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Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things

02 Aug 06 - 08:31 AM (#1799703)
Subject: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hi everyone - welcome to August

Sessions this month

Folk etc. - Wednesday the 9th & 23rd

Blues etc. - Wednesday the 2nd, 16th & 30th

Everyone welcome to come along & join in - we now operate in the function room - so no background noise/people walking through the session - function room has it's own bar & toilets/non smoking room

Still completely free - just buy yourself a drink

Other things on:

Mondays – Herga at the Harrow Arts Centre
Mondays – Tudor Folk Club – The Whitehill Centre, Chesham
Monday - third in the month at Buck's Head, Little Wymondly
First Tuesday - Blue Anchor, St Albans, St Michaels village - 1st
Wednesdays – The Orange Tree, Baldock – Baldock & Letchworth folk club - might be closed?
Wednesdays – Hertford somewhere on odd dates – see Mudcat threads
Thursdays – Redbourn Folk Club – The Cricketers - closed August
Thursdays – Rose & Crown, St Michaels, St Albans
Thursdays – Bedford Folk Club - Fleur de Lys
Friday - last of the month - Ceilidh at Hitchin Town Hall
Friday - last of the month - The Buck's Head, Little Wymondly
Sunday – Comfort Hotel, St Albans - closed August
Sundays - Rose & Crown - see Mudcat threads
Sundays - obviously the leg end Hitchin Folk Club at the Sun Hotel

Web site is here -

02 Aug 06 - 02:39 PM (#1799942)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: stevi

Hi ross would come tonight but decided to tango with a rotavator! two fingers temporally out of action hope to be plucking again soon though.


03 Aug 06 - 02:22 AM (#1800288)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Cheers Stevi - sorry to hear that - get well soon

Stay away from machinery - it's a warning to us all - I'm never going in the garden/kitchen again

Cheers to all for last night - Bert, Pat, Keith, Hitchin John, Jeff, Mike. Mike & Trish + daughter/boyfriend, Bill and Teresa

It was a very pleasant evening

See you all soon

PS - this isn't a closed fred - all are welcome to say something

03 Aug 06 - 03:04 AM (#1800296)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Anything ?

03 Aug 06 - 03:43 AM (#1800312)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Yeah, why not

Most of the threads are whinges or tirades

Technical wizardry & gig/festival info

Have fun on this one

Oh - yeah - stop the war (what ever one applicable)

03 Aug 06 - 05:04 AM (#1800358)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

OK, this is an example of 'engage brain before opening mouth'. My husband works for a very large international company, probably the world leaders in their field. At a recent management meeting, one of the Directors asked "Just how many people work in Mr. *******'s department?"
My husband piped up "about half!" Yes he has still got a job, the directors did actually see the funny side. Ive asked him to keep his mouth shut in future - we still have a mortgage to pay!

03 Aug 06 - 06:13 AM (#1800401)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Very good

One of my bosses took to coping with the recent hot weather in string vest and army shorts - regulation shoes & socks

After the 9/11 thing we were working in a convent. We were in the kitchen discussing layouts with the abbess when the minute silence started
I was so oblivious that I didn't notice
When I turned around I nearly fell over a nun who had kneeled to pray.
I wondered what A&E would have made of it
and how were you injured? - I fell over a nun praying

03 Aug 06 - 06:56 AM (#1800411)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Brilliant - you may or may not have followed the thread regarding the NHS and my mom. She was recently in hospital having her hip sorted out. This was necessary after she tripped over in the church at her friends funeral. Imagine the picture, funeral cars parked up outside the church - AND an ambulance !
Lke your boss's style, but I think sandals and socks would be better!

03 Aug 06 - 07:55 AM (#1800424)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

I'm sorry - I couldn't help a guffaw

At my Uncle's funeral the hearse jumped the traffic lights

We ended up with a milk float and a bus in the cortege

I've got a good one with an ambulance

A friend of a friend was driving along the road when they saw the aftermath of a road accident - she stopped to help

On the arrival of the ambulance she had an asthma attack

The victims of the road accident had to watch as she bagged first ride to the hospital

03 Aug 06 - 08:27 AM (#1800447)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Ooooo excellent - a mate of ours on his driving test was asked to take the next left - so he did turned into the gates of the cemetry and joined in the middle of a funeral cortege! He had to follow the procession all around the cemetry before he could get back onto the road. - He failed !!

