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BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread

16 May 06 - 08:16 PM (#1742197)
Subject: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: khandu

Well, hell, I appreciate the fact that he grows a fine beard.


16 May 06 - 08:57 PM (#1742214)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: CarolC


Ok, let's see. Um...

Ok, I appreciate Bee-dubya-ell's dance moves.

Yeah, that's it. He's got great dance moves. Nothing to compare with yours, mind you, khandu, but I dig the dance moves. And his sense of flair. Again, nothing to compare with yours, but worth pointing out nevertheless.

And he's got verve.

One has to appreciate verve in a person, as I'm sure you know.

16 May 06 - 09:14 PM (#1742221)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread

He' good with pots! He's irreverant, brilliantly funny, hates hypocrites,plays great guitar and is an excellent husband. Wish I'd seen him first!

a fan

16 May 06 - 09:23 PM (#1742223)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Barry Finn

I would appreciate him more if he were dead & buried under a couple tons of cobblestones & the ground above him were never able to grow a living thing & that the snakes & rats would make their dwelling there forever more & that a stench so vile would loom over his resting place so that it never be visited be friend, family or foe & that his name & picture be removed from all print & sight so that the thought of him be removed from the world's collective memory & lastly that all the damage done by him unto the world be righted & may his soul then rest under satan's foot & fork.


16 May 06 - 09:29 PM (#1742224)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Joe Offer

I've always wondered why he isn't BWL. I mean, why does he make us type all those letters? Is he a Communist? Is this the guy?
America wants to know.
-Joe Offer-

16 May 06 - 09:46 PM (#1742228)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: CarolC

Barry, you certainly do have a way with words.

16 May 06 - 10:30 PM (#1742249)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: MOAB

It is I, The Mother Of All BS Threads, otherwise known as Bee-Dubya's Mom.

Of all my children, Bee-Dubya is the most special. In fact, he is perfect in many ways. For example, he is a perfect nit-wit, a perfect moron, and a perfect fucking idiot. But I love him anyway. Not as much as I love Rapaire, mind you, but as much as any Mom could love an idjit child with half a brain.

16 May 06 - 10:36 PM (#1742250)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: khandu

Joe Offer!!! See, I been telling y'all! Joe Offer is no Igmo! He has exposed, for all of Mudcat to see, the true character we know as BW..., uh, beedubyaell! That photograph...I'd recognize that beard anywhere! Yep, that's the guy.

"verve", eh, Carol the Sailor? I had that once back in 68. But '68 was not the best of times. That was the year we lost Nick Adams, Janis Joplin and Amalia Earhart. It was aslo the year I lost my verve. I have never had the nerve to look for my verve. Verve has been difficult to come by since then. So yes, I do appreciate a man with verve, but I would never necessarily think of him as a good husband.

But the boy does grow a fine beard.


16 May 06 - 10:37 PM (#1742251)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Janie

Uh, Barry--I think you might be a bit cornfused, Son. This here thread ain't about Dubya the shrub. Hit's about our mudcatter buddy.

Course...maybe he beat you real bad at arm wrestlin' or sumpin' one time....but I never knowed you to hold a grudge like thet before:>)

Lessee....I appreciate BWL cuz' he don't spit no 'bacca juice on the floor (somebody please tell me that is true?) And--he don't owe me any money.

And that's the truth!


16 May 06 - 11:02 PM (#1742256)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Dear Khing khandu,

Thank you for starting this thread. The $100.00 you wanted to borrow is in the mail. I only hope you're going to use it for food as you promised, and not to buy a ticket for the upcoming Pelahatchie Goat Fuck er... Roast in August.

17 May 06 - 09:43 AM (#1742299)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: RangerSteve

BWL, for a hundred dollars, I'm willing to appreciate you, too.


17 May 06 - 09:58 AM (#1742315)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Amos

BWL is a fine, fine human being with a trenchant sense of humor and excellent glissando.


