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BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night

15 Nov 05 - 12:11 PM (#1605580)
Subject: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Dave'sWife

I don't know how many other Mudcatters caught this, but here in the US, CNN did a major story last night on the alleged presence among us of "Indigo Children" all of whom were born after 1979 for some reason. They see angels. They are mega-gifted. If you snap a fancy Polaroid of them, they have an Indigo coloured aura. They are supposed to be the next stage in Human Evolution and are here to "save us."

Now mind you, the kids they talked to were mostly obese, ill mannered and terribly self-important. I suppose if I believed I and my kind were here to save the world, I'd have an ego too, but I just don't get why they are all so fat.

Has anybody else heard of this utter nonsense?

It seems that most of these kids have been diagnosed with ADD or have major problems with authority and their parents have seized on this Indigo Kid thing as an explanation for their loutish behavior.

Here are some links:

Indigo Children

Indigo Children Psycho babble for believers

So.. supposedly Edgar Cayce predicted all this. Funny, he didn't warn us that these kids would all be FAT.

15 Nov 05 - 12:17 PM (#1605591)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Bill D

Yes, I saw the program

well, one sorts data according to one's predisposition and sees what one expects in it.

They were 'photographing auras' also. It gave me the blues.

15 Nov 05 - 12:20 PM (#1605593)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Ebbie

Whoo! Learn something every day.

OTOH, maybe it is true and this is an emerging bit of evolution. A hundred years from now, maybe blue people will be the norm!

15 Nov 05 - 12:24 PM (#1605599)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Dave'sWife

Yes but if they are so superior, why are they all so farking obese? If they can't talk to angels, why don't the angels say "put down the fork, sweetheart"

15 Nov 05 - 12:27 PM (#1605602)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: katlaughing

That Kryon fellow is a crock. He came to Casper and my brother was asked to perform a meditation piece of his on the piano whilst folks were coming into a seminar/service Kryon put on, and also during a meditative period. The only reason Kryon and his company were there was to make money. He was obviously full of himself and insincere.

I haven't seen anything about so-called Indigo chidlren, but that list of questions at the second site would fit several categories of personality disorders, etc., imo. They do sound like excuses for lazy parents.

That being said, though, I do like to believe humankind IS evolving with
each generation learning and perhaps teaching a bit more towards a higher mas concsiousness.

It was probably Kirlian Photography which was used to show their auras.


15 Nov 05 - 12:37 PM (#1605617)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Dave'sWife

OK.. her'es a fabulous article I found that explains this nonesne and bear with me pasting it, it's useful. I only quote the first half. the second half talks about the huge financial benefits of writing about, and catering to Indigo Children and their wanna-beleive parents needs.

here ya go:

INDIGO - The Color of MONEY

by Lorie Anderson

Many are excited about the upcoming New Age movie, "Indigo," written, produced, and directed by three renowned individuals who now live in Ashland - James Twyman, Neale Donald Walsch, and Stephen Simon. Appealing are the career opportunities, the camaraderie of movie-making, the promoting of spirituality and messages of peace and love. Promoters say it will stimulate the local economy and help our schools. But after examining the Indigo Child movement, and specifically the activities of co-writer/producer James Twyman, I see potential consequences for the community -- and for children.


The Indigo Child concept was first popularized by the book, "The Indigo Child," written by the husband and wife team Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. Carroll also portrays himself as a channeler for "Kryon," a spiritual entity who predicted the coming of the Indigo Children - will wonders never cease?

The authors say that "the Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before." For example, they act like royalty, have difficulty with absolute authority unless given choices or explanations, are easily frustrated (e.g. when waiting in line), are not shy, have difficulty with guilt-based discipline, are non-conformist, may seem antisocial and prefer to be with their own kind, and may have social difficulties in school. I, for one, see nothing new, unusual, or unheard-of here.

The Indigo Child concept may appeal especially to parents of children with mental health challenges, e.g. ADD, ADHD, autism, bi-polar disorder, conduct disorder, or a difficult temperament. Proponents target these label- and medication-wary parents. So, what is the harm in giving parents a positive spin on their children for a change -- like Indigo?

