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BS: New Years Resolutions?

29 Dec 05 - 01:39 PM (#1636754)
Subject: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Raptor

I'm Going to lose the weight I gained quiting smoking and get out in my canoe more!

29 Dec 05 - 01:42 PM (#1636758)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Rapparee

Why should I bother? How could I improve upon perfection?

29 Dec 05 - 01:43 PM (#1636759)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: CarolC

I resolve to make the best of the upcoming year and to enjoy it as much as I possibly can.

29 Dec 05 - 01:47 PM (#1636766)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: number 6

I guess a kayak is out of the question for you Rapaire :)


29 Dec 05 - 01:51 PM (#1636771)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: number 6

sorry, rapaire ... the above post is meant for Raptor.


29 Dec 05 - 01:54 PM (#1636774)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: gnu

Raptor... have fun dragging your canoe back uphill for the next three or four months. A toboggan would be much easier.

sIx, kayaks are for healthy people. I want a Sea-doo. Of course, my camp is in western Kent County, so, no Sea-doo. Heck, I don't even need a canoe or kayak. Just a pair of lip waders. (Sneakers with felts glued on the soles. I can walk in water up to my upper lip. Of course, any deeper and it's like swimming... exercise... ecchhhh.)

29 Dec 05 - 02:34 PM (#1636801)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Amos

I have a fine little kayak which I launch onto the broad bosom of the blue Pacific on fine days and meander along the caves and beaches of our coastline. Somedays I meet large rafts of sleeping birds, other days a pod of dolphin, and sometimes I just bobs.

I intent to do more of it int he forthcoming year.

I also intend to get paid for writing.


29 Dec 05 - 03:56 PM (#1636857)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: michaelr

I gave up resolutions for Lent.

29 Dec 05 - 04:13 PM (#1636866)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Liz the Squeak

So you want to lose weight and do more canoeing... don't you know you can't have your kayak and eat it?

I resolved about 20 years ago never to make New Years resolutions.... it's the only one I've ever kept.


29 Dec 05 - 04:39 PM (#1636877)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Uncle_DaveO

In the last 75 years I remember making New Years resolutions about three times, for a total of five resolutions, as I recall.

Out of those, I only kept one, made 42 years ago: To love my (then brand-new) wife the rest of my life. That was an easy one to keep, and the rest I think were made because I knew what I ought to be resolving to do. And those "oughts" aren't highly motivating.

The moral of this story, boys and girls, is that if you need to make a resolution to bring something about, it's unlikely you'll keep it. If it's something you'd do anyway, you probably can and will.

Dave Oesterreich

29 Dec 05 - 05:19 PM (#1636902)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: CapriUni

In November, I took part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), where each participant attempts to write a 50,000 (or more) word novel in 30 days. If you succeed, you are declared a "winner" without anyone ever judging you on quality or "rightness."

Each week, the organizer sent out encouraging emails. This is part of what he said in the last message:

You were able to write a book because you allowed yourself to write a book. And in the coming weeks, after you've caught up on sleep and re-acclimated yourself to normal life, I hope you'll sit down and make a list. It's the most powerful list on the planet, and it's the one entitled: "What I'm going to allow myself to do next."

So, in that spirit, I'm not making a list of "Resolutions," but rather a list of "Permissions."

And in 2006, I'm going to give myself permission to:

1) Make stronger connections with my local community (whether that's through finding a church group I'm comfortable with, or joining a volunteer group, or taking adult classes at a local college, I don't know yet, but I need some more friends in 3-D space). And

2) Sit down and write the story of my private theology -- the history of the established religion of my family, and how I altered that in my own mind as I grew up, into something completely different. I wrote a credo as part of a religion course, my Junior year of college, and found the experience very rewarding. But it was very limited in scope and form, and it was also over 20 years ago. This time, I want to really explore the roots of my beliefs, and just see where that trail leads me, without worrying about fulfilling requirements, or trying to get an "A."

29 Dec 05 - 05:29 PM (#1636915)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Bill D

Just did one get a back-up hard drive for the computer. Found a good sale and got a 250 GIG Iomega. I will feel MUCH safer now.

