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BS: What if there was no Mudcat?

03 Dec 05 - 10:34 PM (#1619597)
Subject: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Azizi

What if there was no Mudcat Discussion Forum?

Would you miss it? And if so, what would you miss?

I'll start.

If there was no Mudcat, I would definitely miss it.
I would miss conversing with people from all around the world-most of whom I'm likely never to meet, but many of whom I feel I'm getting to know through the comments they post here.

If there was no Mudcat, I would also miss reading interesting, insightful, and just plain fun posts about music and non-music subjects.

And I would miss posting comments and exchanging comments with others-which brings me back to my first point.

Your turn.

What if there was no Mudcat Discussion Forum?
Would you miss it? And if so, what would you miss?

03 Dec 05 - 10:50 PM (#1619600)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Rapparee

If there was no Mudcat it would have to be created.

03 Dec 05 - 10:56 PM (#1619604)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Dani

Perish the thought, Azizi. Without having found the Mudcat, I'd be missing:

- Some of the best friends of my heart

- The courage to make my own music

- A world view much informed by the differing people/opinions/outlooks of Mudcat

- a bodhran, and all that it is teaching me before I even get to play it

- new opportunities to love

... and more than I can think of at this hour.

Thanks, Azizi, for the reminder of what a gift this whole thing is.


03 Dec 05 - 11:39 PM (#1619626)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Amos

I would be so bored in my odd spare moments I'd probably take up crossword puzzles.


04 Dec 05 - 12:24 AM (#1619643)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: JohnInKansas

Way back a few months ago when the 'cat was having enough troubles to make me a bit paranoid, I surfed up a couple of other "highly recommended centers of social and intellectual interaction" and bookmarked them.

I'll admit - if no one tells on me - that I've watched them since, waiting to see if anything invited my participation.

One site claims over 60,000 posts since I started observing - - - and nobody's said anything yet ... ... ... .

It's a vast, empty, and very sterile world out there...


04 Dec 05 - 03:40 AM (#1619657)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Dave Hanson

Someone once said " as breathing is my life, to stop I dare not dare. "   
Mudcat is like oxygen to me, I need it.


04 Dec 05 - 04:27 AM (#1619661)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Georgiansilver

We would be doing something else!

04 Dec 05 - 04:38 AM (#1619667)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: John MacKenzie

I'd have more money and less friends.

04 Dec 05 - 06:24 AM (#1619693)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Liz the Squeak

I'd probably have go back to work full time..... perish the thought!


04 Dec 05 - 06:36 AM (#1619699)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Donuel

I am accustomed to discovering that a forum supposedly dedicated to the exchange of ideas, poetry, lyrics, art and politics has either disappeared or banned my participation.

A few of the most recent sites that have banned my participation, usually for anti Republican opinions or inflamatory thought pictures, have been:
The Democratic Underground
The Liberty Forum
Salty Poetry
String Asylum
and a multitude of dozens of other sites I can not even remember at this hour.
The last two I listed actually succeeded in bilking me of donations amounting to less than $400.

It takes a small man to carry a big grudge whose concepts of authority and power is examplified by their need to silence others.

If mudcat died an un natural death the ashes of the most insightful people would settle and the flow of thought would be re born.
The mix of people here is an azeotrope of ambrosia and mud.
When John mentioned a site that had nothing to say I heard a song in my head "60,000 posts and nothing to say". Those kind of sites are a prolific pasturized potion of petty pathetic posts...

sorry if I spit.

04 Dec 05 - 07:19 AM (#1619710)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: kendall

I'd be single.

04 Dec 05 - 07:29 AM (#1619712)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: ard mhacha

Now we know, it`s out on it`s own.

04 Dec 05 - 09:25 AM (#1619761)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: mack/misophist

I would have found/learned many fewer interesting things.

04 Dec 05 - 09:35 AM (#1619766)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?

Imagine there's no mudcat
It's easy if you try
No bullshit below the line
Above it only sky.

04 Dec 05 - 09:43 AM (#1619771)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: gnu

What is the sound of one 'Cat posting?