Besides parents possibly foregoing beneficial, if not life-saving, treatment for children with mental or neurological disorders, some proponents of the Indigo movement infuse children with a false sense of human superiority and a bizarre paranormal identity. Mutilating science while claiming scientific proof, children are led to believe by trusted adults that they were born members of a new breed of the human race, the next step in human evolution, that their genes were somehow altered -- perhaps as a result of divine or extraterrestrial intervention, or spontaneous genetic mutation accomplished by non other than the children themselves. Some children come to believe they are endowed with extraordinary powers such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, healing powers, pre-birth and previous life recall, etc. Tober and Carroll tell us that Indigo Children don�t fit in and feel uncomfortable when not with other Indigos. Small wonder!

Similar to the Indigo Child model, you may hear about The New Children, The Masters, Ascending Children, Star Children, Crystal or Chrystalline Children, Metagifted Children, Millennium Children, Children of the New Dream, Children of the New Times, Children of Aids (genetically altered child beings who are immune to all disease), and Super Psychic Children, etc. James Twyman seems to prefer the terms Children of Oz or Psychic Children (and as of 10/2003, "The Mystic Children").

Go HERE for the rest of this very good article

15 Nov 05 - 12:40 PM (#1605623)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night

As we go thru life, we are continualy reminded that there ia something for everyone. More proof, perhaps, that evolution doesn't exist. Thank God.

As PT Barnum said, "there is a sucker born every minute".
There are still snake oil salesmen in our midst and they profit from those who need an excuse for their behavior.
I always held out a little hope for belief in Psychics existing but that is barely a glimmer anymore.

15 Nov 05 - 12:43 PM (#1605627)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: pdq

Do Indigo Children ever get The Blues?

15 Nov 05 - 05:21 PM (#1605849)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Bill D

I done used that line, pdq...*grin*...sorta.

15 Nov 05 - 05:30 PM (#1605855)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: pdq

Sorry, BillD. Musta missed it. I will burn a copy of "Across the Alley from the Alamo" for you as penance. Please PM address.

15 Nov 05 - 05:37 PM (#1605857)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Peace

'As PT Barnum said, "there is a sucker born every minute".'

Bush was counting on that being true, IMO.

15 Nov 05 - 06:07 PM (#1605878)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. Well, I have no opinion about Indigo children at this point. None. Nada.

The only thing I can contribute is that I have seen 2 photographs that show auras. One was taken recently of a friend of mine, Lucy, and the picture was snapped using my digital camera, but I didn't snap it. The young daughter of another person did. We noticed the aura about half an hour later, when looking back through the various photos that had been taken that afternoon. There is unquestionably a pink, cloudy aura all around the top of Lucy's head. Pretty neat!

That got me looking around more alertly at other photos in the next few days, and I found one with a clearly discernable aura, not pink this time, but more like just a body of clear white light around the person's head.

I can offer no explanation other than this: both Lucy and the other individual have been applying themselves very much to spiritual development. It would not surprise me if they have strengthened their auric fields in the process.

There are numerous other photos of Lucy and the other person, and I have not seen auras in any of them.

And for that, I have no explanation either. All I can say is this: the auras in those first 2 photos are quite obvious, and I seriously doubt that they are anything BUT auras. What I mean by that is: they are not some other kind of light effect, given the settings and circumstances of those photos.

This should not be taken as a comment on Indigo children. I have no comment on Indigo children.

I've read Neale Donald Walsch's books, and I think they're very good.

15 Nov 05 - 06:15 PM (#1605883)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Peace

'As PT Barnum said, "there is a sucker born every minute".'

I just did the math. There are about 8 people born every minute in the USA. That then means that about 12.5% of the population are suckers. According to Barnum that is.

15 Nov 05 - 06:18 PM (#1605886)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Little Hawk

Oh, I should mention that the other photo was not taken by my camera. I don't know who took it. It's an outside photo, on a sunny day, and there is a distinct, clear aura around the person's head, more on the right side than on the left.

No one else had even noticed it. After I pointed it out, though, they could see it, no problem.

