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BS: I love winter because.....

21 Dec 05 - 03:23 PM (#1632375)
Subject: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Raptor

I just got back from a snoeshoe up the Wye River. Lots of tracks. Deer, Coyote, Fox, Hare. It was wonderfull.


21 Dec 05 - 04:20 PM (#1632412)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: gnu

Yup... gettin out fer a hike in the woods. A nice fire for cooking up a scoff of whatever right in the can. The fresh, clean air after a snow. Seeing game. Getting home tired and looking forward to a good night's sleep. Heaven.

21 Dec 05 - 04:33 PM (#1632425)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

Man, oh, man. I love that. It IS heaven. Do any of you do any winter camping? Snow caves? That kinda thing?

21 Dec 05 - 04:39 PM (#1632429)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Ebbie

I've done a lot of camping- but never winter camping. Alwasys wanted to. Probably never will now. Not this go 'round, anyway.

21 Dec 05 - 05:47 PM (#1632453)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Charmion

I have to hide indoors on the really cold days because my lungs just don't function right -- asthma. But when the mercury's above minus 10 and the sun is shining, or even if the sun isn't shining but the wind is comparatively low, I like to get out and toddle about, just enjoying a little mobility. No camping or such heroics for me; I'm satisfied if I can walk to the office. I look quite eccentric with my spike-tipped walking stick and my Polartec hat, but I consider myself ahead of the game if I'm vertical and moving.

Remind me -- what did we do before Polartec?

The Ottawa winter is fairly brutal, as it is both very cold and somewhat damp. We have heavy snowstorms that the city crews may or may not be able to clear up after, and "temperature troughs" when the thermometer dives to below minus 20 for a week or two or even three. Then we get a thaw -- and I can go out again, feeling like a prisoner out on parole. An imminent snowstorm is announced by aching bones responding to the drop in air pressure, and the smell of paper mill borne on the northeast wind from Thurso, Quebec.

The only wild critters I see at this time of year are squirrels, crows, Military Police, and the occasional street person hunkered under a sleeping bag in the By Ward Market, but that's downtown living for ya.

21 Dec 05 - 06:01 PM (#1632466)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: GUEST,Skivee

Decembers Moon beams high in the heavens.
If there's snow when it's full that's the time
to go outside and remember...
The time to hear wind in the pines.

21 Dec 05 - 06:06 PM (#1632471)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Rapparee

I've done winter camping and yes, in a snow cave even. I really don't recommend it, but to come into a snow cave from a nasty, windy, cold day that has sleet feeling like broken razor blades against your skin can be pure heaven. Why it might be a balmy 40 F in there! -- you want to strip to your skin and cool off!

Yeah, I've done it. But I'd rather have a hot ruttered bum by a fireplace and watch the snow fall outside the window.

Granted, I do have cross-country skis and all....

21 Dec 05 - 07:18 PM (#1632504)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Raptor

I do a lot of winter Camping I meke what you'd call Quinzee's. Its an Igloo but you pile the snow up then dig it out. No matter how cold it gets outside it's always 2 degrees inside my quinzee!
Much better than tents!


21 Dec 05 - 07:23 PM (#1632506)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: bobad

I love winter because I can curl up in front of a blazing fire with a glass of a nice single malt and read a good book and listen to some fine music.

21 Dec 05 - 08:18 PM (#1632534)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. Well, I... Umm... I guess... Uh...

It looks pretty when the sun is shining.

And it's a good time to go to the tropics if you can.

21 Dec 05 - 08:25 PM (#1632536)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: gnu

I use to build a lean-to and a big fire and sleep on fir boughs when I was a lad. Now, I prefer the wood stove inside my camp... and my bunk. And my 4X4. And my ATV. And.... fuck that roughing it! I likes me comfort!

22 Dec 05 - 07:08 AM (#1632782)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: gnu

I awoke this morning thinking I'd like to go for a tramp. However, it's a bit of a chore compared to back when... sniff... I live in the house next door to where I grew up. When I was a lad, about thirty-five years ago, I could be in the woods in less than two minutes. I spent many weekends in those woods. Now, There are $30M of apartment buildings and condos to cross before you reach the Walmart, Costco, Superstore, Kent, auto dealerships, strip malls, motels, you name it - it's there. And my lean-to's are a memory. But, a good memory.

