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BS: Sex with chimpanzees?

07 Aug 06 - 01:34 PM (#1803617)
Subject: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,perplexed

What's it like? Are they sensitive lovers? Can they be trusted? I never thought I'd be asking such questions, but I've gotten to know a really nice chimpanzee and things are approaching that crucial stage in our relationship. For personal reasons, I do not intend to reveal my own gender or the gender of the chimpanzee. Suffice it to say that we met through a mutual business contact. At first I was surprised to see a chimpanzee dressed like a human being and speaking excellent English with an American accent. I soon discovered that my friend is a well-payed professional, accustomed to dealing with everything that a human being deals with in our complex society. In fact, this individual is frankly more human in a number of ways that many actual humans I have known. What if this relationship should become truly serious and we form a lasting committment? Would it be possible to produce children from such a union or is that unrealistic or inadvisable? How should I approach my relatives, who are devout Baptists, about this matter? Or must our love remain a dark secret? I hate sneaking about and telling lies to people. It's always been my instinct to come out straight about things and damn the torpedoes, but this is a tough one. What if the press gets hold of it? I shudder at the thought of what could happen then, being followed about by hordes of leering paparazzi and offered obscene sums of money to "tell all" on reality TV shows!

I am so perplexed.

07 Aug 06 - 01:40 PM (#1803621)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,Chleeta

We can be VERY good lovers, given half a chance

07 Aug 06 - 01:54 PM (#1803626)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Don Firth

Never had any experience along that line myself, but someone who has told me that the foreplay is really good. They like to monkey around a lot.

Don Firth

07 Aug 06 - 02:00 PM (#1803629)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Georgiansilver

I don't believe a word what you are saying!...............I believe you are that chimpanzee and you are fishing to find out the concensus of opinion on whether you and your 'owner' should have a closer relationship.

07 Aug 06 - 02:09 PM (#1803638)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Bill D

ah, Don...I suspect that you will soon be told "chimps are NOT monkeys!"...and then we'll know for sure who is behind this..*grin*

07 Aug 06 - 02:14 PM (#1803643)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Don Firth

Well, perhaps they're not really monkeys, Bill, but they do occasionally go ape.

Don Firth

07 Aug 06 - 02:19 PM (#1803647)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Ebbie

Gotta be Chongo.

07 Aug 06 - 02:20 PM (#1803649)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Bill D

*grin* they do!

"Gorilla my dreams, I love you"

07 Aug 06 - 02:39 PM (#1803667)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Rapparee

Little chimps have to come from somewhere...

07 Aug 06 - 02:52 PM (#1803682)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: number 6

They're ugly, they have no manners, wear stupid clothes ... so I can't even imagine.

If my daughter or son ever brought one home I kick him/her out the door without any hesitation or remorse.


07 Aug 06 - 02:57 PM (#1803685)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Yeah, I know watcha mean. I used to feel that way about humans too...till I took the sensitivity course in inter-species relations. Maybe you oughta look into doin' the same thing, Number 6, that's what I'm thinkin'.

07 Aug 06 - 02:58 PM (#1803687)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Big Mick

I want you all to listen to me very carefully. I DID NOT have sexual relations with that CHIMPANZEE girl.

07 Aug 06 - 02:58 PM (#1803688)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: MMario

Koko would have killed you if you did.

07 Aug 06 - 03:09 PM (#1803699)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: number 6

Good Gawd ... she's ugly!! I hope you didn't mick, thought you had standards.

Chongo .... your nothin but a dirt kickin, sleazy monkey who would con his own mother to gain a looney.


07 Aug 06 - 03:36 PM (#1803717)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Amos

OH, Little Hawk, stop fantasizing. The chimp hasn't been born who would have you willingly.


07 Aug 06 - 03:45 PM (#1803726)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: skarpi

animal sex hmmmmm úffff are you sure you are alright ? I hope you are haveing fun and are joking about this :>)

you want a banana..........

jesus maria

All The Best Skarpi Iceland

07 Aug 06 - 03:49 PM (#1803730)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Big Mick

Yes, my friend. We are joking. PM on the way later.


07 Aug 06 - 04:01 PM (#1803740)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: number 6

I hope it's a joke !!!