Whilst taking part in a small cross country event with me hoss, I got completely lost in the woods, noticed some red and white flags and headed for them. (they use coloured flags to mark the fences) came up to a wall with trees either side and popped over it - landing in the beer garden of a pub!   Did a quick hand-brake turn with the hoss and popped back out again, much to the amusement of the drinkers. We went to the pub that night and they were still talking about it but the people who had not witnessed it just would not believe it. I kept quiet!

03 Aug 06 - 11:09 AM (#1800576)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Very good - cheers PA for cheering up my day

Reminds me of Inspector Clouseau continually driving his car into a swimming pool - now that's a thought with a hoss

It's an office day today - very boring

I'm off line for a couple of days

Happy everything to everybody

Oh we went to the Blue Anchor session last Tuesday and the room was completely full of listeners from a ladies WI outing - the singers etc were squashed in the middle of the room like wagon train

Very amusing

03 Aug 06 - 11:51 AM (#1800607)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Ross, you're very welcome, as you can tell I come from a long line of lunatics. Have a good weekend.

07 Aug 06 - 05:10 AM (#1803279)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hi PA and everyone

I had a very nice weekend

It's monday and it's raining

It's a folk week on wednesday at the Bull

Session at the Globe tomorrow - tuesday

Chris Flegg is on at the Duke of MArlborough in St Albans on Thursday

07 Aug 06 - 11:57 AM (#1803530)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Hellooeee, yep raining her this morning, but now its all bright and sunny. Had very busy weekend horsin' around. You've got a busy week by the looks of it, entertainment's a bit thin on the ground in my neck of the woods, 'cept for Bromsgrove FC that is, however this is me last week at work before I head off to Padstow to get under Breezy's feet for a few weeks.

Did you hear about the man who went to the greengrocers and asked for 5lbs of potatoes. The assistant said its kilogrammes now, the man said ok then, 5lb of kilogrammes! Aaaaaggghhhh !!
And did you hear about the man who went into the greengrocers and asked for 5lbs of potatoes. The assistant said will you take King Edwards, the man said, no he can take his own. Boom Boom!

07 Aug 06 - 05:06 PM (#1803837)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The Unicorn Man

Hello. Is this a private thread, or can anyone join in? I took my broken drum to Greenbank to be fixed last night. I had it in the loo of my camper van for two weeks. POOOO.

08 Aug 06 - 03:08 AM (#1804157)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Did you have it in the loo in the camper van because it was broken, or is that where it got broken? If it got broken in the loo, did you sit on it by mistake? or were you playing it in the loo. Will they be able to fix it?

08 Aug 06 - 04:14 AM (#1804177)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Come on Martin - tell us the full story

You are very welcome to our humble thread

As you're in the trade, you might be interested that I got run over by a postman last Friday - I was walking down the path in Hexton when he came flying out from behind a hedge - can I sue

Greengrocer gag reminds me of the one where the trader struggles to convince his customer he has no tomatoes - how many f's in tomatoes - there is no f in tomatoes - that's what I'm been trying to tell you

And the king Edward who wouldn't let his daughter marry John Motson because he was a Common-tator

And the labourer who asked for a potato clock because he had to get up at eight o'clock

08 Aug 06 - 03:42 PM (#1804663)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The Unicorn Man

No, the camper van is not to blame in anyway. I was taking my guitar out of the boot of my Berlingo while it was in the garage, I had to walk a few steps away so I could place the guitar out of the way of the garage door, when I turned round I saw the drum start to slip, I watched helplessly in HORROR as it fell out the back and landed on the concrete floor. BOO HOO. I put it in the camper van loo just for somewhere to store it until I had a chance to go to Greebank to drop it off. I hope that is all clear now. If it is can someone please tell me, so I can understand?

08 Aug 06 - 07:56 PM (#1804850)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

I got as far as Berlingo.

