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BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...

09 Jan 06 - 10:57 PM (#1645439)
Subject: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bobert

Yeah, I Know that this oule effectively end what Amos is so valiantly doing but, hey, this is getting rediculous.... Y ou can no longer disussa nything without some jerk throwing one long cust 'n psatwe afer another into the mix... Hey, where's the discussion when that occurs...

Plus, the Bushite's have major corporate backing fir folks like Teribus who get paif by the word who just pump out reems of nothingness...

Yeah, I know.... "Hey Bobert, don't read 'um...

Problem is that it only takes a couple of them to highjack a discussion...

That's my take on 'um... I'd love fir everyone to have to stand in the ring and takes their shots rather than sending "Tropic of Cancer" lenght serrogates...

MO, mind you...


09 Jan 06 - 10:59 PM (#1645441)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: number 6

Didn't you raise this issue in a previous thread Bobert ?


09 Jan 06 - 11:13 PM (#1645450)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bobert

Yeah, probably did, 6....

Guess it's still buggin' me...

Heck, if I've allready strated this thread the JOe has my permission to kill this one off...

09 Jan 06 - 11:34 PM (#1645453)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Amos

Here is Title 47, ยง 223. Obscene or harassing telephone calls in the
District of Columbia or in interstate or foreign communications

Release date: 2005-03-17

(a) Prohibited acts generally
(1) in interstate or foreign communications-
(A) by means of a telecommunications device knowingly-
(i) makes, creates, or solicits, and
(ii) initiates the transmission of,
any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other
communication which is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or
indecent, with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another
(B) by means of a telecommunications device knowingly-
(i) makes, creates, or solicits, and
(ii) initiates the transmission of,
any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other
communication which is obscene or indecent, knowing that the
recipient of the communication is under 18 years of age, regardless
of whether the maker of such communication placed the call or
initiated the communication;
(C) makes a telephone call or utilizes a telecommunications device,
whether or not conversation or communication ensues, without
disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or
harass any person at the called number or who receives the
(D) makes or causes the telephone of another repeatedly or
continuously to ring, with intent to harass any person at the called
number; or
(E) makes repeated telephone calls or repeatedly initiates
communication with a telecommunications device, during which
conversation or communication ensues, solely to harass any person at
the called number or who receives the communication; or
(2) knowingly permits any telecommunications facility under his
control to be used for any activity prohibited by paragraph (1) with
the intent that it be used for such activity,
shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years,
or both.

The difference is that some of us post for open information, and others post to harass, annoy, abuse and threaten.

Nevertheless, this is pretty dicey territory. A slippery slope. You remember the Federalist Papers? Third most important influence in the establishment of the country? To this day no-one is sure who wrote what part of them.

It is of course different for a forum than for the nation, but the Congress got mighty slimy, underhanded, ignorant and asinine according to this article relating to the above law. I trust Max and Joe futhah than that whole pack of weirdoes sometimes, I declare I do!

But mebbe OG and MG and the Alphabet Gang might be shown this here Law of the Land, should they violate it too often. If we're gonna live in a Brave New World we might as well make the most of it.


09 Jan 06 - 11:44 PM (#1645458)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: number 6

Naw, no need to can this thread Bobert ... if my memory serves me well, you were complaining about about cut and pasting in that thread ... to which I agreed to ... you were not suggesting that they should be outright banned.


09 Jan 06 - 11:53 PM (#1645461)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: michaelr

Amos? Are you in the right thread, or did you smoke something unusual?


10 Jan 06 - 12:12 AM (#1645470)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Yes, Henry Miller is one of my personal favorites.

Like Vodka and Ciardi he should NOT be taken straight, but diluted.