07 Aug 06 - 04:08 PM (#1803746)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Yeah? I've got your number, Number 6. Yer nothin' but a scum-suckin', back alley hophead who probably makes a livin' pearl-divin' at the local hash house. You chump! When it comes to makin' some chin music I bet yer heels are so round that a feather could knock ya over, and ya know what else? I figger you inherited that characteristic from yer mother.

- Chongo

07 Aug 06 - 04:18 PM (#1803760)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: number 6

You hairy stinking monkey ... yer dizguzting. Look at yourself. I'd roll up my sleeves and take you on anytime ... but I wouldn't want to bother getting my crisp starched ironed sleeves of my shirt wrinkled. Especially over some low life as you.

Go find some yourself some local kids to terrorize, take their candy change a blow it on the cheap saloon which is your usual hangout.

I don't even know what LH see's in you as a friend.


07 Aug 06 - 04:23 PM (#1803769)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: number 6

"pearl-divin' at the local hash house"

.. what the hell does that mean ??


07 Aug 06 - 04:31 PM (#1803779)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,Philip Marlowe

He's implying that you make a living washing dishes, that's what it means. You hafta study up on your gumshoe lingo, pal. Sounds to me like you two are striking up a beautiful friendship. Someone oughta send some flowers after you "cement" the relationship, if you know what I mean... ;-)

07 Aug 06 - 04:36 PM (#1803789)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Amos

Mebbe we oughta buy 'em both a new pair o' boots an' a overcoat, huh?

I tell yaz, Little Hawk, ya gotta quit fantasizin' like dis. Just cuz ya can't keep a girl friend is nor eason to start imaginging chimp girsfriends!! It'''s UNNATURAL, is what it is!!

Mike Hammer

07 Aug 06 - 04:37 PM (#1803793)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: number 6

I think you better get back to your smoky walkup office Phil ... your cheap secretary/assistant informed me you have another client waiting there for you. Probably some dame wanting you to spy on her husband again.

But hey ... thanks for definition.



07 Aug 06 - 04:40 PM (#1803796)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Jack the Sailor

Come on Dudes! Its Chimps for violence,
bonobos for sex!

07 Aug 06 - 04:53 PM (#1803813)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: JohnInKansas

- perplexed -

I think at this point in your potential realtionship it is extremely important that you make an absolute and irrefutable determination that you are, in fact, dealing with a chimpanzee. DNA evidence from a properly qualified medical laboratory would not be too much to ask of this associate.

Since you mentioned that your meeting was through a "business connection" there is the very real possibility that what you're dealing with is in all truth merely -
















Someone in ADVERTISING -








or worse yet, a MANAGER.

(Both types are known to adopt extreme disguises in order to facilitate bizarre parodies of "social acceptability" and fequently resort to "predatory" behaviour.)


07 Aug 06 - 04:55 PM (#1803816)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,Vinnie

Aw...JEEZ!~ That is so gross.

07 Aug 06 - 05:01 PM (#1803826)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

Hell of a good point there, John. I think she (I'm assuming it's a female) should definitely check that out and verify that it really is a decent chimpanzee, and not a systems manager or worse yet, a corporate VP! These businessmen have no scruples. They'll do or say anything and impersonate anyone to have their way with some unsuspecting female. It's a jungle out there.

07 Aug 06 - 05:01 PM (#1803827)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,The one with a big red sexy ass

What self respecting Chimp would ever have sex with a, ewww, a human?

07 Aug 06 - 05:09 PM (#1803842)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST, George Taylor

"Take your stinking paws of me you damn dirty ape!"

07 Aug 06 - 06:49 PM (#1803933)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Georgiansilver

Why? What planet are you on pal?

07 Aug 06 - 07:08 PM (#1803947)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: robomatic

for a feces throwin' good time call

07 Aug 06 - 08:51 PM (#1804009)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: *daylia*

According to Jared Diamond (noted evolutionary biologist), just trying to have sex with a chimpanzee would be, quite literally, the accomplishment of a lifetime.

"...About a week and a half ago in Los Angeles, there was a really tragic, awful event in which a couple who had brought up a pet chimpanzee went and visited their pet chimpanzee in an animal shelter with a couple of other chimpanzees that had been kept there for a long time. These were chimpanzees habituated to humans. And something went wrong. Two teenage male chimpanzees attacked the man, and the result was just awful. They pulled off his nose, and [attacked] his eyes. They chewed off every one of his fingers. They chewed out his buttocks. Okay?

