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Lyr Req: The Eyes of Texas

22 Feb 99 - 03:33 AM (#59549)
Subject: Looking for lyrics of
From: Breezy

Hi, Could someone email me the lyrics of "The Eyes of Texas"? Or point out where I can find it? Thanks. Regards, Breezy

22 Feb 99 - 01:15 PM (#59594)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Joe Offer

Today there are about 4 threads with titles like "lyrics requested", but with no hint of which song the person is seeking until we actually open the thread. time-consuming...please try to give threads more specific names.
Do not post any more messages here.

22 Feb 99 - 01:41 PM (#59598)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Martha

Don't be rude, Joe

22 Feb 99 - 01:45 PM (#59600)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Louis

Yeah c'mon Joe. No need to yell.

22 Feb 99 - 01:56 PM (#59604)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Joe Offer

Ah, but experience tells me otherwise - ya gotta yell sometimes. Even bold red print doesn't always work. Do you think I was rude, though? I certainly didn't want to convey that. I thought the tone was "direct," but not rude. Well, I stole the message from Philippa, so let's blame her for the tone, shall we? (grin)
Somehow, though, we have to get the message across that we want people to give specific titles when they start threads. But no, I certainly don't want to be rude or unfriendly - I want the exact opposite of that.
Click here for some nice Texas songs.
-Joe Offer, feeling chastised-

The Eyes Of Texas

The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
All the live long day..
The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
You cannot get away.
Do not think you can escape them,
At night, or early in the morn..
The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
Till Gabriel blows his horn!

22 Feb 99 - 02:13 PM (#59606)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Bert

The bit that says 'Do not post any more messages here.' could be construed as 'Go away and don't EVER come back'

Of course we all know that you're a nice guy, but newcomers won't.

I'm starting a 'welcome aboard' thread. I'll talk to miker about putting a little note in 'create a thread'


22 Feb 99 - 02:23 PM (#59610)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: harpgirl

22 Feb 99 - 02:32 PM (#59614)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: harpgirl

Let me try again...It occurs to me Joseph, that each new individual who encounters Mudcat is likely experiencing it for the first time. You might need to shout at all the new users you will encounter in the future all at once, but I doubt that all will be tuned in at that very moment! Like a rat in a maze, each of us needs a trial or two to find the cheese.Each new request which is phrased with hope (but alas without titles) must be treated as such: hopeful, curious, and friendly I refer you to a recent book, "The Art of Happiness" by His Holiness The Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler, MD...nevertheless, I still love you even if you are taken by all the rest of the galcatters who got here first! haprgirl (I'll send you a bill!)

22 Feb 99 - 02:37 PM (#59618)
Subject: threadiquette and the Mudcat anarchists
From: Philippa

Don't blame me; the red part of the message is all Joe's own. I see none of us obeyed the order.

22 Feb 99 - 02:40 PM (#59620)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Bert

You can lead a Mudcateer to the order but you can't make him think:-)


22 Feb 99 - 02:52 PM (#59622)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Joe Offer

Well, I have done my penance. I had posted the same message in the six other threads that had generic titles. I changed them all to something more friendly. If I say six Our Fathers and thirteen Hail Marys, do you think I can escape the fires of hell?
-Joe Offer, who usually tries to be very nice-

22 Feb 99 - 02:53 PM (#59623)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Bill in Alabama

Joe-- It didn't seem at all offensive to me. I appreciate your effort at keeping things sensible and orderly. Maybe flashing red letters would work.

22 Feb 99 - 03:16 PM (#59630)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: m

Go Joe

22 Feb 99 - 06:41 PM (#59666)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: harpgirl

I believe it should be 7 and 11...

23 Feb 99 - 12:17 AM (#59735)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: catspaw49

What I find the most fascinating is that there have been 12 messages posted...uh,13, ... to this thread since Joe said "DO NOT POST ANY MORE MESSAGES HERE." See Joe, it don't matter 'cause nary a soul gives a whit. Why didn't we start a new thread called Help In Thread Creation or somethin' so we'd have a nice discussion, solicit ideas, and kill the thing everybody hates, the nameless lyric thread !!!

Say, does anybody have a whit???...I know I haven't seen one in a good while, gotta' have some somewhere. The last whit I got hold of was in late '69 or early '70.


23 Feb 99 - 12:49 AM (#59739)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Art Thieme

BEWARE the ides of Texas!!!

or taxes.

23 Feb 99 - 02:43 AM (#59753)
Subject: RE: Looking for lyrics of
From: Joe Offer

Hey, Catspaw - we've got another thread going on suggestions for a new "create thread" page - Click here and add your two cents' worth.
We may have lots of messages posted here in this thread after I asked people not to, but they're all about how to deal with the problem of generic request threads - no new lyrics requests here so far. It always happens, though. We get a long thread going like this, with everybody making cracks about dummies who who start request threads like this, and then some poor soul posts a message in the thread that goes something like this:
I DESPARATELY* need sheet music for my grandmother's funeral Friday for "Yummy, Yummy, I Got Love In My Tummy." It was Granny's favorite song, and she may wake from the dead if I don't sing it right.
Please e-mail it to
*The truly desperate ones always spell "desperate" wrong.
Watch this thread. It's bound to come.
I just got an e-mail from the guy who started this thread. He said that he did put the song title in the thread title. Apparently, the 'Cat ate it - this seems to be a common but mysterious problem around here lately. I still think it's caused by the use of punctuation in thread titles, but I can't prove that yet. In the meantime, I apologize to Breezy and anybody else I chided who had trouble entering thread titles today.
-Joe Offer-