17 May 06 - 10:27 AM (#1742346)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Peace

"and excellent glissando."

The goats will be pleased to hear about that.

Personally, I like his legs. And his sense of humour.

17 May 06 - 11:38 AM (#1742395)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Bee-dubya-ell

On second thought, khandu, forget about that $100.00 loan! Upon reflection, it's painfully obvious that this thread is a thinly veiled personal attack! Your "complimentary" comment about my beard is merely a snide, backhanded way of giving me grief for my refusal to adopt the "Ishman Bracey" look.

Look, dude, I've told you before, ditching the beard wouldn't be a major problem. Trimming the mustache down to a one-inch wide stub (and a poorly trimmed stub at that) wouldn't really be an issue. But I'm damned if I'm going to take a ball-peen hammer to my front teeth just to please some whacko from Mississippi with an Ish obsession!

17 May 06 - 11:40 AM (#1742397)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Stilly River Sage

BWL tells some of the funniest stories it has ever been my pleasure to read here at the 'Cat.


17 May 06 - 01:07 PM (#1742441)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: John Hardly

I didn't know Bee-Dubya-Ell was still around. I thought that he'd been otherwize occupied with yoga and stretching exercises ever since he noted that his dog could lick its own dick.

17 May 06 - 04:15 PM (#1742590)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Barry Finn


I'm am so sorry, Bee-Dubya-Ell, I'd really appreciate it if you'd forgive me. Seeing Dubya posted, I took you for our president & no one should be classed with him, well maybe those he holds dear, but I don't believe you're within that small circle of friends & family. So just for that I hold you dear. I hope I'm gracefully getty my apology excepted.

17 May 06 - 04:17 PM (#1742592)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Peace

Well. if he wants to do that he can, but he'll have to pet him first.

17 May 06 - 06:16 PM (#1742636)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: GUEST,mack/misophist

I thought BWL was some kind of relative of Superman's; on the Ka-El side of the family. Am I mistaken? Is this the wrong comic book?

17 May 06 - 06:56 PM (#1742665)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Rapparee

I appreciate Bee-Dubya-Ell because I don't think he plays either the melodeon OR the sackbutt.

17 May 06 - 08:28 PM (#1742755)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Stilly River Sage

Barry, I bet he got a really good laugh from your post!

17 May 06 - 10:35 PM (#1742842)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: GUEST,Ishman Bracey

Bulldookey, The man don't "grows a fine beard". He just lets it grow with no order or style or anythang! Why, turn him bottom side up, he'd be Don King! There ain't nuthin special bout his beard.

Facial hair is supposed to say something about you. All his hair says is "Nobody cares for me". If a flea got in there, he'd be a voice crying in the wilderness.

Now, my own facial do says volumes about me! They see my finely designed stache and they say "There goes a Man who goes his own way! "A Man among boys and baboons!"

So let's get real and get Shambles to close this thread and let's open a REAL APPRECIATION THREAD!!


I thank ye!


17 May 06 - 11:19 PM (#1742862)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Amos

Confusing BWL with Dumbya is about the funniest mixup of identities I ever heard. If only there was some way we could pull such a switch on the Cabinet. Imagine the next 100 days... my gawd, what a hoot...


17 May 06 - 11:42 PM (#1742879)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: JennyO

Ya want beards? I'll give ya beards!

17 May 06 - 11:43 PM (#1742880)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Peace

The guy on the left doesn't have a beard. That's the hair from his ears.

18 May 06 - 12:21 AM (#1742888)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: freda underhill

beedubyaell has great grammar!

