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BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!

27 Nov 05 - 06:02 PM (#1614973)
Subject: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Deckman

Yesterday, I did a REALLY DUMB THING!!! I went off shopping and left a pot of beans on the stove with the burner turned up high. (I'm trying to figure out how I did this, and I know that somehow, President bush MUST be to blame).

When I returned an hour later, the entire house was completly filled with smoke. I ran to the stove, turned the burner off. Luckily, there was NO FIRE.

What was strange was that the smoke was pure white ... not the black and sooty smoke that IS common with house fires.

I got the cats (3) in a back bedroom, and set up fans and the smoke cleared out in an hour. But now, we have this very strong smoky smell.

I have set a small fan blowing across a wide pan of vinager, and this seems to be helping.

Does anyone have any suggestions as how best to clear away the smell. There is NO SOOT or obvious smoke damage, just this bad odor.

I'd appreciate any suggestions. And yes, I'm feeling VERY STUPID!. Bob(deckman)Nelson

27 Nov 05 - 06:08 PM (#1614979)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace

Worth trying, and inexpensive.

27 Nov 05 - 06:09 PM (#1614980)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Georgiansilver

Find some insence sticks, open all your windows and burn the insence in all worked for another idiot...don't see why it should not work for you LOL. I blamed Blair not Bush....well I am in the UK!
Best wishes mate. Mike

27 Nov 05 - 06:14 PM (#1614984)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace

The vinegar idea is a winner. I've used it with other odors and it worked. Hope it does with this, Bob.

27 Nov 05 - 06:27 PM (#1614989)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Deckman

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the vineger smell out of the house? Bob

27 Nov 05 - 06:29 PM (#1614993)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: jeffp


27 Nov 05 - 06:43 PM (#1615002)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: pdq

"Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the vineger smell out of the house?" - Bob

Try smoke. That should work.

27 Nov 05 - 06:49 PM (#1615007)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: The Fooles Troupe

There used to be a thing called NilOdor - a few others like it too - in Aus that was a liquid that you put a drop or two near the smell. It was pretty effective in swallowing smells.

BTW, I knew someone who managed to melt an aluminum sauce pan on the stove.

27 Nov 05 - 06:52 PM (#1615011)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Deckman

I'll bet that stove is STILL for sale ... half price! Bob

27 Nov 05 - 06:54 PM (#1615013)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace

The vinegar smell just goes away.

27 Nov 05 - 06:58 PM (#1615019)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!

Well, at least there was no fire. HMMMM No smoke detector either? Please say it isn't true.

Glad you're OK Bob.

27 Nov 05 - 07:11 PM (#1615027)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Deckman

What do you mean .... "No smoke detector." I didn't need one. As soon as I walked in from the store, I could see and smell the smoke. I didn't need no stinkin' smoke detector. SSSSHHHHEEEEEUUUUUHHHH!!!

I appreciate your concern Sins, but actually I am a little injured ... Judy's wry comments and sarcastic jokes have bruised my ego.


27 Nov 05 - 08:00 PM (#1615086)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: frogprince

Be glad it wasn't turkey giblets; we came home to find some totally cremated on the stove, and it didn't smell too good. Fortunately, either the odor faded fairly fast after we opened up all the doors and windows, or we became numb to it soon and it faded after awhile.

27 Nov 05 - 08:05 PM (#1615090)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Sorcha

Febreez. Boil fabric softener sheet. Boil cinnamon or other sweet spices.

27 Nov 05 - 08:22 PM (#1615098)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: open mike

baking soda is supposed to absorb odors...
some pans (teflon) containd toxic fumes
which can be fatal to birds (parrots, etc.)
see: cAnary in Coal mine

i hope you and your cats do not have any
lingering effects.

you might need to shampoo carpets, wash walls and cielings.

27 Nov 05 - 08:26 PM (#1615101)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Deckman

"Lingering effects?" I offered to cook supper tonight and Judy is still laughing! Bob

27 Nov 05 - 08:44 PM (#1615111)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Bobert

Mask it 'til it fades away... It will fade away but find somethin' smellier that you like more until it's gone...