04 Dec 05 - 09:44 AM (#1619773)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: CarolC

If it had never existed, my life would be very different than it is right now. The Mudcat completely changed my life in just about every respect.

If it ceased to exist right now, I would definitely miss it. I have met many people from many parts of the world through the Mudcat, many of them just online, but also well over a hundred in person. The Mudcat has made my world so much bigger than it was before. I would miss having the opportunity to meet and become friends with the kinds of people I've met here.

04 Dec 05 - 10:03 AM (#1619782)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Flash Company

Sheila's opinion is that if there was no Mudcat she'd get to see me in an afternoon.
Seriously, I would feel that I had lost a lot of friends, and my best way to show off now I can not sing. You can't stop the ideas forming, and I have to let them out somewhere.


04 Dec 05 - 10:29 AM (#1619795)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Dani

Donuel, that's Bruce Springsteen you hear, singing "57 channels and there's nothing on"


04 Dec 05 - 10:34 AM (#1619797)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Charley Noble

I would have found it more difficult to find musical contacts all over the world that share a common love of traditional style folk songs, and a sense of humor that seems to go along with that love. Sure, I might have been able to track you folks down without Mudcat but it would have taken me years more!

And for those of us who share a relatively obscure interest such as nautical songs and poems, Mudcat at its best provides a critical mass to share opinions with, access new and old songs, attend special events, and even collaborate on occasion virtually or in person.

As a songwriter and performer Mudcat has helped me grow and I value the new friends I've been able to make through this website.

I am exploring other websites such as but Mudcat, despite its flaws, remains my favorite.

Charley Noble

04 Dec 05 - 11:36 AM (#1619811)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Severn

I'm old enough to flash back to those old Raleigh cigarette ads where they'd say. "What would you be missing if you didn't smoke Raleigh?", and all the furniture in the room gotten through the Raleigh Coupons included in every pack disappeared one by one with the sound of a "Ding"! (Of course the standard joke of the time was that 10,000 Raleigh coupons could buy you an iron lung, but I digress....) Anyway, here's what I've gained in slightly less than a year among you.....

New friends I've talked with, both in print and in person, too numerous to mention. Others, whose posts I've read benefitted by or were entertained by, but have not been personally acknowledged--Know you ARE apprieciated! The feeling of community, help and guidance offered and exchanged when needed, forgiveness given when nescessary.
Being there with me through some rough times, shared or unshared.

Access to new and old music, in print, sampled, heard live, bought and exchanged among aforementioned friends.

Knowledge gained and shared. The chance to act as an authority one minute on one thread and a student with a blank slate the next on another, either acknowledged or by merely lurking. The chance to engage in meaningful dialogue of all sorts. Information about people and things in other places that stacks of old National Geographics in an attic couldn't begin to touch. The opportunity to express myself creatively and to bounce ideas, serious and humorous, off of some of the sharper minds I've had the pleasure to encounter and be inspired by them.

The excuse to spend many pleasureable hours that could have been wasted on housework, paperwork, chores and drudgery with the likes (and dislikes) of you, which reminds me.....I've got a stack of things to do that I've put off, so I'll catch you folks later.....

...But thanks again! I'm a better man for having been here.

Stradling the thin line
between sentiment and sediment,


04 Dec 05 - 12:00 PM (#1619819)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: gnu

"Stradling the thin line between sentiment and sediment, Severn"

Awww Sev, sniff, sniff. Very well put.

I'll ditto what Sev said, and others, on accounta I couldn't say it near as well. I'll just multiply it by about five years.

Ya know, it's kinda odd that I still haven't accomplished the very thing that brought me here. It was a request for help in finding a recording of a song I have never, to this day, heard sung. I don't care anymore. I am just enjoying the Café, it's regulars and irregulars. I hope I can hang around for another five years.

04 Dec 05 - 12:42 PM (#1619837)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Once Famous

I really would not care and would find something else as moderately interesting to do.

04 Dec 05 - 01:01 PM (#1619842)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?

there are people on here whose opinions and thoughts i respect and admire... them i would miss.

on the other hand if there were no mudcat i'd probably be a helluva lot better musician.

