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Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8

08 Dec 05 - 10:46 AM (#1622772)
Subject: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: karen k

I wanted to be the first to wish Jean (kytrad) a most wonderful happy birthday. The words I want to say are not all together in my head so I will post more later. I can say that Jean came into my life when I was 6 years old. I found a 10 inch record of hers in a library and played it over and over and over. How I wish I could find that record again. Jean is the reason traditional music is my first love and the only thing that has been consistent throughout my life.

So, Happy Birthday Jean. You, your music and your kindness and gentleness will live in my heart forever. Thank you for all you have given to me and all the others whose lives you have touched. I am a better person because of you. May your life continue to be filled with the music you love.

Much love,
karen kobela

08 Dec 05 - 10:53 AM (#1622780)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: John MacKenzie

Yes indeed, many happy returns of the day to a legendary performer.

08 Dec 05 - 12:36 PM (#1622879)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: KathWestra

Happiest of days to you, dear Jean. Your generosity of spirit and gifts of music have meant so much to me and to so many others. Thank you for being wonderful you! Much love, Kathy

08 Dec 05 - 12:55 PM (#1622899)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Dave Swan

Many Happy Returns of the Day!!


08 Dec 05 - 01:01 PM (#1622905)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Rapparee

May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live!

--From an former resident of the Kentuck.

08 Dec 05 - 01:24 PM (#1622932)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: GUEST,Maeve

Happy, happy day. Your music and your life of generosity have impacted my life, and through me, thousands of children as well. Many thanks and many blessings.


08 Dec 05 - 01:54 PM (#1622964)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Little Robyn

Happy Birthday from New Zealand - also known as Middle Earth or Narnia!

08 Dec 05 - 02:10 PM (#1622981)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: katlaughing

Notice how many times we've used "generosity" and "kindness" in our greetings? Jean is the epitome of both and I am so honoured and pleased to say I *know* her, here, through this incredible virtual medium. She is a wonderfully gracious person, too.

Happy Birthday and Thanks so much for sharing with us and for being here. May you recieve all that you need and desire and may the year and those that follow be as kind and good to you as you are to those around you.


08 Dec 05 - 02:19 PM (#1622991)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Bev and Jerry

Happy birthday, Jean. You have touched many more people than you could possibly know through your music.

Bev and Jerry

08 Dec 05 - 06:29 PM (#1623188)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Big Mick

Gracious seems inadequate to describe this pearl of great worth. Imagine how excited I was to receive an invitation to the home of our greatest living folk artist? I was, I am sure, annoying as I could be in telling my friends that I got to go and sing here. But guess what happened. When I got there I found instead a wonderfully warm person who made me feel very welcome. Where is the icon? I found myself wondering.

Jean, IMO, is among our greatest living folk artists. Deservedly so, on the basis of the body of work and talents that she and George have shared with us all. But more importantly, they seem to me to be down to earth decent folks. I am stumbling here, but I guess I am trying to say that I am glad I got to go to the home of one of our greatest artists, but I am elated beyond description to have met such wonderful people. When one is near our Jean they don't feel intimidated, they feel the warmth of her generosity and spirit. One feels her encouragement when singing.

I wish you all the very best, my dear, and I hope to see you folks soon. I want you to meet my 13 year old daughter. I would like to do it before I give her a whupping with brambles...... ****chuckle**** For those that don't know what that comment is about, read Jean's book, "The Singing Family of the Cumberlands" And no, folks, before you get crazy, I don't really give my daughter whippings.

So a very happy birthday to you, Dear Jean. You are the best, and my life is better for having met you.


08 Dec 05 - 06:49 PM (#1623207)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

Have a wonderful birthday, Jean, and many, many more!

08 Dec 05 - 07:16 PM (#1623237)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Many birthday blessings, dear Jean! My memories of you and your influence go back almost as far as Karen's. Thank you for all you've given us!


08 Dec 05 - 07:55 PM (#1623274)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: gnu

Mick said, "But more importantly, they seem to me to be down to earth decent folks."


Many happy returns, Jean. Have a great day, each and every day.


08 Dec 05 - 08:49 PM (#1623298)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Joe Offer

It sure is nice to have you here, Jean. I've learned a lot from you.
Some day, though, I'd sure like to meet you in person. Ever think of coming to a Getaway in Maryland in October?
-Joe Offer-

08 Dec 05 - 09:00 PM (#1623304)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Ferrara

Dear Mrs. Ritchie, I too wish you a very happy birthday and want to thank you for all the music and stories of American history and traditions that you have given us all. We were lucky enough to have you visit Washington, DC, and sing in concert for the Folklore Society of Greater Washington in past years, and they were memorable concerts.

