he was'nt so dangerous..

oh well.. time to go down the gym
to hone my well developed and sorely underused
'nazi neck breaking' muscles..

20 Oct 05 - 11:05 AM (#1587004)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

David, you admitted you are a Nazi. Thanks for making my day.

20 Oct 05 - 12:34 PM (#1587059)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: frogprince

You idiot! Last year, you see, you see where it says last year. Look closer in future

Interesting: I don't remember seeing any post before from which you could really get this kind of picture of the writer with eyes bugged out, and his mouth foaming, as he typed.

I would hate to have to make the unilateral decision to outright ban him from the forum, but if it were put to a general vote, I would vote that he goes. That wouldn't be depriving him of his right to express himself; there are plenty of filthy hate sites he can go to to spew his stuff.

Hannam, I'm not threatening you in any way. But I don't have one iota of respect for you or your views, and I sincerely wish you would just get out of here.      Dean Elkins

20 Oct 05 - 12:45 PM (#1587065)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,David Hannam

Very true frogprince, usually i can abide and understand most and if not agree, reason with their opinions, but you were just so simply dumb, i agree, your dumbness just irratated me. Congratulations, you are the first on here to irratate me.

20 Oct 05 - 01:13 PM (#1587079)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: akenaton

The last time the UK government tried to silence the opposition, it convinced millions that our cause was wrong!!
That was during the conflict in Northern Ireland when the sound was removed from republicans who tried to speak on TV.
I remember well how much I hated being patronised.

I disagree strongly with David Hannams ideas, but I welcome his voice here in the same way that I welcome the voices of the right wingers who support the obscenity of our military action in Iraq.

We can put our counter arguments forward, and as the pro war arguments have been debunked quite easily, i'm sure the same will be the case with Mr Hannam.

Remember, 75% of the British electorate, and 95% of the American don't know if their arsehole is "punched or bored".
Debate is needed to rouse them from their comatose state.

Suppressing free speach can only harm GOOD causes....Ake

20 Oct 05 - 01:28 PM (#1587091)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,nazi baiter

yeah.. i vote keep hannamal here..

bit like keeping a pet fat stupid limp dick nazi in a cage
in a corner of a shed..

so we can poke him with a sharp stick every now and then
and make him squeal and pee himself in fear..

just for the devilish fun of it..

.. or then there is the remotest chance he might respond to reason
and change his opinions positively
after engaging in this 'debate' he thinks he has such fine manipulative control over..

yeah.. right !!!

nazi twat !!

"the only good nazi is a **** nazi"

..fill in the 'blank'.. use as many letters as you like..

20 Oct 05 - 04:05 PM (#1587197)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records


20 Oct 05 - 04:31 PM (#1587212)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
Date: 20 Oct 05 - 04:05 PM



20 Oct 05 - 05:14 PM (#1587246)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

Oh such fun

20 Oct 05 - 05:47 PM (#1587265)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Who says 84 year old ladies can't be Nazis?

20 Oct 05 - 05:58 PM (#1587278)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Alive and well in Argentina


most surviving World War II nazis would easily be around that age

20 Oct 05 - 06:07 PM (#1587291)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Or adherents of Lord Haw-Haw.

20 Oct 05 - 06:23 PM (#1587304)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

5th columnist traitors back in them days..

..sweet dear old nazi sympathiser BNP voting coffin dodgers these days..

20 Oct 05 - 06:37 PM (#1587310)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Peace

Best idea about dealing with this tripe is to ignore it. Let his threads die. I know I am guilty of keeping them going. I will curb that and kiss ol' Davey and his crew goodbye. No point tryin' to throw out the trash if ya have to keep smelling like it. Every time I get involved with one of his threads I feel like I need a bath or a shower just to get rid of the odor. Let the Nazi scum talk with each other. My apologies to the 'catter who suggested this in the first place. I should have listened to you. I will now.

