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If that wasn't a crash,...

19 Feb 99 - 12:10 PM (#59238)
Subject: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: Barbara

...then what the hey was it that took dear old Mudcat offline for 12 hours or so, and gave us "Document contains no data"? instead???
Brings a chill to my heart, even now. NO DATA?
Boy I'm glad you're back!

19 Feb 99 - 12:31 PM (#59242)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: katlaughing

Me, too! I was able, for a time last night, to go to my personal page and a couple of other places, such as the T-shirt page, but coldn't get into the Forum; then earlier, this a.m., I find I cannot get in at all!

Life would be too tragically boring without the 'Cat!

Thank you very much for getting it back on.


19 Feb 99 - 12:48 PM (#59248)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: Will Bakker

Willlaughing too!

19 Feb 99 - 02:23 PM (#59251)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: Joe Offer

Seems like it was a crash last night, all right. It sure was a relief to see the 'Cat up again this morning, but then it was down again - would we call that short-time outage a 'burp"?
-Joe Offer-

19 Feb 99 - 02:48 PM (#59255)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: miker

Sorry about that...

No one was in the office this morning because we all have a bit of the flu. Max managed to drag himself in and reboot the server. We are not exactly sure what caused the problem, but the server is a bit old and may have a bad memory board. (This is about a nicest way to ask for some donations... .)

19 Feb 99 - 02:55 PM (#59259)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: Steve Latimer

Is is it a coincidence that it went down when there was a semi-active Spinners "Rubber Band Man" thread? I think not.


19 Feb 99 - 03:22 PM (#59263)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: Teresa

Whew! We poor, hapless addicts! I don't like the idea of you fearless Mudcat cap'ns dragging yourselves in sick to fix the poor 'cat! Soon as I figure out how much money I have after taxes, I'll send you at least a couple of nickels to rub together--hopefully a good bit more than that. Thanks, crew, for getting it up and running again, and get well soonly, darn it! Cheers, Teresa

19 Feb 99 - 04:44 PM (#59276)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: Bert

...but the server is a bit old and may have a bad memory board....

I know just how it feels.


19 Feb 99 - 07:03 PM (#59300)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: katlaughing

Are you plying for bit o' the green, too, Bert! That was going to be my line!


19 Feb 99 - 07:56 PM (#59305)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: Banjer

OK, I get the hint.....BUT...Where would one send some funds if one were able to do so??? You know, an address or PO Box number would be nice....I am not the world's richest individual but to help maintain something as valuable to the music world as this site is I would certainly try to do my part...

19 Feb 99 - 08:13 PM (#59308)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: katlaughing

Banjer, We just coveredthis in another thread, but I can't remember which one it was. Click on the box at the top of this page, right next to the search box, where it says "Support the Mudcat".


19 Feb 99 - 09:33 PM (#59320)
Subject: RE: If that wasn't a crash,...
From: Roger in Baltimore

Oh, and Banjer, when you do click on Support the Mudcat, scroll to the bottom of the page. Me, I just looked at the pretty icons and missed the important stuff down below. Barbara thinks I'm an idiot. Me, I have no argument with that at this moment.

Roger in Baltimore