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BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!

24 May 06 - 04:47 PM (#1746821)
Subject: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: Arne

From Think Progress, we have proof that the Republicans just don't "get it":
Desperate for Supporters, DeLay Turns to Stephen Colbert

A good sign that Tom DeLay doesn’t have the facts on his side: the top source for his latest defense against his critics is Stephen Colbert.

This morning, DeLay’s legal defense fund sent out a mass email criticizing the movie “The Big Buy: Tom DeLay’s Stolen Congress,â€쳌 by “Outfoxedâ€쳌 creator Robert Greenwald.

The email features a “one-pager on the truth behind Liberal Hollywood’s the Big Buy,â€쳌 and the lead item is Colbert’s interview with Greenwald on Comedy Central (where Colbert plays a faux-conservative, O’Reilly-esque character). The headline of the “fact sheetâ€쳌:

DeLay thinks Colbert is so persuasive, he’s now featuring the full video of the interview at the top of the legal fund’s website. And why not? According to the email, Greenwald “crashed and burnedâ€쳌 under the pressure of Colbert’s hard-hitting questions, like “Who hates America more, you or Michael Moore?â€쳌

Apparently the people at DeLay’s legal fund think that Colbert is actually a conservative. Or maybe they’re just that desperate for supporters.
Frist has responded to the debacle by introducing a bill to ban all satire immediately. Maladministration officials have started a listing on Craig's List for people fluent in satire to man the new 376 mile long "satire wall" to keep out the infidels....


24 May 06 - 05:29 PM (#1746845)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: Clinton Hammond

You really need to clean up your character map....

24 May 06 - 06:43 PM (#1746888)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: Arne

Looks OK to me. I'm using Firefox for Windows. What looks broken? The quote marks?


24 May 06 - 07:54 PM (#1746942)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: Amos


All the apostrophes look like Icelandic ellipsoids or something. Like this: ’.


24 May 06 - 08:06 PM (#1746952)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: Amos

Anyway, the point is well made -- the President is not alone as the Stupid Republican of the Free World. He has company.


24 May 06 - 09:53 PM (#1747002)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: harpmolly

Oh, *my*. That is absofreakin'lutely classic.

It almost beats the other funniest "NO sense of humor whatsoever" story I've ever read--the "Onion" spoof about Harry Potter and Satanism, which was apparently taken at face value by some. It just goes to show, as my high school English teacher used to say (and I'm not sure where he got it):

"Mockery is the antidote to pomposity."


24 May 06 - 10:23 PM (#1747019)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: GUEST,Jon

For those with the funny characters, try using utf-8 (the character set of the copy paste) to view the page.

24 May 06 - 11:43 PM (#1747042)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: michaelr

Score another home run for Colbert! His stuff was always far and away the best on "The Daily Show". For my taste, "The Colbaire Repoure" is a bit self-indulgent, but hey -- he's a star!


25 May 06 - 01:24 AM (#1747055)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: Arne

Amos and Clinton (and anyone else):

All the apostrophes look like Icelandic ellipsoids or something. Like this: ’.

Ummm, sorry about that. They look OK on my browser (and Firefox is good and free and open source; try it!).

But next time I'll see if I can remember to zap the grave apostrophes by hand and backward quotes and put in the standard ASCII ' and " stuff. Anything else that was funny?

And thanks for the tech tip, Jon ... I'll remember that next time I see the funny chars (which I do on some pages).... BTW, my browser is currently showing "View/Char encoding" as "Western (ISO-8859-1)" and not "Unicode (UTF-8)" but somehow Firefox handles it here....


25 May 06 - 01:27 AM (#1747059)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: Arne


Hmmmm. Right. Scrolling up, I see that with "Western (ISO-8859-1)" set, the post does look mangled (but strangely enough, on the preview page, it looked OK; it gets mangled after actually posting it). But setting "UTF-8" clears it right up.... Thanks!


25 May 06 - 10:00 AM (#1747277)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: Alba

Didn't detract from what you posted for me Arne.
All I could think when I followed your link was...EH! What the.....
I wonder if the DeLay camp will delay removing the error from their someone is out of a

Actually the " ’." look quite artistic..*smile*

Thanks for the info.
Best Wishes

25 May 06 - 01:24 PM (#1747375)
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
From: Ron Davies

The Icelandic gargoyles did not prevent anybody who actually wanted to read the post from doing so. Added to which, Arne provided the link. Thanks, Arne.

I've bought the Colbert White House speech. ($1.95 on i-Tunes)

One of my favorite parts: (Colbert to Bush--something to the effect of "You and me sir, we don't pay any attention to polls. After all, polls are nothing but a collection of statistics reflecting what people are thinking in reality. And reality has a well-known liberal bias."