20 Oct 05 - 06:53 PM (#1587320)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: bobad

Hallelujah Bruce.

20 Oct 05 - 08:46 PM (#1587404)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Guest Folky

Hate to interrupt but Im just curious did the bnp ask those genuine folk artists whos work you are selling on your site whether they wanted to be associated with you because I suspect the answer would be no. Id also suspect that Jon Spiers, Dr Faustus (etc etc) would be surprised to find out that their work is being used to support the far right (without their permission)?

Would the convicted criminal from Hull confirm that thats the case?

21 Oct 05 - 04:16 AM (#1587570)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Hannam

Many thanks Peace, i got yet another google bnp news alert this morning on this thread.

Yeah let the thread die, it is quite useless now anyway, you all know GWR is there, you can do as you please.

This is my last post.

Many thanks


21 Oct 05 - 04:35 AM (#1587576)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche


21 Oct 05 - 06:22 AM (#1587623)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,ziggy heildust & the traitors from lagerbars

..and with a stiff straight armed upwards angled salute to the sky..

and to the sounds of a brass volk marching band

..our 'patriotic' hero Hannamal

goosesteps proudly and arrogantly

into a thuggish future of delusions of grandeur

and tragic political fantasies that should ever only 'belong to him'

hmmmm.. puts me right in the mood to watch "Cabaret" DVD again

21 Oct 05 - 07:26 AM (#1587651)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Wouldn't it be lovely if they decided to record a certain Flanders and Swann song?

21 Oct 05 - 07:26 AM (#1587652)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

one moron has to keep this thread going. that is you ziggy

21 Oct 05 - 07:32 AM (#1587658)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

and i expected more you scaramouche. Hannam may says things we do not like but he is right. google bnp have this thread as a bulletin now which means everyone who subscribes to bnp alerts now know about his record label. and you keep going on and on even when he has left the debate. he is outsmarting you at every turn.

21 Oct 05 - 09:49 AM (#1587758)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,zeigy heildust

hi zelger..

so you managed to stop nibbling on hannams bell-end
long enough to type that..

.. oops more publicity for the BNP pisspot record lable..

damn.. I feel so outsmarted..

now just because of my foolishness..

nazi record sales must have V2 rocketed to the top of the UK hit parade !!!?????

21 Oct 05 - 10:28 AM (#1587770)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

ziggy i suspect you are working in hannams favour intentionally. fuck off and redeem yourself and let this thread die. hannan has left it why not let it die?

21 Oct 05 - 11:22 AM (#1587802)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Don't you think people who subscribe to BNP alerts either are for it, in which case they'd find out anyway, or opposed, whom I'd assume would want to know too.

21 Oct 05 - 11:26 AM (#1587807)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,wld

On Jack Hudsons thread. I posed a question, why are people pissing about with obvious shite like the BNP. And a brilliant artist like Jack, who has given his all to folk clubs and writing and interpretinng songs gets about an eighth of the number of postings of these plonkers.

Its bad enough that those overpaid, underendowed tossers on BBC Radio 2 ignore Jack. We should not.

21 Oct 05 - 11:30 AM (#1587814)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

I've not heard Hudson yet, but i don't think one ought to allow threads like this one to go unchallenged, as if they were more than a fringe thing.

21 Oct 05 - 11:35 AM (#1587822)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

I googled it, didn't get a news alert, this thread was at the top, but the message was the Rt Hon Sir jOhn saying "I don't think I'll bother."
David is up to his old misinformation games.

21 Oct 05 - 02:01 PM (#1587877)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

how do you google it?

21 Oct 05 - 02:10 PM (#1587885)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

google for mudcat bnp

21 Oct 05 - 02:25 PM (#1587893)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

I googled 'bnp great white records'.