27 Nov 05 - 09:13 PM (#1615127)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: open mike

Smelleze™ Smoke Deodorizer Pouch
good luck...
and some people would do any thing to get out of cooking dinner!!

27 Nov 05 - 09:30 PM (#1615129)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace

The problem with covering up one smell with another smell is that then ya don't know when the old smell left. You need something to 'absorb' or neutralize the smoke odor, IMO.

27 Nov 05 - 09:36 PM (#1615133)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace


Make lots of salads from now on, and sandwiches and ice cream stuff. Use the fridge lots.

AND, why don't you have some smoke detectors? HUH?

27 Nov 05 - 09:48 PM (#1615142)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Deckman

Why would I need smoke detectors? I gave up smoking 30 years ago! Bob

27 Nov 05 - 10:54 PM (#1615173)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Stilly River Sage

If he was in the grocery store the smoke detector wasn't going to help much working or not! Beans do smell awful when they burn. A friend did the same thing a few years ago. It dissipates after a while. You might sprinkle baking soda in any carpets or on upholstery and vacuum it up. And if you boil water with a generous helping of baking soda in that pan you might get the black out.


27 Nov 05 - 11:27 PM (#1615185)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace

BUT, if Bob doesn't have smoke detectors, he should get some. They save lives. BOB--READ THIS, SVP.

"Smoke alarms save lives
At 2:08 a.m. on Monday, July 11, a 911 caller reported a fire at 64 Jenkinson Way, southeast of Kennedy Road and Lawrence Ave. E. Fortunately, smoke alarms activated to alert a sleeping family of five to escape outside to safety.

First arriving Toronto firefighters on pumper 232 from a fire station at 1550 Midland Road, announced heavy black smoke coming from a third floor window. While battling the blaze, fire was in all rooms on both floors. The fire appears to have originated in the kitchen area. Fire loss is estimated at $350,000"

And another, FYI.

"Each year, thousands of household fires destroy dwellings and take lives or cause injury. In Germany, for example, the sad statistics are around 600 deaths, 6000 people with severe injuries, and 60,000 sustaining slight injuries. Fires kill around two people a day and most of them die in their own homes. But the majority of victims don't die from the burns they suffer, they succumb to smoke poisoning.

One third of all fires occur during the hours of darkness and nighttime is a particularly dangerous period. An increase in the carbon monoxide content of the air means that sleeping occupants drift into unconsciousness, without even waking up. The other toxins contained in smoke contribute to the life-threatening effect of carbon monoxide, so that the poisonous gases present in smoke can often lead to death within the space of a few minutes.

   The number of deaths caused by fires could be cut by half   

   Smoke alarms can save lives in cases like this. These battery-operated alarms are no bigger than the palm of your hand. They emit a piercing noise if smoke spreads in dangerous concentrations. This gives occupants valuable minutes that may mean the difference between life and death – irrespective of whether it's nighttime, or if a fire starts in some distant room in big apartments or houses.

The use of smoke alarms in private households is clearly reflected in statistics from countries where the installation of these alarms is common. The total number of people killed as a result of fire was reduced by 40 percent in the USA where 90 percent of households have a smoke alarm. In Sweden, the number of fire deaths halved, even though only 70 percent of households have these mechanical lifesavers."

The thing about minutes is real. One of the reasons firefighters wear breathing apparatus is because they need protection from the gasses and toxins in the smoke. Minutes make a real difference when there is smoke in the house. Ya gotta get some, Bob.

27 Nov 05 - 11:32 PM (#1615188)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace

I mean ya gotta get some alarms, Bob. When you cook YOU can provide the smoke.