I can also see a very simple, cloudy sort of aura rising off my own body under the right circumstances...I have to be in dim light, quite relaxed, not planning on it, not thinking about anything in particular...and...suddenly I notice it, like diffuse cloudiness rising off my arms and body. Where does this happen? Usually in a movie theatre, while I'm relaxing and waiting for the show to start.

The funny thing is, it almost always surprises me when I first notice it...and then the movie starts and I forget all about it, till next time.

15 Nov 05 - 06:19 PM (#1605887)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Little Hawk

That can't be right, Peace. My impression is that about 78% of Americans are suckers, and that's a conservative estimate.

15 Nov 05 - 06:31 PM (#1605891)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: pdq

Since president Bush's 2001 tax cut, single person in the US who makes less than $30,000 US ($36,000 CAN ?) will likely pay no federal income tax. My states has no state income tax . What would such a person pay in taxes in Canada?

15 Nov 05 - 06:33 PM (#1605892)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Peace

Likely about $4000. However, that person will receive free medical care.

15 Nov 05 - 06:36 PM (#1605893)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Little Hawk

Which is your state, pdq? And why are we talking about it on this thread?

15 Nov 05 - 06:41 PM (#1605896)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: pdq

Thanks. Sounds reasonable.

Here we can take the $4,000 and use it to buy into a medical program. We usually get to choose our doctors. No 6 mos to 1 yr wait. Anyway, not as big a tax bite as I suspected.

15 Nov 05 - 06:45 PM (#1605900)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Little Hawk

Just to return to the subject of Indigo children...has anyone noticed how many children in Canada and the USA are fat nowadays??? I have. That's what a life sitting in front of video games and TVs while chugging coke and junk food will do to you. You end up fat, emotionally constricted, and with the attention span of a gnat.

I have noticed that kids in both Cuba and Trinidad look much the way kids in North American looked, oh, 50 years ago. They're lightly built, active, agile, bright, and have a good attention span. They run around and play outside in the fresh air. It's a stunning difference to see. They have not yet been ruined by our sedentary, electronically awash lifestyle.

15 Nov 05 - 06:55 PM (#1605903)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Little Hawk

We generally tend to choose our doctors here too, pdq. It's just that we don't pay the bill...our taxes pay the bill. There are, however, numerous other medical costs regardless...such as drugs and dental work (VERY expensive!). Dental care is free in Cuba. That's where you want to go if you want really free medical care.

If I lived in the USA, I would have spent virtually no money on general medical care in the past 20 or 30 years regardless, though, because I barely ever find any reason to seek it out. So far. I shrug.

The fact is that I have lived in both Canada and the USA and I prefer Canada. Not because of the money. There are more important reasons for preferring a place than the money, in my opinion.

Every person has to decide where their priorities lie in that respect. You like the USA because you take it for granted, I would think. You're used to it. I can understand that. No one's asking you to move. ;-)

15 Nov 05 - 06:55 PM (#1605905)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: pdq


I live in north-central Nevada at about 4500 ft. elevation. The fictitious town of Buzzard's Roost.

I ain't got a clue what this thread is about. Maybe it's about "78% of Americans are suckers" or sumpn' about purple people eaters' children. May be about lack of porkey kids in Cuba. Is it Miller time yet?

15 Nov 05 - 07:05 PM (#1605914)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: number 6

"The authors say that "the Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before." For example, they act like royalty, have difficulty with absolute authority unless given choices or explanations, are easily frustrated (e.g. when waiting in line), are not shy, have difficulty with guilt-based discipline, are non-conformist, may seem antisocial and prefer to be with their own kind, and may have social difficulties in school.

These attributes reflect our daughter. After taking her to many many, many specialists, all diagnosing her as ADD, ADHD, whatever. Subscribing many varying doses of ridalin, which did no good. Went through absolute hell with her during her teenage years ... sh ran away from home at age 15, involved in heavy drug use, living on the streets. Nothing magical that's for sure. She is now 21 years old, and is diagnosed as being bi-polar.


15 Nov 05 - 07:33 PM (#1605939)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Amos

Hell, I've been like that all my life. I have toned it down a good deal since becoming a parent 20 years ago, and I am not purple -- usually not even very blue. Dunno about my aura, though -- way I figger it, you take care of your elected actions, your aura will take care of itself...