21 Oct 05 - 03:21 PM (#1587930)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

i did the same and it came up the same.

but hannam said news alert not a google search. it is different

21 Oct 05 - 05:23 PM (#1587950)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Brutal Nazi Pigdogs

but hannam said news alert not a google search. it is different

who gives a nazis shitty badly wiped arse what hannam said..

it's of fuck all consequence in the real
grown up
joined up thinking world..

no one outside of dim wit BNP membership [boo !! not fit to be called Englishmen ]

..and a few dedicated anti-nazi activists.. [hooray for the good guys !!!]

will ever have subscribed to it !!!

22 Oct 05 - 08:59 AM (#1588368)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

dont bite my head off. i was just saying a google search and google news alert is different.

i have google news alerts on g.bush but it dont mean i like him.

22 Oct 05 - 09:30 AM (#1588379)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

i know guest. some folk on here nazi pigdogs are so angry they everyone on here and see nazis everywhere. dont take it personally. its people like him who have succeeded in getting this thread as popular in hits as it has been. hannam outsmarted them at every turn sadly when we should have just let it die

22 Oct 05 - 10:40 AM (#1588407)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Tam the man

guest DAVID HANNAM is a TROLL, so just Ignore him and his ilk.

22 Oct 05 - 11:17 AM (#1588428)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

whats a troll?

22 Oct 05 - 04:00 PM (#1588567)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: akenaton

Tam an' me's trolls

22 Oct 05 - 05:11 PM (#1588591)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

and what are you and tam?

22 Oct 05 - 08:13 PM (#1588679)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Guest, a sensible answer. A Troll is anyone who posts foe the express reason of provoking a reaction, rather than to discuss the issue.

As you didn't know what it meant, you have just proved you aren't one. David Hannam is, and rather good at it.

Don T.

22 Oct 05 - 08:20 PM (#1588684)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,stormwatchwatcher

feck me.. the BNP now desperate enough to resort to recruiting
primary school kid GUESTS
to keep this thread alive..!!??

.. bugger..!!!

i just realised..

that cunning genius of subtle strategy and political gamesmanship

has outsmarted me again.. every turn too.. !!??

duh.. when will I learn..

Btw.. if some of us are unhappy with our photos on your "REDWATCH" hit list

may we submit more up to date and flattering portraits..?!

.. and be carefull your "NONCEWATCH" dont backfire on you..

theres far too many dodgy nazi inclined
boyscouts and military cadets leaders
at large
with an inapropriate love of young boys in uniforms;
and kiddy fiddlin tendancies as perverted
as their extreme right wing political ideologies..

23 Oct 05 - 03:11 AM (#1588836)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Frankly, I don't see why people are getting their knickers in a knot over the number of posts. So someone looking for BNP information spots this thread on goolge, all they'll find are loads of messages about what crap GW Records, the BNP and Hannam are.
Plus, people posting to say don't post, are pretty rich.

23 Oct 05 - 04:21 AM (#1588853)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

well considering hannam stopped posting by his own admission 25 posts ago and still this thread continues proves he is not a troll. but he is a person who when making threads id rather see not produce the level of interest he has on here.

Le Scaramouche your point that people will only see posts on how bad the bnp are simply wont cut it im afraid. i campaigned with the uaf against bnp in west yorkshire a year or so back in heckmondwike and we put out 5000 anti-bnp leaflets exposing them. what happened? The BNP won.

23 Oct 05 - 10:27 AM (#1588979)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,red under the bed

"i campaigned with the uaf against bnp in west yorkshire a year or so back in heckmondwike and we put out 5000 anti-bnp leaflets exposing them. what happened? The BNP won."

well maybe..

..just maybe..

you did'nt campaign well enough...

it would certainly help if you did'nt appear to be such an enthusiatic
appologist and PR rep for hannam and his thug cronies..

just dont know who to trust these days..

..not even your closest allies..

appearances can be so intentionaly deceptive..

anyone can be a wolf in sheep's clothing..