Other than that all is clear. Clear enough to write a song about the whole sad story. To sympathise.

My baby got home this evenin'
Then a tragedy just struck,
His instrument went a-rollin'
And I heard him say 'Oh Dear'

la la la

PS My friend wants a bike like postmen have. Do you know where he could get one?

09 Aug 06 - 03:13 AM (#1805039)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Nick the Postmans when he's not looking ?

09 Aug 06 - 05:10 AM (#1805093)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

Very good. He'll probably think the suggestion outrageous though.

I went to Dunstable last night. It was very busy and a varied night.

I lost some memory brain cells on the A505 though. I had them when I left home but they weren't in my head when I got there.

Quote from my son - stop spending the time posting c*** and get on and practise.

09 Aug 06 - 05:28 AM (#1805103)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

The Barton post ladies have been robbed a couple of times

Their bikes have been later discovered up the cutting with all the junk mail

One bike was later found being entered into the tour de france

It's folk tonight in Barton - come and harvest your talent

Or listen, prop up the bar and get p*****d

Martin - did you notice that when something falls accidently, it always accelerates to the speed of light quicker than Scotties 'laws of physics'

10 Aug 06 - 03:44 AM (#1805968)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Cheers to everyone for a great night

To Mike, MK Trevor, Hitchin John, Jeff, Bill, Carlos, Keith, Eve, Roy, Bert, Pat, Derek, Paul & Lin, Stevi, Cathy, Bob, Teresa & friend

Sorry - I forgot to send e-mail reminder to everyone

Quite a lot on holiday though - good for them

Chris Flegg is on at the Duke of Marlborough tonite

10 Aug 06 - 04:48 AM (#1805997)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Alright then Ross, and all those smart people out there. Can anyone tell me the origins of the expression 'OK' or is it 'O-Kay'? If its O.K. what does 'OK' stand for?
Is this something glaringly obvious, am I completely stupid, or was I just not paying attention that day in school? I have no idea why this had suddenly come into my head, I heard someone on the news last night say it and just thought, what does that mean. My husband and son already think I'm completely barking for even wanting to know. Help!

10 Aug 06 - 06:16 AM (#1806035)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Just a wild guess - hope it helps

Okay is a term of approval or assent, often written as OK, O.K., ok, okay, okee, or more informally as simply kay, k or kk. When used to describe the quality of a thing, it denotes acceptability. However, its usage can also be strongly approving; as with most slang, its usage is determined by context.

The word "okay" is currently the single-most-used word on Earth, owing to its common employment in a vast number of cultures and languages.[citation needed]

There are several theories about the origins of this word, some of them apocryphal and none of them conclusive, although the suggested origin as an initialism of oll korrect has relatively widespread support. Whatever its origin, the word spread around the world, the "okay" spelling of it first appearing in British writing in the 1860s. Spelled out in full in the 20th century, 'okay' has come to be in everyday use among English speakers, and borrowed by non-English speakers. Occasionally a humorous form okee dokee (or okey dokey) is used, as well as A-ok. Good old Ned Flanders is a good link

10 Aug 06 - 06:53 AM (#1806050)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Cor blimey mate you're brainy. If that was just a wild guess, whats it like if you get technical!!!!!! I like the 'oll korrect' explanation, that'll do me ! Thanks.

10 Aug 06 - 07:13 AM (#1806056)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Sorry PA - I should have said your thirst for knowledge is quite sane

'Here I sit - I've got the brain the size of a planet

And all they want me to do, is to make the tea'

Marlon - the paranoid android from Hitchhikers guide

Here's some dafter ideas:

It stands for Old Kinderhook, the nickname of Martin Van Buren who came from Kinderhook, New York. Old Kinderhook played a role in popularizing the term, but it is not its origin. (More on this later.)

It comes from any one of a number of languages, most often the Choctaw word okeh. This explanation often involves Andrew Jackson again, but this time adopting it from the Indian language not because he was orthographically-challenged. A later president, Woodrow Wilson, favored this explanation, but he was wrong. As far as this explanation goes, it was not suggested until 1885 and no evidence exists that this, or any foreign word, is in fact the origin.