15 Nov 05 - 07:46 PM (#1605954)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Ebbie

"Maybe it's about "78% of Americans are suckers" pdq

Does that statement have anything to do with your outrageous statement about single people "probably" paying no Federal income taxes if they make less than $30,000?

In the United States of America, by the time you have made $29,000 after deductions you already owe more than $4,000. By the time you reach $30,000 you will pay about $43000.

Fictitious town, indeed. Sounds like a fictitous state too.

15 Nov 05 - 07:53 PM (#1605960)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: pdq

"By the time you reach $30,000 you will pay about $43000"

Yep, Ebbie. Sounds like we're talking about suckers here.

15 Nov 05 - 08:23 PM (#1605978)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Ebbie

hahahah Don't you just hate it when you make a mistake when you're in high dudgeon? I meant, $4300, of course.

15 Nov 05 - 08:32 PM (#1605987)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: pdq

Not wanting to argue with people I consider friends, may I say that I respectfully disagree. You say that a single American taxpayer will pay $4300 to the Feds and Peace says a Canadian will pay $4000 on the same salary, yet Canadian federal tax rates are much higher than US. Yep, it's Miller time...outa here...

15 Nov 05 - 08:33 PM (#1605989)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: bobad


Have a brother with pretty much the same behaviour patterns as your daughter. He also is bi-polar.

15 Nov 05 - 08:36 PM (#1605993)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Ebbie

I looked it up, pdq.

15 Nov 05 - 08:39 PM (#1605995)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night

Ebbie, you are just flat wrong!

15 Nov 05 - 09:43 PM (#1606026)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Dave'sWife

I was sworn at most egregiously in a PM by WYSIWYG for 'fat bashing' and heavens, if anyone took my cooments about self-important obese children claiming to be our messiahs as fat bashing, please, please know that it wasn't.

I have been cursed all my life with a sensitivity to weight having been goaded into anorxia by a weight conciouss mother who chided me 'FAT FAT FAT" whenever I put a morsel of food in my mouth. it made for a lucrative (but brief) modeling career and lots of long term health problems (ealry onset osteoporosis, kidney deficiency etc). Then, at age 29, I was very ill and placed on steroids for a year to combat infections. i ballooned up 60 pounds. Then I really got it from my Mum. "FAT FAT FAT!" she would say. As soon as I got better, I dropped the weight. Cllr and Champagne Carol have a photo of me and can attest that I am neither stick thin nor obese.

However, I have worked with the Morbidly Obese at a local Charity, getting them free treatment (not stomach stapling, more realistic treatment). My first patient case began at close to 700 pounds and has been steady in the high 200s for years, god bless him. My second case died in the ER. That was very hard. She weighed 650 ppunds and her heart gave out.

My point regarding the Indigo kids was this:

They, their parents, and their proponents say they are the next stage of eveolution, immune to diease and the hope for our future. We are told they are better than we are and have all the big answers. My only point was, if they have all the answers, why isn't one of them the cure for their morbid obesity? Those poor kids featured on CNN aren;'t likely to live the long and healthy lives they believe they are destined for if they continue on their path as morbidly obese youths. They were not chubby, they were dangerously overweight.

I blame the parents myself. I blame them for fostering this sense of unreal superiority in the kids and ignoring their very real personality issues. If you read the articles, you'll see this kids are coddled, sheletered and discouraged from social interaction with any children other than "Indigos" who are their equal.

Sorry, I don't see hope for a disease free world coming from these kids. I do see some New Age Gurus making a great deal of money marketing to these deficient parents with a pathological need to feel their children are the worlds saviors.

That's it, that's all I have to say.

15 Nov 05 - 09:44 PM (#1606030)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Ebbie

Oh? Have you filed lately? Have you looked on the chart lately?

On the 2004 1040A form (the latest available) on page 24, beginning with $29,000 But Less than $29,050 (after deductions) for a single person the tax owed is $3996.00

It goes up incrementally and by $29,500 But Less Than $29,550 the tax owed (after deductions) is $4119.00

By $30,000 But Less Than $30,050 the tax owed (after deductions) is $4244.00.

Show me where I'm wrong- don't just tell me so.

