02 Jan 06 - 02:08 AM (#1639382) Subject: BS: What to do with vinegar From: Gurney Inspired by the other thread. I've used white vinegar to remove fresh cement stains. Dark grout from porous ceramic tiles. It also helps to remove the smell that tomcats kindly leave behind. Not as good as De-Solv-It, though. Next. |
02 Jan 06 - 02:09 AM (#1639383) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Peace Great to wash windows with. |
02 Jan 06 - 05:44 AM (#1639436) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: John O'L Windows Peace? I've always used Windex and white vinegar as general all-round household cleansers, so I've never tried vinegar on windows. Maybe that's what Windex is. Oh, and some eucalyptus oil is handy to get the tree sap and bird crap off the bonnet of the car. |
02 Jan 06 - 06:12 AM (#1639451) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Liz the Squeak Manitas uses vinegar to clean with... now does anyone know a good way to get rid of the stench of vinegar? LTS |
02 Jan 06 - 06:21 AM (#1639459) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: GUEST Soak it up with fish and chips? |
02 Jan 06 - 07:10 AM (#1639483) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: open mike windex has ammonia in it.. aND VINEGAR FOR WINDOWS IS GOOD..plus wipe them off with news paper...even if it is printed on...(for mirrors too.) vinegar is good to remove hard mineral scale in tea pots. also coffee makers....and faucets and other plumbing parts that get caked with hard crusts of minerals. apple cider vinegar is good to rub on to relieve joint pain. (not if there is an open wound) it is also great when mixed with baking =soda and red food coloring when doing a paper mache' volcano fo rthe science fair! also vinegar makes a good gargle for sore throat. (again--apple cider.) some feed it to horses to prevent kidney stones. it contains acetic acid and will neutralize alkaline stuff.. and to find where the cat sprayed, use a black light cuz feline urine glows under UV light. |
02 Jan 06 - 07:17 AM (#1639487) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: GUEST, Topsie Use vinegar as first aid for wasp stings (but not for bee stings). |
02 Jan 06 - 07:21 AM (#1639493) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: GUEST,Beryl Vinegar is good as a vaginal douche, with yoghurt. It balances acidity and is a good treatment for thrush or cystitis. |
02 Jan 06 - 08:28 AM (#1639518) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: GUEST Does the flavour matter Beryl? |
02 Jan 06 - 08:32 AM (#1639523) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: jacqui.c Making pickled onions! I'm going to have to start making my own again. I tried the ones in the local supermarket and they are nothing like the UK ones! I've had to import a jar to go with the cold meats after Christmas. |
02 Jan 06 - 08:32 AM (#1639524) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: GUEST,Beryl Not being a gymnast, I'm afraid I can't answer that question. You just need a good culture. |
02 Jan 06 - 08:43 AM (#1639531) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Fullerton From: open mike - PM Date: 02 Jan 06 - 07:10 AM ......and to find where the cat sprayed, use a black light cuz feline urine glows under UV light. It's amazing what you learn here. |
02 Jan 06 - 08:51 AM (#1639534) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 Mixed with water it's good for cleaning hardwood floors. sIx |
02 Jan 06 - 08:53 AM (#1639535) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Mr Red Vinegar reduces surface tension when added to water - hence the windo washing wheeze. Wasp stings and jellyfish stings can be reduced in intensity if vinegar is applied quickly (Bicarb of Soda for Bee Sting - note the capitalisation as a mnemonic) - it is all to do with vinegar being acidic and the appropriate stings are alkaline. BS/BS is the otherway round I think. |
02 Jan 06 - 02:34 PM (#1639776) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Bert You can also use it as a stop bath in photography. But I'm with jacqui.c pickled onions is the way to go. Oh course Amos might prefer dill pickles. |
02 Jan 06 - 02:42 PM (#1639779) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: bobad Interesting etymology: " Glacial acetic acid is called "glacial" because its freezing point (16.7 C) is only slightly below room temperature. In the (generally unheated) laboratories in which the pure material was first prepared, the acid was often found to have frozen into ice-like crystals. The term "glacial acetic acid" is now taken to refer to pure acetic acid (ethanoic acid) in any physical state." |
