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BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?

01 Feb 06 - 12:35 PM (#1659197)
Subject: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Rapparee

I didn't.

01 Feb 06 - 12:47 PM (#1659209)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Alba

You mean the 'The Utter Mess of the Union Address' no, I was washing my hair...something I considered to be far more vital to this Country than a poorly acted and badly scrpited prime time comedy show:)
Ill tune in over the next few weeks if they keep it running but I have a feeling it may go the way of the Book of Daniel, I read that just like TBOD it too had too many unbelievable plots going on for the Viewer to take any of them seriously.:)

01 Feb 06 - 01:07 PM (#1659230)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: leftydee

I did

01 Feb 06 - 01:08 PM (#1659233)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Wesley S

I can't afford to pull an "Elvis" on my TV so I spared myself the pleasure.

01 Feb 06 - 01:23 PM (#1659252)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Ebbie

I tried.

Ended up reading the online speech text instead. The speech glosses over many controversial issues and misleads on others and pretends things that never were...

Afterward, on Nightline I listened to a discussion on the States of the Union spectacles over the year. The best reasoning that the person who was in favor of continuing them could come up with that it is the only time the American people can 'see' their president for more than for 30 seconds or a minute at a time.

The other guy said it needs to be abolished because, other than allowing a show where the legislative bodies and cabinet members and the administrative figures get to preen themselves, it is meaningless.

Howard Dean has this to say:

"Americans have a lot of questions that went unanswered tonight. When George Bush delivered his State of the Union address, he had a big megaphone and the world's attention. He had the opportunity to regain some degree of credibility with the American people -- more than half of whom disapprove of his performance as president. But he failed to answer the real questions ordinary Americans have about the state of our union:

"When will we have a new strategy in Iraq that protects American lives? Violence is increasing, not decreasing there and the mismanagement of this war has cost the lives of Americans and billions of dollars in fraud. And when will we secure our ports and chemical and nuclear plants, which remain vulnerable?

"When will the Republican Party put its responsibility to the people before its greed and thirst for power? The Republican culture of corruption in the executive and legislative branches has violated the law and cost taxpayers billions.

"When will President Bush and the Republican Congress wake up to the economic crisis tens of millions of Americans face? Good jobs are leaving this country, and many of the jobs that remain exploit working families by denying them adequate benefits. Millionaires and corporations receive tax breaks while Americans can't afford to save, and the gap between rich and poor continues to widen to levels unseen since the 19th century.

"When will we finally do something for the 46 million Americans who lack health insurance? Many have had their lives ruined financially when the worst happened, and many more no longer seek the care they need because they cannot afford it.

"When will we make serious strides towards energy independence? We get a greater percentage of our oil from cartels and dictatorships now than we did in 2000.
"When will he take steps to further ensure retirement security for every American? Growing old with dignity is a right, not a privilege, and dismantling Social Security in favor of private accounts is the wrong direction for our society.

"If Bush and the Republicans would bother to answer these questions, the answers would be simple. But they won't answer.

"That's because the answer to each and every one is "Never." Never as long as they control our government, never as long as they can execute the same incompetent, dishonest and destructive government without paying a price at the ballot box. The answer will be "never" until we grow the operation and build the infrastructure to beat them."

01 Feb 06 - 01:39 PM (#1659267)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Bill D

no, there are pundits and professionals paid to watch these things and analyze and digest it for my convenience. I scan a few of them to get the gist of it...

01 Feb 06 - 01:46 PM (#1659275)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Rapparee

I think that it's required by the Constitution.

01 Feb 06 - 02:21 PM (#1659318)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Stilly River Sage

I tried, but I startled my daughter when I started shouting at that lying smirking face on the television. After I couldn't take it any more I switched over to HGTV and watched experts organize a woman's living and dining room.

01 Feb 06 - 02:28 PM (#1659323)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Amos

While it is provided for in the Constitution, there is no reason for it to be a PR spectacle. The first Presidents simply provided a report in writing. And the "counter-speech by the loyal opposition" afterwards has only been in practice for about twenty years if I recall aright.

His platitudes were round and firm and fully packed, but his hypocrisy was redolent, and like Lucky Strikes, gave off a bad odor harmful to your health.


01 Feb 06 - 02:32 PM (#1659326)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Don Firth

I listened on the radio (why maximize?). I could probably write a treaise on the speech, but suffice it to say that I got dizzy from all that spinning. . . .

Don Firth

01 Feb 06 - 02:57 PM (#1659357)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: gnu

First time since I was a lad that I missed it. For some strange reason, I thought it was supposed to be on tomorrow night. I might still have it on tape though, as long as he was on before eLeno or Letterman. What time was it on?