15 Nov 05 - 09:54 PM (#1606047)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Dave'sWife

Note _ I am not commenting on the World Savior kids..

Ebbie.. your figures sound right for the standard deduction, but don't most people over the $29,500 do some form of the long form?
(long form = itemized deductions for those not in the USA.. it can lower yor owed taxes considerably depending upon your circumstances.)

15 Nov 05 - 10:00 PM (#1606059)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Ebbie

Hey, Dave's Wife- I am obese and I never took your remarks as being fat bashing. Rather, I took it as an unexplained anomaly that would not seem to jibe with the enlightened, wise persona these children supposedly have. I didn't even think of the parents in connection with your remarks- I was too bemused by the indigo component.

I don't think we actually know why people - whether youngster or adult - become or remain obese- the problem is such a circular one that it is very difficult to catch the beginning of the thread.

Never fear.


15 Nov 05 - 10:22 PM (#1606086)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: wysiwyg

BTW Dave's Wife-- PM stands for PRIVATE Message, and it's long been considered a major breach of Mudcat etiquette to refer to a PM in threads. I chose to object privately rather than attack you in the thread-- you respond by attacking me. Maybe you don't realize that some of us use PMs to give people a chance to clear up things they may have inadvertently said or done, without embarrassing them in public. You chose to defend your crap instead of take responsibility for it, and to attack me publicly in the process. OK, if that's the way you want it-- Who's the ninny?

I stand by my objection to your attitude about fat, and fat people. PERIOD. I don't care how anyone else saw or or what you thought you meant to convey... according to me, you were out of line, and you can deal with that or not as you please.


15 Nov 05 - 10:23 PM (#1606088)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Little Hawk

Hey, I've always been thin. In school I was so thin that I got picked on for it all the time. One kid said I looked like a concentration camp survivor. He was soooo nice...

Well, so what? It doesn't make me fly into a huff whenever people comment on someone being too thin. I don't take it personally. Being either overweight OR underweight is considered a health risk, but some people manage either and stay healthy.

I don't see that it is so politically sensitive an issue that we can't be allowed to talk about it.

pdq - I know north central Nevada fairly well. I stayed there for lengthy visits in the late 70's and in the 80's off and on. I had Shoshone and Cherokee friends there at the time. I was in and around Carlin and Elko, mostly. Some people go to Nevada to gamble. I went there to join in Native ceremonies, take care of goats, sing, garden, stuff like that. Nice fresh air up there at 4,500 feet, isn't it?

15 Nov 05 - 10:34 PM (#1606095)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Bill D

I'll tell you about fat. I have a brother 3 years younger than myself.....he passed me in weight when I was about 12, and when I was 22, I was 135 lbs,(we were both about 6') and he was approaching 280! He has since controlled his weight...mostly, and is down to 230 or so, while I, who eat ANYTHING, never go above 175-180. My father, also 6', never weighed more than 155!.

Yeah, there are things 'some' of us can do to control 'some' weight issues, but face it...I am just lucky in my genes and metabolism. My brother got all the 'fat genes', I guess.

Our society does allow easy access to high-calorie food, while not promoting exercise enough, but there is a LOT more involved than staying away from McDonalds.

15 Nov 05 - 10:40 PM (#1606102)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: bobad

The formula is simply calories in vs. calories out, while the figures may vary for different metabolisms the formula remains constant.

15 Nov 05 - 11:03 PM (#1606111)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Little Hawk

Everyone's a unique case, I guess. It would be nice to meet someone who was totally happy with themselves just as they are. I have long suspected that body type has as much to do with inner consciousness and emotional state as it does with food intake.

For instance: a person might subconsciously want to be thin so as to not be seen. (I think I was like that. I wanted to become invisible when I was in school.) Another might want to be heavy, so as to have a sense of solidity and protection around themselves...("I can't be pushed around easily.") I've known cases of people who protected themselves from the possible dangers of romance by making themselves unattractive...perhaps through their clothing or their body weight, etc...

Everyone is playing a reality game in order to avoid what they're scared of and get what they want. The subconscious game may often be in direct conflict with the conscious plan, however. Some people seek romance constantly, for example, but as soon as they've got it, they sabotage it.

