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BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay

20 Oct 05 - 01:28 PM (#1587092)
Subject: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ferrara

I believe this is the first time I've ever started a BS thread but this is pretty neat and I am celebrating and I want to celebrate with my friends. My present heart and I first met exactly 10 years ago today! It was an arranged marriage, we met for the first time on our wedding day.... it was a good match (to quote the doctors, a "textbook match") and we have gotten along extremely well.

At the time, 10 years was considered a very successful run for a heart transplant. By now they have lots more understanding and new techniques and things are looking up all the time. I feel more than lucky.


20 Oct 05 - 01:45 PM (#1587098)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Jeanie

That's fantastic, Rita. Congratulations !
- jeanie

20 Oct 05 - 01:50 PM (#1587103)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay

Excellent news good luck give your heart a kiss from me

20 Oct 05 - 01:52 PM (#1587105)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Wesley S

Yes Rita - good news indeed. Just keep doing what you're doing to keep it healthy.

20 Oct 05 - 01:54 PM (#1587107)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: TheBigPinkLad

It was an arranged marriage, we met for the first time on our wedding day

Happy Anniversary Rita ... this has to be the only occasion when I would encourage a 'spouse' to keep up the beatings! ;o)

20 Oct 05 - 02:01 PM (#1587112)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: wysiwyg

And bless your heart for its presence in OUR lives, as well!

It must have had a very good chat with the old one, sort of an orientation heart-to-heart.

Hearty Birthday!


20 Oct 05 - 02:09 PM (#1587122)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: jeffp

Happy Rebirthday!

20 Oct 05 - 02:10 PM (#1587123)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: frogprince

Bet your wood-turnin' buddy is very glad to hear it pitter-pattin' away, too. And I bet you have a one-of-a-kind thread here. Congratulations, and all our wishes that "the beat goes on" for many moons to come.

20 Oct 05 - 02:20 PM (#1587124)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Janie

Boy, am I ever glad the two of you fell in love and decided to stay together. The world would not be near as wonderful a place without you in it with that big ol' heart.


20 Oct 05 - 02:24 PM (#1587128)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ebbie

Wos. What everyone said. I'm SO glad you met your match.

To me you are the epitome - along with just maybe five other people -of the spirit that is the Getaway. Bless your pea-pickin' little ol' heart. sniff

20 Oct 05 - 02:28 PM (#1587132)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Peace

Happy Birthday to both you and your heart, Rita.

I love hearing good news. And this news is beyond good by light years.

20 Oct 05 - 02:44 PM (#1587139)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: CarolC

Happy Anniversary to your wonderful heart, Rita. It was so good to see you at the Getaway. My only regret is that we didn't have more time there and that I didn't get to see you again before we left.

20 Oct 05 - 02:48 PM (#1587142)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: fat B****rd

What an excellent thread, Rita. Congratulations to you both from fB.

20 Oct 05 - 02:58 PM (#1587150)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: katlaughing

Happy Anniversary, Rita! You know you were, and remain, a humungous inspiration to me and my new valve! Today is also the day I had my oldest daughter, Kirstie, 32 years ago!

That new technology is incredible, isn't it? I figure they'll be growing our own new parts before anything we've got slows down.

luvya and thanks!


20 Oct 05 - 03:35 PM (#1587170)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Joe Offer

What a wonderful heart it is!!
-and it's connected to a really lovely smile.
Congratulations, Rita!

20 Oct 05 - 03:45 PM (#1587181)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Rapparee

Cool beyond belief! Wonderful!

Keep on keepin' on!!

20 Oct 05 - 03:55 PM (#1587186)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Amos


Please give your heart the warmest possible thanks from me and, I am sure, from everyone who knows you; it is making a real difference in the world.


20 Oct 05 - 04:10 PM (#1587198)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ferrara

Bill and I just read these posts and we both got mushy and teary eyed. A lot of memories are coming back today.

You know, before I got my heart, I used to talk to my body, especially my immune system, which is the system that "rejects" a new organ. I would say, "Okay, guys, we are going to get a new member of the family, and I want you to welcome it. My old heart has done a wonderful job and held up very well in spite of a lot of problems, and I am very grateful, but this new heart will keep us going a lot longer. It will be part of us, not an intruder, so let's all welcome it." I visualized this heart settling in with no problems.

It turned out to be a perfect fit for me, a "textbook match" as I said, in fact the actual surgery was only about 3 and a half hours because it all fit so well.

My doctor told me not to worry whne the biopsies showed minor rejection, because "No one ever has zero rejection." Well, there have been a few blips, and one moderately serious bit of rejection, but I had zero rejection at my first heart biopsy, and I still had zero rejection at my latest biopsy last March.

Well I've been lucky twice in my partners, haven't I?