.. or a sheep in wolf's clothing..

wearing a nice smart unobtrusive moleskin cloak !!??

it must be so sad being in such a paranoid untrusting environment
where you have to doubt the true allegience
and motives of virtually everyone at your party meetings
and events..

what do you reckon.. at least one in 10 BNP member
is an undercover journalist or 'RED' spy..

surely it must send your leaders right mental..

23 Oct 05 - 11:37 AM (#1589003)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,anon. anti-racist targetted by thugs

I'm staying anon as thugs like Hannam have made my life hell in the past for pointing out that racists are racists. I don't understand why this thread is even allowed to continue. Yes, yes, I know about free speech and all that. The law does not allow total 'free speech' and with good reason. If he was promoting the new BNP album, 'Let's go out and brick blacks and Jews to start the new Holocaust', would those running Mudcat not want to erase the thread for fear of the UK law? Spot the difference.

23 Oct 05 - 01:21 PM (#1589047)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

what did they do to you anon

23 Oct 05 - 03:23 PM (#1589130)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,March of the Mod[erate]s

hi GUEST,anon. anti-racist targetted by thugs

respect and sympathy to you..


Hannam should not be excluded for merely attempting to use mudcat
as a publicity medium
to ingratiate and 'legitimise' his odious party politics into mainstream society
via his dubious musical 'art'.

bring it on..

let the pathetic fool continue to embarrass himself here..

even allowing for the possibliity that a miniscule minority of mudcat regulars
might already have latent nazi tendancies and a propensity
to flirt with ultra right wing politics...

..or the remotest chance he might make one or two 'converts' here..

let hannam stay

if he's man enough to constantly see his clumsy propaganda attempts


thwarted, ridiculed and dismissed with utter contempt

by a coalition of ordinary intelligent moderate decent citizens

who are his intellectual and moral and musical superiors....

besides which..

consider the mans sporting and entertainment value to us..

i personally just get a very childish and wicked enjoyment
justifiably taking the piss out of such an easy target nazi tosspot..

23 Oct 05 - 08:39 PM (#1589333)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: MC Fat

I knnow i should not do this cos it will get at top but i have reported this racist thread. I sugeest we iggnore it if it is not deleted

23 Oct 05 - 08:41 PM (#1589336)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records


24 Oct 05 - 04:36 AM (#1589476)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

March of the moderate. you are being fooled. hannam wont allow himself to be ridiculed. note his last few posts and threads and you will see he is putting his poison forward and then stating it is his last post soon after.

you are not now getting the chance to ridicule him cos once again he outsmarted you and this is whats getting me so angry. you insist on keeping his threads at top and now he is not even posting to get at him. look at his nelson thread, no sooner had he posted but he announced that it was his last post.

30 posts ago on this thread he announced it was his last post but you want to ridicule him but hes not here.

hannams message is being allowed to flourish because of you. if you think that he has absolutely no support on here you are sadly wrong. i happen to know many here from his neck of the woods and he has more support than you think.

just let all this threads die. scaramouche can you agree to this either?

24 Oct 05 - 06:00 AM (#1589517)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,Anti not very good Nazi folksinger League

then hannam should'nt start these threads and put them on
google news alert to try to impress his Bastard Numbskull Paedo mates..

.. then run off with his tail
beween his hairy cloven footed legs
if he can't handle the humiliating 'back-firing' repercusions
of intelligent,rightious,dismisal and rebuke..

from good decent normal people of mudcat
and mainstream healthily moderate society..

or for that matter the downright silly but funny insults and sarcastic teasing
from his better quality creative artist citizens who laugh in the faces
of arrogant self-seluded fantasist fascists..

and whether you be a hannamite mole in folkies clothing..

or a genuine but 'not very good at it' anti nazi..

ask yourself who's interests are you really serving
by banging on repeatedly about

your obsession with, what you asctually seem to admire of,
'mastery of mudcat manipulation and skilss at outsmarting at every turn'..!!!???


this is a big fat hello and welcome to BNP google news alert subscribers

24 Oct 05 - 06:08 AM (#1589521)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

your post reads bad.