02 Jan 06 - 02:47 PM (#1639783) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Rapparee I mix it with some baking soda and put it in my little toy submarine and it goes up and down and up and down and up and down until you run out of baking soda and vinegar. You can also use it with greens, like spinach or kale or mustard greens or turnip greens that have been cooked with bacon. Or use it as a marinade. That Italian kind can be boiled down and used as a sauce for fresh strawberries, too. |
02 Jan 06 - 02:58 PM (#1639794) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: open mike Balsamic>? (that italian kind?) |
02 Jan 06 - 03:01 PM (#1639796) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Bee-dubya-ell In my pottery business I use vinegar instead of water to moisten handles and such before attaching them to pots. Being a mild acid, vinegar disolves some of the non-water-soluble materials found in clays, resulting in a more adhesive joint. Vinegar also evaporates more slowly than water, resulting in fewer drying cracks caused by uneven moisture content. |
02 Jan 06 - 05:30 PM (#1639877) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Liz the Squeak Boil eggs in vinegar/water mix and the shells will soften and come off much easier. Personally I can't stand the smell of boiling vinegar so I don't bother. LTS |
02 Jan 06 - 06:18 PM (#1639940) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Rapparee Yeah. Balsamic. I couldn't remember the name and didn't bother to go look it up. I knew it began with "B" and that "Beaujolais" wasn't it. |
02 Jan 06 - 06:41 PM (#1639957) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Rasener Vinegar with Gurkins Eggs Herrings Whelks Cockles Mussels My wife uses vinegar for descaling etc. I agrre with LTS - vinegar stinks. I love it when my wife bathes in vinegar, and I lick her dry. Only joking folks LOL :-) yuk - i'm talking about the vinegar of course :-) |
02 Jan 06 - 07:28 PM (#1639986) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Peace She fell off her water skis and broke the world record for the 100 yard douche. |
02 Jan 06 - 09:09 PM (#1640056) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: GUEST,Joe_F Put a slurp of it in the water with which you steam shredded red cabbage. --- Joe Fineman joe_f@verizon.net ||: It is an advantage in propaganda to seem virtuous, and one way to seem virtuous is to be virtuous. :|| |
02 Jan 06 - 10:39 PM (#1640093) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 Rapaire ... I remember those subs, also had a PT Boat that ran on baking soda. sIx |
02 Jan 06 - 10:47 PM (#1640096) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: bobad There was also a frogman that came in cereal which had a receptacle at the bottom of one foot into which the baking soda went and he was supposed to rise and sink, don't remember if it worked too well, maybe the bath water was too dirty. |
02 Jan 06 - 10:53 PM (#1640100) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 I remeber that too bobad .... the little receptacle which held the baking soda in never stayed on. In fact I think that PT boat was one ya got if you sent in 2 boxtops of that cereal to the big cereal factory. sIx |
02 Jan 06 - 10:56 PM (#1640101) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: bobad I believe the frogman was capitalizing on the TV program Sea Hunt which was popular around that time IIRC. |
02 Jan 06 - 11:03 PM (#1640107) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 Might have been ... can't recall bobad ... overall it was the big cereal companies capitalizing on us kids ... I do now remember being totally frustrated with that frogman ... probably my first experience in being ripped off (even though it was free in the cereal). sIx |
02 Jan 06 - 11:06 PM (#1640110) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: bobad Yeah I remember the same feeling - not as advertised - and those freebies never looked like the illustrations on the box. |
02 Jan 06 - 11:10 PM (#1640113) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 No kidding .... funny, when you had your own kids ya tried explaining to them that kind of stuff was a rip off, they never listened to ya and had to go throught the same experience. sIx |
02 Jan 06 - 11:44 PM (#1640134) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Rapparee I've tried turning vinegar back into wine or cider but it doesn't work. Trust me on this. I know. (My youngest brother did succeed in turning water into wine, however. It didn't taste like much of anything at all.) |
02 Jan 06 - 11:46 PM (#1640138) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 Water into wine ?? sIx |
