05 Dec 05 - 02:55 PM (#1620522) Subject: Lyr Req: Deaf Shepherd song, Pawkie Patterson? From: Fidjit On thier Synergy Cd track five. Anyone got the words. Listening to this it sounds good. Translation from the Scotish required. |
05 Dec 05 - 05:47 PM (#1620681) Subject: Lyr Add: PAWKIE PAITERSON'S AULD GREY YAUD From: GUEST,Halaswell I've been wondering about this myself, I can only hear a few words, but the CD sleeve has the following PAWKIE PAITERSON'S AULD GREY YAUD Words by John Ballantyne, music by Adam Grant As aw was gaun up Hawick loan yeh monaday at morn Aw heard a puir auld grey meer gi'e many a heavy groan Gi'e many a heavy groan sir & this she said tae mei Aw'n Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud sei how they're guidin mei The miller O Hawick mill bred me & that aw du weel ken The miller o Hawick fed mei wi mony a sort o' corn But now the case is altered & this ye plainly sei Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, see how they're guidin mei When a' the rest's set tae the corn aw'm set out tae the fog When a' the rest's set tae the haye aw'm set oot tae the bog As aw gaed intae Hawick moss twas like tae swally me Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud sei how they're guidin mei & as for Nellie Harkness she rises in the morn & cries "O godsake uncle, the yaud's among the corn" Hei tuik his muckle pleugh-staff then & cam & swabbled mei Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud sei how they're guidin mei There's auld Rab Young o' the back Raw hei's of'en shod ma clutes Sae Aw wull leave him ma shank bones tae bei a pair o' butes If he pushes his legs weel in them they'll come up tae his knei Aw'm Pawkis Paiterson's auld grey yaud sei how they're guidin me & as for Peggy Duncan she is a bonnie lass Aw'll leave her my auld een holes tae be a keekin' gless Tae gar her ee sei streichter for the of'rn stand aglei Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud sei how they're guidin mei As for the minister o' Wilton his coat is worn gey thin & for tae keep hime frae the cauld Aw'll leave him ma auld skin Wi' hide & hai tae keep him warm as lang as it's dune mei Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud sei how they're guidin mei & as for Staney Stewart hei's of'en scarce o' stanes & for tae mend his auld fail dykes Aw'll leave him ma auld banes & a' the Callants o' Hawick loan wull make bane-fires o' mei Aw'm pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud sae that's the end o' mei There's info re the source of the song as well, I'll post that later. It's a song I like listening to. halaswell |
05 Dec 05 - 06:13 PM (#1620702) Subject: Lyr Add: PAWKIE PAITERSON'S AULD GREY YAUD From: Jim Dixon Lyrics copied from ScotsteXt, where it is called a "rough scan." I assume this means the lyrics were input from a book by way of a scanner and an OCR program, and that no one has yet inspected the text for errors. There is another copy at the Reivers Recordings web site. You might want to compare these lyrics with those. I haven't done that in detail, but I notice this has 8 verses while the other has 7. PAWKIE PAITERSON'S AULD GREY YAUD By John "Soapy" Ballantyne, c.1830 As Aw was guan up Hawick Loan Yeh Monanday at morn, Aw heard a puir auld grey meer Gie mony a heavy groan— Gie mony a heavy groan, sir, And this she said to mei— "Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, Sei how they're guiden' mei! "The miller o' Hawick Mill bred mei And that Aw du weel ken; The miller o' Hawick Mill fed mei Wi' mony a sort o' corn. But now the case is altered, And this ye plainly sei— "Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, Sei how they're guiden' mei! "When a' the rest's set to the corn Aw'm sent oot to the fog; When a' the rest's set to the haye Aw'm sent oot to the bog. It's Aw gaed into Hawick Moss, 'Twas like to swally mei— "Aw'm Pawkic Paiterson's auld grey yaud, Sei how they're guiden' mei! "And as for Nellie Harkness She ryses in the morn, And cries—'O Godsake, uncle! The yaud's amang the corn.' Hei tuik his muckle plew-staff And cam' and swabbled mei— "Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, Sei how they're guiden' mei! "And Rob Young o' the Back Raw, Hei's of'en shod ma clutes, Sae Aw wull leave him ma shank banes To bei a pair o' butes. If hei push his legs weel in them, They'll come up till his