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BS: The Democrats' political platform.

13 Jul 06 - 12:11 AM (#1782341)
Subject: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Peace

This thread is wishful thinking on my part, because I don't see much difference between them and the Republicans, and they have been managing without a platform for a bit over five years. So, my question is this: Do the Democrats HAVE a platform, and if so, what is it?

13 Jul 06 - 12:19 AM (#1782344)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Peace


I have already read this.

13 Jul 06 - 01:32 AM (#1782370)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Ebbie

The Democrat Party has not yet addressed what to do about the Iraq war, or immigration or the ethical problems in Washington. I think they are going to have to if they hope seriously to attract and keep the people.

However, Marianne Means, New York Times Service 5/21/06, says "The Democrats promise to raise the minimum wage, prevent the privatization of Social Security, expand federal support for stem cell research, negotiate lower prices for the Medicare prescription drug program., eliminate billions in subsidies for the oil and gas companies and promise the development of alternative fuels."

That's a start.

13 Jul 06 - 01:41 AM (#1782372)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Peace


I have the greatest respect for you. That said, I kindly mention that that sounds just like the Republicans in 2000: Republican Party Platform in 2000.

13 Jul 06 - 08:10 AM (#1782545)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: kendall

Our two republican senators just voted to allow Americans to buy their drugs in Canada at huge savings. They can see the handwriting on the wall. I predict a democrat blood bath in the next election.
Two years ago I predicted a civil war in Iraq.

13 Jul 06 - 08:23 AM (#1782556)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: kendall

It is generally believed that people vote AGAINST not FOR. With that in mind, consider this:

In 5 years of Bush and gang we have this:

1. As of December 2005 we have spent 228 billion dollars in Iraq.
2. The number of weapons of mass destruction found 0.
3. Value of no bid contracts awarded to Halliburton 10.7 billion.
4. The surplus left by Clinton 236 billion.
5. the current debt under Bush, 8.146 TRILLION dollars.
6. How much the Bush gang reneged on the "No child left behind act" 28.168 billion dollars.
the number of working Americans who lost their health insurance since Bush TOOK office, 6 million.
And, the cost of a gallon of gasoline. DOUBLE!

13 Jul 06 - 08:29 AM (#1782560)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: beardedbruce


The Democrats tried running "against" in 2004- if they cannot run someone "FOR" something, they will lose again.

Just MHO.

13 Jul 06 - 08:41 AM (#1782569)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: GUEST,Mike Miller

You can bet the ranch that, unless the left shows some orginizational stregnth, the Democrats will continue to nominate candidates as bland as they are clueless. When a real liberal, like Nader, runs, the left allow themselves to be talked into not supporting him because "he can't win". That is just another way of saying that a liberal can't be elected and an embarrassing number of liberals nodded in ovine agreement.


13 Jul 06 - 09:20 AM (#1782589)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Bobert

Mike is exactly correct.... You can look back to Barry Goldwater as the turning point... He was a true conservative and though he lost the seeds were well planted... The progressive movement needs to get the seeds planted...

Howard Dean was on the right track but he scared the heck out of both the Repubocratic Party and the media because what he was sayin' was too progressive for them to compute... When someone like Howard Dean gets the Democratic nomination the seeds will get firmly planted... It doesn't really matter if a Howard Dean wins the first time around as much as it matters that the Democratic Party shows it has the courage, win or loose, to stand up for a core of values on what government is and isn't...


13 Jul 06 - 09:53 AM (#1782619)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: beardedbruce

"It doesn't really matter if a Howard Dean wins the first time around as much as it matters that the Democratic Party shows it has the courage, win or loose, to stand up for a core of values on what government is and isn't... "

Actually, in this I agree 100% with Bobert....

13 Jul 06 - 10:07 AM (#1782630)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Donuel

Waiting for the crop to come in 6 years from now may be a luxury we can not afford.

We may not even survive another 2 years of W's neocon diplomacy in conjumction with a tactical nuclear war in and around Isreal.

Just one nuke will give the excuse for every party involved to discard the "proportional" response restraints.

13 Jul 06 - 10:49 AM (#1782657)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: kendall

Nader couldn't win because most of us believed he could not win.

A cold hard fact, no one has ever won without being a democrat or a republican. Not even Teddy Roosevelt could do it. And, even if Nader could win he would have no support in congress, and that is critical.

13 Jul 06 - 11:55 AM (#1782693)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: GUEST,Mike Miller

If Kendal really believes that a liberal like Nader is unelectable on a third party ticket, he should have voted for him anyway. The Democrats depend on that kind of thinking to maintain their "me too" position and their "me three" candidates. When the left start bolting, the party will start paying attention.