28 Nov 05 - 12:28 AM (#1615204)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Kaleea

A few decades back, a kitty walked across the stove(according to the ex), changed the burner setting to high, & turned something in a saucepan into coal. It was an Oklahoma summer day when the humidity was 100 % & no rain, & the air conditioner got smoke smell all through it-& of course the whole house smelled like smoke. I had to wash every surface & everything fabric with vinegar or baking soda. I made a paste of soda & water & after it absorbed overnight, washed it off. AC I cleaned in soda water. The smoke still lingered, so I sliced many apples in half & placed them all about the place. It did absorb much of the smell. I also slowly simmered spices on a back burner such as cinnamon, cloves, with orange slices in water--but only when I was able to be home & check it frequently. Seems like it took a few weeks to clear it out.

28 Nov 05 - 12:30 AM (#1615205)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Dave Swan

You'll find a spray can of Ozium (the original scent in the blue can)aboard many fire engines. A quick spray on the intake side of a positive pressure ventilation fan goes a long way toward neutralizing smoke smell.

I agree with what Peace has to say about smoke detectors. They do save lives. The occasional false alarm (as happened to me last night in MY OWN FIRE HOUSE, sheesh)is a small price to pay for the increase in safety.

Try squirting a little Ozium into a large fan. It'll help.


28 Nov 05 - 02:24 AM (#1615227)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Deckman

Thanks for your many suggestions folks! Bob

28 Nov 05 - 02:46 AM (#1615234)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: MBSLynne

I was told years ago that the way to get rid of smells such as smoke etc was to put a large bowl of water in the room. It absorbs the smell. I have tried it after parties to get rid of the cigarette smoke smell and it certainly worked for that

Love Lynne

28 Nov 05 - 11:03 AM (#1615528)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace

Then ya drink the water, right?

28 Nov 05 - 11:47 AM (#1615555)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: GUEST,leeneia

I was once chummy with motel owners, who were dismayed when a group of louts smoked pot with a hookah, leaving a vile stench behind. They consulted other owners, who told them that most of the stink is clinging to fabrics, and to clean all the fabrics in the room.

If the smell persists on the walls, you can buy treated cleaning sponges. They remove dirt without entailing messy water, buckets, etc.

Or you might just repaint.

28 Nov 05 - 12:19 PM (#1615577)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: JohnInKansas

Some many years ago an elderly relative managed to smoke up a house when he fell asleep while cooking some chicken livers to feed to the dog. He called his insurance guy to ask for suggestions on getting rid of the smell - actually looking just for info. The insurance guy insisted on sending a "decontamination crew" to clean things up. Fully covered under the household insurance policy.

The agent refused reimbursement for the "damaged" skillet, though.

So far as I know, the insurant rate wasn't affected, but that was another era.

A friendly realtor might also have some good suggestions. They tend to be really fussy about houses that "smell bad," and should have lots of favorites - although probably no better than have been suggested here. I do know that every house we looked at during our last relocation had the persistent smell of "simmered spices" and most had a few candle stubs (in classy holders, of course) in far more numerous places than one might expect.

The spices tend only to cover the smell. Reports are that just burning a candle or few will help to "complete the burn" of smoke particles that are still adrift and make them "odorless." Do note though that unattended candles are one of the most dangerous things found in most homes, according to the Fire Dept people.


28 Nov 05 - 01:08 PM (#1615589)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Clinton Hammond

Lemme 2nd Febreez... spray it on ALL frabic surfaces once a day for 7 days and your smoke (And all other stank) worries will be gone!

28 Nov 05 - 06:29 PM (#1615849)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Mr Red

onions - cut them in rings and leave them in saucers. About the only thing they are useful for. It is said they absorb smells - I think they are just a perfume (as it were) that masks other smells - but it certainly works on new carpet smells and new car pongs.

28 Nov 05 - 07:15 PM (#1615911)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Clinton Hammond

Why would you want to get ride of new car smell????????

28 Nov 05 - 07:28 PM (#1615922)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace

Easier to hide the body when there is OLD car smell.

28 Nov 05 - 09:29 PM (#1615996)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Donuel

Everytime I do that...damn Bush... I use a Swiffer on the walls and shampoo the carpet with Tide.