It is an abbreviation for Oberst Kommandant, or Colonel-in-Command, used by Von Steuben or Schliessen (take your pick) during the Revolutionary War. No record of either man, or anyone until 1839, using this phrase exists.

It comes from the French Aux Cayes, a port in Haiti famed for its rum.

It stood for Orrin Kendall crackers supplied to the Union Army during the Civil War. Unfortunately for Orrin's immortality, OK was in use twenty years before the Civil War.

It stood for Obadiah Kelly, a railroad shipping clerk akin to Kilroy who initialed bills of lading. And,

That it was an 1860s telegraph term for Open Key.

10 Aug 06 - 09:26 AM (#1806147)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

OhmyGod - are we playing Balderdash? Best game there is.

It actually goes back to Tudor Times when Henry VIII couldn't remember which Catherine, Katharine or Kathryn he was married to at times. 'Kay' he used to call them all to avoid any jealousy.

The 'O' 'K' was exclaimed in moments of ectasy (when he was the least clear-headed) and became a fashionable utterance of courtiers at the time. It disappeared from common usage during Elizabethan times but resurged during George III's reign during one of his bad spells.

HOLIDAYS - Does any one have a large transparent bag to put my guitar in? I was so looking forward to making a barton-does-airplane home movie.

10 Aug 06 - 10:07 AM (#1806178)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

That's quite good, but then all of Henry's wives would have to start with K - OA for Anne Boleyn - I don't think so

Old farmers used to season their best grass in trees - so it was oak hay - of course this became ok

I have a cheap & nasty black bag but it's not see through

I couldn't take my handbag on the plane this morning on my way to work

10 Aug 06 - 10:09 AM (#1806181)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Oooo this is brill - keep it coming (if you pardon the expression)!
My niece is a forensic pathologist, does a nice line in body bags - any good, nice zip up the front !!

10 Aug 06 - 10:47 AM (#1806243)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

Actually - you'll never believe it. Wuthering Heights is on TV! The solution was here all the time.

Heathcliffe fell exhausted, beaten and ravenously hungry through the door of the kitchen at The Grange. He saw an appetising cake on the wooden table and put out a hand pleadingly - 'Oh cake..he wanted to plea..

Unfortunately he collapased before he had finished the sentence.

Procrastinating Packer.

Thanks for offer PA, I think I'll leave the guitar behind after all.

10 Aug 06 - 10:48 AM (#1806245)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

For some reason, because no hand lugguage was allowed on planes

All the roads were gidlocked this morning for miles around Luton Airport

What was that all about?

10 Aug 06 - 11:04 AM (#1806260)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

If no planes are leaving Luton, what are the big white things with wings constantly flying over my garden. Maybe they are all landing and there will be an even bigger roadblock on the way home tonight.

Have you heeded the serious advice on the BBC? If you don't need to travel by plane today, then postpone your trip! Doh

OK PA - It's make your mind up time. Which definition and how many points are you awarding?

10 Aug 06 - 11:25 AM (#1806281)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Well after due consideration it has to be Wuthering Heights. Anything to do with cake is an odds on winner with me. That was a 10 pointer,
five points to the grass in the tree thingy and 2.5points, cos I like things to be even, to ol korrect cos i cant spel iver.

Off to Padstow tomorrow to poke Breezy's knees, sorry should have read poke fun at Breezys knees, any messages, insults, demands for money I should pass on ? He's obviously not busy or fallen in the harbour cos he's textin me !!!
I'm carrying all my luggage in clear plastic bags so it is visable on the M5.

Bye all for a few weeks, I'd send fudge but I don't know where you are!

10 Aug 06 - 11:31 AM (#1806286)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

Thanks for that and letting me play. Good Game. Good game.

Just say Bon Journo to Breezy please.

Have a lovely time in Padstow.


10 Aug 06 - 11:47 AM (#1806303)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

You're very welcome, I enjoyed it too. Bye Bye All.