22 Dec 05 - 08:03 AM (#1632802)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: number 6

Winter camping .... used to, it's all in the past now ... and thoroughly enjoyed it. Snowshoed up along the French River in Ontario .... but used a tent I must say ... still have those snowshoes hanging in the garage, won't let go of them, in spite of knowing they'll never be used by me again.


22 Dec 05 - 08:43 AM (#1632829)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Raptor

I'd like to cordualy invite any and all to my house in the country one hour north of Toronto for Snowshoeing, Guitar playing, Music making, Snowball fightin, and merryment some weekend this Jan/ Or Feb.


22 Dec 05 - 09:02 AM (#1632836)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: number 6

Where abouts are ya north of TO?

Would love to join in.


22 Dec 05 - 09:48 AM (#1632865)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: *daylia*

I love winter because it's a change, and because it gives me a reason to put those comfy cozy fleece sheets on my bed all snuggly snuggly snuggly ... My mom found those sheets in Quebec many years ago. I've never seen anything like 'em here in Ontario. They're absolutely AWESOME!

22 Dec 05 - 10:13 AM (#1632898)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: LilyFestre

I love cold, clear winter nights when the ground is covered in snow and the moon is bright. There isn't a need for a flashlight, I can go outside and wander in the fields where it seems that every single branch and remaining tall weeds are covered in diamonds...snow sparkling in the moonlight, stars sparkling in the sky, the smell of the very crisp and cold air, the silence except for an occassional owl, a cold nose and red cheeks....all of it is wonderful and twice as wonderful if you are lucky enough to have someone to share it with.


22 Dec 05 - 10:58 AM (#1632917)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Raptor

A bit west of Barrie Ont.

22 Dec 05 - 11:23 AM (#1632936)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: GUEST,bbc at work's such a pleasure when it's over. I'm a spring baby!

best to all,


22 Dec 05 - 11:58 AM (#1632987)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: SunnySister

Since I live in the Bay Area of California (work in San Francisco), the winters aren't bad at all here- just rainy as it is today.

My favorite part of winter is that time when you finally are able to snuggle warm down into the blankets. Feeling my cat sleeping at my feet- and the silence.

--- SunnySister, who also thinks hot whiskey's are extremely important in keeping the chill off.

22 Dec 05 - 12:13 PM (#1633003)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Bill D

I guess I like the fact that it's easier to dress for Winter. I can always put ON enough of the right clothes to stay warm, but there are time in the Summer when there is no comfortable way to dress. I live in an area where Winter is not really 'fun' doesn't stay cold enough for snow to be stuff you live with and coexist with and have ways to is just snow, melt, refreeze into ice....gloppy and messy usually. Bad traffic and discomfort without the fun.   But I can wear comfortable and interesting shirts and jackets...etc..(and I don't have to mow the lawn)

22 Dec 05 - 12:30 PM (#1633025)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Big Al Whittle's not as nice as summer, or spring come to think of it, or autumn.

biting winds that ambush you when you pop your head out of the door, weeks of rubbish christmas television, not so much as a parking spot near any built up area for days up to christmas, carol singers, recording artists that you really like putting out christmas albums, endless really depressing charity appeals in newspapers and on the tv, inevitable news stories about the rescue of some idiot who has gone moutain climbing in a blizzard...

However they always show Casablanca at Christmas and I like that - its on Channel 5 on Christmas day. Play it again Sam. Arrest the usual suspects. We'll always have Paris. unfortunately I've got a gig, so I'll miss it.

22 Dec 05 - 12:34 PM (#1633029)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: number 6

Hey Raptor ... I know that area well ... sounds like a great idea, and would luv to particiate in such an event but I will not be making it out that way this winter ... we're planning a trip back there this May.


22 Dec 05 - 12:57 PM (#1633051)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Midchuck

...there's cross-country skiing (and downhill if I have cash and want to fool myself about my age). can always put on more clothes, blankets, etc., but you soon reach a limit in taking them off in summer.

On the other hand, I hate it because:

...there aren't many gigs unless you do bars, and we don't.

...the pretty women put more clothes on too.