knei— "Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, Sei how they're guiden' mei! "And as for Peggie Duncan, She is a bonnie lass, Sae Aw wull leave her ma een holes Tae bei a squintin' glass— Tae gar her eyn sei strechter, For they of'en stand aglei— "Aw'm Pawkie Patterson's auld grey yaud, Sei how they're guiden' mei! "As for the minister o' Wilton, His coat it is worn thin, And for to keep him thrae the cauld Aw'll leave him ma auld skin, Wi' hide and hair, to keep him warm As lang as it's dune mei— "Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, Sei how they're guiden' mei! "And as for Stonie Stewart, He's of'en scarce o' stanes, And for to mend his auld fail dykes Aw'll leave him ma auld banes; And a' the callants o' Hawick Loan Wull make banefires o' mei— "Aw'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, Sae that's the end o' mei!" [Recorded by Deaf Shepherd on "Synergy," Greentrax CD 143, 1998, where it is called PAWKIE PAITERSON; also by Brian Johnstone on "Music Whaur I'm Frae: Songs o' the Scots-Anglo Border, Volume 2," Reivers Recordings, 2003.] |
05 Dec 05 - 06:32 PM (#1620718) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Deaf Shepherd song, Pawkie Patterson? From: Jim Dixon Fidjit might still need a translation from the Scots. |
06 Dec 05 - 03:33 PM (#1621418) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Deaf Shepherd song, Pawkie Patterson? From: Fidjit Hey! Great lads I knew you would come up trumps. I still need a translaton for some of it. Like, what's an, "Auld Grey Yaud"? An old grey ???. And what did he give Peggy Duncan? His eyes? Now, what's "His Muckle Plew-Staff" And what did he do with it? Otherwise, a great help. Great tune too. |
06 Dec 05 - 05:20 PM (#1621478) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Deaf Shepherd song, Pawkie Patterson? From: Jim Dixon I don't know either, but you could try Mudcat's own Scots Glossary. I see entries are doubled up there, no doubt due to the "big crash." |
07 Dec 05 - 07:55 AM (#1621866) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Deaf Shepherd song, Pawkie Patterson? From: Fidjit Thanks Jim. Ok A muckle = Much or Large. Plew = Plough. i.e Muckle Plew Staff. = Large Plough Staff Yaud = Mare. I.e. Auld grey yaud = Old Grey Mare Now guiden mei? Well I get it as, Guider = Manager/organiser. Ergo Guiden = To guide i.e. to manage/look after. Sei how they're guien mei! = See how they're looking after me. Clutes = cluit = Hoofs/Hooves. Hei's of'en shod ma clutes = He's often shod my hooves. Swabbled, I didn't find but I guess it's to smack or hit. Begining to make sence now. |
08 Dec 05 - 12:16 AM (#1622433) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Deaf Shepherd song, Pawkie Patterson? From: Teribus Fidjit - 06 Dec 05 - 03:33 PM As you probably have now gathered, the song is a brief life story of a grey mare born and raised in Hawick and tells of the various town characters that have turned up. The latter verses are a sort of last will and testament. "Sei how they're guiden' mei!" - translates to "See how they are treating/looking after me!" |
08 Dec 05 - 03:35 AM (#1622515) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Deaf Shepherd song, Pawkie Patterson? From: Malcolm Douglas See also earlier threads I'm Pokey Petersons old Grey aud (lyric from Deaf Shepherd album plus background information from sleeve notes) Robin Spraggon's Auld Grey Mare (Northumbrian song on the same subject). |
08 Dec 05 - 07:04 AM (#1622585) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Deaf Shepherd song, Pawkie Patterson? From: Fidjit Thanks everyone for the info. That Scots glossary was a great help. Now to see if I can get to sing it too. |
02 Dec 10 - 10:50 AM (#3044933) Subject: Sorry to resurrect this but just a bit of info. From: GUEST,Sean (I came across this on google while searching for something else.) Just so you know as Teribus has said, this is a Hawick song. Therefore a lot of the dialogue does not translate directly into Scots as Hawick (and other Border towns) have their own dialect which sounds about as crazy as it is read. I was once sitting in Edinburgh at a pub with my friends from Hawick and we got asked what country we were from. What a cheek to be asked that from a fellow Scotsman!! :) |