18 May 06 - 01:17 AM (#1742896)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Rustic Rebel

B is for the Bran, that keeps him regular, well, what ever that is.
E is for Evidence that he has a good beard.
E is for Eternal fixation of spatulas.
D is for Dedication to the Khing
U is for Umbilical cord and his connection to the Mother.
B is for his Blitheness, yep.
Y is for Yank-when he pulls your chains.
A is for Aboriginal-for what is aboriginal, cannot be fucked with.
E is for Earthenware and a pot to piss in, if he don't sell it first.
L is for Laughter 'cuz he do do a good job at creating that.
L is for Love to see Khing Khandu do that goat fuck herding thing.

18 May 06 - 01:41 AM (#1742902)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Big Mick

Barry, if I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times.......NO MORE EQUIVOCATION....... you keep holding those feelings inside, internalizing them, it is going to make you sick. So for gawd's sake, say what's on your mind.

Who is BeeDubyaEll? I'll get me cap.


18 May 06 - 09:04 AM (#1743070)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Rapparee

No, no, Mick. Not "Who is BeeDubyaEll?" The correct phrasing is "WHAT is BeeDubyaEll?"

18 May 06 - 09:38 AM (#1743097)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: John Hardly

"WHAT the ELL is BeeDubyaEll?"

18 May 06 - 09:53 AM (#1743116)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Stilly River Sage

Great one, RR. It's worthy of MOAB!

If BWL got his hands on Dubya for a day, I think he should put him to work clearing the blow-down timber out behind the house. Crack the whip, don't give him a bike to ride at lunchtime, he'd just crash into something and scrape up his secret service guys in the process. When they finished the work there, BWL could send Dubya on to the next Mudcatter to find some work for him to do. Anything to keep him away from D.C. and politics. Maybe Bobert could put him to work out in the garden working on the azeleas and rhodys.


18 May 06 - 04:43 PM (#1743430)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Rapparee

Suppose this "getting his hands on" thing was reversed? That Dubya got his hands on BeeDub?

18 May 06 - 05:23 PM (#1743453)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Marion

I appreciate Bee-dubya-ell. He wrote a lyric about Jesus phoning up TV preachers that was funny.

Also, when I met him, he did a little twirly thing.


18 May 06 - 05:37 PM (#1743467)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Well, I guess it's time I took a moment to address some of the defamatory comments made in this thread:

John Hardly - I've found that it's not necessary to do a lot of yoga and stretching exercises to enable one to autofellatate. A daily ration of dog food has the same effect. Of course, it does have the undesired side effect of producing an irrational desire to chase cars...

Joe Offer - It's not "BWL" because that would be far too simple and in no way enough of a pain-in-the-ass.

mack/misophist - A surprising number of people think I'm related to Superman because of the "Ell" thing. In fact, I'm related to Batman. "BW" is short for "Bruce Wayne".

Barry - SRS is right. I thought your post was hilarious. No apology needed.

MOAB - I can't argue with anything you said. But Amos is gonna be pissed because you said Rapaire is your favorite.

18 May 06 - 05:42 PM (#1743471)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: CarolC

Oh, wow, Marion. Now I feel really slighted. He didn't do the little twirly thing for me when I met him. This really sucks. I might have to agree with Barry Finn now.

18 May 06 - 05:44 PM (#1743473)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: GUEST,Blind Willie Johnson

Beedubyaell have laughed at me, saying my name was a double phallic name (you know, as in "willie" or "johnson") but I showed him! I have legally changed my name!
I am now Old One-Eye Willie Johnson!

"twirly thing"??


18 May 06 - 06:08 PM (#1743494)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Rapparee

Do you suppose he learned the twirly thing dancing in a strip club? I understand that the women who work there can do twirly things and maybe they taught ol' BeeDub.

18 May 06 - 06:31 PM (#1743513)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: CarolC

He probably learned it from khandu.

18 May 06 - 06:42 PM (#1743519)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: khandu

Most of the delightful things beedub knows was learned from me; a few from Tweed, but most from me.

The undelightful things were learned from Rapaire and his ilk.


18 May 06 - 06:43 PM (#1743520)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Dear CarolC,

You're right. I did not demonstrate the little twirly thing when you met me. But Marion didn't take my picture and email it to Tweed, resulting in something like this either!