Sex is one of the 9 reasons for reincarnation, the other 8 are unimportant. Henry Miller, In Sex

I saw the errors I had made and assumed full responsibility for everything. You know, instead of being a man who would say, 'Well, it's a rotten system we live under,' and griping about politics, economics and the social condition, I said, 'Despite all that, I could have acted differently, I could have come out,' do you see? And I saw that as being the fault of my own nature, character and temperament. I accepted it, and once I did that, a great weight fell off me. I was liberated. I was able to really enjoy myself.- Henry Miller, In Philosophy

The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.- Henry Miller, In Perspective

All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience.- Henry Miller, In Growth

Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.- Henry Miller, In Time

When I think of New York, I think of a giant infant playing with high explosives - Henry Miller, In Places/America

Ah yes, yes, once in a while indulge...spree and pee...a look at the girls and a brawl...not too bloody...ring around the know...shake the bugs out of the rug.- Henry Miller, In Drugs/Alchohol

Ah yes, yes, once in a while indulge...spree and pee...a look at the girls and a brawl...not too bloody...ring around the know...shake the bugs out of the rug.- Henry Miller, In Drugs/Alchohol

When you forget to eat you know you're alive.- Henry Miller, In Humanity

Only the fool hopes to repeat an experience; the wise man knows that every experience is to be viewed as a blessing. Whatever we try to deny or reject is precisely what we have need of; it is our very need which often paralyzes us, prevents us from welcoming a (good or bad) experience.- Henry Miller, In Humanity

My friends, on the other hand, entrenched themselves more solidly in the little ditch of understanding which they had dug for themselves. They died comfortably in their little bed of understanding, to become useful citizens of the world.- Henry Miller, In Philosophy

I have made a silent compact with myself not to change a line of what I write. I am not interested in perfecting my thoughts, nor my actions. Beside the perfection of Turgenev I put the perfection of Dostoevski (is there anything more perfect than "The Ethernal Husband"?). Here, then, in one and the same medium, we have two kinds of perfection. But in van Gogh's letters there is a perfection beyond either of these. It is the triumph of individual over art.

- Henry Miller, "The Tropic of Cancer" ( $ ) ( ? ), In Art

I believe that today more than ever a book should be sought after even if it has only one great page in it. We must search for fragments, splinters, toenails, anything that has ore in it, anything that is capable of resuscitating the body and the soul.

- Henry Miller, "The Tropic of Cancer" ( $ ) ( ? ), In Literature

One can wait a whole lifetime for a moment like this. The woman whom you never hoped to meet now sits before you, and she talks and looks exactly like the person you dreamed about. But strangest of all is that you never realized before that you had dreamed about her. Your whole past is like a long sleep which would have been forgotten had there been no memory, but remembrance is there in the blood and the blood is like an ocean in which everthing is washed away but that which is new and more substantial even than life: REALITY.- Henry Miller, "Tropic of Capricorn" In Love



10 Jan 06 - 04:22 AM (#1645494)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Dave Hanson

Why do you do it Amos and Gargoyle ? you no-one reads shit like that.

No it's not clever it's stupid.


10 Jan 06 - 04:43 AM (#1645501)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...

It's called single issue posting, and lots of people do it. It is largely an exercise in self aggrandisement, a sort of "Look at me aren't I clever" sort of post.
It's mostly done by people with time on their hands, or a grudge in their heart, and certain people get away with it and others get 'rubbed out'. If your face fits or people are scared of you, then you can do largely what you like, other wise learn to do Blickies .

10 Jan 06 - 09:54 AM (#1645612)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Paco Rabanne

Well said PnG.

10 Jan 06 - 10:01 AM (#1645623)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Amos

Excuse me. I have no idea why Garg went to the Henry Miller archive like that, but the post about the abuse of others via the Internet is germane. In fact, Gargoyle's post irritated anf annoyed me. So I'm turning him in!


10 Jan 06 - 10:32 AM (#1645630)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Peace

Yeah, I Know that this oule effectively end what Amos is so valiantly doing but, hey, this is getting rediculous.... Y ou can no longer disussa nything without some jerk throwing one long cust 'n psatwe afer another into the mix... Hey, where's the discussion when that occurs...

Plus, the Bushite's have major corporate backing fir folks like Teribus who get paif by the word who just pump out reems of nothingness...

Yeah, I know.... "Hey Bobert, don't read 'um...

Problem is that it only takes a couple of them to highjack a discussion...