02 Jan 06 - 11:46 PM (#1640140) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: LadyJean I clean houses for a living. Vinegar is a good all around cleaning agent. It's especially good against soap scum. If you can lay hands on the extra strong cleaning vinegar, you can really go to town. You can also raise a cake with vinegar and baking soda. There are a number of recipes for them. Add half a cup of brown sugar to the recipe to kill the taste of the vinegar though. (For our non American catters that's half a measuring cup, or 4 ounces.) |
03 Jan 06 - 12:07 AM (#1640159) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 Put just a smidgeon of vinegar and just a smidgeon of brown sugar into a speggetti sauce. sIx |
03 Jan 06 - 12:38 AM (#1640170) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: JennieG A smidgeon is a small pigeon, right? My grandmother used to say "skerrick" when she meant a very very little bit. Cheers JennieG |
03 Jan 06 - 01:20 AM (#1640190) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: open mike non-americans most likely would not be using ounces, either.. but metric?? |
03 Jan 06 - 11:14 AM (#1640372) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: GUEST, Topsie I'm non-American and I use ounces. |
03 Jan 06 - 11:16 AM (#1640373) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 I'm non-American and I use smidgeons. Yes ... sorta like small pidgeons. sIx |
03 Jan 06 - 11:23 AM (#1640383) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Rapparee Sure. Dissolve sugar in water, add yeast, let it ferment. |
03 Jan 06 - 11:23 AM (#1640384) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 I gotcha ... thanks Rapaire sIx |
03 Jan 06 - 04:06 PM (#1640571) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Mr Red Pickled onions? ONIONS? bah - what a waste of good vinegar. Pickled walnuts and pickled damsons are more like it. Bought some P Walnuts tonight. |
03 Jan 06 - 04:12 PM (#1640575) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: MMario vinager goes into a whole series of fruit syrups that go great in the summer heat. And cider vinager is the basis of switchel - with some ginger... |
03 Jan 06 - 04:13 PM (#1640576) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 Pickled eggs .... Good Gawd! I once judged the pickled eggs at the Coldwater County Fair ... never again will I eat a pickled egg. sIx |
03 Jan 06 - 04:15 PM (#1640579) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 What is switchel Mmario? Malt vineger goes great with chips. sIx |
03 Jan 06 - 05:26 PM (#1640630) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Gurney Rapaire, I once met a woman who's T-shirt claimed that men were crude machines for turning beer into urine. The fellow she was with had a hat which claimed 'Instant arsehole. Just add alcohol!' Isn't it nice when people understand each other. |
04 Jan 06 - 06:43 AM (#1641002) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: ossonflags Good for gargling with. |
04 Jan 06 - 07:55 AM (#1641027) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: sian, west wales Baking soda plus vinegar is a good combo for cleaning drains. I was surprised to hear an old Welsh friend of mine remark that he learned about putting vinegar into water for poaching eggs from his father-in-law (an American). I thought everybody did that ... I have recipe for Raspberry Vinegar that was my great-great-aunt's. I think she mixed it with sour cream for a salad dressing and mum seems to remember it being mixed with something (soda water?) for a summer drink. siân |
04 Jan 06 - 09:17 AM (#1641066) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Rapparee I cleaned a humidifier of scale last night by soaking the parts in vinegar and hot water. When the bubbling stopped I rinsed it all off and put it back together. |
04 Jan 06 - 10:26 AM (#1641107) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: Peace It's good to run a cup mixed with a pot of water through your coffee maker. Then a clean pot of water and--boom, clean as a baby's arse. |
04 Jan 06 - 10:43 AM (#1641119) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: MMario Switchel was a traditional harvest drink - the basics were ginger and vinager and a sweetener (recipes range from very sweet to almost no sweetener at all - and from using white sugar to honey , molasses, brown suger, maple sugar, etc.) diluted with water. Very thirst quenching. SHRUBS were fruit or herb syrups made by infusing vinager, then sweetening; diluted for drinking with water. |
04 Jan 06 - 11:46 AM (#1641139) Subject: RE: BS: Things to do with vinegar From: number 6 Interesting MMario ... sounds much like the origins of ginger beer. thanks, sIx |