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BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!

31 Mar 06 - 02:31 PM (#1707721)
Subject: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Rapparee

Hancock House publishers is hosting a live, realtime, video feed of a pair of nesting bald eagles; the links to the feed are here

The pair is on Hornby Island, British Columbia and there are two eggs. there's more info on the page with the links.

31 Mar 06 - 02:35 PM (#1707724)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: gnu

Hey... can I count these for the birding thread? We won't get eagles around my house until late fall.

31 Mar 06 - 02:36 PM (#1707726)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Rapparee

Sorry, I found it and I have already. Also the golden eagles that fly around and nest here.

31 Mar 06 - 02:46 PM (#1707732)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: jeffp

Thanks for posting this! I can't believe the video quality. The technology sure has improved over the last few years.

31 Mar 06 - 03:16 PM (#1707758)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: gnu

I saw a golden about 35 years ago. Beautiful. Too bad they couln't eat Agent Orange. We lost a lot of species to Agent Orange... then to Round Up... now to Vision. Of course, it's their fault because they can't read the "DO NOT EAT THE BERRIES" signs.

31 Mar 06 - 03:28 PM (#1707766)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Little Hawk

Wow! Very cool.

They oughta do this with Angelina Jolie too.

31 Mar 06 - 03:40 PM (#1707776)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: open mike

they are not feeding yet..the eggs have not hatched..
here are some other eagle cams..and osprey cam

31 Mar 06 - 04:10 PM (#1707799)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: katlaughing

Thanks! These are great. Love watching them!

Everyday, when we lived in WY and drove in from our ranchette, we'd see golden and, once in awhile, bald eagles, as well as hawks. ONe year on an old highway between WY and CO, in a low tree, a baldie had a nest with hatchlings. It was almost low enough you could walk right up to it, though you wouldn't want to...bit risky with a bird that big!

31 Mar 06 - 04:46 PM (#1707837)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: open mike

raptors do not eat berries..
but they eat things that
eat berries, and bugs, and....
but the concentrations of
toxins that they get often
travel up the food chain..
and the main effect is not
necessarily actual death
but inability to hatch a
new generation due to brittle
egg shells not being able to
withstand the weight of the
nesting adult .

we have an osprey nest near here
that was destroyed by storm and
wind damage this winter so they
will have to build or re-build.

31 Mar 06 - 11:00 PM (#1707975)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Ebbie

Keep in mind that when the eggs hatch - often several days apart - the older chick may push the young'un out of the nest. Nature is natural but she ain't always purty.

31 Mar 06 - 11:05 PM (#1707977)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: catspaw49

Karen and I are completely hooked. Thanks for the link.


01 Apr 06 - 12:08 AM (#1707994)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: GUEST,dianavan

Somebody introduced possum to Hornby Island, a few years back. So far, they haven't invaded the other islands. As it turns out, eagles seem to think the little critters are quite tasty.

I have a picture of an eagle in a nest with a possum hanging out of her mouth. It was taken on Hornby. There's something comical but also very sad about that image.

01 Apr 06 - 08:30 AM (#1708140)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Janie

Waaaa....I can't get in! Too many people and not enough servers--Guess I'll try again tonight.

Thanks Raptor!


01 Apr 06 - 09:58 AM (#1708171)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: katlaughing

INCREDIBLE: for each of the past 4 days nearly 40,000 people are watching our eagles -- the capacity of our server. BY tonight 3 more servers will come on line to serve more viewers.This has mushroomed in 4 days from telling 98 people.


01 Apr 06 - 11:45 AM (#1708219)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Stilly River Sage

I got in very easily this morning. She's looking good.

01 Apr 06 - 11:53 AM (#1708225)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!

Poor Mama! Sits, looks around, changes position, checks the eggs, sits, looks around.
Hurry up, babies!

01 Apr 06 - 12:08 PM (#1708235)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: open mike

hey it's not RAPTOR to thanks for these raptors, it is Rapaire!! thanx

01 Apr 06 - 04:44 PM (#1708379)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Janie

Oops. Thank You RAPAIRE!

I just got told my processor is too slow to handle the feed. So everybody keep telling me about it!


01 Apr 06 - 05:07 PM (#1708413)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Little Hawk

This is so cool! It's very windy there today, the sun is shining, and mama's looking extremely alert.

01 Apr 06 - 06:03 PM (#1708452)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Little Hawk

She just did a whole bunch of screeching, and you could hear another eagle (her mate, I presume) answering from off in the distance.