01 Feb 06 - 03:04 PM (#1659365)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Amos

Of interest in the Land of the Free under our proud President, a woman who wore a T-shirt with a number on it (2,245) was immediately seized by the security guards "because she was protesting", although she was doing nothing except sitting there, well-behaved. She was cuffed and hustled out into a squad car, put in jail for four hours, and is preparing a lawsuit on the affront.

But you have to wonder what kind of an education that guard had that he thought he could follow orders of this kind and yell "PROTESTOR!" (which he did) while twisting an older woman's arms behind her back and frog-marching her up the stairs in a public government building for the simple exercise of free, quiet, speech.

It's both insane and, in the context of the Constiotution, criminal abuse.


01 Feb 06 - 03:43 PM (#1659398)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Rapparee

Being tired of presidents from both parties who turn the SofU into a political party game, I think that they should be required to submit a handwritten report. It could be photocopied and passed out to the Congress, who could in turn submit handwritten questions for a handwritten response.

But then, I also support decentralizing the Executive and Legislative branches....

01 Feb 06 - 03:45 PM (#1659401)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I'm just amazed at the word "didcha".   I think that is actually a Slovak pastry, but I'm not sure.

01 Feb 06 - 03:56 PM (#1659408)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: DougR

Yes I did. Excellent speech.


01 Feb 06 - 04:00 PM (#1659411)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: CarolC

Interestingly, there was another woman who was removed from the building last night, but in her case, she was not handcuffed and arrested as Ms. Sheehan was. The second woman was "protesting" in favor of the war. Hmmmm...

01 Feb 06 - 04:05 PM (#1659415)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Carol, she had a T-shirt that said "Support the Troops — Defending Our Freedom."   I think there is a big difference in supporting our troops and supporting the war. I would not put words in her mouth (or on her chest in this case) that said she was in favor of the war.

01 Feb 06 - 06:56 PM (#1659581)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Rapparee

The area libraries have collected 1,500 paperbacks for a local Army Reserve unit which is going for its second tour in Iraq. We delivered them today; they came from those who support the war and those opposed to it -- but in any case, they are supporting their neighbors, friends, and relatives. This was a load of 15 boxes of 100 paperbacks per box; in 2004 we collected 21 boxes and sent them with the local National Guard unit.

And yes, these gifts have been VERY well received.

01 Feb 06 - 07:00 PM (#1659583)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: DougR

Rapaire: that was a super thing for your community to do.


01 Feb 06 - 07:01 PM (#1659584)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: GUEST,Texas Guest

Ol' Dub'ya doesn't represent me in ANY way, shape, form or idea and I still cannot tolerate the sound of his voice or the words he chooses to utter; he is, in my opinion - a disgrace to the office he holds, the nation he pretends to serve and all that Jefferson, Franklin and Adams, et al, stood for.

Again, I cannot blame the "thimble-wit" because he is, after all - a thimble-wit. I can, and do, however, blame the American electorate who has become too fat, too lazy and too ignorant to render an intelligent decision in the ballot box. We have seen this for years, election after election; hence, we have this thimble-wit called, Bush, who will remain in office until the appropriate time when the American electorate is asked to put another thimble-wit in office. Which leads me to ask - who do you think it will be? Having written all of that it's probably unnecessary for me to write, NO I DIDN'T WATCH THE SON-OF-A-BITCH (don't take it personal BB) but I did listen to the pundits pick it apart afterwards - easier on the intellectual pallate.

01 Feb 06 - 07:08 PM (#1659586)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: CarolC

Ok, I stand corrected, Ron. Nevertheless, she was not arrested for wearing that t-shirt... just removed. I'm sure Cindy believes her t-shirt is in support of the troops as well. But she was handcuffed and arrested. It still looks like an inconsistant application of the law based on political ideology.

01 Feb 06 - 07:37 PM (#1659610)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Peace

I asked on another thread about what Carol just mentioned: Does anyone know why Sheehan was arrested and the other gal wasn't?

01 Feb 06 - 07:58 PM (#1659630)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Peace

"And it is still unclear, to put it generously, why Sheehan -- who apparently complied with the request to leave -- was arrested and detained for four hours, while Young, who argued bitterly with the Police and even called the officers "idiots," was simply asked to leave and not arrested. All of this is such a significant story primarily because there is a long line of events under the Bush Administration where people with dissenting opinions are thrown out of public events and divergent views are kept far away from the Commander-in-Chief. This incident grew out of that climate and is clearly a part of it."

From a link provide by Arne on the "Sheehan arrested" thread.