... Chimpanzees are about the same size as humans, and genetically they're the species closest to humans. Despite that, there is no attested case of humans having sex with chimpanzees. It would be absolutely lethal. The man who did it would come off without his private parts!"

07 Aug 06 - 08:59 PM (#1804015)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,Turbo Dog

The half breed kids are ugly as hell.

07 Aug 06 - 09:28 PM (#1804038)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,Big Percival

Hey, Chongo, ya cross-species little punk -- ya keep yer yap shut about dem chimp skirts down at Eddie's place, ya hear? Kuz if ya don't, Alfonso is gonna send me ta do a liddle soft-shoe on dat cowflop ya call a face, see? Alfonso LIKES dem dames, an he don't take kindly ta preverts like you mouthin off too much. So if ya don't want a mouthful of brass nuks ya better keep yer piehole shut tight. An remember, we still got de negatives of you an that blonde, ya know?

08 Aug 06 - 04:30 PM (#1804692)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Dead Horse

Seeing as how we are in the neighbourhood, so to speak, I just have to ask if any of you guys have had sex with an elephant?

It doesn't half make yer arse sore!!!

17 Aug 06 - 03:35 AM (#1811994)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Bagpuss

Anyone read Great Apes by Will Self?

17 Aug 06 - 06:05 AM (#1812082)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: JohnInKansas

Somebody mentioned Sex With Large Animals?

[Warning: the linked picture is probably not objectionable, but the site in general is unmoderated, uncensored, and full of pictures and comments by totally disreputable persons. Caution advised.]


18 Aug 06 - 03:44 AM (#1812867)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Bagpuss

Last nights "Time Trumpet" (comedy by Armando Iannucci) featured a TV programme from the near future called "Rape an Ape"...

16 Sep 07 - 02:28 PM (#2150556)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

New just in! It turns out it was Chongo, and "perplexed" was a receptionist in Chicago. I am not, however, authorized to reveal the intimate details of their six-month torrid affai-----OOPS!

I didn't say that. I know nothing.

16 Sep 07 - 02:31 PM (#2150557)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

Barbara Bush does it, it must be OK.

16 Sep 07 - 02:35 PM (#2150563)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk


Man, Chongo is gonna be ticked when he sees that. He hates people comparing chimps to George Bush.

16 Sep 07 - 02:41 PM (#2150568)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

Hey the man looks like a chimp, he walks like a chimp, and he damn well talks like a chimp.

16 Sep 07 - 02:52 PM (#2150573)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Amos

I think you meant Laura. If you're gonna run an interspecies illegal sex ring, it would be a good idea to learn to tell your Bushes apart.

I didn't say that. I know nothing.

Little Hawk, don't you feel better having confessed this?


16 Sep 07 - 02:55 PM (#2150577)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: TheSnail

GUEST,perplexed, have you considered species re-alignment? Given the current popularity of gender re-alignment, it shouldn't be that difficult. I can think of a number of people who could pass for wombats with only minor adjustments.

Of course, you would have to live as a chimpanzee for a year first.

16 Sep 07 - 03:10 PM (#2150588)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

Tell Laura I love her.

16 Sep 07 - 03:20 PM (#2150592)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Ebbie

When I was a young girl we discovered a great pile of books in the attic. I and the brother closest to me in age (we were around 10 years old) devoured them.

A good many of the books were W A Y above our heads in implication and nuance (for instance, I had no idea why this feuding couple emerged best friends after having taken refuge in a remote barn during a rainstorm) but some of the things I have never forgotten.

One of the books was titled 'Congo Song', I believe. The premise was that this beautiful young woman had a pet gorilla, a gorilla that eventually became so aggressive and strong that he was kept in a large cage, and that no one could control him but the young woman.

Eventually the gorilla kills her. I've never re-read the book nor come across it in later years but there is the definite implication that the gorilla was sexually attracted, if not sexually involved, with her.

Has anyone else read that book?

16 Sep 07 - 03:32 PM (#2150601)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

Sounds like a real page turner, Ebbie! ;-)

Yeah, I feel great, Amos! How about you?

