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BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer

09 Apr 06 - 09:19 AM (#1713690)
Subject: BS: Police arrest "Terrorist" T Shirt Wearer
From: GUEST,Magnus Carta

Under the general headline, LAW TURNS PROTESTERS INTO TERRORISTS, Last Friday's Independent carried the following item.

John Catt. AGE: 81. CRIME?: Wearing an anti-Blair T-shirt in Brighton during the Labour conference.

WHAT HAPPENED: He was stopped under section 44 of the 2000 Terrorism Act as he walked towards the seafront for an anti-war demonstration outside the conference. His T-shirt accused Mr Blair and George Bush of war crimes. He was released after signing a form confirming he had been questioned. The police record said the purpose of the stop and search was "terrorism" and the official grounds for intervention were "carrying plackard + T shirt with anti-Blair info" (sic).

Extraordinary how uptight some people can get over some poor innocent sod's T shirt, and what an incredible display of fascist intolerance. They'll be banning Wallis and Grommit next.

09 Apr 06 - 09:40 AM (#1713702)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Alice

Bush has controlled the protesters here in the US like no other president before him. Fences and secret service keep people away from any venue he attends unless the people are Bush fans.

09 Apr 06 - 09:42 AM (#1713705)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Geordie-Peorgie

Aah divvent knaa why yez are surprised!

President Blair hez every right te be concerned and to protect hisself wi' the full power o' the law.

We cannit hev old age pensioners stayin' at home te be mugged by yobs coz there's nee coppers arrond te protect them so let's arrest them aall on the flimsiest excuse and keep them in jail so that the' cannit complain aboot fightin' for queen and country and mekkin the streets safe for thei children.

A land fit fo' heroes? My Arse!

A land of sleazy political arse-wipes mair like it!

Aahh see that Tessa Jowell's back with her husband - One of the fastest reconciliations ootside of a b-movie

Sleaze - That's aall it is! Sleaze

09 Apr 06 - 09:51 AM (#1713709)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Purple Foxx

There is an interview with Periel Aschenbrand in today's Observer in which she comes up with the memorable quote "The only Bush I trust is my own"
How about a U.S. & a U.K. 'Catter printing this up on a T shirt & seeing which gets arrested first.

09 Apr 06 - 10:37 AM (#1713731)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Donuel

legal T shirts:

Debate is a Waste

Vote for your DICTATOR

illegal T shirts:

Enough Bushit Already - US motorist arrested for this one. (on obscenity charges)

Blair doesn't dare care - pic of Blair surrounded by Bushs and goons.

09 Apr 06 - 11:02 AM (#1713747)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Donuel

The most dangerous joke in the USA:

What is the difference between Bush and Hitler?

Hitler was a success!

(please don't tell anyone I wrote it)

09 Apr 06 - 11:43 AM (#1713775)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Once Famous

The FBI is probably already monitoring this.

09 Apr 06 - 12:26 PM (#1713812)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: McGrath of Harlow

John Catt's arrest gets a mention in this piece in today's Observer, about the way that public dissent seems to be mostly oldies these days - What's the matter with youth today?

Rather like folk music. (Which is liable to count as criminal activity in any case in England these days, anyway.)

09 Apr 06 - 02:13 PM (#1713884)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Mr Red

On the plus side

Any Saturday night, any large town, any British principality, any hour (now). Arrests for being drunk in charge of a T-shirt.

09 Apr 06 - 08:41 PM (#1714130)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Little Hawk

Oh, I'm sure they'd like to monitor every single citizen 24 hours a day if they could only figure out how to...and how to keep track of it all.

Fortunately, they haven't been able to yet.

09 Apr 06 - 11:05 PM (#1714197)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: The Fooles Troupe

As the Russians discovered, it's easy enough to do THAT, but keeping a check on those DOING the checking is not so easy. Pornography and dissident literature was printed secretly on the high quality presses after hours, because it was an offence to have a private or personal printing press... :-)

10 Apr 06 - 09:54 AM (#1714471)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: GUEST,leeneia

"Fences and secret service keep people away from any venue he attends unless the people are Bush fans."

I am not a Bush supporter at all, but get real...

Lincoln was assassinated, Roosevelt was shot at and Cermak was killed, Kennedy was assassinated, Reagan was wounded. Is the President supposed to be a human sacrifice?

10 Apr 06 - 11:53 AM (#1714557)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: GUEST,Marcus Carter

Only if his name is George Bush

10 Apr 06 - 02:26 PM (#1714666)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: McGrath of Harlow

The assumption being that anyone who isn't a right on Bush supporter is liable to want to kill the man? Maybe, maybe.

10 Apr 06 - 05:15 PM (#1714793)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Barry Finn

Free assembly, what's with that? Free speach, what's with that? The right to voice opinions in public, what's with that? We can't have the government let this kind of action going on it might be bad PR. Someoe may want to hang a politcian. I say let 'em all swing. Let 'em all eat cake!

10 Apr 06 - 05:40 PM (#1714822)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Geordie-Peorgie

Aah saw young lass wearin' a t-shirt with a picture of George W and Hitler side by side

The caption was "Same Shit! Different Asshole"

11 Apr 06 - 04:54 PM (#1715454)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: Scoville

Well, there's always the bumper sticker:

"Practice Safe Sex--No Bush, No Dick"

12 Apr 06 - 12:35 PM (#1716239)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: GUEST,Mandoleer

Anyone out there planning to shoot Bush (or Blair) - PLEASE DON'T! People who are assassinated (as opposed to officially executed or just common murdered) become martyrs - especially if they've got religious connections like those two have. Anyway, did those idiots of police think that feller was really going to wear a T shirt like that and try to assassinate someone? Good job he didn't have a rucksack on, or they wouldn't have arrested him... (Incidentally, how come we never hear of 81 year old suicide bombers?)

12 Apr 06 - 01:59 PM (#1716322)
Subject: RE: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
From: GUEST,anonymous

The biggest difference between Bush and Hitler? Hitler really won the election.