Rita Ferrara

08 Dec 05 - 09:30 PM (#1623329)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: bill kennedy

We were just watching the DVD of the movie 'Festival' about Newport '63-66. And the couple times we saw you we both yelled 'There's dear Jean!' Happy Birthday, Lady Jean (you deserve the title even though here in America there are no royalty!), from my wife Allyn and I in Cleveland, and her sister Robin Rosser up in Maine. I hope we can get you back to Ohio again sometime soon.
love and the happiest returns of the day, and thanks to George for his contributions, to your life and to the film, and to your sons for carrying on the family songs and taking care of you.

09 Dec 05 - 09:35 AM (#1623510)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Ernest

Happy Birthday from Germany too!
Best wishes

09 Dec 05 - 10:13 AM (#1623537)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Kim C

Happy Birthday Jean!!!!!

09 Dec 05 - 10:40 AM (#1623560)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: black walnut

Another year, a birthday shared with my now 21 year old son...he hardly fits through doorways anymore! I wish you a very happy birthday, Jean. I read your post on the Merrick thread, and it touched me so much to know that you were his friend. I've never met you in person, but I imagine that you are much like he was/is - a gentle generous soul. I picture Merrick with his dulcimer, always ready with a song to share, not for himself but for the song. You've been generous with me and with your other friends here and all over, and we are blessed to have your company.

I wrote a silly little song for my kids when they were little, and it's been getting around. I think that it fits here somehow...
"Love is like glue - it sticks us together
Love is like glue - it sticks us together
Love is like glue - it sticks us together
It sticks from me to you to me to you to me to you...."


09 Dec 05 - 12:20 PM (#1623640)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Tannywheeler

We are so lucky to have Jean R. among us. (And some say there is no God.) Some of us luckier than most to have met her personally. Warmth, generosity, kindness, voice, music, smile--what's not to love?
MANY HAPPY RETURNS, dear Jeannie. Life is better for all of us because you're in it. Hug and a kiss to George.      Hally's Little Girl.(Tw)

09 Dec 05 - 04:29 PM (#1623858)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Stilly River Sage

Happy Birthday, Jean, and many more to come.

(Here's boosting the thread back to the top so she doesn't have to wade through a bunch of BS to find it!)


09 Dec 05 - 05:54 PM (#1623930)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Carly

Best wishes on your birthday, Jean, and many thanks for your musical gifts and your gentle and caring soul which you share so unstintingly with the world.

Carly Gewirz

09 Dec 05 - 07:49 PM (#1624015)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: Lonesome EJ

Have a wonderful Birthday, Ma'am!

10 Dec 05 - 06:41 PM (#1624653)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: karen k


10 Dec 05 - 07:31 PM (#1624674)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Jean Ritchie 12/8
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Karen- Thank you dear one, but enough "Refreshing!" Don't know how I deserve such a great FAN as you! And thank all you good friends for your words and wishes- in this cold spell of weather they surround me with warmth and blessings, always needed and always appreciated.

Let each of us celebrate the Season in his/her own way...the shortest day is approaching- then the new year will begin to grow and the days lengthen and grow warmer, seedlings sprout and life begin again. My name for it is Christmas, and, The Winter Solstice. Give it your own name and may you all be warmed and blessed in its celebration. God has many names, and honors all His/Her children!    Love,   Jean

06 Dec 06 - 03:23 PM (#1901756)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Joe Offer

I moved this up from the non-music section because a Jean Ritchie birthday is certainly a musical event. Happy birthday, Jean!
Do you have any family birthday songs other than the commercialized "Happy Birthday to you" song?
It sure is nice to have you around here at Mducat!!
-Joe Offer-

06 Dec 06 - 03:24 PM (#1901759)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Amos

Well done, Jean, and many happy returns!


06 Dec 06 - 03:39 PM (#1901776)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: katlaughing

Happy Birthday, Jean!!! Thanks for being here and may you have many more years of happiness and prosperity in all ways.

In gratitude and love,


06 Dec 06 - 04:03 PM (#1901806)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: John MacKenzie

Many happy returns Jean, from Scotland.
I hope you have lovely bithday, and that you have many more too.
And thank you for all the pleasure you've given us.

