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Why do we need three marmite threads?

15 Mar 06 - 02:12 PM (#1694227)
Subject: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Les in Chorlton

Just a question

15 Mar 06 - 02:13 PM (#1694230)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Peace

15 Mar 06 - 02:17 PM (#1694237)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Scooby Doo

You dont have too read them!!!!.

15 Mar 06 - 02:19 PM (#1694240)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Les in Chorlton

Oh, but somehow you do!
Sorry very cheap and failed attempt at a joke.

15 Mar 06 - 02:20 PM (#1694243)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: MoorleyMan

Why do we need three threads?
Well, you want one for yourself, then one for each of your parents - otherwise your ma mite get upset?

Then again, how much vegenite does it take to change a light bulb?....

15 Mar 06 - 02:23 PM (#1694248)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Les in Chorlton

I think their are far too many of these pointless threads ...... but the veginite is a bit of a challenge .............

15 Mar 06 - 02:25 PM (#1694254)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: beardedbruce

to make marmite yarn?

15 Mar 06 - 02:26 PM (#1694255)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Scooby Doo

It was not meant to be a joke Les but fact.

15 Mar 06 - 02:30 PM (#1694261)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: GUEST,Marmite meta-thread counter

Why do we need two threads about how many marmite threads there are?

15 Mar 06 - 02:42 PM (#1694269)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Les in Chorlton

Sorry Scoo,

I was refering to my awful joke not your response

15 Mar 06 - 03:19 PM (#1694292)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: GUEST,The Bandwidth Conservation Militia

We, The Bandwidth Conservation Militia (BCM for short), have obtained blueprints of all Marmite storage facilities in the United Kingdom. Unless all senseless, pointless, stoopid and dumbass copycat threads are abandoned IMMEDIATELY, we will begin kidnapping full cartons of Marmite and holding them hostage until our demands are met!

We are serious! If you don't want to go back to eating your toast with marmalade or apple butter on it, the copycat threads MUST STOP NOW!

15 Mar 06 - 03:20 PM (#1694294)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Peace

Dear BCM:

Would it be OK to start a thread about More Mites and would that be considered copycat?

15 Mar 06 - 03:25 PM (#1694298)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Manitas_at_home

Marmite should be spread thinly. One big thread is no good.

15 Mar 06 - 03:30 PM (#1694306)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Windsinger

...shouldn't you be threatening to GIVE us the Marmite? :P

That'd be a threat with teeth.



15 Mar 06 - 04:07 PM (#1694335)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: number 6

One thing that disturbs me is that I ate some of that stuff at lunch ... now I'm thinking why would a food be called such a horrid name M-A-R-M-I-T-E.

sIx ... not feelin' to good right now.

15 Mar 06 - 04:09 PM (#1694338)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Peace

Just rearrange the letters of MARMITE and see what ya get.

15 Mar 06 - 04:21 PM (#1694350)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: number 6

Good one (took me a while) ... but hey, did find a jar of it here Peace.


15 Mar 06 - 04:25 PM (#1694362)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Little Hawk

A more pertinent question would be: Why do we HAVE three marmite threads?

I see no justification for it. Marmite barely deserves even one thread, in my opinion.

15 Mar 06 - 04:29 PM (#1694369)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: number 6

That's becaue you never ventured to try it LH.

sIx ... who is still feelin kinda green from the result of his culinary adventrue at lunch. M-A-R-M-I-T-E

15 Mar 06 - 04:52 PM (#1694397)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Little Hawk


15 Mar 06 - 05:15 PM (#1694421)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Purple Foxx

Marmite is the name of a cooking pot used in France.

15 Mar 06 - 06:02 PM (#1694487)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Peace

We don't yet have a Dolomites thread. Be the first on yer block . . . .

16 Mar 06 - 02:51 AM (#1694906)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: open mike















16 Mar 06 - 04:36 AM (#1694946)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Mo the caller

More than that surely.
Why do we need 7!/4 marmite threads?
Yes, I've just worked it out, it needs all the fingers and toes of 63 mudcatters to work count the number of ways of rearranging the letters.

You just can't keep up can you.I feel that there is some deep philosophical principal here somewhere. The Marmite Uncertainty Principle. Ever time you try to count it you alter it.

Just like life then, really.

16 Mar 06 - 04:37 AM (#1694948)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Purple Foxx

Life sticks to your fingers as well.

16 Mar 06 - 04:39 AM (#1694949)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Mo the caller

Sorry, that should have been7!/2 as there is only 1 repeated letter. Are there another 63 catters prepared to take their socks off.

Go on, just for those who prefer the smell of cheese to marmite.

16 Mar 06 - 04:43 AM (#1694952)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Purple Foxx

Stinking Bishop?

16 Mar 06 - 02:17 PM (#1695363)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Les in Chorlton

You would need less mudcatters if you counted in digital on your fingers

16 Mar 06 - 02:29 PM (#1695376)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Mo the caller


16 Mar 06 - 02:34 PM (#1695382)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Mo the caller

Going down.
As I thought I said earlier, MarmiteB has fallen off the table, now the 2 threads thread.
2 down 2 to go if all these fools would only stop posting rubbish

16 Mar 06 - 02:49 PM (#1695395)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: John MacKenzie

Purple Foxx I think you will find it is the name of more than one cooking pot used in France.
Giok ☺

17 Mar 06 - 10:19 AM (#1696137)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Tig

Blow the marmite - has anybody out there got an out of date jar of Bovril in their cupboard (pre July 2005)they want to part with? I can't stand the new stuff and neither can my body although I can tolerate proper Marmite in small amounts.


17 Mar 06 - 12:53 PM (#1696292)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Bert

One for each planet.

17 Mar 06 - 01:00 PM (#1696296)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: MMario

I've always wanted a marmot - but they are community animals and even pairs get lonely, so three would be a nimimal number.

17 Mar 06 - 11:25 PM (#1696658)
Subject: RE: Why do we need three marmite threads?
From: Ron Davies

If marmite had never done anything but inspire Kevin to write his song about marmite and bovril, it would still be wonderful. Everybody should try to get a chance to hear Kevin sing it--especially in Dylanesque delivery. The song is completely specific and universal at the same time. And I disagree with the prediction it would not travel--with just one sentence of preface telling Americans what bovril and marmite are, it would be a smash in any US folk club.