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BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles

26 Dec 05 - 10:16 PM (#1635213)
Subject: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: John O'L

How come I didn't know about this?

How come my wife, who doesn't even like Dylan, can give me this for Christmas and it's the first time I've ever heard of it? I've looked for references to it here at the 'Cat but can find none.
Can this be right?

It seems to be a good read so far.

26 Dec 05 - 10:20 PM (#1635214)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles

It's been mentioned in threads about "What Book are you Reading."

26 Dec 05 - 10:33 PM (#1635220)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

John, do a search. There were at least three threads on the book when it first came out. You have to get out more often!!   :)

27 Dec 05 - 12:11 AM (#1635244)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: John O'L

I did do a search of several combinations of the words Bob, Dylan, Chronicles, Autobiography, Book, using upper & lower case. I turned up several threads, but none concerning the book.
I listen to the radio, I read newpapers, I watch TV, I talk to people with similar interests, I just can't believe that an event of such gravity can not only slip past me, but remain unknown for so long.
I think it's spooky.

27 Dec 05 - 12:29 AM (#1635246)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles

Oh-whoa, all right,
I said Spooky!

27 Dec 05 - 08:03 AM (#1635335)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: David C. Carter

Dylan and The Chronicles.Is this his new band?
Spooky!....I think we should be told.

Bob Dylema.

27 Dec 05 - 08:04 AM (#1635337)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles

Brilliant book. Brings back the feel of the times and the music like no other yet published.Why are there so few books about the lives and stories of the folk community?

27 Dec 05 - 08:12 AM (#1635340)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: bobad

I received Dave Van Ronk's "The Mayor of Macdougall Street" for X-Mas and am quite enjoying it. So far it is a very interesting history of the   beginnings of the folk movement in New York written in the same wry style that Dave employed in his story telling. Recommended highly.

27 Dec 05 - 09:23 AM (#1635369)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: Peter T.

The book has been on the New York Times Bestseller list for about a year, first in hard cover, and then in paperback. It has been widely cited as one of the best books of the year.

In spite of that, it is terrific, especially the first part, which is a masterpiece of writing.


Peter T.

27 Dec 05 - 09:31 AM (#1635375)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

You probably did not search back far enough, the book came out in 2004:

Review: Dylan's Chronicles Vol 1

Folklore: New book by Dylan due out

Review: Bob Dylan - Biography

27 Dec 05 - 10:06 AM (#1635393)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: the one

the second edition comes out soon (the pen is mightier than the sword long live folk singers pip.

27 Dec 05 - 10:24 AM (#1635402)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles

No matter how you missed it, John O', hang onto that Lady.

27 Dec 05 - 02:48 PM (#1635525)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: Little Hawk

"Chronicles" is such a good book that it's almost astounding. I had modest expectations, and was agreeably surprised to find it the best book I've ever read about those times and events.

27 Dec 05 - 05:42 PM (#1635628)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: John O'L

Bobad - Thanks for the advise about the Van Ronk book. I'll look for that.

Ron - Interesting. My searches turned up Gargoyle's Biography thread, which, although interesting, is not about the book.
The two threads about the book eluded me. Spooky.

Little Hawk - I too started reading with subdued expectations and have been more than pleasantly surprised. Reading his words about those times reminds me very vividly of why he first appealed to me. There is some very powerful stuff just thrown in there seemingly haphazardly, ammongst the narrative, which would be a fascinating read no matter whose life it was about.

27 Dec 05 - 10:28 PM (#1635797)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: PoppaGator

I really enjoyed The Bob's book more than I had expected, and also the much-less-ballyhooed but equally compelling Van Ronk book.

Anyone interested in the those two would probably also enjoy the slightly earlier book on Dylan, Richard Farina, the Baez sisters Joan and Mimi, and their scene. I think the title is "Positively Fourth Street" or something similar.

27 Dec 05 - 10:34 PM (#1635803)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: number 6

It was a fine book indeed, and only Bob could write a book like that ... got it last year for Christmas.

Thanks for mentioning "The Mayor of Macdougall Street" bobad ... I will definately get a hold of it.


27 Dec 05 - 11:02 PM (#1635814)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles

I wonder when Vol. 2 will be out?

28 Dec 05 - 12:29 PM (#1636071)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: Little Hawk

Soon, I hope. But Volume 1 will be a hard act to follow.

28 Dec 05 - 04:05 PM (#1636177)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: number 6

Personally I don't think Bob will or ever intended to put out a Volume 2. Typical of him to title it Volume 1.


28 Dec 05 - 04:37 PM (#1636189)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

The original story was that Dylan was going to write three volumes, hence the Volume 1 of "Chronicles".

28 Dec 05 - 05:05 PM (#1636203)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: Little Hawk

It would be even more typical if he next released "Volume 3"...and stopped after that.

29 Dec 05 - 01:05 AM (#1636521)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: John O'L

...and if you want to read Vol. 2 after that, you'll have to search second hand shops for the bootleg version.

29 Dec 05 - 12:27 PM (#1636741)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: Peter T.

Which reminds me -- why the hell is it impossible to get the Traveling Wilbury's in a store anywhere? (I know, I know, somebody talked about a rights dispute.....)


Peter T.

29 Dec 05 - 02:00 PM (#1636778)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: GUEST,Duncan

Go to the second-hand CD places...

29 Dec 05 - 08:50 PM (#1637018)
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
From: robomatic

About three months ago there was a movie released on public broadcasting of Dylan's early years directed by Scorsese. It showed up in the 'above the line' thread space.