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BS: How to run folks off???...

11 Apr 06 - 09:52 PM (#1715696)
Subject: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Bobert

Nah, this ain't got one thing to do with Mudact and folks who get p.o.'d here but real life....

I've subdivided 7 acres off my 17 acreas and am getting ready to build a house on thse 7 acres for sale to clear out some debt that I would rather have off of me... Problem is, seein' as whomever I sell to is going to be our neigbors forever....

Hmmmmmm? Now I have met a few folks in my day who I'd rather not have as neighbors but now I don't want to end up in court with no discrimination suite hangin' over my head.... But like, if some folks is real jerks, what tricks can be used legally to keep them from becoming my neigbors???

And BTW, thi8s ain't got one thing in the world with race, religion, creed 'er none of them buzz words... It's all about jerks...

I mean, think about it.... Look 'round this joint.... There's a couple three folks I'd rather not have a s neighbors....

This is a serious question.... Any advice other than stuff related to flagalation will be appreciated....


11 Apr 06 - 09:54 PM (#1715698)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: number 6

Part of life Bobert ... one never knows who their neighbours are gonna be ... I should add, one scarry part of life.


11 Apr 06 - 10:05 PM (#1715703)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Janie

My Dad just farts. Works every time:>)


11 Apr 06 - 10:06 PM (#1715704)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: katlaughing

You could do like gated communities, maybe, have so many restrictions and "bylaws" that you discourage the jerks, but then there are jerks in them, too, sometimes, I think more so than elsewhere.

Other than something like that, I'd say make sure there is plenty of room between you and them with some good fences, hmmm, reminds me that old saying, "Good fences make good neighbours!"

11 Apr 06 - 10:06 PM (#1715705)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Jerry Rasmussen

That can be a tricky situation, Bobert. It sounds like you may have enough space between you and perspective neighbors so they at least won't be popping by to borrow a cup of sugar. Might even consider throwing a 50 pound bag of sugar in the deal at the closing. I don't think there is any legal way to refuse to sell to a jerk. One man's jerk is another woman's husband.

Jerry (living in a jerk-free zone, thank God.)

11 Apr 06 - 10:29 PM (#1715713)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: wysiwyg

Waiddaminnit..... didn't you just pull up stakes and leave behind a certain other area, on account of it was getting too built up and you preferred not to have so many close-by neighbors?

And now yer fixin' to build up around yourself? And it's making you nervous???


11 Apr 06 - 10:37 PM (#1715724)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Little Hawk

Spread word that you are a dangerous lunatic, and act the part.    The wilder you look and act the better the effect, so dress in a bizarre fashion or go for the ragged maniac look, and NEVER bathe. All these things are known to help keep people at a respectable distance.

11 Apr 06 - 10:48 PM (#1715733)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: number 6

Used to have some drug dealers living across the street, they where always keeping a watch at their window ... I used to stand at the window in our house wearing one of those stoopid glasses with the big nose looking through binocalars .... they really didn't know how to take that ... either did I come to think of it. They eventually got busted.


11 Apr 06 - 10:58 PM (#1715738)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Little Hawk

They usually do...if you wait long enough.

11 Apr 06 - 11:07 PM (#1715748)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Janie

Bobert, you are probably just going to have to play the odds. Chances are greater that they won't be jerks than that they will be. Even people who AREN'T jerks can be problematic neighbors. And Jerks who love their privacy can be the perfect neighbor for you.

We own ten acres with an old house and a barn out in the country north of here. My spouse spends a lot of time out there--it's his refuge. 5 years ago a jerk with money bought the land across the road, built a huge house that looks out over everything, started feeding stray dogs that turned into dangerous pack animals, and was generally intrusive.

Hubby tried to deal with it cordially, which is hard for him--he ain't the cordial type.   When that didn't work he got up in the guy's face a few times, literally foaming at the mouth, called animal control, posted no trespassing signs every 25 feet, and planted a screen of Cedar and Virginia Pine all along the road frontage.

The Jerk doesn't come on the property or mess with the Jerk across the road on our place at all anymore. could try farting AND wearing the Groucho Marx glasses that six described.

No, no. You don't have to thank me. Just glad to be of any help I can:O?


11 Apr 06 - 11:11 PM (#1715753)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Little Hawk

What we need is a council of tribal elders to keep the kids in line...and a little respect. Sadly, we don't have the former anymore and not much of the latter either.

11 Apr 06 - 11:11 PM (#1715755)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Ebbie

"One man's jerk is another woman's husband." Love that, Jerry!

My suggestion is what was implied above- build the new house on the far side of the 7 acres. It's a lot easier to take the occasional walk by than it is to hear quarrels and parties.

On the other hand, is the area zoned? If it isn't - and you put the house too far away from you - that will leave enough room for them to build a NEW house close to your property line which they will sell in order to pay off the property they bought.

Give it up, Beaubear. 'Tis hopeless.

11 Apr 06 - 11:19 PM (#1715761)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Little Hawk

Line the edge of your land with a deep moat filled with alligators, sharks, or piranhas.