Also you dont know squat bout me and ive probably done more fighting the bnp than you ever could imagine. ask yourself who did your last post impress? hannam isnt responding and nearly all others agree with you you say so why keep hannams post at top? what is your agenda.

also why are you quoting me wrongly. mastery of mudcat manipulation show me where i said that.

how can i be a hannamite mole when im saying LET HIS THREADS DIE.

look im not talking to you anymore as you are making a fool of yourself and i dont trust why you insist on arguing that it is better to keep hannams threads going.

he must be laughing his socks off at you right now.

24 Oct 05 - 07:33 AM (#1589548)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Le Scaramouche

Zelger, you seem incapable of doing what you want the rest of us, specifically me, to do.

24 Oct 05 - 08:02 AM (#1589563)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: zelger

If i don't post, you all are going to continue anyway. I'm trying to get you to agree not to post and keep hannams threads ongoing?

can the chief posters on here agree not to post anymore

24 Oct 05 - 08:49 AM (#1589594)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: CarolC

I'm not going to contribute to the debate on the record label. In my opinion, keeping this thread going for that purpose is a mistake. But I will say that I am sickened and horrified that some people on this thread consider terms like "cunt" and "twat" (both of those terms being mysogynistic perjoratives, referring to women's body parts) to be the worst possible insult they can possibly use. When you compare some of the most scummy people in the world to women's body parts, you show yourself to be no better than them. It's just women you hate in that case, instead of people of color, and Jews and Muslims.

If you really want to see yourself as being above Mr. Hannam and hate-mongers like him, stop comparing people like him to women and their bodies. And stop using terms refering to women and women's body parts as insults.

24 Oct 05 - 09:03 AM (#1589603)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Tam the man

24 Oct 05 - 09:13 AM (#1589612)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,shell shocked prick

I love cunts

but fuck me.. fighting fascists is hard enough

without suffering surprise attacks
from pedantic over-reacting old school feminist snipers
shooting you in the arse
amidst the dire confusion of battle..

plenty of words share more than one distinct and separate meanings..


you can love my prick.. or call me a prick..

I dont care either way.

neither do,I presume, fascist scum who probably are'nt very likely
to be stopped in their tracks by a sanctimonious 'telling off'
and language lesson
from a 'sickened and horrified' word obsessive.

heaven forbid this could be the one factor to unify REDS and BNP
against a common adversary !!!

24 Oct 05 - 09:22 AM (#1589617)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: CarolC

I'm not a feminist. Just a human being. But you are quite obviously a mysogynist, and you don't seem to be able to see me in that light. Otherwise you wouldn't try to justify your use of those terms, and you would just say you're sorry and stop doing it.

24 Oct 05 - 09:38 AM (#1589629)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Jack the Sailor


You aren't fighting NAZI's you are giving attention to Mr, Hannam and helping him sell his record.

If y'all had shut up instead of indignantly telling other people to shut up I'd still be blissfully unaware of him. If ya want to fight NAZI's go to your pub and sing a Woody Guthrie song.

24 Oct 05 - 09:44 AM (#1589637)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: GUEST,fightingnazis

i bought the album to see how shit it is. it really is shit.

24 Oct 05 - 09:57 AM (#1589643)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

can you rip it to mp3 and upload it to a fileshare site..

remember: "filesharing is wrong and kills CD sales"

most greedily downloaded music probably never gets listened to anyway,
so not too much worry about innocent young ears being brainwashed
by ideologicaly perverted BNP child 'abusers'

ps.. once you ripped it..

why not send the CD back for a refund

25 Oct 05 - 06:27 AM (#1590353)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records

is that legal?

25 Oct 05 - 08:59 AM (#1590425)
Subject: RE: Review: BNP Record Label Great White Records
From: Mr Fox

If 'Great White' is the way the English folk tradition is going.........

Kill it now. It doesn't DESERVE to live.