Anyway, to make a long story short, you can eat like a horse and still stay thin, you can eat normally and still get heavy. It's much more complex than just measuring food intake.

15 Nov 05 - 11:07 PM (#1606114)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: number 6

" It's much more complex than just measuring food intake."

I think so L.H. ... a lot more complex.


15 Nov 05 - 11:19 PM (#1606117)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Amos

An incisive and constructive remark if never there was one....


16 Nov 05 - 01:00 AM (#1606174)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: CarolC

When my son was growing up, I noticed he tended to gain weight when he was under a lot of emotional stress. Normally, he was pretty average in weight, but during particularly stressful times, he gained weight. When things got less stressful for him, he lost weight. With the kinds of social behavioral issues the children described are experiencing (and the possible problems that could be causing them, like ADD, bi-polar, etc.), it's possible that putting on weight is a mechanism for coping with stress. Personally, I don't think children are helped at all by being ridiculed for any reason, not that anyone on this thread would do such a thing to a child's face.

16 Nov 05 - 08:58 AM (#1606360)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: jeffp

A single person earning $30,000 gross will, after taking the standard deduction owe $2,946 in federal income tax. Generally, itemizing deductions is only helpful if you have a mortgage or can put together other deductions totaling over $4,850 for a single person.

16 Nov 05 - 09:48 AM (#1606397)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night

Dave's Wife - I didn't take your comments as fat bashing either. More a valid observation.

16 Nov 05 - 11:22 AM (#1606474)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night

And there is money to be made:

Way down the bottom comes:
What is the complete process and the total price for the required sessions?

The process begins with an Auric Clearing. The Auric Clearing must be done first to remove all of the highest priority energetic blockages. About a week later, after your light body becomes stabilized in it's new energetic structure, the Karmic Session can be done. The Karmic Session removes past life karmic issues that are keeping you in a "karmic loop", where the same types of things keep happening to you over and over in life. These two sessions prepare you to accrete the amount of light required to activate your DNA. About a week after the Karmic Session, the 1st DNA Activation can be done. There are at least 2 DNA Activations required to activate as many strands of DNA that your energy body can handle at this point in your evolution, and the sessions should be done about a week apart. These sessions promote permanent, lifelong changes and are given with a gentle, loving intent. The investment in yourself for the first four sessions(Auric Clearing, Karmic Session, and 2 DNA Activations) is only $400. You can also just purchase 1 session at a time for $100.

16 Nov 05 - 11:40 AM (#1606497)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Ebbie

"A single person earning $30,000 gross will, after taking the standard deduction owe $2,946 in federal income tax. Generally, itemizing deductions is only helpful if you have a mortgage or can put together other deductions totaling over $4,850 for a single person." jeffp

It should be noted that Jeff started from $30,000 GROSS to end with that figure. I took my figures from the tax tables themselves- which is after deductions.

I'm glad Jeff mentioned itemizing versus standard deductions- we should all understand that itemizing is not a way to save money, per se, but a way to help bring some of your expenses under control.

16 Nov 05 - 07:49 PM (#1606836)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: kendall

Fat and IQ are in no way related. I know a woman who is obese and her IQ is 140.

16 Nov 05 - 09:33 PM (#1606905)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night

HMMMMM. I think Dave's Wife was pointing out that these children, by virtue of their "superiority", are being indulged by their "fortunate" parents in every way including unlimited sweets, fast foods, video games, etc. Their health and in fact mental health may be being ignored because they are "Indigo Children".

The Indigo Child described by the therapist I visited is by all other definitions a misfit with ADD, Asberger's, hyperactivity, and even bi-polar disorders. How nice for Mom and Dad to think instead that little Jimmie is gifted and needs to be given his every whim because a photographer showed his aura to be blue.

I am skeptical. I find it hard to believe that these "mystics" have discovered the double helix WITHIN DNA without the help of science. And if they have, I don't believe that they are capable of manipulating it "without the help of phones, PCs, or whatever for a fee." Call me crazy.

I do not believe Dave's Wife was suggesting that fat people are stupid or incriminating the obese in any way. If I did, I would sit on her!