22 Dec 05 - 12:57 PM (#1633052)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Little Hawk

You can find Raptor's place easily enough. The World's largest free-standing William Shatner monument is there on the front lawn, and can be seen from many miles away in any direction. It's a statue of Big Bill in his harvest gold Lycra uniform with leather boots, holding a phaser. It was erected in 2002, in anticipation of the Clinton Hammond World Tour, which unfortunately got cancelled shortly afterward. It is hoped that the statue will serve as a communications beacon to interplanetary travellers, encouraging them to land and make peaceful contact.

22 Dec 05 - 01:28 PM (#1633072)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

Raptor, I have slept in a few of them in my time.
Quinzee--how to 'build' one.
As an incidental remark, they can be a great survival shelter if y'ever need one. If you are not familiar with them, the one thing I'd add is that you should let the snow 'set' for three to four hours before hollowing it out. That's the only drawback. However, in a pinch, let the snow itself be your blanket.

22 Dec 05 - 02:08 PM (#1633110)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Naemanson

Oh yeah, winter camping! Once I get the leak in my kayak fixed we'll paddle down to Ceti Bay and go camping there. It's really supposed to be beautiful. Hang a hammock and doze off under a tarp while the surf roars and the trade winds whistle through the cassuarina pines...

Oh, uh, that's not what you were thinking about when you started this thread...

Well, don't blame me if I gave up all that cold weather for the tropics!

22 Dec 05 - 02:34 PM (#1633138)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: gnu

.... the Northern Lights are so bright and awesome.

22 Dec 05 - 03:44 PM (#1633190)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: leftydee

I love ice fishing! No better way to spend some winter calories.

Here's a trick for you winter campers taught to me by a friend that tested cold weather gear for the army. In very cold weather build three fires in a triangle leaving enough room for your tent and a place to sit out etc. Be sure to keep the fire back from your tent and you need three times more fuel, but......inside the triangle is shirt sleeve weather. No more burned face and frozen arse. I've used this trick several times and it's quite amazing inside the triangle.

22 Dec 05 - 03:49 PM (#1633194)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: skarpi

How long is your daylight ?
all thebest Skarpi Iceland.

22 Dec 05 - 03:59 PM (#1633201)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

I tried ice fishing once. Chopped a hole. Stood in it. Was casting for fish all day. Didn't get a single bite. Waste of bloody time.

22 Dec 05 - 04:02 PM (#1633203)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....

I love winter because the cold makes a woman's nipple stick out.

22 Dec 05 - 04:04 PM (#1633205)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

Just one, huh?

22 Dec 05 - 04:05 PM (#1633206)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: bobad

I prefer making my own ice in winter instead of fishing for it.

22 Dec 05 - 04:05 PM (#1633207)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: leftydee

I love ice fishing! No better way to spend some winter calories.

Here's a trick for you winter campers taught to me by a friend that tested cold weather gear for the army. In very cold weather build three fires in a triangle leaving enough room for your tent and a place to sit out etc. Be sure to keep the fire back from your tent and you need three times more fuel, but......inside the triangle is shirt sleeve weather. No more burned face and frozen arse. I've used this trick several times and it's quite amazing inside the triangle.

22 Dec 05 - 04:07 PM (#1633209)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....

A blonde wanted to go ice fishing, so after getting all of the right tools, she headed toward the nearest frozen lake. After getting comfy on her stool she started to cut a circular hole in the ice. Then from the heavens a voice boomed, ''THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE.'' Startled, the blonde moved further down the ice, poured a thermos of hot chocolate and started to cut yet another hole in the ice. The voice boomed, ''THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE.'' This time quite scared, the blonde moved to the far end of the ice. Then she started another hole and once again the voice said, ''THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE.'' The very scared blonde raised her head and said, ''Is that you, Lord?'' The voice answered, ''NO. IT IS THE MANAGER OF THE SKATING RINK.''

22 Dec 05 - 04:09 PM (#1633212)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Raptor


6:45AM- 5:11PM. Yesterday was the shortest day of the year!


22 Dec 05 - 04:14 PM (#1633221)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

That triangle fire thing really works well.

22 Dec 05 - 04:44 PM (#1633251)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Little Hawk

The shortest day of the year. Don't I know it. Awful, isn't it? Dark, cold, and seemingly endless. The only good thing is: no mosquitos or other biting bugs....but, hey, I'd gladly trade winter for them. Any time.