04 Dec 05 - 05:19 PM (#1619953)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: CarolC

That's too bad, GUEST,04 Dec 05 - 01:01 PM. Musically, I was completely isolated, with no one to help me learn what I needed to know to be able to do what I wanted to do. I found my musical mentors here in the Mudcat, and the help I've received has made me a far better musician and a far better accordionist than I would have been otherwise.

04 Dec 05 - 05:40 PM (#1619971)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Big Al Whittle

til i flashed on Mudcat I was one sorry dude. drink and debauchery were my life. now I have shunned the works of satan and I revel in the refined intellectuality of mudcat.

here I can think deep cyberthoughts and express myself cogently, honestly and breathe the heady fragrances of cyber freedom.

04 Dec 05 - 07:55 PM (#1620047)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: leftydee

If there were no Mudcat ......Martin Gibson would have to find another group of people to annoy

04 Dec 05 - 07:57 PM (#1620049)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Peace

"here I can think deep cyberthoughts and express myself cogently, honestly and breathe the heady fragrances of cyber freedom"

'Ready anytime you are, CB!'

04 Dec 05 - 09:42 PM (#1620114)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Peace

"The famous movie director Cecil B. DeMille was directing one of his "cast-of-thousands" extravaganzas, and the time came to shoot the big action scene. He set up three camera stations, just to make sure that the effort went on film. Finally, at seven a.m. on the big day, he yelled, "Roll 'em!," and the action began. For ten hours, chariots raced, horses ran, soldiers fought, swords clashed, and thousands of extras did their thing. Finally, exhausted, he went to the first camera station to find the cameraman pounding his fists on the ground. "I can't understand it," he cried. "The lens cap got left on the whole time and we got nothing." A little shaken, C.B. went to the second camera station to find the cameraman pounding his fists on the ground. "I can't understand it," he cried. "There was no film in the camera the whole time and we got nothing." Upset now, C.B. thought at least he had the third man for backup, and went to his position. The cameraman greeted him jovially and called out, "Anytime you're ready, C.B.!"'

04 Dec 05 - 09:44 PM (#1620116)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Joe_F

I spect some of the juice would find its way back into

--- Joe Fineman

||: Better to shut your mouth and be thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt. :||

04 Dec 05 - 10:04 PM (#1620125)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Little Hawk

What if there was no Shatner?

04 Dec 05 - 10:10 PM (#1620128)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Bobert

Well, it's been 'bout 7 years now when my late wife, Judy, died os cancer leavin' me in our house with nuthin' but a compudder..


Well, one night I called my sonm and asked him how to turn it on and then, somehow ended up at Tweedsblues... Now fir those of you who ain't been to Tweedsblues, its like Mayberry, R.F.D. and so I set up shop there... It was the only place I hung and still do, fir that matter..

Then Spaws come over and was visitin' Tweeds so I followed hi back home to the big city an' so I stop in here at night to fight with the knotheads, to get a few new ideas and to occasionaly talk a little music, though there ain't a lot of bluers players in Mudville....

Then I go back home to Tweedburg, where things ain't as agressive and folks talks a little slower an'...

But, yeah, I would miss the Big City life... You know, the excitement... Folks out on the streets all day and night long, talkin' 'bout anything and everything... Hey, I think we all need some of that...

But we also beed a little of Tweedsburg just to keep us balanced...

Hey, don't have to be Tweedsburg but something like that...


04 Dec 05 - 10:16 PM (#1620132)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: number 6

Tweedburg .... is that like Sussex N.B. ??

If there was no Mudcat ... I dunno .... something about this place. I think we all are in someways alike .. whether we like to admit to it or not is another question.

Reminds me in some ways of my Thread ... 'why do we come to the Mudcat?.'


04 Dec 05 - 11:48 PM (#1620175)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Joe Offer

"What if there were no Mudcat?" he said, pedantically.
-Joe Offer, believer in the subjunctive-

04 Dec 05 - 11:59 PM (#1620181)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,the wonder thinker

"what if there was no Mudcat?". Then there would be no Joe Offer!