12 Aug 06 - 04:50 AM (#1807954)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Cheers everyone

I was off line yesterday - many apologies

Have a good weekend - it's raining in Bedfordshire this morning

See you Monday - or thread you Monday

14 Aug 06 - 05:20 AM (#1809358)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hi all - welcome to another week

Tuesday - Globe, Dunstable

Wednesday - might try it as a musical workshop - a;; styles

Thursday - Bedford Folk Club - Fleur de Lys

It's raining in Hertfordshire

Cathy/PA away - any conversation welcome

15 Aug 06 - 04:07 AM (#1810130)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Hitchin' John

"Wednesday - might try it as a musical workshop - a;; styles"

What does that mean?

15 Aug 06 - 06:09 AM (#1810178)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

I don't know - I hit the wrong key - it should read all styles

It's a puzzle to know what to do with the alternative wednesdays to folk

It's started off with Blues but has ended up a mixed bag especially if John Birch doesn't show

The open mic's a bit of a problem now as we have lost Berts PA

We seem to get a dozen or so people every time, but it's not developing the way of the folk nights

Does it need too? - those present seem to enjoy it

I suppose it's projecting the right image to potential joiner inners, so we start to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow

15 Aug 06 - 02:57 PM (#1810492)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: stevi

How about learning some poll dancing tunes ross?
Whats happened to Bert's PA then.
could try dimming the lights or playing by candlelight!
just a thought.

16 Aug 06 - 03:12 AM (#1810906)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Hitchin' John

The problem with Bert's PA is that it wasn't Bert's. It belonged elsewhere and he was borrowing it. He no longer has access to it.

What poll dancing tunes did you mean Stevi?

Alice Coopers's I wanna be elected?

A sunny morning here in Ickleford

16 Aug 06 - 03:27 AM (#1810913)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hi there - It's true - Bert's PA was not his

Most people have brought some of their own gear with varying results

It's been difficult to get a balance at times

Perhaps the core members can have a chat tonight about the way forward

I thing the poll dance refers to my reference concerning the polarity

It's sunny here in Redbourn this morning

I was in Ickleford last Friday - I had my car serviced

17 Aug 06 - 03:41 AM (#1811997)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hi there everyboody

Thanks to everyone for the jam last night; John B, Hitchin John, Keith, Bert, Pat, Bill, Bob & Teresa + studious stranger

Who was in the half light

Cheers for the chat afterwards with the Johns

There is Bedford folk club tonight at the Fleur de Lys

17 Aug 06 - 11:33 AM (#1812298)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Hitchin' John

You should have heard Ross's 20 minute bass solo

Broken up only by short lead breaks from John B and myself.

And Bert's Freebird

17 Aug 06 - 11:47 AM (#1812303)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Bert's freebird - that's something I'll never forget

When you asked Bert at the end what is was and you heard his reply - your face was a picture - sorry Bert

No wonder all of LS died in plane/car crashes/sandwich accidents

Many apologies for my 3 note, 3 chord funky bass lines

I'm offline for a couple of days

Have a good weekend

20 Aug 06 - 05:12 AM (#1814293)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

There is a music and song session

Tomorrow, Monday the 21st August

At the Buck's Head, Stevenage Road, Little Wymondly, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG4 7GH

Its a folk week this Wednesday at the Bull in Barton

21 Aug 06 - 04:48 AM (#1814910)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Anyone going tonight?

21 Aug 06 - 05:20 AM (#1814929)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

Yes, I plan to.

Do you know the song 'The Lortels'?

21 Aug 06 - 05:26 AM (#1814931)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

No I don't - what's it about?

Who wrote it/sang it?

21 Aug 06 - 10:21 AM (#1815100)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hello All

tonight's session at the Buck's Head is cancelled as all 6 key participants are otherwise engaged!

