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More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations

23 Nov 05 - 01:47 PM (#1612100)
Subject: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

This thread is for collectible, insightful, pithy, especially well-turned, humorous or enlightening bon mots by other Mudcatters.

Anyway, I want to add a quote from sometimes Mudcatter Barky, my 21-year old daughter, writing in her Blog:

So what exactly do I dream of? What is beautiful right now?

Skies as big as the whole world, streaked rose and orange and blue and mottled with clouds. Skies that take you hard by the eyeballs and fill you to your toes.

Eyes that peer into your own, comforting, loving, speaking volumes without saying a word.

The earthy, pungent smell of spices -- peppercorns and nuts and cloves and fine threads of yellow-ochre saffron lying in rubbled piles, setting nostrils and sauces and stomachs afire.

The smooth, even honeyed-brown of hardwood floors, stretching out towards a window and gleaming with the promise of sliding in sockfeet and smelling warm pine or oak every time the sun heats the room.

The staccato clip of piano keys played roughly, building to crescendo and tumbling to a finish -- a song as lively as the play of shadows across the gleaming top of a baby grand.

Old cloth yellowed with light and dark and age and air, but still vibrant with unmatchable, singular colours from herbs and flowers steeped in pots and kettles.

Fog thick with salt air and mist and mystery and history and soft white light, breaking only for the brightest neon flashes and the persistent glow of buttery houselights.

The celadon sheen of the old mugs on my shelf, lit from within under their milky, crackled glaze.

The breathless laughter of a loved voice.

The eyeshocking brilliance of lightning, spiderwebbing across a midnight-sooty sky.

The soft look of patience and grace in a clear, knowing expression.

Really, I could list the things that have snagged my heart until my fingers went numb from tapping the keys. There is so much to see and know and love in this world that I hardly know where to begin.

But the same could be said for the hate and the hurt and the horrible, horrible emptiness that so many people feel from their bellies clean through to their spirits. It infests this earth with just as much vigor.

I witness those things. And I've felt some of it, too.

Still, I will cling to the love and the peace and promise of the good, and give that out to people as best as I can. Because at the end of the day, that is our only hope of even the slightest bit of balance.

I think you should do the same.

It's so damned easy to give into despair. The real challenge is giving into beauty.

So as soon as you see it, make sure you take it in.

Because that is your best service to this crazy world.

And what more beautiful goal could there be?

Proud Paw :D


23 Nov 05 - 01:53 PM (#1612110)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Bill D

she is a poet, Amos.....she would make any Paw proud with thoughts like those....*smile*

23 Nov 05 - 02:21 PM (#1612149)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: katlaughing

Just beautiful, thanks for sharing!

23 Nov 05 - 06:37 PM (#1612389)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Deda

Wow, Amos, that's gorgeous -- please tell her so for me. She'll be getting a card from us anyway, but add my praise again for her lovely writing, both the form and the substance. Have fun tomorrow.

24 Nov 05 - 02:12 AM (#1612592)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles

See also

Gallery of Mudcat Quotations

24 Nov 05 - 05:22 AM (#1612656)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: BS: Racial No-nos
From: Biskit - PM
Date: 22 Nov 05 - 04:48 PM

By seperating into groups wheter they be academic, religious, ethnic,or whatever, you are retarding the effort to be accepted as a person, as a fellow human being, by saying I'm Black, or I'm White, or I'm rich, or I'm Poor you are limiting yourself and the people around you from being part of the whole of the human experience. How can we ever overcome prejudice, hatred, and genocide, when we see ourselves as belonging to this group or that, rather than just accepting your brother or sister for who they are. Not who their parents, Grandparents, or Great-Great Grandparents were or what they did and to whom, or what color their skin was or wasn't. But who that individual is and what they are doing to help the world become a better place. I believe with all me heart until we are able to accomplish that, we'll never progress as a spiecies. This is my humble opinion, I know their are a lot of folks on this forum much more educated and "enlightened" than I, but it has always seemed pretty simple to me. C'mon people now,smile on your Brother, everybody get together, an' try to Love one-another right now.
Peace! Through Understanding

24 Nov 05 - 09:50 AM (#1612785)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

Earlier thread of Mudcat Quotations


24 Nov 05 - 12:23 PM (#1612912)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: BS: T-Shirt/Censorship/Religious hatred
From: Piers - PM
Date: 21 Oct 05 - 04:45 AM

I'm with Stephen Fry on this one:

'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?'