20 Oct 05 - 05:36 PM (#1587259)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ebbie


20 Oct 05 - 06:28 PM (#1587308)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Jack the Sailor

wonderful news!

20 Oct 05 - 08:08 PM (#1587364)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: RangerSteve

happy aniversary. I hope there will be a lot more.

20 Oct 05 - 08:34 PM (#1587391)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Elmer Fudd

Heartfelt congrats.

20 Oct 05 - 08:39 PM (#1587396)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Donuel

We are all smiles here. You have a wonderful mind set and a special way with words.

20 Oct 05 - 09:28 PM (#1587438)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: bbc

Rita, your heart couldn't have a nicer home. I'm so happy the two of you got together & are getting along so well!

much love,


20 Oct 05 - 09:36 PM (#1587443)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay

Ah, Rita. How lucky that heart was to find the perfect spot in which to be put to good and constant use. You are loved, lady.

20 Oct 05 - 09:43 PM (#1587451)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: jacqui.c

Rita - you are all heart anyway so how could this new piece not fit?

Congratulations. I am so glad that this wonderful medical technology has allowed me to meet and be friends with such a beautful lady.

20 Oct 05 - 09:52 PM (#1587457)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Bobert

Well, sniff...

I'm sure there is someone's spirit out there just goin', "You go, gal..."

Yeah, I'm sure they would rather still have it beatin' in their body but, hey, I thank he or she fir passin' on that gift to you which, in turn, has been a gift to all of us...


20 Oct 05 - 10:21 PM (#1587470)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Stilly River Sage

I hereby deputize BillD to give you and your anniversary heart a big hug from all of us! Congratulations!

(Just be sure he doesn't have a spatula in his pocket at the time of the hug!)


21 Oct 05 - 12:16 AM (#1587516)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: open mike


21 Oct 05 - 12:42 AM (#1587524)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ferrara

thank you all for the good wishes. It has been a beautiful day. Good weather, Noreen and Stewart are still here, and tonight heard Dave Webber and Annie Fenniman (sp.?) in concert at Judy Cook's house. And lots of hugs all day, both real and virtual.

21 Oct 05 - 02:12 AM (#1587549)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: KT

Rita, what a wonderful cause for celebration! Know that we who love you are celebrating with you, and grateful. Your presence is gift to the lives of so many!

21 Oct 05 - 08:03 PM (#1588051)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: The Fooles Troupe

I feel like I've been peeling onions...

21 Oct 05 - 08:24 PM (#1588067)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ebbie

Foolestroupe, if you have not met Rita Ferrara in the flesh you have missed a treat. She is a lovely bird with the soul of a swan. (No, I don't mean it as slang!)

21 Oct 05 - 09:36 PM (#1588113)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Auggie

Congratulations Rita, and many happy returns.

One of the thoughts that all the above posts prompted (besides that Rita must be a lovely soul) was that I should find my wallet, find my new drivers license, and sign the organ donor section on the back.

22 Oct 05 - 11:26 AM (#1588434)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Tannywheeler

Sorry not to have seen this before.
32 gun salute--firecrackers--sorry you needed one butrejoice that you are still tootling along. A privilege to thank the God I believe in that you are in the world. It has made my life better. (I am very selfish, I know.) I suspect I'm not the only one who find's that to be the case.             Tw

22 Oct 05 - 11:32 AM (#1588438)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Linda Goodman Zebooker

So glad it has worked out so well for you and that you are here among us today. You have made a lot of people very happy.

22 Oct 05 - 02:11 PM (#1588516)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ferrara

Sigh... Thank you for sharing this with me. We're having a discussion about shy people on the getaway thread. I realized I was almost too shy to put this up, it seems rather "I-centered," but I did want to share the wonder of it with my friends.

I've always thought of transplants as "medical miracles," but feel there's another more personal miracle that comes first; and that's when a family who have just suffered a sudden loss, can find it in their hearts to make an organ donation.

22 Oct 05 - 02:16 PM (#1588519)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: jacqui.c

If any mudcatters have been in that situation I hope that reading this thread has helped them to know what such a donation can mean to others.

22 Oct 05 - 10:50 PM (#1588765)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ebbie

You went through a lot to get where you are today, Rita. This thread gives us a chance to travel part of the way with you. Thank you.

23 Oct 05 - 12:00 AM (#1588803)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Bill D

...and you can all guess what that heart has meant to me.

I could type 27 paragraphs and not say it all, but it made very clear to us what wonderful friends we had to see us through the hard year before and several years after that wonderful gift.

imagine 26 more paragraphs here.

23 Oct 05 - 01:38 AM (#1588817)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ebbie

We can read them clearly, Bill. (You have a wonderful way with words!)