That's my take on 'um... I'd love fir everyone to have to stand in the ring and takes their shots rather than sending "Tropic of Cancer" lenght serrogates...

MO, mind you...


I agree.

10 Jan 06 - 11:27 AM (#1645660)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bill D

we've gone thru this quite a bit.......Joe has sort of semi-officially said that anything over **ONE SCREENFULL** of C&P text is fair game for being edited. The rule is not enforced hard & fast, but those who do heavy C&P ought to be on notice that it 'might' be.....

I almost never read huge C&P (that's COPY & paste, not cut)...but if the subject is relevant & interesting, I will go read it at the source...and my interest is more easily stimulated if YOU say something in synopsis, along with a few sentences of text...much like an abstract of a paper.

There oughta be a C&P version of "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.", but I can't think of it.

10 Jan 06 - 11:40 AM (#1645665)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Donuel

Look at me aren't I clever posts are my domain.
If I only posted other people's cartoons that you could see anywhere, my point of view would be an unheard unseen tree that fell in the forest.

I think people who only see self agrandizement in a clever post are either insecure or untalented.

Spaw divides posts into 2 catagries; mildly amusing or pain in the ass.

If one does not know how to create a link - LEARN HOW.
If you can not write creatively or paraphrase - LEARN HOW, its worth it.

Usually a viewer never digests anything beyond the visual page. If they have to scroll, you have probably lost them.

Hey Amos, In MD it is a crime to say "I'll kill you" on the telephone but it is legal, fine and dandy in person.

10 Jan 06 - 01:08 PM (#1645683)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...

Another good reason to go to the Getaway ;~)

10 Jan 06 - 02:31 PM (#1645716)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Wolfgang

Well, well, well...

I hate to bring it up again but fir those of you who think you are being clever with yer "War 'n Peace" lenght cut-n-paste responses, all you are doiong is seriously weakenin' yer danged arguments...

... and wasting bandwidth!!!

If you can't make yer arguemnts without draggin' other folks blogs in word fir worfir word fir word than you ain't thinkin' 'bout nuthin'...

Hey, if you wanta read somethin' and come in and argue based on what you have read, fine, but at least make an attempt to be arguin' yer points as, ahhhhh, ***you***...

Tell ya what, most folks ain't gonna read no "War 'n Peace" length rebuttal that you ain't even written...

Plus, after you been through a couple of them, they are boring and not at all objective...

(Bobert in the         BS: Cut-n-paster's creepin' back in... thread he started in September 05)

I must say I did like the 'war and peace' comparison better than the new one.


10 Jan 06 - 02:52 PM (#1645727)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: The Shambles


Perhaps when those posters who cut and paste start posting to tell you how to post - is the day that you may have some justification in asking for judgement to be passed upon them?

Until then - perhaps we should all just concentrate on the only thing we do have any control over - the content of our own posts?

10 Jan 06 - 04:32 PM (#1645771)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...

And there you are criticising the content of other peoples posts, if you weren't so po-faced you would find it funny.
Still irony never was one of your strong suits.

I knew this thread would get you posting more of your single issue tripe.

10 Jan 06 - 09:27 PM (#1645967)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Stilly River Sage

Cut or Copy (you CAN 'cut' if it comes from an original document of your own!) and Paste is a valuable tool, but some abuse it who can't be bothered to make good arguments for themselves. Bludgeoning the other participants in the thread with chapter-and-verse from the party manifesto is not the same as carrying on an extemporaneous discussion and augmenting with occasional cut-and-paste offerings by way of citation.

(Control-X is cut, Control-C is copy, Control-V is paste. Very handy!)


10 Jan 06 - 09:31 PM (#1645971)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Peace

Where's the Control button? Is it near the ampersand?

10 Jan 06 - 09:41 PM (#1645977)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bobert

What the heck is SRS taking about anyway, Bruce???

I thought this was a folk music website... I must have taken a wrong turn and ended up back in Mr. Carpenter's Algebra class.... What a nightmare!!!!!

(Think "The Scream" here)....