Normal service will be resumed next month


Mad Nanny Music
Royal Oak Cottage
6 High Road
SG19 1NZ
Tel: 0845 123 2656

23 Aug 06 - 03:26 AM (#1816778)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Yes - it's tonight

Wednesday - 23rd August

The world famous Barton songs & tunes around the room marathon

or in welsh

'Your hip joint is slightly obtuse to the perpendicular'

(in line with the road sign article in paper last week where 'cyclist dismount here' was wrongly translated to 'your bladder problem has returned')

A lot of ironic tragedy stories in the paper:
Lottery winner killed when the gate of his new mansion fell on him
Hunter killed by contracting rabbit flu

24 Aug 06 - 03:55 AM (#1817660)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hi everyone - many thanks for a great night

To Davinia, Geoff, Cathy, Bert, Zoe, Mel, Trish, Yvonne, Rita, Geoff, Yorkshire Mike, David, Nat, Lorna, Ann, Omega, Mike Jones, Bill, Bob, Teresa, Pat, Keith, Keith's mate & wife

Many thanks to Hilary Ward, Martin Dent, Derek Girvan, Zany Mouse, Mick, Piers Hobson, Trevor & Cathy, Alan Russell, Terry for starting us off in those early days

24 Aug 06 - 04:14 AM (#1817668)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

That's thoughtful Ross. It was a great night. It is brilliant to see and meet people from other folk clubs who visit - I going to pick with more of a flick after watching Trish last night. It looked very stylish. And sounded very clear.

I am going to Shrewsbury Folk Festival this weekend, so could all the people who have been praying for rain in their gardens, please stop now and sing 'bring me sunshine'. Thanks.


24 Aug 06 - 08:27 AM (#1817758)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Cheers Cathy - I enjoyed your 'Vincent' & 'American Pie' tremendously

I hope it's sunny for you in Shrewsbury

I had problems with my monitor this morning (it was purple) - I bashed it just like Onslow does in keeping up appearances - it's now working - it was a miracle

Wise Pakastani proverb - 'never tamper with your balls'

24 Aug 06 - 08:41 AM (#1817766)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

So that's where I was going wrong in life.

Did you strip down to your string vest before bashing the monitor?

The sun has come out in Stevenage. Hip hip hip hooray

24 Aug 06 - 08:45 AM (#1817769)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross


24 Aug 06 - 12:16 PM (#1817950)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

The balls proverb is all clear to me now. I have just read the newspaper at the opticians.

It was a long sight test.

26 Aug 06 - 06:15 AM (#1819282)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Bet, that was a sight for sore eyes

My thoughts are with you all in Shrewsbury

I hope you haven't been washed away

It's Dunstable folk festival this weekend - Chas & Dave tonight but

The free concert tomorrow afternoon looks quite good

Lots of info on the Dunstable council site

29 Aug 06 - 06:49 PM (#1822150)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

The Shrewsbury festival was very enjoyable. My first festival and camping experience since girl guides. The whingey website about it is fascinating. Nobody has mentioned how they should stop the church bells and/or the noisy birds from waking you up in the morning.And where was the carry-on-camping-exercise-classes-held? I had my Barbara Windsor bra well hooked up ready.

Loads to appreciate there.

I was able to hear Christine and Steve perform wonderfully. Alan from Redbourn ignored me - Either he didn't have his specs on or didn't recognise me in mine. (new ones).

My dad told everybody I'd gone to Reading! We're not a folkie family.

Did anyone go to Dunstable folk festival? I thought Rick and his bluegrass band were involved in something there.


30 Aug 06 - 03:34 AM (#1822421)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hi Cathy - Shrewsbury sounded fun

Rick was on, on Sunday - I think his band is called Sons of the South or earth or sin - memory block

There is an open night at Barton tonight - anything goes

Numbers are normally less than the folk nights, so it's a good chance to take the floor

30 Aug 06 - 03:43 AM (#1822427)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Morning All! I'm back from sunny Padstow. Breezy was on form, not even the rain stopped him, though there was some competition from the fire juggler! Back at work now great - yeah right.

How do you kill a circus - go for the juggler!