The big resolution is to clear out old 'stuff' all year long. I have boxes that haven't been opened for 10-15 years, so I must not need what's in them much. Part of this stuff is from my mother's estate ...and she died 12 years ago. Boy, it's easy to accumulate stuff!

30 Dec 05 - 09:03 AM (#1637323)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Rapparee

Well, I have to scrub the floors and vacuum the carpets and stuff like that, but it's hardly a resolution. I have to do that anyway.

Did you know that we have carpets? And I just discovered that the kitchen has a linoleum cover, too, instead of the dirt-colored carpet I thought we had. Isn't it interesting to discover things like that???

30 Dec 05 - 10:20 AM (#1637357)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: katlaughing

Rapaire, one of the first things we did in this house, after our daughter moved in and wanted to build up her "sewat-equity" **bg** was to remove all of the carpeting. We found wonderful hard-wood flooring in the living room. What a treat!

CU, I LIKE that allowing oneself.

This being a completely new way of living for me, with the new heart valve and renewed energy, both mental and physical, I am allowing myself to start by making a monthly chart which has boxes to tick as to when I do some simple weight-bearing exercises and chi gong (the precursor of tai chi) for beginners. My goal is at least three times per week. I love the chi gong tape I found as it has a lot of what I'd learned of tai chi many years ago in CT. I have been frustrated for a long time at not having the energy to do almost anything. I feel I've been gifted with a new Life, so to speak, and am now ABLE to improve it even more. I am also NOT going to beat up on myself if I don't measure up immediately, recognising it is a patient and slow process which works best.:->



30 Dec 05 - 10:43 AM (#1637383)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: gnu

Good on ya, kat. Inspiring. Thanks.

30 Dec 05 - 11:53 AM (#1637438)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: CapriUni

Yes, Kat! We'll be rooting for you!

No better gift than Life itself, huh? After all, that's what all these celebrations are really about, when you strip away all the different symbols attached to them.

(And I like "allowing yourself," too. That's why I'm going to sign up for NaNoWriMo again in 2006.)

30 Dec 05 - 01:10 PM (#1637482)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: katlaughing

Thanks, gnu and CU. CU, congrats on doing the NaNoWriMo this year! I thought I'd try it last year or the one before, but life got in the way.:-> Maybe in 2006.

30 Dec 05 - 02:01 PM (#1637511)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: gnu

For 2006, I was all fired up with the urge to try to be more firm in my determination to decisively fix my intentions upon motivating myself to summon up enough willpower and resoluteness to drive my desires zelaously toward my goals in various enterprises.

Then I thought, nah.

30 Dec 05 - 02:11 PM (#1637522)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Once Famous

I plan to continue having you worship me.

30 Dec 05 - 02:21 PM (#1637527)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: gnu

Well, you've already fucked that one up, Marty.

30 Dec 05 - 03:01 PM (#1637555)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: CapriUni

Well, NaNo was fun... but then again, I wasn't even aiming for making anything readable -- more like a word version of a mudpie. Even I can't read more than a page or two without getting a headache.

So next year, I'll aim a little higher, and go for a cheap and sloppy sandwhich. ;-)

If you do sign up in 06. Kat, let me know, and we can be "writing buddies."

30 Dec 05 - 03:22 PM (#1637567)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Alba

Finish the new CD.
Illustrate and hopefully finish writing my Book for younger Folks.
Give a Home to a older Horse from Mustang Rescue
Visit Colorado....that takes me up to mid point of 2006.
My resolutions usually take the form of works already in process. Beyond that I would be guessing what I might {*bg*} be able to accomplish by the end of the Year.

May everyone who makes a pact with themselves find success in 2006

30 Dec 05 - 05:37 PM (#1637659)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Once Famous

My resolution is to continue exposing far left liberals on Mudcat for having zero if very little common sense. I like to keep it easy.

30 Dec 05 - 10:53 PM (#1637903)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: CapriUni

Alba -- you forgot two resolutions for your list:

Letting fellow Mudcatters when your CD is available, and
Letting them know when that book is done!