Happy Birthday


06 Dec 06 - 04:05 PM (#1901808)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Cool Beans

And in the words of Tom Glazer:

Hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray!
Hurray, today's your birthday!
Hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray!
Hurray, today's your birthday!
Not the beaver's or the bear's,
Not the pickle's or the pear's,
It's not next week or yesterday.
Hurray, today's your birthday!

   You don't know me, Jean, but I wish you the happiest of birthdays.

06 Dec 06 - 04:14 PM (#1901815)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Elmer Fudd

Happy birthday, dear Jean Ritchie. May you have a year of gladness and warmth, with as much joy as you have given to others. Thank you for sharing Kentucky traditions and songs, as well as your personal grace.


06 Dec 06 - 04:25 PM (#1901826)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: GUEST,Northerner

Many happy returns Jean!!! Thank you for gracing this forum.

Diane Taylor

06 Dec 06 - 05:12 PM (#1901860)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Lighter

Happy Birthday, Jean Ritchie ! And many more !

06 Dec 06 - 05:33 PM (#1901877)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: GUEST,Richard

We'll never meet, but your music and wonderful spirit have touched me deeply for many years. I see many evenings coming on, and think, "Now is the cool of the day...".

06 Dec 06 - 05:36 PM (#1901879)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: GUEST,heather

Happy Birthday Jean and thanks for the Early Fields music. I did sing it in the club in Wales and I told them you were actually on the internet and they said oh yes and I said yes it's true. Have passed the song on a lot since then. You are a gem and the song is lovely.
Many Happy Returns.

06 Dec 06 - 06:01 PM (#1901906)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

May you have many more trips around the Sun!

06 Dec 06 - 06:04 PM (#1901910)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Nancy King

Have a splendid birthday, Jean!


06 Dec 06 - 06:15 PM (#1901921)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: gnu

Have a great day, eh.

07 Dec 06 - 02:02 AM (#1902170)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Peter Kasin

Happy birthday! We've never met, but I saw you perform a children's concert at the Berkeley Folk Festival when I was a boy, and will remember that always.

Have a great day!


07 Dec 06 - 02:27 AM (#1902181)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Ernest

Happy Birthday again!

07 Dec 06 - 08:04 AM (#1902347)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Dave Hanson

Happy birthday from Yorkshire Jean.


07 Dec 06 - 08:16 AM (#1902352)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Fortunato

Happy Birthday, Jean, we hope to see you back in DC soon. Happy Holidays.   By the way Elizabeth LaPrelle sang your West Virginia Miner beautifully recently in Frederick, MD. You would have been proud of her, I think.

Chance And Susette

07 Dec 06 - 01:44 PM (#1902592)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Little Robyn

It's now Friday 8th here in NZ so once again, I hope you have a happy birthday.
Oss Oss

07 Dec 06 - 01:57 PM (#1902607)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: catspaw49

Ya' know Jean, we're generally not so damn cheap around here so that we have to rehash your last year's birthday thread but Joe gets weird sometimes and does some strange stuff.

On the other hand, I didn't get a chance to post on this last year since I was in the hospital all month so for me, cheap works out well.

Happy Birthday 2005 (really late)
Happy Birthday 2006 (just a tad early)

Okay.......Now I'm all caught up! You are a treasure and I wish you the very best in the coming year.


07 Dec 06 - 04:53 PM (#1902757)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Charley Noble

Peace and love to you from this part of Maine!

Charley Noble

07 Dec 06 - 08:13 PM (#1902968)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Ebbie

From Karen's 2005 post I gather that Jean Ritchie's birthday is tomorrow, December 8. But who better to wish multiple happy days? From time to time I go read some Jean Ritchie material online and it is amazing stuff. Happy Birthday, kytrad!

07 Dec 06 - 09:45 PM (#1903028)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: RangerSteve

Happy Birthday. One of your tapes helped me keep my sanity in the worst holiday traffic on I-95 this last Thanksgiving.

07 Dec 06 - 09:49 PM (#1903029)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: GUEST,Jaze

Have a wonderful birthday, Jean! I also hope you have a great Christmas.

08 Dec 06 - 12:00 AM (#1903130)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

Ah, Jean, for all of the grand tradition you and your amazing family gave to us over all the mesmerizing years----thank you. I hope this birthday will be the best of all of them.

Love to you and George,

Art Thieme

08 Dec 06 - 12:09 AM (#1903134)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Charlie Baum

Happy Birthday, Jean

--Charlie Baum and Lisa Null

08 Dec 06 - 12:30 AM (#1903141)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Seamus Kennedy

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas, Jean.