31 Aug 06 - 03:45 AM (#1823299)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Ho, Ho - it's the end of August and what a month it's been

We'll never see the likes of it again - where does it go

Only Einstein can tell us and he's dead

Thanks to all who came along last night

Bert, Pat, Keith. Eve, Mark, Dan & the lovely Catherine AKA Don Maclean

Not much support for our non folk nights - suggestions please

Many apologies to the audience who turned up as we were leaving

31 Aug 06 - 03:46 AM (#1823301)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie


31 Aug 06 - 03:56 AM (#1823305)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

The lovely Catherine has a gig list

5th Sept - Blue Anchor

6th Sept - The Bull, Barton

9th Sept - World tour starts at Pete's fish & chip shop, Romford

You'll laugh, you're cry, you'll awake the sentinel of the solent mind



Watch this space for more details as I've forgotten them

31 Aug 06 - 04:09 AM (#1823312)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

Wow is me!

You spend every spare minute practising the guitar. The net curtains haven't been washed, the grass is 3 feet high and the bills are unpaid.

All you get is mocked, mocked, mocked.

31 Aug 06 - 04:10 AM (#1823314)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

Woe not wow

31 Aug 06 - 04:24 AM (#1823325)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Many a true word said in jest

I mean - WOW baby

Have you fed the rabbit and hoovered the bath?

31 Aug 06 - 04:36 AM (#1823328)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

No, nor have I painted the television or ironed the toilet paper.

31 Aug 06 - 04:45 AM (#1823334)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

I'm very disappointed

How can you be a housewife, mother and superstar with this attitude

Perhaps you ought to go on 'Bad Lads Extreme'

Idle bovine

Evidently the riot in Barton last night happened at the house across the road from John - 3 police cars, van, hoodies, thunderbird 3 and Sally Weather from look up your bum East

John nearly fell out of the bathroom window trying to listen

31 Aug 06 - 05:46 AM (#1823364)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things

Was this crowds rioting after your scandalously short set - a la Jesus and Mary Chain in 1984.

Rawk and Roll!!??

31 Aug 06 - 05:50 AM (#1823366)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

Who reads this anyway? It's nearly September.
I miss The PA on these dull drab days.

As Barton is 3 times winner of mudcat best regular pub session then there is gilt edged respect and authority to all comments.

Can you play the Australian game 2up with pound coins?

I keep sneezing this morning. Is it the Barton rain or the dust in my house?

Maybe John was hoping to meet Lady Penelope! For a cup of tea.

Oh dear I must keep focused on one idea at a time.

31 Aug 06 - 05:51 AM (#1823369)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie


31 Aug 06 - 06:21 AM (#1823381)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hands up - it was an insult to the audience

Can you picture - 8 people come into the almost empty room

Make themselves comfortable

Then the band walks out claiming their tired

It was 11.05pm though

All folk stars sneeze - it's in the blood

Out now on K Tel - the perfect christmas present - 50 late & great folkies sneeze their classical favourites

31 Aug 06 - 07:01 AM (#1823408)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Well helloooooooo there. It sounds to me as though you're all having a fun time, though I do have some trouble following events when I havn't any idea who all these odd people are.

Nothing much happening here in leafy Worcestershire. Just trying to remember how to use a computer after the holidays.

In cornwall we went on a trip down a tin mine, took all day literally about 5 hours in all including the buildings and museum. When we finally emerged from the hole in the ground, I just couldn't remember whether it was a copper or tin mine, so I asked the nice national trust man what it was they mined! copper or tin. The look on his face needed no interpretation.
My son decided to put our hard hats up the inside of his sweatshirt doing a brilliant impression of Dolly Parton. Mr National Trust just looked unamused and said - there's always one.
We wont be going back!

31 Aug 06 - 07:04 AM (#1823410)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

And............. just before I go to the pub (its a Thursday tradition in our company)

The definition of a brave man:

One who comes home late from the pub, drunk, smelling of perfume and covered in lipstick. Wakes his sleeping wife, smacks her on the backside and shouts -''you're next fattie'' !

31 Aug 06 - 07:17 AM (#1823417)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

That sounds great - going down the pub

Thursday always used to be pay day - start of the weekend

All I got was a haircut - I asked them to make me look gorgeous and they laughed

Your joke PA reminds me of Les Dawson's technic for foreplay - 'Brace yourself'

I'm just eating 'sweet potato & rosemary' soup for lunch - no more jam sandwiches for me

Our thread and odd people - discuss

31 Aug 06 - 07:25 AM (#1823427)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

Hello PA

'Odd people' is pretty apt really. Not me.