22 Dec 05 - 05:11 PM (#1633275)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: leftydee

You've got to make the hole long enough to troll with your boat. You just need a bigger hole

22 Dec 05 - 05:17 PM (#1633279)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

OK. I knew I was doin' somethin' wrong. You'd figger after 33 years a guy would get the details worked out . . . .

22 Dec 05 - 07:41 PM (#1633386)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: ranger1

1. It makes me appreciate the changing of the seasons.
2. I can go snowshoeing.
3. The cold weather agrees with my elderly dog, he frolics like a puppy instead of the 15-year-old senior citizen that he is.
4. It's fun to track animals. A couple of years ago, I found a pile of coyote scat that had a deer molar in it. OK, so only a naturalist gets enthused about what's in coyote poop. Sorry.
5. I can put the flannel sheets on the bed. Mmm, flannel, comfy!
6. I can stay inside all comfy and warm and play video games and not feel guilty about not going outside.

23 Dec 05 - 06:40 AM (#1633682)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: gnu

ranger1. I became a shit disturber at the age of five. I share your enthusiasm. So much to learn from what many step over.

23 Dec 05 - 07:37 AM (#1633702)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: *daylia*

"I love winter because the cold makes a woman's nipple stick out."

Try a windburned frostbitten nipple. Or two. YOWsers!

23 Dec 05 - 08:07 AM (#1633710)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: saulgoldie

Because it is always followed by SPRING! Yep, a week or so of sub-freezing days is plenty for me to get the "taste" and be ready for the next phase. Ah, spring. Flowers blooming, clothing coming off, GREAT cycling weather.

Meanwhile, if I had a fire in the house THE HOUSE WOULD BE ON FIRE!!! (No fireplace, you see. ;-) ) So, no thanks to that! But that single malt book thing is pretty cool. And I'll add a nice tall pipe loaded with Penzance.(You know, don't you? that Sandy Claws, hisself smokes a pipe. The REAL one does, anyway.) And of course, a stack of my favorite folk CDs in the changer.

Oh, and eggnog, cozy clothing and blankies, nose-nipping and cocoa, and cuddling closer with the appropriate person.

Ahhhh, SPRING!!!

23 Dec 05 - 12:39 PM (#1633898)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: skarpi

Hi Raptor , here it was 11:45 to 15:30 that was the 21th,
but winter can be nice time , only thing I hate is
the darkness.

All the best SkarpiIceland.

23 Dec 05 - 12:42 PM (#1633900)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

"Try a windburned frostbitten nipple. Or two. YOWsers!"

They go good with hot chocolate?

23 Dec 05 - 02:35 PM (#1633998)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: *daylia*

Probably. Just pleeeeeze no dunkin'. Aloe vera gel's better for dunkin', followed by layer after drippy layer of gooey sweet sympathy.

23 Dec 05 - 07:17 PM (#1634201)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: JennieG

Gosh....I would willingly swap with any of you today!!! The forecast for Sydney is 38 degrees, and it's about 37 now (11.15am). I know if I go outside I will be like a wilted fried lettuce leaf.

Daylia - my younger son is in Toronto on his Big Overseas Trip, has been there for some months, and loves it. He was hoping for a white Christmas but when we chatted yesterday he said the forecast was for a wet one instead.


23 Dec 05 - 07:20 PM (#1634205)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: ranger1

No thanks JennieG, I prefer the cold. I can always put on another sweater to keep warm, but there is only so much I can take off in polite company to keep cool!

23 Dec 05 - 07:23 PM (#1634209)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

Well, if it's time for true confessions,

I think winter SUCKS.

23 Dec 05 - 07:37 PM (#1634222)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: ranger1

Yeah, well, if I lived in Alberta, I'd probably agree with you ;)

23 Dec 05 - 07:42 PM (#1634225)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace


It does have its moments. The 'look' of the snowcapped mountains and freshly fallen snow on town streets is beautiful. But I really cherish the thought of spending this time of year in a warm place from which I can appreciate the beauty on TV and not outside the frost/ice-covered windows of an apartment that's either too hot or too cold.

24 Dec 05 - 04:41 PM (#1634734)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: open mike

most of my scatological discoveries are in fall
when the bears are gobbling up berries...
like there is no tomorrow
or like there is snow tomorrow

yes estivation is a good approach to winter..

