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BS: Problems With The Red Cross

13 Dec 05 - 08:18 PM (#1626834)
Subject: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
From: Azizi

This just hit the Internet news:

American Red Cross President Resigns

By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer
NEW YORK - American Red Cross President Marsha Evans announced her resignation Tuesday because of friction with the board of governors, shortly before witnesses and lawmakers at a congressional hearing assailed the charity's response to Hurricane Katrina...

At the hearing in Washington, lawmakers said the Red Cross's uneven response to Katrina calls for major changes in how the charity coordinates with local groups, handles its finances and distributes aid to the disabled. A Louisiana congressman even suggested the possibility of stripping the Red Cross of its dominant role in major relief campaigns".


And-check this out:

"[Evans's predecessor, Dr. Bernadine Healy] noted that the Red Cross is chartered by Congress, and the U.S. president is its honorary chairman."

Bush the honorary president of The American Red Cross??!!!

Why am I surprised that the American Red Cross is not managed properly??

Bush=miserable failure.

'nuff said.

14 Dec 05 - 06:16 PM (#1627493)
Subject: RE: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
From: leftydee

The American Red Cross has always been a little suspect to me. Remember Bob Dole's wife was the chairman at one time and received $1million a year for her services? What was her training to demand that kind of wage? The Red Cross depends heavily upon volunteers and low paid staff folks while top execs get paid outrageous salaries like the greedy CEOs of For-profit companies. I've never really been on board with the way the RC collects free blood then sells it to hospitals either. That makes me a bit uncomfortable. I'm not religious (actually anti-religious) but my money goes to the Salvation Army, less of your buck goes to "administation".

14 Dec 05 - 06:34 PM (#1627513)
Subject: RE: BS: Problems With The Red Cross

If it wasn't for negativity, some here would have nothing to talk about.

Recheck the administration costs - I do some stuff for the Salvation Army and as careful as we are, our expense is around 16%. I think you will find the the RC is around 12-13%.

Of course any politician from Louis-ana is going to find all the fault he/she can with any outside group. The SA was also badmouthed.

15 Dec 05 - 09:14 PM (#1628413)
Subject: RE: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
From: leftydee

I looked it up and you are right. The admin cost of ARC are lower than The Sally Ann. Regardless, the Salvation Army is still my charity of choice. They have nothing to sell, provide excellent services for people in need and don't pay execs $651K/yr. That's one for you to the good.

16 Dec 05 - 01:14 AM (#1628517)
Subject: RE: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
From: NH Dave

The Red Cross has always been a bit suspect to me, especially when it asks for money to help a specific disaster. The San Diego, CA, chapter accepted lots of money to aid wild fire victime, and then banked a good percentage of the receipts for the next disaster that came along.

If I give to help disaster victimes, I want my money to go the those in distress, not to fill the tills of so called disaster relief agencies. The Sally Anns have always been an honest charity as far as I know, and one to which I'd much rather give money.

So far I haven't heard much good about their work in New Orleans.


16 Dec 05 - 01:15 AM (#1628518)
Subject: RE: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
From: NH Dave

That last comment was SUPPOSED to be about the Red Cross.
