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Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06

24 Jun 06 - 07:25 AM (#1767976)
Subject: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Market Rasen Folk Club Friday Friday June 30th 2006

Website Market Rasen Folk Club

Click on the names below to go to their websites

Spotlight Guest

Edwina Hayes

Support Artists
Liam & Frank Robinson
Market Rasen Junior Singers
Wild Wolds Women
Tina Taylor

Entrance £3
No smoking. Disability friendly.
Doors open at 7:30pm and music starts at 8:15pm and finishes at 11:30pm.
Bring your own food and drink as there is no bar.

Venue Address
Market Rasen Folk Club
Faldingworth Village Hall
Lincolnshire LN8 3SE

Location Maps        Faldingworth Area Map        Wider Area Map

24 Jun 06 - 07:49 AM (#1767986)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

Oh a change of line up?
That is a bit last minute who is this Edwina Hayes then Villan?
She must be good I suppose to get aa booking at MRFC do tell.

24 Jun 06 - 07:53 AM (#1767991)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Sorry your original guest couldn't make it but looking forward to playing with Wild Wolds Women on the same bill as Edwina. I love hearing her songs and fantastic voice. Can't wait!

24 Jun 06 - 07:54 AM (#1767992)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

These things happen Tim :-)

She is in London recording on Friday and will be hoofing it up here for MRFC on her way home.

24 Jun 06 - 09:14 AM (#1768021)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

Yeah dont know if we gonna make it friday as it happens.
Hope we can 'cos thought migt try doing Raffle again.
That way you can spend sometime with the artistes,artistes and even phew! get aminute with your loved ones.
Oh well gotta go do some singing practice for me gig with Mr Appleton next month.
It is such hard work being mediocre, but now I have got to that standard by sheer hard slog I dont wanna let it slip back.

24 Jun 06 - 12:38 PM (#1768103)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Just realised what a group of young performers we have on show on Friday

Market Rasen Junior Singers (around 10 to 12)
Tina Taylor & Liam & frank Robinson (mid twenties)
Edwina Hayes (Early thirties)
Wild Wolds Women (The OAP's of the show LOL :-) ) Don't really know their ages cause they never told me, being women.

24 Jun 06 - 03:38 PM (#1768216)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

WOW Villan....I really didn't realise you were that brave...methinks you will regret that label you applied to you want us to act mature and sensible on Friday...? LOL!

25 Jun 06 - 01:45 AM (#1768496)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Oops - better put me armour on for Friday :-)

Tim I thought you did a great job with the raffle together with Rockhen. Are you gonna wear your kilt next time, cause I think it would help the raffle ticket sales - £1 for a strip and £2 to see if you really are wearing anything under the kilt. LOL

25 Jun 06 - 05:27 AM (#1768552)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

Wow villan,
I didnt realise you were standing that close!
Lol no kilts for me matey I is Anglo Celtic origins not American discovering blood lines.
Is looking good for friday we looking forward to it.
Pity the spotlight fell through but lucky you managed to get a replacement at short notice.
is looking like good week for music around here,got singaround Tuesday.
OM Wednesday MRFC Friday and now Brandy WHarf to look forward too.
Plus am on day shift for first time in hmmmmmmmm I forget how long.

25 Jun 06 - 05:39 AM (#1768560)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Just noticed that the website still shows the original spotlight guests, Villan. Are you likely to manage to change it because I told a few people, that went to the Edwina gig, to check the site? If not, I will go back to them and tell them that she is still going as they may think it has changed again. I appreciate it may be tricky to update it before then.
Like Tim says, it is a shame that Andrew and Steve had to cancel but fortunate that you got a replacement in time.
BTW Tim isn't keen on dresses...but ask him what he was wearing on Wed...

25 Jun 06 - 05:43 AM (#1768563)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Just checked the link for Edwina on the first posting and didn't seem to work on my computer. WIll try to do another link just in case it wasn't just problems here.

Edwina Hayes

25 Jun 06 - 11:06 AM (#1768680)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

My website is updated Rockhen.

That link I put above worked the other day.

Anyway thanks for putting the link in again.

Tim thats good news.