01 Apr 06 - 06:35 PM (#1708472)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: John O'L

The mate just landed. He hung around for a while, preened her a bit and then took off again. She then started rearranging her nest. Pretty amazing.

Then I got kicked out. I'll try again later

01 Apr 06 - 10:32 PM (#1708584)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

I've been watching and saving individual shots (they update with new photos every 5 to 15 minutes)from a live eagle cam on the Connecticut River ever since 1998. These same two birds have raised from one to two little ones a year -- except for the one year when a storm took out the eggs. Eagles mate for life. (Kind of like me and Carol.) It's a wonder to behold these birds laying there incubating the eggs with several inches of snow on top of them. After a while, the male will take over incubating the eggs while the female goes to feed and stretch her wings. I, for one, get emotionally attached to the birds. It's almost as addictive as this forum. Pretty amazing!!

Arty Thieme

01 Apr 06 - 10:40 PM (#1708593)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Rapparee

The first time I looked I had several members of the staff in the office with me. We saw the eagles change which one was sitting on the eggs -- even saw the replacement roll the eggs under for, I assume, more comfort.

01 Apr 06 - 10:41 PM (#1708594)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

To see what I've been looking at for the last7 years or so, go to

Art Thieme

02 Apr 06 - 07:02 AM (#1708705)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: ard mhacha

The Irish Sunday Tribune in it`s times past section offers this amazing story from The Leinster Journal of 4 April 1767,

" From Killarney in the county of Kerry we are told that one Laughlin Brady lately attempted to rob an Eagle`s nest over the famous Lake in that place, within sight of the parent bird. The Eagle flew at him with great fierceness, upon which he tried to make a prudent retreat, but being too precipitate, he slipped from the rock and fell into the Lake.

This circumstance would not have been attended with any fatal consequence, as he was an excellent swimmer, had not the Eagle pursued him into the water and striking with unceasing fury at his head, reduced him to the necessity of diving every moment, so that he became quite exhausted and eventually drowned.

It is rematkable that when the body was taken from the water, the eyes were picked out of the head and the whole face was so dreadfully mangled that a more shocking spectacle could not be raised up to imagination".

Take notice all of you birds egg collectors and remember the tale of the poor unfortunate Laughin Brady.

02 Apr 06 - 03:16 PM (#1708923)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: open mike

i got to see the changing of the guard just now..
i could tell it was going to happen
i saw the nesting bird look up and
there was a shadow of the landing bird
before it joined the other on the nest.
after the first bird flew off, the in-
coming bird rolled the eggs
...i think this is
more for even heating of them than
comfort as posted above. incubators
turn eggs to distribute the warmth.
it is windy on hornby island today.

02 Apr 06 - 03:33 PM (#1708941)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: John MacKenzie

Where Eagles Fare!

02 Apr 06 - 05:19 PM (#1708995)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Lady Hillary

As I was driving up to Mystic on Rte 95, last Tuesday, I saw 2 immature baldies in a tree watching us drive by. I've noted before: THOSE BIRDS ARE HUGE!!!

02 Apr 06 - 05:32 PM (#1709010)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: vectis

Why are they called bald eagles, she's not bald at all?

02 Apr 06 - 06:52 PM (#1709068)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: Rapparee

Last August I presented a class on "Intimidation" to the staff of the library. One of the things I passed out was a drawing similar to this picture.   It's one of the most intimidating stares I know of -- sort of a "you're interesting, but of little consequence because you're too big for lunch" sort of thing.

My wife bought me a long-sleeved tee shirt at the Sitka Raptor Center with this view of an eagle on it. Underneath it says "I AM smiling!"

03 Apr 06 - 04:42 AM (#1709333)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: ard mhacha

The Eagle in the Killarney tale would have been a Golden Eagle, they were extinct in Ireland from around the 1900s, some have been introduced in Donegal and are doing well.
Please don`t mention this to any farmers you know, a farmer friend tells me that they should never been brought back, so much for the keepers of our environment.

03 Apr 06 - 05:12 AM (#1709341)
Subject: RE: BS: Live nesting bald eagles feed!
From: John MacKenzie

The same is true of gamekeepers Ard Macha, Red Kites were reintroduced on the Black Isle north east of Inverness a few years back, and they have been doing quite well. They would be doing even better if they weren't being killed by poison baits left out for them by gamekeepers who consider the grouse shooting of a few yahoos to be more important than the welfare of the kite, or the bio diversity of the region.
They also kill Hen Harriers, a beautiful bird, for the same reason. It is of course illegal, but nobody seems to get caught!