Enjoy your drink. It sounds a very worthwhile tradition indeed.

How old is your son?

31 Aug 06 - 07:26 AM (#1823429)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

I've just been given my payslip as well, so life is really peachie! I just love working here! Yeah right!
The hair cutter person laughed because you just cannot improve on perfection and the soup sounds yummie, probably better than my pub sandwich I'm sure. I've got a few more 'brave man' jokes, my boss is e.mailing them to me, his meeting is obviously dragging. When I get organised with cut and paste I'll pass them on.
Oh well as they say in Russia, mos-go!

31 Aug 06 - 07:29 AM (#1823433)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

Ross is such a quicker mudcatter than me. He always sneaks in first.

Maybe we are going straight into October tomorrow as   




31 Aug 06 - 08:06 AM (#1823462)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Ah ha - got ya

Bedford folk club moves in September

But changes night in October from Thursday to Wednesday

I still can't remember where

A social club in Kempston - darby & Jones - I think, wif cheap beer and no car park - it sounds okay

At least I got rid of my dandruff - in the Sun today

A prison in the Philipines - all the convicts had their heads shaved so they could fill bags up - to use in soaking up an oil spill on the coast - WOW

31 Aug 06 - 08:21 AM (#1823482)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

Uh! cant prisoners fill bags if they've got hair?

31 Aug 06 - 08:36 AM (#1823494)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie

I understood the message re Bedford, but was transported into Ross-humour-mode-of-flowers-on-the-telly-style.

They are moving next month - where are they going to put it? I just wondered.

I think I have sat here long enough today. I am going for a walk to get a paper.

31 Aug 06 - 08:44 AM (#1823501)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

You little devils

How can I compete

Buy the Sun - it's got a cracking page 3, there's a John Precott trouser joke and Dear Deirdre has a problem with a bloke with a wonkey willy

And it's only 35p

31 Aug 06 - 09:08 AM (#1823518)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The PA

A paper what?, Catherine

31 Aug 06 - 10:08 AM (#1823567)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Cathie


No walk

Took the car and went to see Der Monster and a couple of people at work.

Am completely enthused and motivated.

DM is a walking trouser joke - may have the Dear Deirdre problem.

The builders/electricians were all still there - with cracking builders bums, don't you know!

saved 35p

31 Aug 06 - 10:58 AM (#1823602)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Scrump

"cracking builders bums" - shouldn't that be "cracked builders bums"?

I'll get me coat.

31 Aug 06 - 11:53 AM (#1823639)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross


As a Building Estimator I can assure you the industry takes our bottoms very seriously

The tender documents are full of regulations and specifications concerning their quality and cost

Risk assesmments have to be produced and quality assurance assured

We have to ensure that no poorly made or dangerous bottom gets put in the way of the building process

Photos have to be submitted to the client and they have a right to condemn ugly ones - spots are currently popular however

Special courses are held to help builders develop their assets

Must stop - I've been sitting on me **** all day and it's time to go home

Won't see you all again until September thread probably starting Monday


31 Aug 06 - 05:55 PM (#1823948)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The Unicorn Man

Hello Ross. I saw Micca at Towersey just now and he wants to come to our Oct/Nov 12 hour sing/sess. Are we having one this year? And if so one needs to hurry up to get a mention in The Unicorn.

02 Sep 06 - 11:03 AM (#1825363)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: Ross

Hi Martin

We haven't planned on having one this year - no reason

But's a good idea though - sort of a Mudcatters thing too

Would you like to get involved

I suppose it's setting a date with Rachel/Bob

I can organise it probably Wednesday - is that too late for the Unicorn?

I haven't put it on the form though for Oct/Dec

03 Sep 06 - 06:07 PM (#1826179)
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
From: The Unicorn Man

Nice on Ross. I will help in any way I can. It would be a good idea to ring Alan at The Unicorn office and get something put in the chatter box or club section. ASAP

Thread closed temporarily because it's been a target for a heavy barrage of Spam. If you have something to add to the discussion, contact me and I'll reopen it.
-Joe Offer-