24 Dec 05 - 05:04 PM (#1634748)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: gnu

What kind of fall berries do you have where you are om?

27 Dec 05 - 09:03 AM (#1635359)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Raptor

I'm didn't much like that rain!

27 Dec 05 - 11:48 AM (#1635454)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Bat Goddess

Well, I've always lived on the northern periphery of the US -- born in Upper Michigan, reared in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and for the past 35 years been in New England (2 years in Massachusetts, 8 in Maine and the past 25 in New Hampshire).

I LIKE the change of seasons and actually having a real winter.

But . . .

I get real tired of winter real soon. Too many snowstorms with the resultant tricky driving, etc. will get to me. Cold for too long will too -- we heat primarily with wood. (Great exercise, by the way.)

This year I got tired of winter very quickly -- first I hit a deer on the way home from work, then a week later landed my car in the ditch while blinded in a snowstorm. And this morning my car wouldn't start. (And it's not that cold! And it POURED over the weekend!)

Worse driving than snow, though, is when it rains and the temperature hovers around 32 degrees (Fahrenheit).


27 Dec 05 - 12:20 PM (#1635465)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: gnu

Rain to sleet to sticky snow to snow with wind 60 and gusting to 90 kph, Linn? I wish you had kept it down there instead of sending it up here. But, it should be over here in about six hours and our total snowfall won't be much over a foot. Then freeze, then more rain, then snow, then.... ya gotta love the East Coast Winter eh?

27 Dec 05 - 02:43 PM (#1635521)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I love winters for the same reasons I love my grandchildren. I don't have to be around them all the time, but I can go visit and enjoy them for a few days if I feel like it. Then I can go back home to Florida and let them be somebody else's problem.

27 Dec 05 - 04:31 PM (#1635579)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Bat Goddess

I tell people I moved to Maine (and then New Hampshire) to come to a warm climate -- and it IS, after Wisconsin!

Had a dusting of snow last night on top of the rain of the weekend and resultant mud in the driveway -- which we mostly can't use in the winter anyway. That also means what had been snow then ice near the deck steps is now a fairly deep puddle with ice on the top of it (oh, yeah, and the dusting of snow on top of that). Tricky walking -- I skirted the worst but broke through and got my foot wet before reaching the comparatively dry sort of mud (ground's partially frozen) of the driveway. 300 feet uphill to where the cars are parked.

That's the other reason I get tired of winter early -- the trek from car to house and house to car. Use a sled for groceries, etc. but it also means I can't Freecycle larger items this time of year.

New Hampshire broke the rain record this year that has stood since 1888, I think. By two full inches. And the year's not over yet.

Drove past a field the other morning on the way to work. Every tree and shrub and blade of tall dry grass was white and looked like they were dusted with mica particles that sparkled in the sun. Absolutely glorious! Like a German Christmas card. Must have had some fog in the field overnight.


30 Dec 05 - 07:37 AM (#1637263)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: gnu

Linn. Thanks for the warm wind you sent up this way... the four inches of ice on my street is gone and the snow has shrunk over fifty percent! 10C here now. I love it.

When this freezes, we'll be able to walk through the woods without snowshoes or skis.

30 Dec 05 - 08:12 PM (#1637790)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: ranger1

I want SNOW! NOW! No more of this rain crap, thank you very much. There's nothing like taking the dog out for his early morning pee and discovering that the steps are iced over. I think the rest of the neighborhood may have noticed my discovery, as well. I think the blue cloud finally dissapated around noonish and after several ibuprofin and a hot water bottle, my back has finally started to feel a little better.

30 Dec 05 - 08:14 PM (#1637792)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

Dog slipped and yanked you down the stairs?

31 Dec 05 - 02:19 PM (#1638216)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: ranger1

No, Clancy is much more graceful than I am. I slipped and yanked him down the stairs!

31 Dec 05 - 05:31 PM (#1638333)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: LilyFestre

I love winter because it brings days like today...a day at home sitting in front of a toasty woodstove with a good book, interesting conversation, fish chowder simmering on the stove, big beautiful snowflakes falling, a soft radio playing do nothing day. :)


31 Dec 05 - 06:47 PM (#1638377)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: freda underhill

I love winter because it's cool..


sydney (41 degrees predicted today)

31 Dec 05 - 06:49 PM (#1638379)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

The heater in my car just went. Can't get it replaced for about a week. G'head, just freakin' ask me if I like winter. G'head.