05 Dec 05 - 01:47 AM (#1620197)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Joe Offer

That, too....

05 Dec 05 - 01:55 AM (#1620199)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Boab

----we'd all be quite sure that NOBODY could possibly support GWB-----

05 Dec 05 - 02:50 AM (#1620209)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Wilfried Schaum

Every I time I try to access the forum and get the report " not found" I can suspect my feelings if there really were (right so, Joe?) no MC at all.

05 Dec 05 - 04:28 AM (#1620226)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Hrothgar

There would be something - Nature abhors a vacuum.

05 Dec 05 - 06:55 AM (#1620284)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Azizi

Note to Joe Offer and other grammatically erudite folks:

I confess that I struggled with the right grammatical form for this thread's title.

I wasn't sure if "was" was right or if "was" was wrong.

I went back and forth, back and forth with these words.
I was stuck in a pitt of indecision. At one point I even found myself humming the verse "Is you is or is you ain't my baby?" and shifted to the "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear" song.

I knew that I had to chose right since I couldn't go back and edit my own words like I can on The Annexe...

And I knew that using the Preview feature wouldn't help, cause it wasn't like I could spot my error..

I just-didn't-know-right-from-wrong.

And so, at long last, I decided to stop doubting myself and I went with the word "was". My [erroneous?] thinking was [were??] that since the word "Mudcat" was a singular noun, I should use the singular verb "was" instead of the plural verb "were".

But I still wasn't sure about this oh so momentous decision, I one last time went over the grammatical form in my head for "it". And "it were" sounded wrong. So that's why I chose "was".

So now you tellin me I chose wrong???!!!

Oh, woe is me!!!

My bad.

05 Dec 05 - 07:05 AM (#1620288)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: John MacKenzie

Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines subjunctive as:

   1. adj. 2. in grammar, designating or of that mood of a verb used to express condition, hypothesis, contingency, possibility, etc., rather than to state an actual fact: distinguished from imperative, indicative.
   2. n. a verb in the subjunctive mood; specifically, the subjunctive mood.

"Few things annoy me more than to hear, "If I was you ..." Most who actually know that there exists a verbal mood called the subjunctive agree that it appears to be vanishing in common usage. Earlier in the twentieth century, grammarians and linguists proclaimed the subjunctive's death and argued that this was no big loss, as its historical role in English had been weak and inconsistent; some even went so far as to say that in Modern English its usage is "pretentious". The fools ! The subjunctive mood is a beautiful and valuable component of the English language, and instead of dying out, it actually is enjoying a subtle revival."



05 Dec 05 - 08:02 AM (#1620320)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Sandra in Sydney

"Few things annoy me more than to hear, "If I was you ..."   me too!

as a friend once said "If you were me, you'd do exactly what I'm doing! If you were fantasising being me, you could then behave any way you think I should"

back to the show - without Mudcat I would have a few less friends, probably no cyber-friends, and would certainly not have met a lot of interesting people who popped into Sydney on their travels. I would also lack about half a metre of CDs (but I'm sure I would have filled the shelf with other CDs) and several interesting ornaments, postcards & chrissy cards.

I also would have spent half as much on air mail postage as I did recently!!

Mudcatter Sandra in Sydney

05 Dec 05 - 08:42 AM (#1620329)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Naemanson

No Mudcat?! Oh, wow, breathing back to normal, no the Mudcat is NOT going to go away. Whew!

If there was no Mudcat how would I keep in touch with my friends from around the world? Oh, that's right, I wouldn't have any friends in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, England, Wales, Scotland, Canada, Belgium, Iceland, France, and, of course, the good ol' US of A. I'd never have met all the wonderful people I've met in the last five years. I wouldn't have shared all the strange things that have happened to me since 2000. I wouldn't have heard all the wonderful music I have listened to. I would never have known... just oh so much.

05 Dec 05 - 08:54 AM (#1620332)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Amos


It's not a matter of singular versus plural. You say "you were" in speaking to a single person. It is a matter of mood and tense.