02 Dec 10 - 05:39 PM (#3045224) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Pawkie Paiterson's Auld Grey Yaud From: GUEST Hope you don't mind me passing comment, as I was really interested when I saw the thread. The song is a Hawick song. To my knowledge it isn't called Pokey, it's called Pawkie, which has a different meaning in Scots (if, as I suspect, it is used in connection with this meaning - lucky). The song is absolutely directly translatable to Scots; it is Scots, the Hawick tongue being a dialect of the Scots leid (language). Many people from Aberdeenshire would also sound foreign to Edinburghers if they spoke Doric, doesn't mean they aren't speaking Scots! On the Synergy album, I gave a phoenetic version of some of the words to help with pronunciation e.g. Paiterson for the english Patterson - though I suspect that in the past it might have been spelt Paiterson c.f. Ridpath for Redpath (famous Borders name!). It's a great song and Henry Dooglis (Douglas)- phoentics again :) -, whom I learned it from, is a fantastic man. Cheers John Morran (Deaf Shepherd) |
22 May 13 - 11:45 AM (#3518015) Subject: Lyr Add: PAWKIE PAITERSON'S AULD GREY YAUD From: Jim Dixon From Vagabond Songs and Ballads of Scotland, Second Series, Volume 2, edited by Robert Ford (Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1901) , page 202: PAWKIE PAITERSON'S AULD GREY YAUD. As I gae'd up by Hawick Loan A'e Monanday at morn, 'Twas there I heard an auld grey mare Gie mony a heavy groan; Gie mony a heavy groan, sirs, And this she said to mie, "I'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, See how they're guidin' mie. "The miller o' Hawick Mill bred mie. And that you a' do ken; Hie brocht mie up and fed mie On mony a sort o' grain. But now the case is altered. As ye may plainly see; I'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, See how they're guidin' mie, "When a' the rest's sent to the corn, I'm sent out to the fog; When a' the rest's sent to the hay I'm sent out to the bog. When I gang into Hawick Moss Its like to swallow mie; I'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, See how they're guidin' mie. "And as for Nellie Harkness She rises aye sae sune; And 'Lo'dsake! Jock, get up,' she cries, 'The yaud's amang the corn.' And hie has ta'en the pleugh-staff, And cam' and swabbled mie; I'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, See how they're guidin' mie. "There's Rob Young o' the Back Raw, He's aften shod my clutes; And I'll leave him my shank-steels To be a pair o' boots. If he push his legs weel in them, They'll come up till his knee; I'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, See how they're guidin' mie. "And as for Peggie Duncan, She is a bonnie lass, And I'll lease her my e'e-holes To mak' a keekin'-glass; They'll gar her een see straichter, For they aften squint aglee; I'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, See how they're guidin' mie. "For the minister o' Wilton, His coat is worn sae thin, That for to keep him frae the cauld I'll leave him my auld skin: Wi' hide and hair to keep him warm As lang as it's done mie; I'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, See how they're guidin' mie. "And as for Dyker Stewart, He's aye sae scarce o' stanes, That for to mend his auld fael dykes, I'll leave him my auld banes. And a' the callants o' Hawick loan May mak' bonfires o' mie; I'm Pawkie Paiterson's auld grey yaud, Sae that's the end o' mie." This quaint and curious ditty is popularly ascribed to George Ballantyne, a stocking-maker in Hawick, well known in his day as "Soapy Ballantyne," and who died many years ago. Supposed to he a parody on an old Northumbrian ballad, the piece first came before the public in or about the year 1811; and set out as it is in the true Teri vernacular, it has always been very popular in the district to which it belongs. But it has been sung far from Hawick, and its appearance here will afford it yet a wider field. The author of the words, by the bye, receives credit also for the music, and popularised the ballad, I have been told, by singing it at weddings and social gatherings generally, where he frequently officiated as fiddler and minstrel. |
20 Sep 18 - 07:00 AM (#3951748) Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Pawkie Paiterson's Auld Grey Yaud From: GUEST If this is a parody of a Northumbrian song, that song is "Robin Spraggon's Auld Grey Mare" set in the area of Felton in the Coquet Valley. |