10 Jan 06 - 09:47 PM (#1645980)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Just use scissors and flour paste.

10 Jan 06 - 10:03 PM (#1645992)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Stilly River Sage

On my keyboard it is SHIFT-6 and it comes out ^ .

Don't tell me you guy's waste your time going up to a menu and doing the drop down cut and paste routine? Too many steps and keystrokes, too much mouse action there.


10 Jan 06 - 10:05 PM (#1645993)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bill D

(I suppose I shouldn't tell 'em about the various "clipboard extenders" which allow you to save long lists of text items for 'almost' instant pastes, should I?


10 Jan 06 - 10:08 PM (#1645997)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: bobad

Hey Bill, I've been trying to figure out how to 'clipboard' more than one item at a time.

10 Jan 06 - 10:25 PM (#1646007)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: GUEST,Old Guy

Sorry if the truth hijacks your pet threads and gets you all discombobertated Bobert.

Instead of a database writing pages on the fly, this forum should be a CGI script writing real pages with the length of the posts limited.

When Mudcat stops responding, a traceroute shows a routing problem is occuring. Where is it hosted?

Try a different host like or Both have nice pipes.

1 POD-C-VL4.GW.CMU.NET ( 0.246 ms 0.177 ms 0.171 ms
2 CORE0-POD-C-CYH.GW.CMU.NET ( 0.257 ms 0.185 ms 0.179 ms
3 HYPER-VL501.GW.CMU.NET ( 0.257 ms 0.206 ms 0.200 ms
4 ( 0.294 ms 0.289 ms 0.284 ms
5 ( 0.618 ms 0.567 ms 0.676 ms
6 ( 22.486 ms 22.585 ms 22.584 ms
7 ( 27.569 ms 27.499 ms 27.540 ms
8 ( 27.448 ms 27.565 ms 27.694 ms
9 ( 27.661 ms 27.555 ms 27.629 ms
10 ( 24.143 ms 21.728 ms 22.056 ms
11 ( 21.360 ms 21.538 ms 21.645 ms
12 ( 21.723 ms 21.896 ms 23.301 ms
13 ( 24.442 ms 24.013 ms 23.662 ms
14 ( 25.329 ms 28.749 ms 24.728 ms
15 ( 25.668 ms 25.080 ms 24.295 ms
16 ( 217.072 ms 27.319 ms 25.286 ms
17 ( 33.335 ms * *
18 * * *
19 * * *
20 * * *
21 * * *
22 * * ( 41.993 ms

10 Jan 06 - 10:53 PM (#1646015)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bobert

Danged, Old Guy....

You reading my nightmares, er what???

There I was in Mr. Carpenter's Algebra class and all I needed was a D on the last test and I'd have the summer off.... But then the test is handed out and it looked jst like what you just posted...

Have you ever been accused of being the anti-Christ???

Just curious???


p.s. What does Algebra have to do with Bushites posting long, boring, irrelevant C&P's???

And please don't answer with a lot of x's and y's...

10 Jan 06 - 11:20 PM (#1646042)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Everything I've ever posted to the Mudcat, including this post, has been a copy-and-paste job. There's this website where there's a guy who thinks exactly like I would think if I thought, so I just copy his stuff and paste it here. It's a lot easier than trying to be original.

10 Jan 06 - 11:23 PM (#1646045)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...

Everything I've ever posted to the Mudcat, including this post, has been a copy-and-paste job. There's this website where there's a guy who thinks exactly like I would think if I thought, so I just copy his stuff and paste it here. It's a lot easier than trying to be original.

10 Jan 06 - 11:27 PM (#1646047)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Ron Davies

Be sure to tell PDQ--who thinks all information should be conveyed by cut and paste--about this thread.

10 Jan 06 - 11:31 PM (#1646053)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: GUEST,Old Guy


I'll make a deal with you. You include some cut and paste with your stuff proving that you are really reading things and looking for information and I will shorten my cut and pastes.

You know, I learn a lot while googling for facts. Sometimes I find out I am wrong. When I do, I don't try to prop up what I said when I was wrong. Some times I print a retraction.