24 Nov 05 - 01:19 PM (#1612948)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: BS: how to feel younger
From: Amos - PM
Date: 22 Nov 05 - 10:57 AM

I have to say that "The Deadbeats" is the best name I could possibly imagine for a funeral choir.

25 Nov 05 - 10:18 AM (#1613553)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: BS: What are you thankful for ?
From: Jerry Rasmussen - PM
Date: 23 Nov 05 - 04:10 PM

As long as you asked, I'm most thankful that I know God.


25 Nov 05 - 12:38 PM (#1613641)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations

A "catalogue" poem of the style made popular by W.W. 150 years ago. Simple sort of thing assigned to freshmen English and used by Ginsburg and the beats. Unfortunately, hers is lacking in imagry, and poetic strengths....for example the alliteration in W.W.'s line

Solitary, smelling the earthy smell, stopping now and then in the silence

Truthfully, there is nothing extraordinary about her blog. It should have remained a blog.


03 Dec 05 - 08:51 AM (#1619225)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

Obviously, Garg, your willingness to give in to beauty is lower than most.


04 Dec 05 - 01:19 PM (#1619853)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

I'm a better man for having been here.
Straddling the thin line
between sentiment and sediment.

Severn, in "What if there were no Mudcat" thread

04 Dec 05 - 07:49 PM (#1620040)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

We are all inter-connected, and the nature and substance of what connects us is this mysterious thing, to which I talk, and to which I attempt to listen.

Deda, in the "No Invisible Means of Support" thread.

04 Dec 05 - 08:54 PM (#1620082)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

Hipsters are just zombies in horn-rim glasses. Wake up! Feelings are the new black and all your ironic detachment will never be half as amazing as a single falling leaf or a bonfire or a good, hot cup of coffee.

Call me naive, but think twice before you do. It's the ultimate arrogance to assume that your experiences have given you more cause than mine, or anyone elses', to make your ears deaf to the laughter and weeping of the world around you.

Barky, in her blog.

04 Dec 05 - 08:59 PM (#1620084)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: bobad

04 Dec 05 - 09:09 PM (#1620089)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations

The moon had been softly nesteled for a full two weeks inside the flan before it was noticed by the smallest of us all, unfortuantely it was too late... and we all had partaked... to begine our journey to the dark-side of the moon.

Yes, the littlest one partaked too.

24 Dec 05 - 01:02 PM (#1634599)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

I once thought the best thing would be to Be Interesting.

I have learned that to Be Interested is richer, more fun, more rewarding, more helpful and healthier by far.


24 Dec 05 - 01:17 PM (#1634607)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Ebbie

Amos, now *there* is a profound message. To be interested, to be curious, to be on occasion agog, to be willing to incorporate new information creates an interesting person. So *you* get both.


24 Dec 05 - 03:01 PM (#1634671)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Better than the five senses, better than good sense, better than common sense, is the sense of wonder that we seem to lose when we leave chidhood, and begin to see the world from a practical POV.

Don T.

24 Dec 05 - 03:04 PM (#1634673)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Peace

I never got that attached to reality. It interferes with everything I love about life.

11 Jan 06 - 04:29 AM (#1646150)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

We are about to witness what happens when an irresponsible force encounters an immoral object.

Paul Burke
Religion = good folks doing bad things thread

17 Jan 06 - 08:19 PM (#1650544)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Bert

Here's one from Jerry Rasmussen.

"Holding a CD in your hand can't compare with holding a stranger's hand who has come to visit you because they care about you.