13 Jul 06 - 12:11 PM (#1782704)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Ebbie

I think there is a fairly big difference in what the two parties are interested in. The Repubs may - and did - say they were going to save and strengthen Social Security, for instance; they did not say they would prevent its privatization. They did not promise to raise the minimum wage or to lower prescription drug prices. They did not say they would combat windfall profits in the oil and gas industries.

I am not a registered Democrat- In Alaska more than 60% of the people are registered Non-Partisan and I'm one of them. It's just that I most often support the Dem's goals.

13 Jul 06 - 01:26 PM (#1782757)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: CarolC

As far as I can see, the Democrats' only platform is...

"Get Elected"

13 Jul 06 - 01:34 PM (#1782763)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: CarolC

Actually, the Democrats do stand a fighting chance. It shouldn't be too difficult for them to demonstrate that they are more conservative than Bush and his people. Hell, even Nader is more conservative than Bush and his people.

13 Jul 06 - 01:44 PM (#1782770)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Rapparee

To get elected, the Democrats must:

1. Recognize that most voters DO NOT live in urban centers and have concerns different from those who do (e.g. gun control issues, animal welfare issues, small business issues).

2. Refuse to be led into side issues and focus on the main issue (e.g. an exit strategy for Iraq and not "soft on terrorists", a solid national defense and not "don't ask, don't tell").

3. Demonstrate fiscal responsibility instead of "borrow and spend" or "tax and spend."

4. Stop being lead around by the nose and trying to be all things to all people (e.g. "animal rights", certain "environmental" groups and issues).

5. Focus on REAL problems and REAL solutions and don't be distracted from them. Clinton's "It's The Economy, Stupid!" is a very good example of that.

6. Stop using buzzwords and sound bites and start talking and communicating.

7. Start asking questions like "So, what exactly ARE these 'family values' you keep talking about?"

8. Recognize and respect the religious convictions of fundies.

9. Start working for community (regardless of size and definition) and not just constituents.

10. Show some guts and concern for the Constitution.

13 Jul 06 - 01:52 PM (#1782778)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: beardedbruce


Agreement with you on the 10 points listed.

Of course, now I can feel comfortable that the (present) Democrats will not have a chance in 2008, since (IMHO) they are incapable of 1,3,4,5,6,8,9,and 10.

13 Jul 06 - 02:00 PM (#1782784)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: CarolC

Bush and his people are radical subversives, and they are also Fascists (beligerant corporatists), who are overthrowing the government from within by destroying (one bit at a time) the US constitution, and selling this country to the highest bidder (as well as giving a lot of it away to themselves and their buddies).

If the Democrats can provide even a half-decent alternative to that, they stand a fighting chance.

13 Jul 06 - 02:20 PM (#1782794)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Ebbie

beardedbruce, what candidates would you like to see on the Republican side? Who would you like to have as our next president?

13 Jul 06 - 02:24 PM (#1782795)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: beardedbruce

McCain/Leiberman! But it is not going to happen.

13 Jul 06 - 03:30 PM (#1782831)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Peace

Leiberman/McCain. Yep. Has a nice ring to it . . . .

13 Jul 06 - 03:32 PM (#1782833)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: beardedbruce

Peace- I WAS asked for the Republican ticket... But I would go for a new Centrist Party.

13 Jul 06 - 03:42 PM (#1782841)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: CarolC

How do you feel about Leiberman's stance with regard to the Iraq war, Peace?

13 Jul 06 - 03:46 PM (#1782844)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: pdq

McCain/Lieberman would be a winning ticket for Democrats, not Republicans.

13 Jul 06 - 04:41 PM (#1782893)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: kendall

I'd go green first

13 Jul 06 - 04:48 PM (#1782897)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Peace

I don't care for his support of it, but the US even being there will be moot by the time the elections for President are held. I think the US will have left by then and the UN will have a force in Iraq.

13 Jul 06 - 05:06 PM (#1782904)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: CarolC

Very optimistic of you, Peace.

13 Jul 06 - 05:18 PM (#1782911)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Rapparee

I agree with Peace.

13 Jul 06 - 05:36 PM (#1782934)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: CarolC

I think that to the extent that voter backlash against the Iraq war results in Republicans losing upcoming elections, Democrats who were hawkish on that issue will also be tarred with the same brush.

So if Lieberman hopes to garner support from people who are not Democrats for any upcoming elections, congressional or presidential (after losing a lot of his base support because of his Iraq war stance), I think he will be disappointed.

13 Jul 06 - 06:10 PM (#1782962)
Subject: RE: BS: The Democrats' political platform.
From: Donuel

The 2 parties are fundamentally different although one leans to extremism more than the other    \D   R/

They share the need for money, votes and the unfledging support of the military industrial complex.