If Amos had to do that he would strip every gear in his transmission. Nobody is right all of the time.

I will admit GWB bit off more than he can chew. He ain't perfect but what the hell good does it do to try to cut his legs off? It just makes that wad bigger and bigger. It hurts the US more than it hurts him.

Did you see Imam Zawa whatever crowing about a US pull out in Iraq? They think that they have broken the will of the American public. Have they? Has it made them fight harder and longer?

Even mr Kerry said he would have done the same thing or at least he did. Would you have your chain saw out after him too?

10 Jan 06 - 11:31 PM (#1646054)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: number 6

"It's a lot easier than trying to be original."

It certainly is a lot easier ... but I try to be original, and I appreciate the efforts of someone else 'trying to be original" .. and I find their posts more intersting, more genuine.


10 Jan 06 - 11:33 PM (#1646055)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Amos


Control + C is the Windows imitation of the CMD +C you use on an iMac. Bill liked the idea so much he decided to keep it.


11 Jan 06 - 01:21 AM (#1646108)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: GUEST,Old Guy

I am not an author and truth is based on facts, not opinions.

I find myself watching stuff like the History channel more and more. Movies about fictional stuff just don't hold my attention any more. I am very impressed with facts and someone's ramblings and posturings just have anything for me.

What jerks like Harry Bellafonte says does not impress me but the fact that he said it is very important.

Give me a nationwide poll or three for comparison about how many people think what Bellafonte said is correct and should he have said it and I have a fact to go by.

I can tell somebody I think they are wrong and support it with a cut and paste from somewhere else.

I see people yammerin' on about crap like how everybody likes limberger cheese and anybody that don't is stupid. Yeah that is original horseshit. We got enough horseshit so I say what are you talking about? 89% of people don't like limberger cheese and you are the stupid one and then I support it with what I consider a fact.

Then usually I get told something like "Harry Belafonte says everybody likes limberger cheese and you are stupid for not taking one man's word for it." and "Stats are for loosers."

Odly enough, I just found a poll that supports my claim, no kidding.
        Cheddar - 40.28% (29)
        Cheesecake - 23.61% (17)
        Stilton - 9.72% (7)
        Lancashire - 6.94% (5)
        Squeezy Cheese - 4.17% (3)
        Cheshire - 2.78% (2)
        Dairy lee triangles - 2.78% (2)
        Wensleydale - 1.39% (1)
        Edam - 1.39% (1)
        Total votes: 72

11 Jan 06 - 04:52 AM (#1646156)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Dave Hanson

Guest Old Guy, you can shorten your cut and pastes as much as you want, it really doesn't matter because nobody reads it anyway.


11 Jan 06 - 07:43 AM (#1646210)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Wolfgang

The fact is that the only posts in which you have any control over these aspects are your own. (Shambles in the old September thread in his first of many posts).

Doesn't this whole Bobert thread just feel like a cut and paste of the old one?


11 Jan 06 - 02:56 PM (#1646388)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: GUEST,Old Guy

That's why you are ignorant. IGNORE
11 Jan 06 - 04:41 PM (#1646494)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bill D

bobad! (Mudcat was slow, and I missed your reply)

here are several clipboard extenders

Yankee Clipper is a very commonly recommended & pay versions. is just free..from a guy who just like to give stuff away.

CLCL is also interesting...

MultiClipboard is pretty good.....and free...

but the one I think in the 'best' is not free...if you want highly configurable, try ClipMate ....

lots of free ones to try.....

11 Jan 06 - 04:50 PM (#1646505)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: bobad

Thanks Bill, I'll check them out.

11 Jan 06 - 04:55 PM (#1646515)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Kaleea

Why can't they make a really easy & inexpensive way for a novice (without buying more software & having to learn how to use it-I don't even know how to use all of windows!) to cut & paste a portion of a picture-say a person, & place it on another pic-say a landscape. Just for home use, of course. Not for tabloids, I know they've been doing it for years.