The same word "were" is used to form the past tense when talking about something thata lready happened (you were reading posts, they were shopping) as is used for the subjunctive mood which expresses conditional or possible, where it is used in first, second and third persons, plural and singular. (Eg: If I were in Kansas right now, I'd barf. If you were as good as you think you are you wouldn't have the jitters. If only you were here. If Big Bob were here right now, you would be sorry you said that...etc.)

It is a very arbitrary system, but it works pretty well. If Fuzzy Wuzzy were a human I am sure he would agree.


05 Dec 05 - 09:11 AM (#1620350)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: John MacKenzie

I would that he were!
G ☺

05 Dec 05 - 09:22 AM (#1620360)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Azizi

Thanks, youze guys.

If it were not for Mudcat, I wouldn't have known I was wrong.

Oops...I were wrong??

Umm, I guess I still don't get it. I'm off to read those post again.

Best wishes,


05 Dec 05 - 09:23 AM (#1620362)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Rapparee

Amos, jist last night we was at the store and I saw a whole bunch of people who was buying things right and left. They was snatchin' up them Xratedboxes and Tinkle Me Elmos and Nicotinepatch Dolls and all, yanking them off the shelves so fast they was leaving scorch marks.

Use of the subjunctive, like the use of the pluperfect, is often dependent upon what impression the author wishes to achieve. Now, I can easily compose grammatically correct sentences -- even entire paragraphs! -- but do not always choose to do so. Even a compound-complex sentence is not beyond me. After all, I have graduate work in ENGLISH!!! (Literature, I'll admit, but we were required be able to differentiate between a noun and a verb or they wouldn't permit us to take even our Bachelor's degree.)

05 Dec 05 - 09:33 AM (#1620373)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Big Mick

If there were/was no Mudcat, I would miss it terribly. If there had never been a Mudcat, I would not be anywhere near as diverse and knowledgable musically as I am now. Never mind the extraordinary friends I have made here.

Long may she wave,


05 Dec 05 - 09:37 AM (#1620377)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Amos

"Was" wrong. Past tense of "be". You can say "IF I were to make a wrong decision..." referring to something that has not happened but might, or is considered as possible. But when you are speaking of something that DID happen, you use the past tense (I was, you were, he was, we were, y'all were, they were...). The fact that the same word is used is unfortunate because "were" (plural past) is not the same word as "were" (singular or plural, any person, conditional, hypothetical, subjunctive)"If only I, he, she, it, we, you they, were here...".

Hope this helps.


05 Dec 05 - 09:58 AM (#1620395)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: MMario

If there were no Mudcat - I would not miss and mourn the lives and loss of several people who became friends for far too short a time.

I would sorely miss those who are still "here"; certainly miss those I've met and interacted with at FSGWQ Getaways and Mystic Sea mUsic Festival.

the worst thing would be I wouldn't know what I was missing.

05 Dec 05 - 10:04 AM (#1620398)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Azizi

Well, all I know is that it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood when I found Mudcat.

Note the reference to that "Mr Roger's Neighborhood" song. "Mr Roger's Neighborhood" was {were-oh never mind} taped in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. That's one of that city's claim to fame.

Alot of people aren't exactly fond of that kiddie program. But Mudcat is based in the state of Pennsylvania since that is where Max lives. So, I figure that Pennsylvania has redeemed itself.


05 Dec 05 - 12:12 PM (#1620458)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Amos

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was taped. All the segments of the show were taped (past plural).

It would have been different if they were taped in North Philly, though.


05 Dec 05 - 01:01 PM (#1620485)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: kendall

I've ofter wondered about this word "extra ordinary"

05 Dec 05 - 01:14 PM (#1620493)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: MMario

What have you wondered about it?

05 Dec 05 - 01:22 PM (#1620496)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Rapparee

I was out shopping and there certainly were a lot of people at Sears!

We were out shopping at Sears and Sandra was there.

05 Dec 05 - 01:29 PM (#1620498)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?

I would have died two years ago.

05 Dec 05 - 02:44 PM (#1620520)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Amos

IF you were dead you wouldn't have seen what was at Sears, unless you were floating around disincarnate. It would be fun if you were, but how would we know you were?