23 Oct 05 - 02:24 AM (#1588825)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: katlaughing

But you forgot the ellipses, BillDee...hee-hee! Ebbie's right, though, we can read them. It's a wonderful life with you two in it, and your son, too! I'll bet he's mighty happy about it, too.

13 Nov 08 - 07:39 PM (#2493261)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: katlaughing

Well, we missed the anniversary, but here ya are. Now it's 13 years! I just read a neat article on tricking the heart into healing through use of UV rays and ozone and thought of you, Rita, (as the young woman cited needed a heart transplant until they tried the new therapy) and of the rest of us who have been through some heart challenges. Anywho, thought some of us might like to read it and decided it would be nice to tell your heart happy anniversary, too! Here's the Article.

And, Happy Anniversary, Rita's Heart!


13 Nov 08 - 08:47 PM (#2493327)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Leadfingers

The wonders of Medical Science ! Keep it pumping !!

13 Nov 08 - 11:09 PM (#2493383)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Skivee

Hugs to all of you

13 Nov 08 - 11:37 PM (#2493394)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: wysiwyg

Whatever heart is in Rita, as far as I am concerned, at any one time-- is not replaceable. Recylable if needed, but not replaceable. :~)

Because she's what really makes it beat, ya know. With her real, inner heart. The one in her character and soul.

It's been too long, Rita. Room is ready.


14 Nov 08 - 05:54 AM (#2493532)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: John MacKenzie

Rita that is amazing, I am so pleased for you both.
It just goes to show that arranged marriages work.


14 Nov 08 - 07:40 AM (#2493603)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: gnu

Indeed. Amazing stuff. And TRULY heart warming.

14 Nov 08 - 10:27 AM (#2493764)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Bill D

awwwww... what a nice thing to wake up to this morning! I shall nudge herself to check out the BS threads. *smile*

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥   (I think that's 13)

14 Nov 08 - 10:45 AM (#2493786)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Tinker

Love and Care for one's own heart..... makes me smile.

Love ya Lady,


14 Nov 08 - 10:45 AM (#2493787)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: catspaw49

I would certainly have posted to this thread three years ago and I wondered why I did not. I finally remembered that I was posting very little because I felt so bad and was about to go to the hospital for yet another one of those annoying visits. I remembered that because its been 3 years this month without a cigarette.

So belated as it may be.........Rita, I am one of the multitude who are glad these anniversaries keep passing. You are one of the true spirits of Mudcat and without you (and that lame SOB you're married to) this place would not be the same. Karen and I had such a great time meeting you two last year and it was a pleasure to find both you and Bill were even much more than I had imagined.

Bless you (as much as an agnostic can do that) and the heart donor and all those Docs who have kept you with us to share all you are.


14 Nov 08 - 10:59 AM (#2493799)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: katlaughing

BillDarlin' is a showoff.**bbg**

14 Nov 08 - 12:48 PM (#2493912)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ferrara

Oh! This is nice. Yup, my heart and I are just starting our 14th year together.

You know, I really want to say Thank You to the people who've posted to this thread. (And to EmmaB, who sent me a "Happy Heart Day" card yesterday and now I know why.) It is lovely to connect up with all of you.

katlaughing we met Catspaw last fall; somehow, someday, we want to meet you too. Maybe if we go to Chicago for our zoo craft show in 2010. And WYWSIWYG, you've been much on my mind and I've been wishing we could visit you again but it was out of the question this year.

I've been thinking about visiting you too, Catspaw. Recently I met one of the cheetah handlers from the Columbus Zoo (I met the cheetah, too) and she wants to sell my necklaces in their zoo store. [If I can get any made in time for the holidays. Sound familiar?] She invited me out to meet and photograph their other cheetah and some of her other furred and feathered friends. It occurred to me that if that really happens maybe we could talk you and Karen into a zoo visit -- just think, you could see some fellow Mudcatters and see some Humboldt penguins. What a deal.

Love you all,

14 Nov 08 - 01:16 PM (#2493932)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: catspaw49

A deal you can't beat with a stick!!! Keep us posted and we'll be there!


14 Nov 08 - 01:27 PM (#2493940)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Schantieman

You gotta have heart
All you really need is heart
When the odds are saying you'll never win
That's when the grin should start

You gotta have hope
Mustn't sit around and mope
Things are not as bad as they may appear
So wait till next year and hope

When your luck is batting zero
Get your chin up off the floor
Rita you can be a hero
You can open every door
There's nothing to it
But to do it...

You gotta have heart
Miles and miles and miles of heart
When the odds are saying you'll never win
That's when the grin should start

Then you gotta have hope
Mustn't sit around and mope
It'd be great to be a genius of course
But keep that old horse before the cart
First you gotta have heart!

(There's a parody that deals with skin as well, but I'll spare you that one)

Well done Rita, and here's to the next 13 years.