01 Feb 06 - 09:03 PM (#1659683)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: GUEST,petr

interesting bit about weaning the US from Oil dependency-
except the simple step of conservation isnt being made.
- ie. lowering speed limits
and requiring higher fuel efficiency from the automakers (that for years have been reaping big money from suv sales - and get around fuel efficiency standards for cars - and now are suffering because due to high oil prices sales of suvs and trucks are down)

hey, whatever happened to going to mars and putting a base on the moon?
That was part of last years state of the union (or the year before) I suppose W wanted to make a challenge and sound like Kennedy. In which case he failed miserably, as the White HOuse ended up cutting Nasas Budget which also affects the Hubble telescope - arguably one of the most useful things to come out the space program.

at the end of the speech he added, Sept 11 and terrorist terrorist terrorist.

01 Feb 06 - 09:09 PM (#1659692)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Peace

Public Opinion polls will be interesting to see over the next few days. Be an indication of how many folks got sucked in, IMO.

01 Feb 06 - 09:13 PM (#1659698)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Bobert

Yes... it sucked!!!

Democratic Governor Tim Kaine (Va.) said more in 9 minutes that made sense than Bush siad in his 51 minutes... Heck if Bush had spoken for another 51 hours he would have been hard pressed to top Governor Kaine's 9 minute Democtatic Response...

Ain't quanity or every 48 second burst of applause for the Repubs but quality and Kaine whupped Bush a new one...

And he did it talkin' about bi-partisanship... Somehting that Bush wouldn't know if it knocked on his door with a name tag...

Like I said, it sucked... Worst State of the Union Address since his last...


01 Feb 06 - 09:25 PM (#1659718)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?

Reminds me of the Spaniards throwing tomatoes at the t.v. when Franco addressed them.

01 Feb 06 - 09:28 PM (#1659724)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Peace

Yeah, maybe, but Franco had the decency to drop dead in 1975.

01 Feb 06 - 10:41 PM (#1659778)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: number 6

It was politics ... U.S. Politics.

The president's approval rating is What 39% or something ... anway a rather negative outlook overall

The Democratic party's approval rating is what 32% or something ... anyway a negative outlook overall

With the problems facing the U.S. .. Iraq (sucking the economy dry, and taking lives of Americans every day), the deficit (f&%king scarry), corruption in Congress, unsecure borders, China gobbling away at the manufacturing/technical infrastructure (pretty soon they will control it all).

I'd say you guys are in a ugly mess all round ... you gotta get it together!


02 Feb 06 - 01:19 AM (#1659872)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?

Somebody tipped me off who was about to try talking; I switched to the comedy channel.

02 Feb 06 - 04:43 AM (#1659929)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?

how could you tell which was which!

02 Feb 06 - 07:56 AM (#1659990)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Bobert

The SOTUA was the one with the jack in box folks jumping up every 48 seconds to applaud the guy who very much looked like "Exhibit A" for the therory of evolution with man and the ape being not all that far apart genetically...

02 Feb 06 - 09:22 AM (#1660035)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: GUEST,Larry K

I hate state of the union addresses from either side.   Complete waste of time.    It's only a speech which has no more credibility than a campaign promise.

The only thing I liked was that he menitioned renewable energy.   In 270 minutes of debate with Kerry, the topic of energy efficiency or renewable energy barely came up.    I am happy to see it back on the table.

Point of irony: I am the keynote speaker for Senator Bashams energy summit on Monday, and the keynote speaker for John Conyer's energy town hall.   I find that rather bizarre.   I plan on quoting Ronald Reagan in both speeches.

02 Feb 06 - 10:28 AM (#1660090)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Greg F.

I think there is a big difference in supporting our troops and supporting the war.

And that big difference is, Ron ?

This is the "All Volunteeer Army"- this ain't kids being drafted into something they want no part of under penalty of going to Federal prison.

Precisely what did they think they were going to be used for when they signed up? Street crossing guards? Particularly in light of the rather shameful history of U.S. military adventurism.

Sorry, but it can't seriously be maintained that the "troops" bear no responsibility here.

Let's bring 'em all home, RIGHT NOW. How's that for support?

Or is Dumbya going to wait until his personal death toll equals that of September 11?

02 Feb 06 - 11:54 AM (#1660163)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Rapparee

Greg, you can't do a withdrawal under fire (which an "Immediate Withdrawal" would be) without losing more troops than staying put. If you mean, "bringing them back a quickly as is consistent with the safety of the troops", okay. But not the other. I have relatives and friends in Iraq.

02 Feb 06 - 02:50 PM (#1660322)
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
From: Greg F.

As long as "bringing them back a quickly as is consistent with the safety of the troops" aren't weasel words to cover leaving them there at George the Third's pleasure, I would, of course, agree.

Unfortunately, since the C in C is a documented lying sack of shit...