11 Jan 06 - 04:59 PM (#1646520)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: McGrath of Harlow

A long cut and paste included in a post by someone who is trying to develop some argument is one thing. It's better to give a link and a summary indicating why the piece linked to might be worth visiting, but it's no different in principle from using a quote to add muscle or colour to what you are saying. In a way it is rather like singing a song someone else wrote, as a way of making a statement.

And there are other occasions when there is some reason why an article, that the identified poster thinks is highly relevant, may not be accessible through a link - maybe it's on a site where you have to pay to get in, or something like that

Something quite differentis when an article gets shoehorned in here, with no indication whatsoever that it is anything other than a post by a Mudcat member or GUEST. The problem with that is the way that it undermines the give and take of the Mudcat, because you can't argue back and forth with someone who isn't there and never has been.

I don't think banning is the answer. But that kiond of behavuiourn should be recognised it as bad manners.

11 Jan 06 - 05:05 PM (#1646529)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Amos

Rudeness in extremis indeed, Kevin. Kaleea, there are many Phot Edit programs and graphic management programs that are intentionally easy to use and not bloated with advanced features which you can use for that purpose and they are a LOT simpler than the pro tools like Photoshop.

In the Mac World, we use Graphic Converter a lot for this purpose.

Microsoft makes a lighter-weight image managing Wintel program, but I don't know its name. But they are out there for with Windows or Mac users.


11 Jan 06 - 05:18 PM (#1646546)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bill D

Kaleea..there are some free Windows programs that will do that, but any editing like that will take at least a little learning curve...depending on how fancy you want to get....

IrfanView is a VERY popular viwer/editor for basic stuff....

FastStone is a newish one that is clever as all getout....

but for free, PhotoFiltre is about the best....except for one called "The Gimp", which is renowned for do NOT want to start there.

11 Jan 06 - 05:35 PM (#1646559)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Nigel Parsons

Just to show that someone reads your posts!

Why in the cheesey stats from 'Poll of the day' do they leave out some cheeses? The end of the piece says "total votes 72" but if you add up the numbers in brackets there's only 67 votes cast!



Oh, and just to Justify posting in this thread I composed this message in Word, and then cut'n'pasted it

11 Jan 06 - 06:31 PM (#1646591)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: tarheel

PERSON'S who do not like cut/paste should be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 Jan 06 - 07:03 PM (#1646602)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Peace

PERSON'S who do not like cut/paste should be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 Jan 06 - 07:14 PM (#1646610)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: McGrath of Harlow

But I don't think you'd disagree, tarheel, that it is a mistake to post a cut and paste without indicating it as such, and something that we should try to avoid doing.

11 Jan 06 - 07:54 PM (#1646629)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bobert

persons who post "PERSON'S who do not like cut/pastes should be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!" should be banned...

11 Jan 06 - 07:56 PM (#1646630)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: number 6

I'm beginning to agree with you Bobert.


11 Jan 06 - 07:59 PM (#1646633)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: GUEST,jOhn

SHamBlews shoud be banned,
beacase of he is a big wamker/
and alwaytsas making trubble.

11 Jan 06 - 08:05 PM (#1646636)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: GUEST,The Bad Boy,

lol Bruce

11 Jan 06 - 08:11 PM (#1646644)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Joe Offer

I suppose it's like taking time to build a carefully-crafted architectural masterpiece, and then to have other folks come into the neighborhood with trailers and surround you with with ready-built, mass-produced McMansions that are twice the size of yours. It isn't quite fair.

At the very least, I think it's polite to include at least some of your own words in a post that includes a copy-paste. It certainly does make sense to use copy-paste on occasion, but some people do it all the time, and post huge amounts of verbiage that I wonder if they even take time to read.

Use some moderation, folks, and then I won't have to bother using my editing button.

-Joe Offer-

11 Jan 06 - 09:15 PM (#1646701)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Peace

Thank you, Bad Boy. That's twice I have done that and you are the first to comment. I am pleased.

11 Jan 06 - 09:43 PM (#1646727)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: GUEST,Old Guy


Which is the more evil, GWB or cut-n-pasters?

11 Jan 06 - 09:54 PM (#1646735)
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
From: Bobert

Ahhhh, I have to give this some thought...