05 Dec 05 - 02:56 PM (#1620523)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: number 6

If there wuz no wuzzy fuzzy does that mean there were no fuzzy wuzzy bears??

I know it's very Shtoopid of me ... and I apologise for the drift.


05 Dec 05 - 03:25 PM (#1620529)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?

I would take up smoking grass.

05 Dec 05 - 03:28 PM (#1620530)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: number 6

Actually I've got a bottle of cheap port in a paper bag ... going up to the Town square and sing some Xmas carols in a very loud manner.


05 Dec 05 - 07:48 PM (#1620775)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: McGrath of Harlow

You say "you were" in speaking to a single person.

But in strictly gramatical terms, "you" is a plural form.

No Mudcat? I'd probably see the Internet as a useful, but essentially sterile and impersonal thing.

Or perhaps I'd have kept on searching around and found some site I've never come across that would change my mind. But I haven't found anything yet to come within reach of matching the Cat as an online community.

And I'd be a lot poorer when it came to songs, including a fair number of ones I wouldn't ever have written.

05 Dec 05 - 08:43 PM (#1620811)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?

Perhaps, "Woe am I" ...

05 Dec 05 - 09:18 PM (#1620830)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Little Hawk

If there were no Mudcat?

William Shatner's annual royalties would decline by approximately 0.00000019 of a per cent.

Serious stuff. Thank God for Mudcat.

06 Dec 05 - 07:39 AM (#1621051)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Mr Red

Someone would have to invent it.

All Hail St Max

06 Dec 05 - 08:28 AM (#1621075)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: jacqui.c

I asked Max at the Getaway if he knew what he had created.

My life would be totally different without the 'Cat. As a result of this site I found a man I wanted to marry, moved 3000 miles to another country, and now have friends all around the world, many of whom I have now met face to face. My knowledge of folk music has also increased beyond any thing I could have dreamed.

All hail St Max indeed!

06 Dec 05 - 02:09 PM (#1621346)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Janie

If there were no Mudcat (and no FSGW Getaway) I would still be thinking secretly that I have a voice but would not have begun to find it. I would be on the computer a lot less. My life is certainly richer for hearing from so many people around the world about so many different things.

I joined a couple of gardening forums about the same time I joined up here, (some of you know that gardening is even more important to me than music) but I find I rarely visit them--I even prefer the gardening threads here more than on the gardening sites. That may be because I am drawn to gardening and music for the same reasons--art, creativity, food for the soul---and the garden discussions on Mudcat are more likely to focus on that instead of technical aspects or one-upsmanship on the size of one's tomatoes.

I like to think that if Mudcat never was, or if I had never discovered it, that something of equal value and pleasure would be in my life instead, but I am very happy to have this cyber-home and a big cyber-family.

Peace and joy,


06 Dec 05 - 02:12 PM (#1621351)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: MMario

Janie - I never noticed anything wrong with the size of your tomatoes....

whoops! I actually typed that, didn't I?

ducking and running...

06 Dec 05 - 03:26 PM (#1621409)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?

If there were no Mudcat ......Martin Gibson would have to find another group of people to annoy

Wow, I can just imagine a newsgroup with Gibson and Doug Bollen (rabid leftie pain on usenet) going head to head.

06 Dec 05 - 06:08 PM (#1621511)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Roger in Baltimore

Oh there is so much I would have missed. MC taught me how to access the internet for information about folk music and related topics. With the DT, I would have missed a valuable resource of lyrics.

But more than that, MC has become a central part of my life. It helped me to connect with FSGW. The Getaway has become a "must go" annual event for me.

I've been to some great music parties I would not have known about. I still cannot believe how many wonderful folk singers I met at Barry Finn's house. I miss Annamil's get togethers.

I have come to know many people I may never meet face-to-face. Yet, when they are sick or when they pass away, I cry as if they were a close friend.

It is difficult to imagine all that Max has done to keep this site functioning for so long. Thanks, again, Max. I know there are Max clones out there who occasionally censor a thread, but there remains an incredible freedom to say what you wish on this site. I think that is why there seem to be as many BS threads as music threads.