25 Jun 06 - 06:07 PM (#1768951)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Just checked the website but can't see the new profile. It could be my computer playing up but seems weird...
Ta for working on it anyway, Villan, perhaps it has just taken a while to load.

25 Jun 06 - 06:50 PM (#1768979)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Thanks for sorting it Villan! I can get it to work now, ta!

26 Jun 06 - 02:56 AM (#1769133)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Sounds like you have a cache problem or need a new PC.

26 Jun 06 - 11:10 AM (#1769357)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

I have a cash problem...hee hee

26 Jun 06 - 11:30 AM (#1769370)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

LOL I was waiting for Twangy to come in on that one :-)

26 Jun 06 - 12:50 PM (#1769426)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Bless him, he is even older than me so sometimes a bit slow with his answers!

26 Jun 06 - 02:19 PM (#1769496)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Sooz

MRFC might get a mention on the BBC Radio Lincolnshire breakfast programme tomorrow morning. Sometime between 7.45 and 8.00 if the rumour is correct.

26 Jun 06 - 02:30 PM (#1769506)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Whooo Hooo tell me more Mrs Sooz. Don't know about this. Must be something you have arranged cuase it ain't my doing.

Are you on?

This will boost their listeners LOL :-)

26 Jun 06 - 02:58 PM (#1769519)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Is it going to cost me anything Sooz? :-)

27 Jun 06 - 01:32 PM (#1770352)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

WEll I didn't get to listen, so did it happen?

27 Jun 06 - 02:00 PM (#1770383)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Sooz

I think we got censored!

27 Jun 06 - 03:19 PM (#1770459)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

So No :-)

27 Jun 06 - 07:32 PM (#1770658)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

isnt that what they do to the incense in churches?
Hey why are the WWW always on the bloomin radio ?

28 Jun 06 - 02:05 AM (#1770864)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Are they?

28 Jun 06 - 05:55 AM (#1770969)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Shame it isn't for musical reasons though!

28 Jun 06 - 07:54 AM (#1771021)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

What happened then, Rockhen, were you on Radio Lincolnshire again?

28 Jun 06 - 11:57 AM (#1771229)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Stop pretending was you that told me, WWW was mentioned on Folkwaves, er, several times, but not in a musical way. Raised eyebrow.... Oh well, better than nothing I guess, LOL!

28 Jun 06 - 01:06 PM (#1771283)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

He he They seemed to like women in leather!!!!!

28 Jun 06 - 06:04 PM (#1771467)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen are so predictable!

29 Jun 06 - 02:25 AM (#1771761)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: GUEST,zulu

Did'nt take long for someone to bring the thread around from talk of kilts to leather.I wonder who that someone may be ?Fed up that i will miss Edwina and WWW on friday.I think you get your fair share of female performers Villan.Be careful,because they are very unpredictable and with so many on one night,who knows ???

29 Jun 06 - 02:40 AM (#1771764)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

The mind boggles Zulu :-)

29 Jun 06 - 03:55 AM (#1771788)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

Hey Mr Zulu shall I take me exclusive WWW momento with me in its frame
to prop up on me table?
I dont realy want to get the thing in too much sunlight in case the ink fades,or it gets Errrr discoloured.
So Jen finaly gets a chance to Hear Eggwina after all the hype from Hk about how nice she is?
Will be cooler outside in the sin bin I reckon,Hey how about it Les you could start a smokers section in the car park charge a bit less than in the hall,and all you would have to do is prop a door open.
Sounds like easy money to me.

29 Jun 06 - 06:01 AM (#1771831)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

No go Twangy, I am trying to look after your health :-)

29 Jun 06 - 03:51 PM (#1772210)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Zulu, you are right to warn, Villan....
Beware Villan, you wouldn't want the Wild Wolds Women to become the Extremely-miffed Wolds Women, would you?!
We have a new song for tomorrow which requires audience participation. However, I think it may be wise if Villan steps outside while we perform it as he may find it a bit much at his age...
BTW Twangy, a little bird told me that you may soon have another item to add to your collection...

29 Jun 06 - 03:57 PM (#1772212)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Cheeky bugger Rockhen :-)

Has Twangy been floating the dosh again?