11 Apr 06 - 11:27 PM (#1715771)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: number 6

Actually I have small finishing nails with the tops cut off on the top of my fence ... for security reasons and also to keep kids from climbing over and causing damage to my garden.

My wife was appalled with me and mentioned it was illegal .. well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


12 Apr 06 - 12:03 AM (#1715809)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Little Hawk

The alligator pit with the trapdoor works better. They come over the fence, but only once. Heh! Heh! (evil laughter....)

12 Apr 06 - 01:24 AM (#1715853)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Barry Finn

Advertise it in Sing Out & Dirty Lenin or some of the other folk music rags, only. May take a while to sell but a jerk whose a folke is better than a jerk whose not.

12 Apr 06 - 01:45 AM (#1715867)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: NH Dave

I saw a sign on a local farm pasture fence about [intruders] being able to clear the opposite fence in under 30 seconds, because the bull could do it in 35.


12 Apr 06 - 06:13 PM (#1716614)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: GUEST,Lily at School


   The only way to ensure that your neighbors aren't jerks is to not have any. Seriously. My husband and I prefer to not have folks too close to us so we planted ourselves smack dab in the middle of 27 acres. We have neighbors, but they are a good 10-15 minute walk away. We have our space, our privacy and good neighbors should we feel like visitin', playin' (our one neighbor is a tremendous singer and guitar player) or lending a helping hand as is done on this mountain. If you it really bothers you, I'd say try to avoid sub-dividing if possible. You never know who can be real jerks until you get to know them a's just the reality of getting to know anyone.   


12 Apr 06 - 06:18 PM (#1716626)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...

How many folk singers with money do you know?
Tough one, Bobert. Anyone wanting to buy the place will be on their best behavior. House as far as possible from yours is the only solution.

12 Apr 06 - 07:05 PM (#1716695)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Rapparee

Don't sell, rent. Then you can toss 'em out if they're whackos or jerks.

Or make the price so high, that would only attract yuppies from DC.

You know, if it's YOUR property I don't think you have to sell it to just anyone. You're free to reject an offer.

12 Apr 06 - 07:23 PM (#1716731)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Sorry, but I just don't like you well enough to want you for a neighbour" - surely that can't be illegal discrimination, if it's based on the individual themselves, and not on their race or colour or creed and all that stuff. I'd have thought that playing games disguising it as something else would be much more likely to end up in court.

I'm reminded of the story about the man who wanted to keep his railway compartment to himself. This would have been in the days when trains in England had compartments with six or eight seats, and this would have been a train without any corridors.

So he sticks his head out of the window, puts on a leering expression and starts beckoning anyone who looks as if they might get into his compartment. They back off in horror and get in soemwhere else. So itb works. Then at the last minute he does that again - and the person approaching leers back, and climbs in the door as the train pulls out...

I think Saki used that one - but I can't remember what happened next.

But the moral is, best notbtry to be too clever about these things.

12 Apr 06 - 07:31 PM (#1716738)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Bunnahabhain

You only tell them about the Ancient Indian burial ground on the plot if they're not the type you want.

Or the chemical spill nobody ever talks about, but don't grow any vegetables, as you really don't want to eat them.

Or the annual Mudcat folk gathering you have, where a few hundered people, and several thousand musical instruments turn up for a week, or maybe two....

Or how the bears keep breaking into your Garage, following the smell of food.

I'm sure you can think of some good ones.

P.S. Did anyone spot the subliminal message in this post?

12 Apr 06 - 07:37 PM (#1716748)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: bobad

If you've not seen the movie "Straw Dogs" rent it and watch, some good tips there.

12 Apr 06 - 07:48 PM (#1716759)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: number 6

Great movie "Straw Dogs" !


12 Apr 06 - 08:06 PM (#1716772)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Don't build the house outright and sell it on spec. Offer the land with a "will build to suit" contract. That'll involve hours of negotiating and getting to know the people before the first nail's driven. If it turns out they suck, you can just be an asshole and scare them off.

And whatever you do, make sure that when you subdivide there's direct access to the new lot from the county road. Do not under any circumstances wind up with a situation where they have to use even part of your private driveway to access their property. That's askin' for trouble.

12 Apr 06 - 08:08 PM (#1716778)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: Bobert

Well, well, well...

Seems a lot of folks advice from WSuzie to Michelle to Rap is to not build the house...

Well, I kinda have to... Seems that the Wes Ginny Slide Rule din't take under consiferation the possibility of some property in the most "perkable" part of Wes Ginny might not perk and so that little misfortune messed up all the arithmatizin'... No, I could go back to work but, hey, I'm allready working 'round the clock???

So, unfortunately, this is the one way out of the WGSR's screw up...

Now, as fir the house??? We won't see it... Heck, we'll even be able to walk down to our pond which is just above the property we're going build on and not see the new house....

I did come up with one very creative idea from a friend and that is if I have a jerk who wants to buy the property I can demand that the contract have no contingencies and be for all cash??? I don't know if that will work but, hey???


12 Apr 06 - 10:25 PM (#1716901)
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
From: GUEST,M.Ted

Build two houses--that way you've got a pretty good chance of getting at least one good neighbor--