29 Nov 05 - 02:43 AM (#1616124)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: MBSLynne

I knew a farmer who wore an onion on a piece of string round his neck because they are supposed to absorb any bad things in the air, not just smells, and he reckoned he never caught any of the winter bugs because of it.

Love Lynne

29 Nov 05 - 04:07 AM (#1616140)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Divis Sweeney

An onion cut in half set on cat litter works.

29 Nov 05 - 05:15 AM (#1616175)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: GUEST, Topsie

Lynne, maybe people, including those with winter bugs, saw the onion, thought 'weirdo' and avoided him?

29 Nov 05 - 05:44 PM (#1616687)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Deckman

I'll close this thread with a final update:

Things are tolerable now. We set fans blowing across pans of vinegar for 3 days. (most of the vinegar smell is gone now). I also used the bread trick, pouring vinegar on bread slices and leaving them in each room. It sure helped, but they tasted terrible, even when I toasted them. I just finished washing the walls and cabinets that were closest to the stove with TSP. This final effort seems to be doing the trick nicely. Now when I come in from outdoors, I can barely smell the smoke.

I do want to thank everyone for your suggestions. Great Help! CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson

29 Nov 05 - 05:54 PM (#1616692)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Peace

Bob, want someone to bookmark the thread for the next time you cook?

29 Nov 05 - 11:25 PM (#1616902)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: NH Dave

The spray, Fabrese has been mentioned, but it is mostly water and alcohol. Somehow as the alcohol evaporates it takes the smell with it.   Perhaps spraying with cheap vodka will help. If not, you can reserve a bit from the bottle and drink until the smell is no longer noticeable.


29 Nov 05 - 11:37 PM (#1616908)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: mg

activated charcoal might help. mg

29 Nov 05 - 11:42 PM (#1616911)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: The Fooles Troupe


Splashing oneself with cheap vodka before cooking may have flaming consequences...

30 Nov 05 - 10:39 AM (#1617231)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: katlaughing

Sounds as if you have it taken care of it, but this is what Night Owl used when she lost her whole house and belongings to fire by lightning:

Air Fair by Zep. It's loaded with chemicals and all kinds of warnings, but really does the trick in extreme cases, esp.


01 Dec 05 - 06:23 AM (#1617949)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: fogie

If it just wont go get an MRI scan to make sure you havent a frontal lobe tumour- just being helpful

02 Dec 05 - 05:08 AM (#1618301)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Ian

Try boiling coffee in a WATCHED pan.

I don't know if it will work against smoke but the coffee vaper contains a chemical that nutralises the smell of fish.

02 Dec 05 - 05:26 AM (#1618311)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Mo the caller

Any cures for the smell of melted pudding basins for when I boil my Christmas Puddings?
It is a traditional part of pre-Christmas in our house.

02 Dec 05 - 08:40 AM (#1618424)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Bunnahabhain

Glass pudding basins, mo, glass pudding basins. If you can melt those, then you're doing something thats not cooking...

02 Dec 05 - 08:56 AM (#1618440)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: Mr Red

Just call me an inverted snob


Why would you want to get ride of new car smell????????

well if it smells like real leather you have a point but frankly the pong of plastic is a bit infra-dig. Old Bean.

02 Dec 05 - 09:49 PM (#1619035)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!

... and now you don't have to cook, Bob?

03 Dec 05 - 01:00 PM (#1619349)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: danensis

To get rid of smells, put a bucket of damp, but not wet, straw in the middle of the room.

03 Dec 05 - 02:37 PM (#1619397)
Subject: RE: BS: HELP! Smoke smell ideas, please!
From: JohnInKansas

A report in one of the SAE International journals about a year ago(?) indicated that the introduction of new materials in auto manufacturer had reduced (and/or changed) the way that new cars smelled, so some manufacturers were investigating "odorizers" to add "new car smell" artificially - to respond to complaints from buyers.

Niche market suppliers have offered products to "renew" the "new car smell" in used autos for several decades, although reports from individuals who tried some of them (several years ago) weren't too enthusiastic. I haven't heard whether used car dealers still use the stuff much.