After all, it's nice to support each other.

30 Dec 05 - 10:56 PM (#1637907)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Peace

"My resolution is to continue exposing far left liberals on Mudcat for having zero if very little common sense. I like to keep it easy."

That is my resolution, too. Looks like I won't have a damned thing to do in 2006.

31 Dec 05 - 10:13 AM (#1638071)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Bill D

"...exposing far left liberals..."

touch my zipper, Marty, and you'll get SUCH a whack your mother wouldn't recognize you!

31 Dec 05 - 01:53 PM (#1638206)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: CapriUni

A year ago today, I wrote the following in my blog:

If I had a family to pass things down to...
These are the "Holiday Family Traditions" I would pass down (Since I don't have a family, I'll pass them down to you):

The Blessing Chain: A fancier paper chain, with high quality strips of paper, backed by beautiful ribbon--364 of them.. These strips of paper would be kept in a fine box. Starting on the day after the solstice, at the end of the day, we'd write down one good thing that happened each day. At the end of the year, when it comes time to link the rings together, and decorate the tree with the chain, we will have a tangilble reminder of all the joyful things we'd been through together.


Well, I don't have a family, and I probably will go without a tree, next year. But I've decided to make a blessing chain anyway. I'll start tomorrow, and come Yule, I can find someplace to hang it, and add some color and cheer to my house, even if it's only for myself.

31 Dec 05 - 02:13 PM (#1638212)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: gnu

Aw... Ann... that's beautiful. I hope that, each and every day, you have a hard time trying to choose which good thing, among many, to set to paper.

31 Dec 05 - 03:07 PM (#1638231)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: katlaughing

CU, that is a beautiful tradition! thanks for sharing it. I think I will start one tomorrow, too!

Yes, I like the idea of writing buddies for the next NaNo! Thanks!

31 Dec 05 - 03:49 PM (#1638248)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: CapriUni

Gnu -- thank you so much. And I wish the same thing to you (whether or not to choose to write anything down)

Kat -- the NaNo website has a "writing buddies" system built in, where you can send pm's to each other, and track each other's progress. But I was a Freshmen, this year, and was too wet behind the ears to take advantage of it.

And by November, maybe our blessing chains will give us some plot ideas!

31 Dec 05 - 09:23 PM (#1638467)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Firecat

My resolutions are to get a GOOD job, go to more auditions and lose weight/get fit...

I give them till February!

31 Dec 05 - 10:12 PM (#1638492)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Beer

Only made one resolution in my life and tomorrow will be my third year of not smoking. Now, if I could only remember what I did with all the money I saved!!!!!!!!

31 Dec 05 - 10:46 PM (#1638504)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Raptor

Yes I plan on buying a Kayak this year.


01 Jan 06 - 01:16 AM (#1638575)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Sandra in Sydney

I read some years back that every day is a new year's day. I don't make annual resolutions, but some days I can make decisions about things I need to do. Other days I just say blah, I can't be bothered.

Like CapriUni I need to make more friends in my local community. I'm retiring in Feb 2007, & most of my small circle of friends will still be at work, & none are local, so I definitely need to get involved in local stuff. Folk music activities & my folk club will not fill 365 days a year. My local area is not really a community, being composed of mainly younger renters living in security blocks.

I recently attended a meeting of a local social history group, and found that eveyone is in their 80's, I'll be the youngest when I start attending regularly. I've also been reading about a local history group that I assume will have a wider age basis. I also want to get involved in craft group & thought of re-joining The Embroiderers Guild, but that's too narrow an interest for me.

The next 12 months will be very interesting.


01 Jan 06 - 02:52 AM (#1638614)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Kaleea

My New Year's revolution is spinning.

01 Jan 06 - 06:44 AM (#1638665)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Tootler


Enjoy your retirement. I retired in September and have no regrets. OTOH, try not to take on too much too soon. I was warned you need a period of adjustment and it is true. I have taken on secretary of my local recorder group as well as carrying with folk music activities. I have also bought a melodeon and concertina which I am now trying to learn - trying being the operative word.