29 Jun 06 - 04:07 PM (#1772216)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Hey....u called us OAPS, Villan! still hic sniff sniffle, getting over that!
Wellllllll, I wasn't going to mention Twangy's latest purchase...that is a separate issue...I was just referring to his should ask him about it..probably, privately! Although, the wonderful and long-suffering Mrs Twangy, knows all about it...
Anyway, of course the music is what we are all interested in tomorrow!
Twangy, Edwina has a beautiful voice, I don't think you will be able to deny that even if her songs end up being, not to your taste.

29 Jun 06 - 04:30 PM (#1772230)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener


30 Jun 06 - 02:07 AM (#1772466)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Line up and order for tonight

First half

Market Rasen Junior Singers (25 minutes)
Laim & Frank Robinson (25 minutes)
Tina Taylor (25 minutes)


Second half

Wild Wolds Women (25 minutes)
Edwina Hayes (45 minutes)

I hope to see as many of you as possible

30 Jun 06 - 02:22 AM (#1772472)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: GUEST,zulu

How can i consentrate on work tonight when all this is going on.Not just the amazing Edwina that i will miss.A new tune by those Wild Women that will shake the MRFC foundations.The momento given to someone i know by The Wild ones,is getting an airing.Plus all the other performers i have not seen before.Makes a bloke want to shout something in Slovenian.Oh,did i not mention i was going there soon to check out their folk roots for Big Les,(all expenses payed of course.)
Anyway you lucky peeps,good luck and watch out for Edwina singing a Helian Keys song.

30 Jun 06 - 03:24 AM (#1772485)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Just don't go to work and come to Market Rasen Folk Club. You know it makes sense :-)

30 Jun 06 - 10:35 AM (#1772766)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

Hey Just 'cos something may not be to my taste doesnt mean I dont afford it equal value for performance,skill and other things I am not like that
I never think of "any" music as rubbish! in fact seeing as have only heard Edwinas MP3 clips how could I have formed an opinion anyway?
But if she is covering one of your songs she cant be all bad.
I know villan likes her,she has a girls name.LOL

30 Jun 06 - 11:15 AM (#1772802)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Edwina sings some smashing weepy songs Tim. Come to think of it, its mazing how many women there are singing and quite often accompanied by blokes. Why is that then.

Discuss :-)

30 Jun 06 - 12:10 PM (#1772828)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Strollin' Johnny

Mind yer own business. :-) :-)

30 Jun 06 - 12:47 PM (#1772852)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Hows you doing M8tee.

30 Jun 06 - 01:47 PM (#1772884)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

The question is why do you find it amazing that there are so many tallented woman?
More than half the population are female.
If the same proportion of men and women are what we would describe as tallented,why are there so many men performing in relation to the number of women there are performing?
Also I think that women performers are often judged by other criterea than the tallent that they display for singing or playing.
As a bloke I am never made to feel that if I were slimmer,prettier or dressed more sexily i would recieve a better response to my performance.
Maybe I would but I dont feel pressured to change myself too achieve more acceptance.
But then I am a bloke so maybe a womans POV would be more valid?

30 Jun 06 - 10:22 PM (#1773230)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Thanks Tim! I do think think it is a shame that there usually appear to be more male performers than female. I have been to several music events where I have been the only woman performing...(No, not in those sort of places!!!)You can feel a bit isolated. I do often feel that I am judged by different criteria than male musicians.
But...I think that is the same in the rest of life...not necessarily the fault of just some men as many women apply the same double standards re women performers.

30 Jun 06 - 10:24 PM (#1773231)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

BTW...Had a great evening, was a lovely night and I am a huge fan of Edwina so really enjoyed hearing her again.

01 Jul 06 - 01:05 AM (#1773282)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Thoroughly enjoyed the evening again with all performers providing a very mixed and entertaining evening.
An additional bonus was having Strollin' Johnny doing a couple of songs.

Quote from Rockhen
"I do often feel that I am judged by different criteria than male musicians"

Well I hope you don't feel that way at MRFC. All performers in an evening contribute to the complete evenings entertainment, whether male or female. Its a team effort and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Quote from Tim
"The question is why do you find it amazing that there are so many tallented woman?
Did I say that!!!!! I think not.