14 Nov 08 - 01:39 PM (#2493958)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Big Mick

Well, I can tell you one thing for sure. When Rita is ready to give that heart up, it is probably good for a couple of more lifetimes. It is one of the biggest, most loving hearts I have ever seen. Which is why they put it in her. Cause she is one of the most loving and caring folks I have ever met. And that's sayin' somethin' cause I been to 9 or 10 Getaways, 6 County fairs, a hog callin' contest, two goat ropins, and this thing guys do in a circle with someone in.... well ... never mind that last one.

Happy Anniversary of the coming together of the perfect heart with the perfect soul.

Much Love,


14 Nov 08 - 02:15 PM (#2493989)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Roger in Baltimore


A very blessed anniversary to you from Marge and I. I can't imagine meeting any two kinder gentler people than you and Bill. You both welcomed me with open arms when I attended my first Getaway and you truly are symbols of what that and the Mudcat are all about.

R. Himler, CMC.

14 Nov 08 - 03:00 PM (#2494035)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: skipy


14 Nov 08 - 04:38 PM (#2494113)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Charmion

Happy aniversary and many, many more!

14 Nov 08 - 04:45 PM (#2494119)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: olddude

nothing but blessings your way always. Congrats, and may you too continue for another 100 years.

God Bless you

14 Nov 08 - 04:51 PM (#2494123)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: katlaughing

Rita, I could ride the train from here to Chicago! Maybe there'd be some way we could get Art Thieme there, too. Please keep me posted as to when in 2010. I'd love to meet you both! And, trains I can do.:-)

14 Nov 08 - 04:51 PM (#2494125)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Beer

Great news.
Beer (adrien)

14 Nov 08 - 08:26 PM (#2494279)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Gorgeous Gary


13 years, eh? Can we throw you a Bat Mitzvah? 8-)

Or at least buy you a few nice pen/pencil sets...

(We'll even buy 'em from Bill. Save on the shipping...)

-- Gary

14 Nov 08 - 09:57 PM (#2494333)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: katlaughing

Schantieman, meant to say, "Well-done"! Loved it.

And, Ritadarlin'...I feel SO jealous! You got to MEET the CHEETAH?!! How kewl is that!? All my life I've wanted to cuddle up with one of the big cats!:-)Congrats on selling your beautiful artwork to the zoo, too.

14 Nov 08 - 11:41 PM (#2494375)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: GUEST,Mrr

Mazel tov!

15 Nov 08 - 12:28 AM (#2494383)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ferrara

katlaughing, believe me I didn't get to cuddle up with the cheetah but he did step on my hand when I rested it on the table (cheetahs like to be on the highest spot possible so this one readily jumps up on a table to give the audience a better view). And I did get a private introduction. Cheetahs purr! It's amazingly loud.

15 Nov 08 - 01:28 AM (#2494389)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ferrara

Sneak previews:
It's too late tonight but I intend to put up some photos of me and the cheetah (mostly the cheetah) "soon."

And, I almost never start Mudcat threads but I intend to do that too. Got an e-mail today from Cheetah Conservation Fund saying they received a $50,000 award for their brilliant project harvesting invasive habitat-spoling bush in Namibia and turn it into clean-burning fuel. Neat huh?

15 Nov 08 - 08:25 AM (#2494495)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: maeve

Rita, it's a pleasure to wish you a Happy Heart anniversary. Seems it was a good match indeed. May your years with heart and with Bill be long and filled with joy.

15 Nov 08 - 06:47 PM (#2494804)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Joe_F

I, on the other hand, am as old as my tongue, and a little older than my teeth.

15 Nov 08 - 08:50 PM (#2494858)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: GUEST,Steve in Idaho

Me, and your old guitar, send you our best. God Bless ya Lady!

15 Nov 08 - 10:51 PM (#2494894)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: katlaughing

Can't wait to see those pix, Rita! I have heard them purr on nature shows on tv; would love to be up close and hear that! Hope your hand is okay, though.:-) Great news on the invasive bush stuff, too!!

15 Nov 08 - 11:29 PM (#2494904)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: Ferrara

Steve! How wonderful to hear from you. I was asking Bill a few weeks ago whether you'd been on the Mudcat lately. Please send a PM and fill me in a bit on how things are going with you?

Kat, it turns out that on Tuesday the 18th we're going to host a master class on singing techniques with a fine Irish singer, Donal Maguire. We got very short notice so I won't be putting up any cheeetah photos until at least Wednesday because prior to that I will be making the house company-ready. And looking forward so much to the singing lesson.

16 Nov 08 - 12:16 AM (#2494917)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is my heart's 10th anniversay
From: katlaughing

No worries, Rita. I can be patient.:-) A singing lesson is almost as good as having a cheetah on hand, so to speak,imo.:-)