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BS: TV Ads

21 Jul 06 - 02:50 PM (#1789280)
Subject: BS: TV Ads
From: John MacKenzie

Is it just me or does anybody else know their fsvourite adverts off by heart. There's one on UK TV for Vauxhall cars, with two little lads making grown up comments to each other in a north of England accent. I'm afraid to confess I love the advert, and know all the words, I laugh at it every time too.
The other one that makes me laugh every time, is the Tennant's Lager Voodoo ad.

21 Jul 06 - 03:43 PM (#1789319)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Liz the Squeak

Over tired......

I still remember things like the Humphrey song from Unigate Milk (Circa 1974 when there were still such things as doorstep deliveries)..

If you hear a noise with your milk and your roll, it must be the 10.30 Humphrey patrol. In slippers with pompoms for creeping about, watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out, there's a Humphrey about!

One hundred Humphreys, soft as silk, out on the search for your Unigate milk. So get extra pinta's or you'll be without; watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out, there's a Humphrey about!


21 Jul 06 - 03:44 PM (#1789321)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Clinton Hammond

I must ALL adds on TV

21 Jul 06 - 03:44 PM (#1789322)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Clinton Hammond

try that again, stupid fingers

I MUTE all adds on TV

21 Jul 06 - 04:08 PM (#1789339)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Divis Sweeney

I have a great collection of tv ads from the fifties, sixties and seventies.I have just transferred them onto DVD if anyone wants a copy, runs for two hours.

21 Jul 06 - 04:22 PM (#1789349)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Azizi

For some reason, one of the earliest jingles from tv ads that I remember is for Good & Plenty candy.
The first part of the jingle was something like:

Choo Choo Charley was an engineer

[then some other lines ????
and then I think it said]:

"He ate Good & Plenty to make his train"

[next was the part that I remember the best]:

Char-ley said
"Love my Good & Plentys."
Char-ley said
" Really rings my bell".
Char-ley said
"Love my Good & Plentys,
Don't know any other candy that I love so well."

I still feel that this is a wonderfully creative piece of writing.
I really like it!

I think I remember this jingle because the character's name was the name of a close family friend; it had an easy to remember pattern, with repeated words, alliteration, and end rhymes.

In addition, the jingle had a catchy tune. And that the line "really rings my bell" was a clever play on the train motif and the colloquial expression of something feeling just right.

To the anonymous [to me anyway] person who wrote this,
I say "Bravo!"

21 Jul 06 - 04:37 PM (#1789356)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Azizi

Here's another tv jingle that I remember from way back when:

Jump! It's fun.

Jump! It's easy.

Jump! We love to play Parcheesi.


This jingle was spoken and not sung. Again, I like its repetitive pattern and its alliteration. I also like the fact that "Jump" had three meanings-it referred to movements players made on that Parcheesi game board. And I think that who ever wrote this ad and directed it to kids would know that the word 'jump' would also be closely associated in kids minds with the act of jumping for recreational purposes. Then there's jumping for joy-what the ad writers wanted people to do who liked playing that game.

I don't know if the Parchessi game is even sold anymore. Frankly, I can't remember too much about the game except that it was played by people moving different colored pieces around a card board after throwing dice or twirling some spinner to find out the number of moves you could make.

But one thing's for sure-this jingle has lasted far longer for me than that game.

21 Jul 06 - 04:54 PM (#1789371)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Alba

I avoid adverts (commercials) here like the plague Giok.

I do, however, remember a Guiness advert that was being shown in Ireland a good while back now and it has stuck with me. The Guy acting in it was really funny and the Music was wicked. The tune was called 'Gualione' and was played by Perez 'Prez" Prado and his Orchestra.
This advert always made me feel like having a wee dance followed by a brisk walk down to the Village for a pint of the velvet soup! In other words the advert worked!..:)

21 Jul 06 - 05:04 PM (#1789383)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: John MacKenzie

AKA Lunatic soup, or Nigerian Lager [not very PC I'm afraid]

21 Jul 06 - 05:18 PM (#1789389)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Alba

...ah Giok, makes me think of Eldorado (white) mixed with Merrydown Cider and a bottle of Irn Bru to take the taste! A favourite tipple with the Hairies.
They called it a Govan Heid Banger! (not even remotely connected to a Harvey Wallbanger:)

Now before Divis Sweeney of one of the Lads or Lass's comes in and blasts me for my tardy spelling of their National Drink...heehee.....
I honestly meant to type Guinness


21 Jul 06 - 05:42 PM (#1789399)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Rapparee

I mute 'em, and it's lots more fun to imagine the words. But there is one, for a car or something, that starts out with a couple of people fencing saber. Good saber work too, and it finishes with a point instead of an edge. Too bad it's a commercial.

There's also an ad from Sharper Image which flogs their air cleaner. The CEO of SI is talking with a child on his lap -- I have no idea what he's saying but I think the child is either a fake or drugged.

21 Jul 06 - 07:20 PM (#1789499)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Divis Sweeney

Your okay Alba, when I did drink I couldn't stand the stuff ! Wouldn't like to describe what some of the guys I knew who did drink it said what it did to the stomach next day!

22 Jul 06 - 05:55 AM (#1789736)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: GUEST, Topsie

I take advantage of the ads to go and put the kettle on, or go to the loo, or step outside to look at the sky, so I don't see or hear them usually.