As my wife is still at work I also have domestic duties, so I find I can occupy my time quite well.

01 Jan 06 - 06:53 AM (#1638671)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?

I don't always keep them all, or even some of them. But I find the exercise of committing to resolutions helps keep me focused on improving my life, nonetheless. Mine are pretty much like everyone else's--eat better, lose weight, be kinder to animals, and make the world a better place. In that regard, I resolve to impeach and remove from office one George W Bush. Even if I don't succeed, it is a nice thought.

And of course, make more music and enjoy it with friends. And keep visiting the Mudcat Cafe and the wonderful people here.

01 Jan 06 - 07:19 AM (#1638681)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Sandra in Sydney

thanks for your advice, Tootler.

As I'm not used to being home day after day after day, I'll be taking some long service leave to get into practice! I normally spread my 4 weeks holiday over 2 or 3 breaks per year, so will take maybe 2 months LSL to get into a routine.

I live in a security block where folks can't just drop in (besides most of 'em will be at work!) & want to get a routine going. I have a few contacts for volunteer activities that I can do each week, and then I can do irregular stuff like attend heritage meetings.

I'm very good at isolating as I have lots of interests that I can do on my own at home, & I know that if I don't get some small routine going, I could go days without seeing folks except the paperseller or checkout operator.


01 Jan 06 - 08:22 AM (#1638697)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Bobert

It's better typin' an' spellin' an' completer sntences... Yeah, that's it... Or not...

01 Jan 06 - 08:36 AM (#1638703)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Ron Davies

More music parties. Hope to visit some Mudcatters out of the area, and have some stay at our house. Looking forward to learning more songs as a result. Definitely looking forward to doo-wopping at the Getaway if not before --though I hope it'll be done at night--too many great opportunities at workshops during the day. Friday night when we arrive would be great.

01 Jan 06 - 09:28 AM (#1638726)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: ShadyLady

I'm going to stop picking my lips and stop eating mucky food with my fingers!


01 Jan 06 - 09:42 AM (#1638736)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: mooman

1. To continue to make a lot more music in various genres
2. To continue to meet lots more 'Catters and enjoy their company
3. To continue my philosophy of tolerance and acceptance
4. To not react at all to Martin Gibson's self-opinionated and ill-willed nonsense on this forum in future, even when sorely tempted to do so



(European, long-haired, non-bluegrass playing, non-Chicago-dwelling (toughest city in the world my arse and I have visited severak times), hippie, non-dope smoking, combat trouser and Doc Martin wearing, left-wing, liberal, tollllllerant, Korean guitar-playing, shit-for-brains... yet somehow still managing to make a reasonable living, pseudo-Buddhist, vegetarian no-hoper)

01 Jan 06 - 09:49 AM (#1638738)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: mooman

5. To meet Azizi, CarolC, Max and a few others I love to meet in person (sort of extension to 2 above)



01 Jan 06 - 12:39 PM (#1638833)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: Bill D

I gotta make one more resolution *grin* hang out more with least virtually!-- he seems like my sorta guy! (and to get him all the WAY to the Getaway one year!)

01 Jan 06 - 12:45 PM (#1638836)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: rumanci

to catch up on a few owed promises to good people here and make the pile of "Things To Do" to disappear anybody who is still waiting on patient !! It WILL happen...and a surprise to us ALL when it does
That includes you Bill !!!!

01 Jan 06 - 01:08 PM (#1638857)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: mooman

Thanks Bill!

Consider yourself added to my list! I'll make the Getaway soon!

Peace and a happy 2006!


01 Jan 06 - 09:40 PM (#1639207)
Subject: RE: BS: New Years Resolutions?
From: katlaughing

CapriUni, just wanted to let you know I have cut my first strip of paper and written today's blessings which came my way on it. I used some shiny, scarlet wrapping paper which my Secret Santa, Emma B. used to wrap my presents in.

The Blessings Chain is the most beautiful tradition. Thanks so much, again, for sharing it with us.