Anyway onto the events of this Saturday and Sunday at Brandy Wharf. Looks like weather is going to be baking, so I hope there is plenty of shade. There should certainly be some very good entertainment, washed down with gallons of Cider.

Also looking forward to 2 weeks time, when John Conolly is Spotlight Guest and ably supported by Ruth Notman, Stitherum, Ploughmans Bunch and Knocker & Jim Creasey (Father and Son duo)

How many performers that you can think of where you have a Father/Mother & Son/Daughter combination?

01 Jul 06 - 05:53 AM (#1773355)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

"I do often feel that I am judged by different criteria than male musicians"

I apologise if you thought this was directed at you, at all, Villan. It was not, at all.It was meant as a comment on the music business, as a whole. I am also, not blaming, men as I think it is "not necessarily the fault of just some men as many women apply the same double standards re women performers."
We had a brilliant time performing at MRFC last night and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Loved hearing Edwina and having a chat at the end. I always wish there was more time to chat to people as it is a nice part of the evening as well as hearing the performers. We were setting gear up in the break so missed chance to chat to people, last night.

01 Jul 06 - 07:37 AM (#1773404)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

He he I knew he was gonna say that soon as I pressed the submit button.
No you didnt say that at all V I was misrepresenting you most villainously!
If anything the booking policy at MRFC is based more on who you know and what you play. Is word of mouth and such like I think, but I am sure V will put us straight on that.
It seems to work pretty well.
As to last night!
This was another very varied and very captivating night of musicality.
The Children were great.
I enjoyed every minute of their singing and I found it fascinating to watch the conductress who had such a control(?If that sounds odd I apologise) over them coaxing,encouraging and prompting the kids(He HE up yours PC teachery types!)it was almost as if she were playing an instrument.Was very impressed and thouroughly enjoyed it.
Also well done the parents who were very well behaved and would have made any kid proud.
And so to Liam,
His aproach to the art of squeezeboxery is great.
First time I saw the man I thought oh wheezy wardrobe approaching but I was mistaken in my aprehension.
His set is well played,he does know a lot of info about the music and probably the history and the date collected and how clever the librarian /teacher or other was who "Discovered " it.
But he doesnt bore you with an in depth twenty minute lecture about it he gets on and plays it.
He also gives the impression of enjoying playing it.
Well done matey!.

Next a moment of confusion for me as I suddenly realised there was a deviation from the program because the old war horse MR John "The Voice" Blanks was warbling his way through a couple of brilliant covers.
Les soon calmed my fears that someone had not managed to make it over to our favourite venue.
John had just arrived accidently fetching his guitar and wandered absent mindedly onto the performing area without realising.LOL

Onward ro The Maid of Mansfeild herself,
Tina Turner.
The Lass has a lovely voice but as she said her mum was not there so if I may be so bold,less chatting and more of that singing please mate(NB This is always a comment that gets me in trouble witht the proper folkies he he!).
She does a great set and I enjoyed it immensly,was really impressed tat she was prepared to Miss a n evening of the Mansfeilr folk festival for our benifit and was really pleased she did.

After the break,WWW the notorious all woman group from the wilds of Lincolnshire.
It is no secret i love to hear the "girls" play they are all very tallented and there ensembe playing is just so much stronger every time I hear them(as often As possible).
They do play covers and do them very well,but all my favourites are the self penned gems they have so many of.
I could go on for ages but as I am extremely biased I had better not .
They are great musicians and great to have as mates.
PS thanks for the framed thong girls LOL.

SO to Edwina Hayes.
I was heartily sick of hearing how good Edwina is.
What a lovely lass Edwina Is ,
How pretty Edwina is etc.
I dont like to be told I will enjoy this or that performer because evryone loves them! And it tends to make me more critical in my aproach to listening.
Reputations that precede are to be treated with caution in my veiw.
Edwina smokes!
She sat in the sinbin with Jen and I for a while having a fag.
She talks like a normal,pleasant,polite and well adjusted lass and is delightful to meet.
She has nerves like we all do.
She worries about how she is gonna play and sing and look on stage. She is bloody good.
How V manages to get such obvious star materiel to come along to perform for us is beyond me.
Also I will mention Terry and Gwenda,
They are getting so good with the sound they are nearly as much of an asset for that as they are fantastic entertaining classy performers.
Thanks yet again Guys.