31 Dec 05 - 06:53 PM (#1638382)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

Oh, yeah, it's about -20 C. Yippee.

31 Dec 05 - 06:54 PM (#1638383)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

That's -4 F. I feel warmer already.

31 Dec 05 - 06:59 PM (#1638384)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: gnu

Peace... time to get out the propane torch. I had a bug... torch not included, but, required in Canada.

31 Dec 05 - 07:04 PM (#1638388)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace

I lost a Hyundai like that once. Breaker blew up north--it was about -45 that evening. Fellow had a tiger torch and we got a few lengths of stovepipe and tarped the front of the car. Went inside to wait for twenty minutes.

Two weeks prior to that I'd had an oil seal replaced. They did not clean the oil off the bottom of the car/engine-pan, etc. So, while inside being warm, the flame from the torch travelled UP the stovepipe and the car began to get warm, too. We hauled it to the road away from the 2500 gallon size propane tanks and watched it burn from the front to the back. Took 40 minutes. A good time was had by all. You take yer entertainment where you can find it in the north.

Happy New Year to you, gnu. Keep well, buddy.

31 Dec 05 - 07:11 PM (#1638392)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Joybell

I especially love memories of it at the moment. It's been over 100 degrees for days.

But Winter - yes well I love the sight of Brolgas circling overhead looking for the ideal place to nest. The return of the Swallows, Black Swans and Mountain Ducks. Rain pounding on the iron roof. The sound of water running into empty tanks. Magpies splashing about in flooded fields. Frog songs. Swamp Wallabies shaking rain from their thick coats. The smell of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil around Wattle roots. (That's a funny one isn't it?) It's around when it rains -or when you disturb the soil. I'm hooked on it.
Ahhh! Yes! Winter. Cheers, Joy

01 Jan 06 - 04:17 AM (#1638631)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Kaleea

. . .because I get to tell folks about how wonder the weather is in San Diego when they are in the middle of a blizzard.

      " . . .gone away is the blizzard,
          here to stay is the lizard . . ."

01 Jan 06 - 05:28 AM (#1638642)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Big Al Whittle

I seem to remeber reading in my youth, a French novel by Husyman - Au Rebours, I think it was called. About this chap, he used to be a sensualist. He imagined things by giving himself experiences. The bit that sticks in my mind, he imagined visiting England, by sniffing a piece of tarry rope. God alone knows how the rope summoned up England in his mind. (I read this hoping to become a cultivated person when I was too young to realise the damage was already done at the time of my conception.)

What I was thinking, as the neighborhood little shits threw snowballs at my double glazing, and I was defrosting the car windows - perhaps we could just have a large vodka and lime or something similar - with two chunks of ice instead of of one - concentrate really hard on the ice. And who knows we could sate our desire to experience winter.

happy new year

to everyone

big al whittle

01 Jan 06 - 06:50 AM (#1638669)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Tootler

Not a huge fan of winter, but I do like the patterns of the twigs and branches on the trees. This is something you can only see when the leaves are not there and there are some wonderful patterns if you look.

My daughter once said she liked the North York moors in winter and when I asked her why she said it was the changing colours and it is true, the colours on the moors change round the year and are endlessly varying.

01 Jan 06 - 08:37 AM (#1638704)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: artbrooks

I like winter because I have several pair of warm wool socks, and it gets cool enough to wear them.

01 Jan 06 - 06:27 PM (#1639041)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Scoville

If we're lucky, we can go a whole week without air-conditioning.

(I'm not kidding.)

01 Jan 06 - 06:28 PM (#1639042)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Peace


02 Jan 06 - 06:06 AM (#1639446)
Subject: RE: BS: I love winter because.....
From: Big Al Whittle

yes its true the colours change, I was up in the Derbyshire peak district yesterday and the winter landscape is exquisitely beautiful. Weigh that against a winter like this one. Everything is so uncertain - I put off two gigs til march, just didn't fancy getting stuck in the snow at either place!

let's face it we could be up to our armpits in bloody snow by tea time today, the weather forecasters just make it up - they haven't got a clue....