22 Jul 06 - 06:41 AM (#1789761)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Alba

Very wise Topsie, very wise..:)

[Divis ma dear. Thank you for sparing me the details on the "morning after Guinness tummy syndrome"! I am delighted to be able to say that it would be something I couldn't identify with and something also tells me that in this instance, ignorance is bliss!:) My best to you and yours as always]

Have a great weekend all,

22 Jul 06 - 07:07 AM (#1789770)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Divis Sweeney

Hope all well at that end Jude, enjoying life and summer weather to the full.
Health and happiness upon you and family.

22 Jul 06 - 08:00 AM (#1789782)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: GUEST,Jon

My favourite sort of ad at the moment is the FSA one with the BBQed sausages. The first time I saw it, I was puzzled and thought "yuck" when I saw the uncooked sausage meat before I realised what it was about.

22 Jul 06 - 06:15 PM (#1790162)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Azizi

I like the commercials that feature jingles.

Here's two examples that I remember though I'm using the write-ups submitted by other folks on this website

"Alka Selzer
You work to hard, you ate too much, the cheesecake made you greedy. but your aching head and stomach ache, this message form [sic 'from']old SPEEDY!! ALKA SELZER, PLOP PLOP FIZZ FIZZ. Oh what a relief it is. PLOP PLOP FIZZ FIZZ. oh what a relief it is. watch as those alka selzer bubbles burst into action to relieve upset stomach and aching head fast, use only as directed. OH what a relief it is! WHAT A RELIEF!"

[imo "the pop pop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is" is a great line that provides instructions of how the tablet works- you "pop" it in some water, it fizzes, you drink it, and you get relief]

Kudos to whoever thought of that line!


Hot, very hot guy sitting on a beach with his shasta saying "I want a pop pop pop I want a Shasta". That was a great commercial, was it in the late 70's or early 80's?"

["Shasta" is {was?}a brand of 'soda pop', which imo made that "I wanna pop pop pop" line so creative in that the 'pop' could have a double meaning]


Does anyone else have any commercials they like that feature jingles?

23 Jul 06 - 03:22 PM (#1790880)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: kendall

I detest all tv commercials!

23 Jul 06 - 03:57 PM (#1790909)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: gnu

Well sir! I was at the Coop today and saw Purity Tee-Vee cookies! Haven't seem them since I was in Newfoundaland years ago. I recall askin buddy why's they named that. 'E says, cause n's ate in front ov'a TV... ye stun er wha?

I miss my trips to the Granite Planet. They'll tease you until you are one of them.

23 Jul 06 - 04:38 PM (#1790938)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads

Fyffes' bananas, first and finest,
The Famous Fyffes
Bananas like these don't grow on trees!

The Guinness Dancing Man ad was available as a screensaver for ages, but doesn't seem to be on Google Video, oddly, though a bunch of others are.

23 Jul 06 - 06:41 PM (#1791069)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Tootler

I like the Vauxhall ads too. They're quite witty, poking gentle fun at certain attitudes, while neatly selling the cars.

There's a new one appeared for a Hotpoint washer recently where all the clothes in the washer are shaped like sea creatures. Visually very clever.

Mostly I do like Clinton Hammond and hit the mute button, especially for those that think shouting is a good selling technique.

23 Jul 06 - 06:44 PM (#1791073)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Liz the Squeak

OOh.. shouting in adverts... that Cillit Bang man needs a good slapping.


24 Jul 06 - 03:41 AM (#1791394)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads

I was disappointed, having seen Cillit Bang in a shop, to discover from the ad that it is pronounced 'Sillit Bang'. I thought it was 'Kill it Bang' - much more expressive.

24 Jul 06 - 03:54 AM (#1791399)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: GUEST,unimpressed

There was an ad in the early 1990s for an Italian pasta sauce that announced proudly that it was made from 'a fifty year old recipe'. I thought: 'wartime recipe therefore something made to pass for food but made from a minimum of decent ingredients'.

24 Jul 06 - 07:49 AM (#1791529)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Morticia

I thought ' They peel them with their metal knives and then they smash them all to bits *roll on floor hysterical with laughter*' was the very highest peak that advertising could reach.

24 Jul 06 - 12:13 PM (#1791731)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Jim Dixon

Every year the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis puts on a program of British TV ads, and more than 10,000 people pay $8 or so to watch about an hour of ads.

That might have something to do with the fact that Minneapolis is a regional center for advertising agencies and video production, but I don't think THAT many people here work in advertising.

British TV ads, the best of them anyway, are highly esteemed in the US, especially the humorous ones, and we seldom see them on our own TV. Even when the same brands are sold on both sides of the Atlantic, companies seem to always want to produce different ads for each market.

24 Jul 06 - 12:41 PM (#1791748)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: The Walrus

One ad that sticks in my memory was for a pasta sauce (can't quite remember the brand - Ragu, I think)

The basic idea was that using this pasta sauce had the 'typical ad family' moving around the house, admiring the jar of sauce and singing some rubbish (in English) to a melody from "The Marriage of Figaro", the strap-line was:
"RAGU - Brings out the Italian in you"
So, we had a tune, written by a German speaker (Mozart), from an opera about a Spaniard (Figaro), based on a book written by a Frenchman (Beaumarchais) - and this represents making one more Italian?
The only Italian bit, the lyrics, were removed - Well done guys!

24 Jul 06 - 05:30 PM (#1791989)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Tootler

I seem to remember there was a tiny caption at the bottom of the screen which said "Made in the Netherlands" I think it was RAGU but it could have been Dolmio with their animated Italian family.

24 Jul 06 - 05:33 PM (#1791995)
Subject: RE: BS: TV Ads
From: Tootler

companies seem to always want to produce different ads for each market

I have noticed over here that car ads are increasingly being made in Continental Europe (cars being driven on the right, non-UK number plates) and then having a commentary added in English so I think it is beginning to happen here.