Seamus Kennedy

08 Dec 06 - 08:15 AM (#1903374)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Big Mick

I wanted to wait until the actual day. Jean, you (and George, and Jon) are such a treasure! The Lane Family wishes all the very best for you now and always. I told Ciara that it was your birthday, and she sends her very best to you. You will get a kick out of the fact that she brags to her friends that she has met you. This usually leads to a discussion that includes me, with a bunch of 14 and 15 year old kids about traditional music. And the wheel keeps turning.

Pamper yourself, dear lady, and know that we all love sharing this good earth with you.

Happy Birthday,


08 Dec 06 - 12:20 PM (#1903548)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: karen k

I, also, as Mick wanted to wait until the actual day. In fact I planned to start a thread myself but Joe beat me to it reviving my thread from last year. Anyway, happy birthday, grand lady and dear friend. Knowing you means everything in the world to me. You have lived in my heart since I was 6 years old as you know. That's a mighty long time ago now. I wish you long life, much more singing and a very happy birthday. Give my best to George and I hope to see you again soon. A card is on the way but might not make it in time.

Very much love,

08 Dec 06 - 02:26 PM (#1903688)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Bert

Happy, Happy, Happy.

As well as all those things people are saying about her she can sing pretty well too.

And she's a bit of a gammon rasher.

08 Dec 06 - 02:53 PM (#1903717)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Severn

Happy Birthday from one who has greatly enjoyed your singing and writing for around 40 years!

08 Dec 06 - 03:04 PM (#1903726)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: jeffp

I wish you a very happy birthday, Jean.

08 Dec 06 - 06:04 PM (#1903926)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

My thanks and deep appreciation to all of you. Now I must confess,Karen, that the reviving (rahashing?)of the 2005 thread was my fault. I was feeling kind of guilty thinking, "Lordie- someone is going to think there HAS to be another JR birthday thread!" So I thought, why not just revive an old thread (for everyone, not just for me)? That would let folks off the hook, somewhat- they could write again, or not, as they pleased. If you all like this idea, perhaps it can be done more widely, as individuals wish- just tell Joe! Now he's going to be mad ae me for making more work for him...

Anyway, if it's a BAD idea just say so. I liked it even more than I had thought I would- it was good to read last year's greetings and good wishes; they were as fresh today as then, and the new ones are a lovely bonus.

Love and blessings to you all,    Jean Ritchie

08 Dec 06 - 06:33 PM (#1903947)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Rex

Joe is quite right to have Jean's birthday good wishes in the music section. Who is more musical than she? She and her whole wonderful singing family. Many happy returns of the day Jean.


08 Dec 06 - 06:46 PM (#1903960)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: katlaughing

It was a great idea, Jean! Almost as though each person could have their own birthday permathread. It is fun to read the previous year's postings.


08 Dec 06 - 08:20 PM (#1904028)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Ken Schatz

Happy Birthday Jean! Such a pleasure to sing with you on Nov 19. Thanks for all, and best to all the family,

Ken Schatz

08 Dec 06 - 08:49 PM (#1904043)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Alice

Many, Many, Many Happy Returns of the DAY!!!
Love you and thanks for all you do!


09 Dec 06 - 02:22 AM (#1904259)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: georgeward

Happy Birthday Jean, and thanks for more inspiration than you will ever know.

And    regards to the lads as well,

- George

09 Dec 06 - 12:22 PM (#1904607)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: InOBU

What can I say, but Happy Birthday, and thanks for brightening so many lives with your music and storries. Many many many many more happy returns of the day.

Thine in the light
lorcan Otway

09 Dec 06 - 04:30 PM (#1904786)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: kendall

And the warmest of wishes from the frozen north!

10 Dec 06 - 12:43 AM (#1905086)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: Little Robyn

Hi Jean. In honour of your birthday we played your Barbry Ellen track from the Smithsonian Folkways CD Classic Mountain Songs, on our radio show, Folk on Sunday.
Kidnapper's Community Access Radio is a small radio station, here in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand and we have a regular group of listeners.
This afternoon's programme was programme number 537.
We also discovered an award certificate waiting for us,
Valued Programme Maker
Mitch Park
2006-Hastings Studio
Best Traditional Programme.
A great day!

08 Dec 12 - 05:24 PM (#3449473)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday kytrad-Jean Ritchie Dec 8
From: maeve

Just so y'all know, Dan Schatz has a thread going to print and give to Jean, so some folks may want to stop by:
Jean Ritchie Turns 90
    I moved messages from this year to this year's thread, and closed this one. -Joe Offer-