I also think the Max has learned much from this site. He has certainly grown musically and I think also personally due to this site.

Roger in Baltimore

07 Dec 05 - 04:30 AM (#1621754)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,noddy

We would have to do what Bush and Blair do just pretend that there is one and look for it !

07 Dec 05 - 04:34 AM (#1621760)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,noddy

I just woke up from a terrible nightmare in it I thought there was no such thing as Mudcat! Boy was I screaming and sweating!

07 Dec 05 - 05:11 AM (#1621778)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Jon

If there was no Mudcat, the world would carry on as merrily as if there is one or if there was no other forum. We may enjoy what these places offer but when you start thinking what would you do without them you have a bad addiction.

In other words, yes they can be great and offer new things, good friends have been made, etc. but when you start depending on their existance, you have a problem.

Really it is about the same as we are as people. We may be missed by others, liked, loved, hated, whatever but.


Some time when you're feeling important,
Some time when your ego's in bloom,
Some time when you take it for granted
You're the best man in the room;

Some time when you feel that your going
would leave an unfilled hole,
Just follow this simple instruction
And see how it humbles your soul.

Take a bucket and fill it with water
Put your hands in it up to your wrist;
Pull them out and the hole that remains
Is a measure of how you'll be missed.

You may splash as you please when you enter;
You may stir up the water galore
But stop and you'll find in a minute,
That it looks just the same as before.

The moral of this is quite simple
Do just the best you can,
Be proud of yourself, but remember;
There is no indispensable man.

07 Dec 05 - 05:23 AM (#1621786)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Jon

(speaking as one who has had the addiction)

07 Dec 05 - 06:20 AM (#1621808)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST, Topsie

There is more than one question here:

1 What if Mudcat had never existed?

2 (a) What if Mudcat died?

   (b) What if Mudcat died and could not be brought back?

07 Dec 05 - 06:31 AM (#1621812)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Jon

1) I would not have "met" (in a couple of cases in real 3D) people I respect. And I'm pleased the oppertunities came from here.

2) a) life would continue without

b) ditto

I think the key idea is "Indispensible" as opposed to maybe "desirable".

07 Dec 05 - 06:42 AM (#1621816)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Jon

(more than a couple BTW. When I sad that, I was thinking in terms of people not from the UK I could never have bumped into one day, the meeting new people I respect is much wider than that)

07 Dec 05 - 07:52 AM (#1621865)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Azizi

Guest Jon, if there were {ha!} no Mudcat, would there have been an Annexe?

If not, I would miss that forum too.

07 Dec 05 - 08:08 AM (#1621873)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Jon

That's an interesting question Azzi. There would have been no Annexe without Mudcat before. Thre also would have been no Annexe is things like the BS spliit existed. It was basicaly an attempt to avoid the rows happening at MC. Though to say   it was also an attempt at me learning some DB stuff is equally fair.

07 Dec 05 - 08:11 AM (#1621875)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Jon

(lack of BS split I mean)

07 Dec 05 - 08:29 AM (#1621884)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?

Biggest Problem I ahd BTW was learning some things made out of money, simply were crap. That say £100000 just wasn't needed unless you wanted to believe that way.

07 Dec 05 - 08:33 AM (#1621888)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?

Max did not go bust as a web host and get rightly sued for competence BTW.

07 Dec 05 - 08:44 AM (#1621894)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Janie

Lucky for you, MMario that I am a little slow.



07 Dec 05 - 09:02 AM (#1621903)
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
From: Pip Freeman

I am posting this as a second opinion as Jon was a bit concerned that he might have appeared nasty to people he genuinely likes and respects.

I very rarely use Mudcat myself, only a brief peep in occasionally, but I continually say thankyou to it and Jon for the setting up of The Annexe and folkinfo. and understand and uphold the reasons for their beginning.
Through the Annexe I have gained good friends and learned a lot, and through folkinfo have gained so much knowledge on folk music.

I hate to be addictively dependant on anything, even chocolates! ;>)

I think small, hate mindless controversy and the speed at which Mudcat moves and it's sheer size, I don't think I would miss Mudcat at all now that I have the Annexe.