17 Nov 05 - 08:04 AM (#1607145)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: JennyO

Well I'm "goddess size" too, and I didn't find what Dave's Wife said offensive at all, either. I'm thinking along the same lines as Sinsull.

I'm not normally cynical - generally very open to all sorts of possibilities - but my first reaction to this idea of Indigo Children is that it is a big rip-off and not worth a load of foetid dingoes' kidneys.

You can understand that some vulnerable parents would be eager to seize on this idea as an explanation of their childrens' behaviour, but by going along with it and treating their children as superior, they are going to make things worse for them in the end. At the very least they are likely to become even more insufferable, and at the worst, it may possibly actually do them harm by leaving treatable or manageable conditions untreated. It's really sad.

17 Nov 05 - 02:13 PM (#1607415)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night

Actually, Jenny, I was thinking it might explain away the last twenty years of my life - being superior is a bitch!

17 Nov 05 - 02:17 PM (#1607416)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Donuel

I was more entertained by "Village of the Damned".

17 Nov 05 - 04:49 PM (#1607542)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: jacqui.c

I agree with you Dave's Wife. I would find it difficult to understand how a superior being could allow themselves to be obese, bearing in mind the health penalty that is paid by those who are fat.The fact that a so called evolved being could be so ill mannered and self impotant doesn't compute either. If these children are the future of the human race then lord help us all.

Having been up to 220lb myself and still having a daily struggle with weight I did not consider that your original post could be called 'fat bashing'. It's clear that the majority of those who have chosen to post to this thread are of the same mind.

I would also say that, whilst I believe that PMs should not generally be divulged in a thread, if I was subject to one that I felt was offensive I would be quite likely to copy and paste it into the appropriate thread. If you can't put criticism in a thread then don't put it anywhere.

17 Nov 05 - 04:52 PM (#1607549)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: kendall

Where is it written that PMs are sacrosanct? It may be generally believed, but is it real law?

18 Nov 05 - 01:32 AM (#1607898)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: GUEST,Dave'sWife w/out Cookie

Sinsull - you perfectly expressed how I feel about these unfortunate children.

One really needed to see the broadcast to understand just how sad the situation is. The kids, who clearly have one or more of a variety of well-described disorders are being ill-served by their parents who cling to the hope that their kids are the saviours of the world. I'm sure the parents must feel very special having birthed a future messiah and that may be part of the pathology in play. The sad thing is, these children are being set up for immensely difficult lives as a result of this parental delusion.

The broadcast and subsequent cited articles cited showed that parents of "Indigo children' are encouraged to keep them out of school and focus their intention on their impending careers as Messiahs. They shuttle them back and forth from one New Age guru to the next to intensify their powers and so on, often at great cost. The kids featured all had inculcated arrogance that no doubt makes it nigh impossible for them to have normal relations with other non-indigo kids (something Indigo experts advise against).

Well, that kinda rules out team sports, ballet, track or other normal running and playing doesn't it? In addition to lack of exercise, the parents are told the children always know what's best for them and that the children should be permitted to set their own routines.

I dunno. I feel it's a form of emotional abuse of those children. I have friends who have kids with similar disorders (ADD etc) and food allergies play a huge role. Their kids do so much better when they are on a very careful but healthy diet free of sugars, yeast, molds, additives etc. And, grandiosity is one of the symptoms of some of these disorders when not teated.

To me, it's all a viscious circle:
Isolation from playmates
lack of exercise
no direction over diet or activity
constant reiniforcement that they are perfect human beings destined to rule us all

Perhaps I should have put the internet jargon "J/K' for 'just kidding' after my facetious comment about their morbid obesity. Still, if they are who they say they are and the angels reveal the secrets of the universe to them.. etc etc. that was my skeptical way of saying, it appears these child emperors have no clothes.

Sinsull also caught the other big sadness in all this - that an entire class of pseudo-child professional has grown up around it to exploit the needs of these parents - all for a fee. Go to Amazon and search on the topic - there's already a subculture of 'must-have' publications for the parents of Indigos. It's so very predatory.