20 Feb 06 - 02:17 PM (#1673985)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

From Big Mick Lane, 2-20-06, in Responses to Racism:

Teach, and more importantly, teach to speak out against the evil that pits one child against another.

23 Feb 06 - 01:17 PM (#1676941)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

Subject: RE: BS: Robert Johnson
From: Peace - PM
Date: 23 Feb 06 - 01:11 PM

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits.


03 Mar 06 - 08:40 AM (#1684280)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: alanabit

Subject: RE: BS: Gary Glitter
From: gnomad - PM
Date: 03 Mar 06 - 07:52 AM

"Rereading some of the earlier posts I note that there is concern over chance that the "wrong person" might be beaten up or worse. This implies that there is a "right person" for such treatment. Sorry, can't agree; there is a right subject for due legal process, and punishment if justified, but no right victim for mob violence. I am aware that if sufficiently angered I would be quite capable of joining a mob, that doesn't make it a laudable, or even a decent, thing to do.

That is what ought to elevate humankind above the animals, though if animals make moral judgements I reckon many would have cause to look down on us."

03 Mar 06 - 09:11 AM (#1684311)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Janie

Subject: RE: BS: God! Do you believe ? Which one ?
From: Paul Burke - PM
Date: 03 Mar 06 - 03:45 AM

Except that you can have meanings with different scopes. The view that the universe is essentially meaningless- big bang to big crunch, or evaporation- doesn't preclude local meanings over a humanly comprehensible time span. I happen to think that it's people and cultures that create these meanings, and that we have to work for them, rather than that they are given by some external force.

So a life of otherwise dull routine and poverty interspersed with pointless tragedy can be given rich meaning by the human care for parents, children and neighbours, and by the mutually generated culture that they share. This is purely spiritual- but it doesn't require the existence of any spirits.

03 Mar 06 - 01:10 PM (#1684424)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Bert

From the Modern Art Thread.....

Yet, after thousands of years in which the human body, along with other natural things, has been a focal point of art, now, with these holier-than-thou's, we're supposed to think that the human body is somehow, ahhhhh, "dirty"???

If these folks believe literally that man was created in the image of God then what does this say about those of the Christain Right's opinion of God???? Is God dirty???

Beam me up...


04 Mar 06 - 07:28 AM (#1684923)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Pied Piper

Well pigeon-hold Gargoyle, perhaps you could give us some of your poetry to anal-ise.


06 Mar 06 - 12:13 PM (#1686475)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

I don't write songs, I tame them. They are like shy, timid wild creatures. If I approach them too aggressively, they run for cover. I need to coax them out, encourage them and if they draw back, let them. They will come to me in their own time.

Jerry Rasmussen, "The Kitchen Table" Thread, Mar. 7, 2006

08 Mar 06 - 05:34 PM (#1688600)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: wysiwyg

... I have too much blood in my caffeinestream...

From Purple Foxx (PM excerpt quoted by permission)
8 Mar 2006


14 Mar 06 - 07:49 AM (#1693011)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Purple Foxx

"We got to get serious about making Earth a less violent place or soon there may not be an Earth.
And we've got to get serious about reducing & eradicating prejudice & fear of people who are different from ourselves.
Only then will difference not make any difference."
Azizi "Chink a boo Man" thread
13 March 2006

14 Mar 06 - 07:56 AM (#1693019)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Once Famous

I've read more interesting poetry in the second stall at the men's room at the race track.

14 Mar 06 - 08:46 AM (#1693052)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos

Nice to return to your birthplace once in a while.


14 Mar 06 - 10:06 AM (#1693141)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles

Subject: RE: Less Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
Date: 14 Mar 06 - 09:40 AM

For the sake of saving bandwidth, I am proposing that Quotes used more than once anywhere on the Forum be numbered. Then, to save time and effort, you can post say #36 and all will nod their heads in agreement or post comments to prove you wrong. Let's try it.


14 Mar 06 - 10:34 AM (#1693166)
Subject: RE: More Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations