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BS: Who are the UAE?

25 Feb 06 - 04:39 PM (#1678785)
Subject: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianvan

There is so much controversy about the control of U.S. (and Canadian) ports by the UAE, I have been doing a little research on this country which seems to play both ends against the middle.

I have found that it is Muslim and operates under Sharia law.

I have found that it is a monarchy and that all of its government is appointed.

I have found that over half of its population is from southern Asia (the work force).

In other words its a country with no middle class. Its a country of very rich shieks who control a population of very poor people.

I have also found (Persian Journal) the following:

"United Arab Emigrates- The sex trade is flourishing in the United Arab Emigrates (UAE). Women from all over the world are sent to work in the UAE as prostitutes; reports suggest that Iranian women between the ages of 14-20 are the most desired (is this sick or what!?!). The government of Iran is denying that trafficking of women for the sex trade in a fellow Muslim nation exists. By "coincedence" the government of Iran is arresting journalists who report stories about Iranians sold into the sex trade. Despite the denial, in 2005, the Iranian government arrested 25 smugglers who were bringing girls into the UAE. The UAE does not recognize a girl who has been sold into the sex trade as a victim--as a female, she is the perpetrator because of her gender. Women from Uzbekistan are also popular among the sex trade in the UAE, one report states that there are more women from Uzbekistan in the UAE than from any other country in Central Asia (Protection Project).

Women and children sold into the sex trade into the UAE are either kidnapped, sold by poor families, enticed by fraudulent marriages or fraudulent work proposals. Other forms of crime are also thriving along with the sex trade--drug trafficking, money laundering and organized crime. Dubai is a particularly attractive place to do business because it is tax-free and the government is lax on Shari'a. Wealthy sheikhs are known to buy young boys as camel jockeys, and police often ignore reports of trafficking because they are corrupt.

And although prostitution is illegal in the emirate, this appalling trade in human flesh is a high-profile activity in a region which hosts Islam's two holiest places - Makkah and Madinah. Even the self-appointed custodians of the shrines approve of the racket, travelling to Dubai to indulge themselves...

Hundreds of children, some as young as five, are forced to ride on camels in desert races on which huge sums are gambled. Their terrified screams make the camels run faster. And like prostitution, the employment of young jockeys is illegal in the UAE (since 1993) but the authorities also turn a blind eye. Again, like the prostitutes, many of the child jockeys are Muslim children who are being ruthlessly exploited and are in dire need of rescue.
(Prostitution in Dubai, M.A. Shaikh)

Laws on camel jockeying in the UAE have been tightened in March 2005, and a 24-hour hotline has been established to report any suspicious activity. Most, are skeptical that the UAE will ever enforce justice," It's futile to complain because the traffickers here operate with almost total impunity."

So, if the UAE turns a blind eye to all of this corruption in its own country, what do you think it will do with our ports?

I am very sorry for the long cut and paste but I feel very strongly about this issue and can't seem to express my concerns any other way.

25 Feb 06 - 05:21 PM (#1678815)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: Joe Offer

Here's a capsule summary from Encyclopedia Britannica:

    Sheikhdoms, they are bordered by Qatar to the northwest, Saudi Arabia to the west and south, and Oman to the east and northeast. Nearly nine-tenths of the union's area of 32,280 square miles (83,600 square km) is occupied by Abu Dhabi (Abū Zabī), the one emirate stretching along the Persian Gulf coast. The six other emirates are clustered on the Musandam Peninsula, which separates the Persian Gulf from the Gulf of Oman; they are Dubayy (Dubai), ʿAjmān, Ash-Shāriqah ( Sharjah), Umm al-Qaywayn, and Raʾs al-Khaymah on the Persian Gulf side and Al- Fujayrah on the Gulf of Oman side. The city of Abu Dhabi was chosen as the national capital when the union was formed in 1971.
I dunno about the accuracy of information you posted, Diana. I'm sure there's truth in it, but it does have a flavor of propaganda to it, also.
Where's the information from?
-Joe Offer-

25 Feb 06 - 05:23 PM (#1678818)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Its from the Persian Journal, Joe, as stated above.

25 Feb 06 - 05:29 PM (#1678823)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: Dead Horse

United Arab Emigrates? I dont think so.
Its Emirates = Ruled by Emirs!

25 Feb 06 - 05:48 PM (#1678841)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

You are so right.

...but who are the emirs?

25 Feb 06 - 08:41 PM (#1678935)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

So, if the UAE turns a blind eye to all of this corruption in its own country, what do you think it will do with our ports?

Probably the same things as our governments do when we turn a blind eye to these very things in our own countries. And you are misleading yourself if you think that the things described in your openeing post are not happening in our own countries. Biker gangs in Canada are a huge source of kidnapped sex slaves in the west. The sex slave trade is flourishing in all Western countries. Most Western countries don't recognise sex slaves as victims. When the sex slaves are apprehended, if they are trafficked from other countries (this is quite often the case), instead of receiving victim support, they are jailed and deported.

And US companies use (forced) child labor in third world countries to make the goods that they then sell in the US, Canada, and other parts of the West. A practice you support when you buy these goods. We are not as different from them as you might find it comfortable to believe.

25 Feb 06 - 10:58 PM (#1678999)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Carol - I know that human trafficing occurs in the U.S. and Canada, too. In fact, it happens all over the world. I never said otherwise. The problem with the UAE (Dubai in particular) is that only about 20% of the population is actually Arabic and 80% of the population is imported. Thats the entire workforce. Thats why its such a joke to call people who oppose the port deal, racists.

Prostitution is an integral part of the UAE's burgeoning tourist trade. Although the UAE have signed treaties condeming the practice of sexual slavery, it is rampant and unchecked. The police are totally corrupt and turn a blind eye.

I find it very strange that, regardless of human rights abuses, the U.S. allies itself with anyone who will support their so-called war on terrorism. Thats why they haven't cracked down on the Sudanese government. Thats why they made the deal with the UAE. How much easier it will be to launch a war against Iran from the UAE.

I don't see what the Hells Angels have to do with giving our ports to the UAE. Thats just another red herring. I'd like to see some evidence to support that statement.

...and just because human trafficing is a problem here doesn't make it right to open the ports to even more corruption. Its certainly not going to help the problem. Thats like saying we have too many rapists so lets invite rapists.

Do you really want an expansion of the heroin trade and human smuggling? Inviting the worst of the lot to operate our ports is not what I would call a step in the right direction.

25 Feb 06 - 11:13 PM (#1679008)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

The reason the US government doesn't concern itself with other countries' human rights abuses (unless it finds it politically or economically expedient to do so) is because the US government doesn't give a crap about human rights.

The reason I have been taking the stance I am taking on this particular issue is because I smell something very fishy behind all of this outrage over the UAE buying a British company that manages ports. I don't think the people you have been getting your information from are being entirely honest with you. There's more going on here than concern for the integrity of our ports, and a lot of it is based on a very pathological disdain for Arabs (and Muslims) that has become the norm for the US and some other Western countries.

So what I am saying is not, "let's open ports to more corruption", but "let's not continue to feed this pathological disdain for Arabs (and Muslims), because if we do, it will keep getting worse until we end up with a genocide the proportions of which would make the Holocaust look like a picnic.

25 Feb 06 - 11:38 PM (#1679017)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

I doubt if the sale of U.S. ports will stop any form of genocide.

If the deal includes the use the UAE as a launching pad for an invasion of Iran, it is more logical to assume that your fears will be realized as a result of that sale.

There is absolutely no point in speculating about genocide or calling the Holocaust a picnic. I know you don't mean it but to compare your imaginary genocide to the Holocaust is insensitive to say the least. The Arabs are alive and well in many countries of the middle east. If you want to talk about genocide, talk about the Sudan.

25 Feb 06 - 11:43 PM (#1679019)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

...take the criticism about the UAE being one of only a handful of countries to recognise the Taliban as a legitimate government, for instance (one of the criticisms being used to argue against the Dubai Ports World deal).

People are conveniently forgetting that the US government at one time also recognised the Taliban as a legitimate government, and even gave them money. Now why would someone want to misrepresent that particular factoid? Why would they be pointing fingers at the UAE for something even the government of the US has done? I think it's because they've got an axe to grind that has nothing whatever with port security or human rights issues.

25 Feb 06 - 11:51 PM (#1679022)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

Easy for you to say, dianavan. You bailed out of the US and went to Canada where you can conveniently absolve yourself of all responsibility for the actions of the US government (while pointing fingers at those of us who have remained).

I still live here, and I can see where things are headed. I still have responsibility as a resident, a citizen, and a voter, and I'm not going to sit back and just let things continue in the direction they're headed. I agree that if the Dubai deal is going to assist the Bush people with an invasion of Iran, then it's not a good thing. On on the other hand, the attitudes I have been seeing from far too many people, that Arabs are subhuman and do not deserve the same basic considerations as everyone else, attitudes that I see every day coming from my government as well as the opinion mongers in this country, have got to stop.

26 Feb 06 - 12:00 AM (#1679030)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: gnu

CC... "... if the Dubai deal is going to assist the Bush people with an invasion of Iran,..."

Oh my. Shhhhh. You are not supposed to know (or say) that. Are there any clicking type sounds on your phone?

26 Feb 06 - 12:04 AM (#1679031)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC


Can they put a tap on internet phones?

26 Feb 06 - 12:06 AM (#1679032)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: Peace

They can shut the internet.

26 Feb 06 - 12:35 AM (#1679047)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

Here's an article about a documentary film made by a woman from Dubai who studied for a while in Canada. She made the film to correct misconceptions about her country by people in other countries...

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- Nayla Khaja, 26, a filmmaker now studying in Canada, is riding a sudden crest of fame.

Khaja had grown tired of hearing misconceptions about Dubai, where she grew up. Women are as likely as men to be driving the late-model Jaguars that zip along the avenues here, and blue jeans are as common in the marble shopping malls as the black, cloak-like abayas worn throughout the Persian Gulf region.

Cranes dot Dubai's marina area. The city-state has been filling in the sea to make way for new construction. (Photos Scott Wilson -- The Washington Post)

So she decided to make a documentary, "Unveiling Dubai," a promotional look at her home town as seen through the eyes of a visiting foreigner. She shelled out $30,000 to become Dubai's first female movie producer.

"We are not Saudi Arabia," Khaja said in summarizing the documentary, which made its debut at the Dubai International Film Festival this month before an audience of local leading lights and a few Hollywood stars. "That really is the lesson.

26 Feb 06 - 03:47 AM (#1679069)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Carol C - The fact that I live in Canada in no way makes me disconnected from what is going on in the world, especially the U.S. The ports deal also involves a Vancouver port on Burrard Inlet, about two miles from where I live.

I'm not even going to answer your cheap shot about bailing out of the U.S. The fact that I was born there makes me as much a citizen as you and entitles me to comment about affairs that effect both the Canada and the U.S. I will say that since moving to Canada, I have been able to see through alot of the propaganda that I grew up with.

So if you aren't going to sit back and take it, what exactly are you going to do about people that think Arabs are subhuman? I moved to Canada, what are you going to do? Sit at your computer and shake your finger at the screen? Sure, there are those who are falling for propaganda about subhuman Arabs (its been going on now since 911) and Bush has been adding fuel to the fire ever since. So what do you do? You support the deal to allow the UAE to control our ports. That puts you in the Bush camp. Real brave of you.

As far as Nayla Khaja is concerned, I doubt if she is one of Dubai's immigrant population which means she is part of the elite that run that country. You don't really think she is one of the 80% that are immigrants do you? Of course she would make a wonderful movie about her hometown - so what? I'd be more interested in a film that exposed the underbelly of Dubai. She's probably just a little too sensitive to show us that kind of slime.

You just don't get it. Some Arabs are just as nasty and ugly as any other gangsters. Just because they're Arabs, doesn't mean they are any kin to the Palestinian people. Do some research, Carol, then come back and convince me that the UAE should be operating ports in the U.S. and Canada.

26 Feb 06 - 04:42 AM (#1679089)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?

According to the U.S. government, 13 of the 19 hijackers entered the United States between April 23 and June 29, 2001. And 11 of those late-arrivers — who were Saudi citizens and primarily the "muscle" for the hijackings — went through Dubai, according to the report.

The hijackers traveled in groups of two or three, taking off from Dubai and arriving at airports in Miami, Orlando, or New York City, the report said.

"As for the money trail, Bin Laden's alleged financial manager, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hisawi, received at a Dubai bank a transfer of $15,000 two days before the Sept. 11 attacks and then left the Emirates for Pakistan, where he was arrested last year.

Marwan Al-Shehhi, an Emirates citizen and one of the hijackers, received $100,000 via the United Arab Emirates. Another hijacker, Fayez Banihammad, also was from the Emirates.

About half of the $250,000 spent on the attacks was wired to al-Qaeda terrorists in the United States from Dubai banks, authorities said. al-Qaeda money in Dubai banks also has been linked to the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania." From USA Today

26 Feb 06 - 10:14 AM (#1679299)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

It's not any more of a cheap shot than you criticizing everyone in the US for the actions of the US government, dianavan. You took the easy route, you take no responsibility yourself, and you take potshots at those who have chosen to stay behind and do something about it.

What I choose to do about it is to shoot down the arguments of people who spread lies and distortions, and who preach from a position of hypocrisy, like I am doing right now.

So Guest,26 Feb 06 - 04:42 AM, why do you suppose, given the fact that so many of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, the US still sells Saudi Arabia some of our most sensitive military equipment?

26 Feb 06 - 02:22 PM (#1679511)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

I think you have misunderstood the plural 'you' with the singular 'you' Carol. I know better than to think that the U.S. government represents all U.S. citizens. Thats a very old argument.

As I've told you before, my new life in Canada was far from easy. It would have been alot easier had I stayed in the U.S. where my family lives. Leaving your family and friends and starting a new life in a new country is never easy, even if you speak the language. Nor was it easy to learn how the government of Canada actually works (or doesn't work) as the case may be.

Its true that as a Canadian I can do very little about U.S. politics but I can and do fight for democracy and human rights from Canada. This particular issue effects Canada and the U.S. alike. In fact, there is very little that the U.S. does that doesn't effect Canada.

I thought personal attacks were frowned upon.

I hope you weren't pointing at me when you say, " What I choose to do about it is to shoot down the arguments of people who spread lies and distortions, and who preach from a position of hypocrisy, like I am doing right now."

Can you be a little more specific, instead of hurling insults?

I'm still waiting for you to provide a source for your statement that said the Hells Angels are involved in human trafficing.

26 Feb 06 - 02:49 PM (#1679534)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

I thought you considered things wrong with Canada to be irrelevant to the discussion, dianavan. Do you really want my source, or will you just dismiss it as irrelevant after I go to the trouble of finding it for you?

I would take you more seriously when you criticize the US if you didn't make what look like blanket statements about all of the people in the US. There's one in another thread that's active right now, and I can get it for you and show you how it looks like you're criticizing all people in the US with your remark.

26 Feb 06 - 03:44 PM (#1679584)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Well, this certainly is thread drift but I did a bit of googling and found that the Hells Angels are deeply involved in the sex trade (mostly they own alot of stripper clubs) and of course, drugs. Seems that they have about 4000 people with ties to the Angels working on the ports and airports to take advantage of the fact that only about 3% of the shipments that are actually checked.

That bit of information does nothing to calm my fear of an increasing drug trade when the UAE starts operating the ports. Its bad enough as it is. We need better port security and I doubt very much if the UAE, according to the reports of corruption in their own country, are going to be doing much about it. Seems to me that they only pay lip service to rules and regulations.

Like I said before, why not just turn the ports over to the Mafia, or in this case, the Hells Angels? Why does anyone think the UAE has any more integrity or the ability to manage our ports better?

As far as human trafficing by the Hells Angels, I haven't found any evidence (lots of speculation) that they are guilty of this. Have they actually been tried and convicted of this offense? If they have, I would like to see the source.

In the meantime, we, as citizens are paying the price for the war on terrorism and yet nobody seems to have done anything to protect our ports since 911. Why is this? Could it be that shipments of drugs and human cargo are essential to the economy and more important than the safety of innocent civilians? Why spend so much money on this so-called war and leave our ports wide open?

Whether or not the UAE is or isn't entitled to operate our ports, I'm glad this has been brought to light. We need better port inspections and its time the U.S. and Canada took this a little more seriously. With wide open ports, why bother with any of the rest of it? Why tap phones? Why demand passports? Why search passengers? Why patrol offshore? Why a war on drugs? Why a war on terrorism?

The government should stop hassling their own citizens, invading other countries and begin doing the job of protecting our ports. Whats the point of offense if you have no defense?

26 Feb 06 - 11:44 PM (#1679988)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

I haven't been able to find the article I posted here in the Mudcat a few years ago that mentioned the biker gangs in Canada, but here's some information on trafficing in women that is and has been happening in Canada...

This is how Vancouver has dealt with the some of the child victims:

"Hundreds of children under 17 years old are being exploited in the sex industry in Vancouver, Canada. Middle-aged male buyers are increasingly seeking girls as young as 11. The police are not trusted by the children, who have targeted them for arrests rather than the perpetrators. (Child advocates, Mark Clayton, "To Curb Vancouver�s Big Trade in Child Sex, Police Nab �Johns�," Christian Science Monitor, 1997)

Children in prostitution are charged 59 times more often than are the male buyers in Vancouver. In six years, only 6 men were charged in Vancouver for buying children in prostitution. Two were convicted. During the same time period, 354 children were charged for involvement in prostitution. (Vancouver: Predator and Pedophile Paradise, a study by John Turvey, executive director of Downtown Eastside Youth Activities Society, Mark Clayton, "To Curb Vancouver�s Big Trade in Child Sex, Police Nab �Johns�," Christian Science Monitor, 1997)",+then+why+are+police+officers+and+politicians+some+of+our+better+customers%3F%22+Among+the+range+of+buyers%22&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=2

And in other parts of Canada:

27 Feb 06 - 12:29 AM (#1679996)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Yes, Carol, about 8-10 years ago there were a were a couple of "ghost
ships discovered off the coast of Vancouver Island. The occupants (from the Fugian province) were held in detention until the immigration could decide what to with them.

...and yes, Vancouver used to have a "kiddie stroll".

Both of those problems no longer exist.

I also re-call a situation where people smuggled in containers, too. Happened in Portland, as well. Haven't heard of any incidents in the last five years or so.

Don't re-call biker involvement though.

Are you saying its O.K. for the U.A.E. to engage in these activities because they are happening anyway?

I think we should hold the operators of our ports to a little higher standard than we do gangs.

27 Feb 06 - 01:32 AM (#1680004)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Here's a link for anyone comparing slavery in the U.S. to slavery in the UAE.

True, slavery exists in both countries but the difference is that the UAE has no freedom of the press and no abolitionists because independent human rights groups are banned.

27 Feb 06 - 03:28 AM (#1680025)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: jonm

As a collective of small states, the UAE are certainly the most progressive and Western-friendly of the Arab states. Their government is much more politically aware and much less driven by the tenets of the Muslim faith.

The majority of their political stances have been pro-peace and pro-democracy, within cultural boundaries. It's worth noting that there is a difference between supporting al-Qaeda and not denouncing al-Qaeda, and as a result of that stance, it is still safe for Westerners to holiday in Dubai.

The culture of all Arab countries is far more extreme in the way women are treated than the Muslim faith would suggest, although they use religion as their justification. This is less of an issue with the UAE.

All Arab nations have what we would call corruption problems - they regard this as simply buying a service, again it's a cultural difference. Their whole approach to business (and education, punctuality etc.) is wholly different from our own and has to be taken account of in dealings with Arab countries.

All nations have problems with human trafficking and corruption at the highest level and I know that many Westernised Arabs find the machinations of UK and US government incomprehensibly devious and contrived.

I work extensively with the UAE government and military, by the way.

27 Feb 06 - 09:31 AM (#1680207)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

Are you saying, dianavan, that it's ok for Canada to have human trafficking (still a big problem in Canada and all other Western countries), because the problem is worse in the UAE?

Why have you not been vocal about this problem prior to the Dubai Ports deal? Why is the problem of slavery and human trafficking only a concern to you now? I have been speaking out about it for years, right here in the Mudcat. Where was your indignation prior to now? Why do you only care about it when it is an Arab country that is doing it?

27 Feb 06 - 06:09 PM (#1680635)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: Teribus

Unlike Dianavan, I have worked in Dubai, as jonm above indicates the United Arab Emirates is a loose confederation of very old Arab Emirates, prior to their creation as the UAE they were known as the Trucial States. They formed themselves into their present confederation when their treaties with the UK expired in 1972. Although loosely confederated they are highly individual.

For Dubai in particular, I would doubt very much the veracity of the situation as reported by Dianavan on the basis of experience and logic. The 'native' population is tiny, entry is tightly controlled, any foreigner is known about and a close account is kept. Much easier to play the games Dianavan describes in Europe or the US, much easier to hide.

27 Feb 06 - 09:20 PM (#1680782)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Carol C. - I have always spoken out about human trafficing and I know its a world-wide problem. Its not O.K. for Canada or any other country to be involved in this crime. I thought by the examples I provided I had shown that the crimes that had come to light were dealt with and that they did not originate in Canada.

As I said before, "...slavery exists in both countries but the difference is that the UAE has no freedom of the press and no abolitionists because independent human rights groups are banned."

Teribus - How do you keep close tabs on the foreigners when 80% of the population from elsewhere?

jonm - I have never been to the UAE so you probably know the culture better than I do. All I know is:

...that because of its close proximity to S.E. Asia, its a drug transhipment point for trafficers.

It also has a reputation as being the best place to launder money because of its 'anything goes', wide open business climate.

I also know that prostitution (and sex slaves brought to Dubai from 3rd world countries) is an integral part of its booming tourist industry.

...and we all know that Al Qaeda kept bank accounts there and the banks were very reluctant to co-operate with U.S. authorities. We also know that a couple of the hijackers received money from those accounts prior to 911.

I have nothing against the fact that this is an Arab country. I do question why a monarchy with a feudalist society is an ally but we bomb Iraq so they can have Democracy. It just doesn't add up.

When people try to make this into a racist issue or an issue of Nationalism, it only clouds the issue. Why would we want the UAE to manage our ports? Why not give the ports to the Mafia or the Hells Angels?

They don't call Dubai, the Vegas of the Middle East for nothing. As jonm has stated, "Their whole approach to business (and education, punctuality etc.) is wholly different from our own and has to be taken account of in dealings with Arab countries."

I totally agree. Thats why Bush has failed in Iraq. Lets not make another mistake.

27 Feb 06 - 11:35 PM (#1680838)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

Well, the government of the UAE apparently has cooler heads prevailing there than most of the people who have sounded off on the subject over here. They requested a 45 day delay in finalizing the deal so that an extra review can be conducted by those in the US who are concerned about allowing the deal to go through.

28 Feb 06 - 01:35 AM (#1680860)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: skarpi

Grazy president. This is not good arabs running your harbours ?#$%$#%
whats wrong with that man , there is only one way to stop this and that is to take him him off as a president.

all the best SkarpiIceland.

28 Feb 06 - 02:51 AM (#1680877)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Yes, thats very cool.

Definitely helps Georgie save his face.

...but thats the situation isn't it?

I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine?

Carol, how will you justify your stance when Bush starts using the UAE as a base to launch an attack on Iran?

Seems the UAE and Iran share some disputed territory.

I guess that makes the U.S. and the U.A.E. natural allies.

28 Feb 06 - 10:04 AM (#1681048)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: CarolC

I'll condemn the Bush administration for it if they do that, dianavan. It isn't necessary to march in lockstep with either party, you know.

The Democrats are behaving just as reprehensibly over this issue as the Republicans. They are being quite obvious in their misrepresentation of what's really going on. For instance, they have tried to make it look like the Coast Guard has raised concerns over security issues that haven't been addressed, when the Coast Guard themselves are saying that that is not the case.

The people who are arguing against this deal wouldn't have to lie if they didn't have something to hide themselves.

01 Mar 06 - 08:25 AM (#1682128)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: Les from Hull

I don't imagine that much will change in the US. Port facilities owned by a UK-registered company will now be owned by a UAE-registered company. I can't think that the personnel will change much. Any US citizen who imagine that these ports will now be patrolled by gun-toting Arab security staff is more than usually paranoid (even for an American).

01 Mar 06 - 05:59 PM (#1682645)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: Teribus

One little note, on my first visit to Dubai, many, many years ago when the two villages of Dubai and Derah were seperated by the creek. The one very odd feature was that all the banks were built on the side of the creek and all appeared to have their main doors facing the water.

The reason was quite simple Dubai at that time and for many years previous made its money by smuggling gold into India and Pakistan.

02 Mar 06 - 06:12 PM (#1683628)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: shepherdlass

I lived and worked in Dubai for a time, too. Hadn't heard Teribus's fascinating story before, but my impression was that they would certainly have made a lot of money from smuggling or ABSOLUTELY anything else that they could think of - it's probably the most intensely capitalist place I've ever been. This is maybe because it hadn't much wealth at all till the oil boom.

It's no more or less morally suspect as any place where unfettered capitalism is allowed. While I was there, a fire in a factory highlighted the horrors of migrant workers (many from Sri Lanka and the Philippines) being locked in their place of work overnight - those who survived suffered terrible burns and were housed in cramped quarters with no air conditioning and almost no nursing care. Horrible, horrible. But, then, no different to a lot of other places that the West routinely does business with (or for that matter, the West itself during rapid industrialization a couple of centuries ago). Forget the fact that these are Emirates, or in the middle east, or Muslim - the main driving force is the almighty power of money. And, guess what? That's exactly why we'll go on trading with them and exactly why we need to question our own values.

02 Mar 06 - 09:50 PM (#1683816)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Well, said, Shepherdlass.

07 Mar 06 - 08:27 PM (#1687872)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Here's a Muslim perspective:

08 Mar 06 - 04:32 AM (#1688054)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: Wolfgang

A quite interesting perspective.


08 Mar 06 - 05:01 PM (#1688571)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the UAE?
From: GUEST,dianavan

A quite interesting woman.