01 Jul 06 - 07:54 AM (#1773417)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Thanks, Tim that was really nice, (I'll give you the tenner later! :-) lol!) Don't know what to add that could improve that review, so I won't!
Just another great night at MRFC! Thanks everyone!

01 Jul 06 - 09:17 AM (#1773448)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

Well Tim, that is truly an excellent review of the proceedings last night (very much in line with my thoughts) and it helps very much to have somebody like you doing this for me, as otherwise it could be misconstrued as me trying to brag about the club.

It is an interesting point about when you are told time and time again about how good a performer is. This has exactly the same effect on me. I prefer to see the performers then make my own judgement. You can't or invariably don't like everybody who is on, but one thing I can honestly say, is that everybody who appears works there socks off to provide such wonderful entertainment and that has to be applauded.

I can only try to get the performers to appear. You are the ones that decide if you like who I am putting on. Most people vote with their feet.
Basically, I listen to what people tell me about performers and try to work out if they will suit the style of the club. Not all performers do, but that doesn't mean that they aren't any good. Far from it. I research performers websites, and the great thing nowadays, is that you can listen to some of their songs. I also get lots of CD's sent to me for review. Again it is a question of trying to decide if they suit the style of the club. CD's only give an idea about the style of the performer, but invariably they have about a dozen support people on the CD's, which makes it very difficult to work out just how good somebody may be. However, the best way is to go and see them live, then you do indeed know what you are getting. There are still a huge number of performers who MRFC haven't seen who are lined up for 2007 once I get the diary together. So as you may see Tim, there is no magic to it. Just a lot of hard work in the research side, which I find fascinating.

One thing that I am really keen on seeing developed on performers websites is something that Jez Lowe and the Bad pennies have on their website. An actual video of the band performing a song live. This helps somebody like me enormously, when you haven't seen somebody before.

At the end of the day, I spend a lot of time on the phone talking to all these performers/agents to see if a visit to MRFC is beneficial for both parties.

02 Jul 06 - 05:40 AM (#1773926)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

Well V it works fine.
I did right a lengthy reply to this a day ago tokk me ages and I see from its absense I pressed the wrong button or clicked the wrong thingy so sorry for that keep up the good work and see you at Brandy Wharf at some point.

02 Jul 06 - 05:54 AM (#1773934)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

I have been guilty of pressing the wrong button having spent quite some time composing a post.

One of the better and safer ways to work with posts that take a time to compose, is to create it in Word or whichever word processor you have and save it to hard disk. You can then devolop your comments and when you feel it is completed, copy and paste it to the mudcat thread of your choice.


03 Jul 06 - 05:10 AM (#1774541)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: muppitz

Thanks for the kind words, but if I myself may be so bold, could you get my surname right next time please?
It's Taylor, NOT Turner.
It stopped being funny some time ago!
Thanks again for inviting me to come up Les.

muppitz x

03 Jul 06 - 08:20 AM (#1774630)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

re "but one thing I can honestly say, is that everybody who appears works their socks off to provide such wonderful entertainment and that has to be applauded.",,,well actually Villan....weren't you listening?
We asked if we could keep ours on...!

03 Jul 06 - 08:36 AM (#1774646)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

I really think that its a thank you Muppitz it was our pleasure.

Rockhen, you are a smartarse :-)

03 Jul 06 - 09:26 AM (#1774697)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Tim theTwangler

OOPs sorry about the name being wrong.
Was not a joke just not very efficient at doing revues.

03 Jul 06 - 03:21 PM (#1774954)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Ooooh how rude, Villan! I was merely expressing my disappointment that you didn't listen to our lyrics more carefully!

03 Jul 06 - 04:03 PM (#1774987)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

I know you was Rockhen :-) Just joking around - thats what the :-) meant. See they mentioned WWW again on Folkwaves again tonight.

03 Jul 06 - 04:06 PM (#1774991)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rockhen

Yes, I was joking, too, Villan heehee :-)
Yes I listened but they didn't want the job of roadies...sigh...we'll have to keep looking!

03 Jul 06 - 04:59 PM (#1775027)
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
From: Rasener

You can't win em all. :-)