That CNN gave it generally favorable coverage without having any skeptics addressing these issues is even sadder. Of course, CNN has a long hisotry of buying into junk science and new-age hokum. They continue to give favorable coverage to 'facilitated communication' for autiistic and profoundly disabled children. They've doine hour long documentaries of such children who, once hooked up with a college educated 'facilitator' suddenly see an 80 point jump in their IQs and start writing poetry.

But that's a whole 'nuther thread....

18 Nov 05 - 01:48 AM (#1607902)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Ebbie

I had never heard of any such thing until this thread- don't know how I missed it - just now when I googled it, they had something like five million links to it!

A couple of thoughts here.

#1: The 'indigo children' are not necessarily ADD, the obese, the anti-social, etc, kids, are they? I ask, because I have noticed, for whatever reason, the maturity and wisdom of so many youngsters today.

#2, and not necessarily related: I have noted with astonishment the beauty of today's children. Part of the perception I'll lay to my age- I am agog at the perfection of babies' skin and joints and digits but I still think they are much PRETTIER than children used to be. Has anyone else noticed that?

18 Nov 05 - 06:33 PM (#1608489)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: robomatic

I have had a problem of longstanding. I'll eat most anything between flaky layers of crust. Apples, rhubarb, kidneys, I'm there. I also develop my hearty appetite at the lanes, sitting in those fiberglass slider seats with my buddies and writing up the spares on circular formica tops. The sport of the gods, the plotz of the weekend sportstubbies.

Got to a point with me that I went to the physician about it. Told him I liked nothing better than to step into the universe of pin-setters and gutterballs, preferably with some brown-cardboard containers of Saralee or Entenmans, heavy on the grease spots.

Doc said I'm Pie-Bowler.

18 Nov 05 - 08:44 PM (#1608580)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: Ebbie

g   r   o   a   n

19 Nov 05 - 07:38 AM (#1608815)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: jacqui.c


19 Nov 05 - 07:48 AM (#1608823)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: GUEST,*daylia*

I've met more than a couple of these so-called "Indigo Children" over the last few years. Between them and their fawning airy-fairy new-age parents, well, all I can say with any conviction is ... *yawn*

Indigo Children (Wikipedia)

"... They identify ten attributes that best describe the Indigo Child:

They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).

They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.

Self-worth is not a big issue; they often tell the parents "who they are."

They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.

They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.

They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).

They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.

They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").

They are not shy in letting it be known what they need."

Remember? In less 'enlightened' times, kids like this were simply called 'spoiled brats' and avoided wherever possible (except by unfortunate teachers and parents). The "Criticism" portion of that Wikipedia article says it all, imo.

"Alleged indigo children are often the offspring of new age parents. Exposed to new age thinking, it might be taken as unsurprising that the children possess a greater fluency of 'spiritual language' than earlier generations. Having been told that the vast majority of children are now "indigos", new age parents in fear of suppressing this 'special' generation may be encouraging behaviors that would otherwise have been thought antisocial. The traits listed by the authors could be interpreted as simple arrogance and selfish individualism...

...critics of the indigo children concept claim that parents relate to the hypothesis because it provides a more flattering conclusion about their children than that of conventional science."

25 Nov 05 - 02:37 PM (#1613726)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night
From: GUEST,uchman.indigo.children on CNN &

My name is Steve Blevins from! If you watched the Interview of the uchman.indigo.children on CNN -That was our chat community they listed in the interview the problem is they did not give us a plug so all of you good people do not know how to find us!   here it is!
download the chat exe we would love to have all of you good folks on our chat service thanks.

25 Nov 05 - 05:29 PM (#1613795)
Subject: RE: BS: Indigo Children - on CNN last night

Indigo Children have fixed beliefs that contradict normal reality. They see angles, speak to the dead, and profess precognition. (Speaking to the dead is hearing voices.)

There are other fixed altered mental states, Schizophrenia and the bizarre beliefs of long term users of Qi Gong and Kundalini Yoga. Qi Gong and Kundalini Yoga are known to create mental breaks. The true cause of those events has been published by VisionAndPsychosis.Net. (See the Qi Gong and Kundalini Yoga pages.)

All three groups have exposure to Subliminal Distraction. The explanation is too long for a blog post.

Visit Indigo Children page at