18 May 06 - 06:48 PM (#1743524)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: CarolC

I know. I'm the one who did that. Where's the gratitude?

18 May 06 - 08:40 PM (#1743588)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Okay, Carol, to express my undying gratitude I promise to demonstrate the little twirly thing next time I see you.

Now, if I only knew exactly what little twirly thing Marion was talking about...

18 May 06 - 08:48 PM (#1743590)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: CarolC

I can't wait!

Will you wear your purple cape when you do it?

18 May 06 - 08:51 PM (#1743593)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread

...and the purple leotards, too?????

18 May 06 - 10:50 PM (#1743635)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: GUEST,Other Guest

And the purple codpiece?

19 May 06 - 11:32 AM (#1743934)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Stilly River Sage

I gotta see this. . .

19 May 06 - 11:46 AM (#1743945)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: The Shambles

Seems like a nice chap...............

19 May 06 - 12:02 PM (#1743955)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Tweed

Incredible!! now the ads at the bottom of this page proclaim 80% savings on "Vanilla Fields Perfume", wheras only an hour ago it was something regarding beard trimmers and exfolliants!!!!

How does it know these things?

Yaz, yaz, khandu I appreciate Beedubyaell. He's alright for bein' a mudslapper and is one hellacious accordion player aslo. Hurricane season is coming again so there may be new Beezer adventures to report soon. I can't wait to see what happens to him this year!!!!

19 May 06 - 12:14 PM (#1743964)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Rapparee

Nothin's gonna happen there this year. Beedub hisself has said so, 'cuz Pat Robertson has done predicted tsunamee...sunam...tidal waves and stuff for this summer.

19 May 06 - 12:23 PM (#1743971)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Stilly River Sage

That God is such a practical joker, n't he? Laughing his ass off watching ol' Robertson trying to get some traction with that story.

19 May 06 - 12:43 PM (#1743980)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Bat Goddess

I appreciate Bee-Dubya-Ell cuz HE 'ppreciates good ol' fashioned New Hampshuh ROCKS and raves about them as Christmas presents here at Mudcat. (He's living in a rock-deprived vicinity.)

Coupla years ago I sent him a chunk of quartz/feldspar/mica, etc. with lovely wine red garnets scattered through it. Just a sample of what our house is sitting on.

I love it when people appreciate a good rock when they see one!

(Now all I have to do is see some of his pottery!)


19 May 06 - 12:58 PM (#1743986)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Stilly River Sage

I got one of those rocks from you also, in exchange for a nice Texas fossil! They are very nice (and your rock is sitting on the hearth, probably where it was set when the box was first opened, and we look at it every so often but have never decided that it had to go anyplace else!)

Maybe I should mail BWL a fossil to show my appreciation?


19 May 06 - 07:08 PM (#1744210)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Rapparee

I thought he WAS a fossil.

19 May 06 - 07:12 PM (#1744214)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Stilly River Sage

Yeah, but as demonstrated above, he still gets off on rocks.

19 May 06 - 07:23 PM (#1744224)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Rapparee

I would have phrased that somewhat differently....

19 May 06 - 07:35 PM (#1744232)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: catspaw49

Khandu mailed him his genitals which are fossilized......Does that count?

I haven't posted any great words for Bee-Dub but he deserves zilch. That's one helluva' nice word in any context. And not to mention "foremost."   Foremost is now available in the larger Fivemost but its somehow not as nice is it?

Maybe I should just send a nice and meaningful video instead. Here's one with some meaning if only I knew what it was.............


20 May 06 - 12:22 AM (#1744325)
Subject: RE: BS: BeeDubyaEll Appreciation Thread
From: Stilly River Sage

Of course, Rap, many people would have phrased it differently. I daresay all still know where it was headed. Sometimes leaving one shoe ready to drop is kind of pleasant.