16 Sep 07 - 03:33 PM (#2150602)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

Keep those posts coming in, folks, and drive that stupid "Same-Sex Marriage" thread off the page. ;-)

16 Sep 07 - 03:39 PM (#2150609)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

I go ape every time I see you smile
I'm a ding dong gorilla and I carry your cave man style
When you hold my hand, I'm a prehistoric man.

Neil Sedaka?


16 Sep 07 - 03:42 PM (#2150612)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: akenaton

Read somewhere that snails are quite capable of having sex with themselves ...should the need arise.

16 Sep 07 - 03:48 PM (#2150616)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

Yes. When snails say "Go f*ck yourself!", it's a friendly remark, not an insult.

16 Sep 07 - 03:51 PM (#2150617)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: akenaton

Oh he must have thought I was another snail :0(

16 Sep 07 - 03:53 PM (#2150619)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: TheSnail

It isn't same-sex if you're hermaphrodite.

16 Sep 07 - 03:55 PM (#2150622)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

Never quite the same on your own is it?

16 Sep 07 - 03:56 PM (#2150624)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: akenaton

I bow to your superior knowledge, (about hermaphrodites ect)

16 Sep 07 - 04:10 PM (#2150634)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

Snails come very slowly though...

16 Sep 07 - 06:37 PM (#2150718)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: TheSnail

But it's sex with someone you love.

16 Sep 07 - 07:06 PM (#2150729)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: akenaton

Please go and do what snails do best...

16 Sep 07 - 07:09 PM (#2150732)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: akenaton

Sorry snail, that was in the wrong thread.

I wont bother switchin' it ...Lets just keep it nice and personal..:0)

16 Sep 07 - 10:51 PM (#2150851)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

Awright, enough with the snails! The conversation is slowing to a crawl. Let's ramp up the excitement and get chimps back in the picture.

16 Sep 07 - 11:07 PM (#2150858)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Lepus Rex

OK, LH. Excitement ramped.

---Lepus Rex

17 Sep 07 - 12:04 AM (#2150880)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Amos

I think you oughta try this cross-species stuff, Leedle Hack. It might get you a stable relationship.


17 Sep 07 - 12:17 AM (#2150885)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Joe Offer

Oh, I thought the thread title said "sex with chiropractors" - I do THAT all the time...

-the husband of the Good Doctor-

17 Sep 07 - 04:37 AM (#2150964)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

Need to be with horse Amos. That is if he really wants a stable relationship.

But would the horse say neigh?

17 Sep 07 - 06:59 AM (#2150998)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: TheSnail

perplexed is this you?

17 Sep 07 - 09:50 AM (#2151073)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Amos

What an awful object, Snail!!

Now, I have heard of humans being "with child", but Little Hawk is the first human I have heard of being "with horse". I'd be willing to pony up for exclusive rights to the story, if true. A prize-winner, hands down.

(Of course it could be an exaggeration or distortion of the facts. Maybe Little Hawk is just "a little horse", quite a different thing. But not grounds for a stable relationship.


17 Sep 07 - 09:56 AM (#2151079)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

It's a phallusy Amos!

17 Sep 07 - 09:59 AM (#2151083)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

I wouldn't do it for all the hay in Kansas.

Note that the idiots who did that ad for the Michael Jackson statuette called the chimp a "monkey". What is wrong with people? Chimps are not monkeys!

17 Sep 07 - 10:21 AM (#2151107)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Amos

See, that's your problem right there, Little Hawk. You cop a damn attitude and it prevents you from discovering the real happiness that could be yours if only you would open up a little bit. I'm telling you, you should try it. Why not ask Chongo about his sister? I understand she's quite good looking, in the chimp sort of way.


17 Sep 07 - 10:28 AM (#2151117)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

You have the gall to tell me what my problem is, Amos? LOL!!!!

Har! Har! Har! (gasp!) Omigod.   Oh, ha! ha! ha! ha!, I am wiping the tears from my eyes here...I hadda pick myself up off the floor.

Thanks for the laugh, eh? Made my day. Got any other good ones?

17 Sep 07 - 12:40 PM (#2151170)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Amos

Jeeze,man, sorry for invading your, like, space, like, you know? I didn't realize your problem was so effin' precious to ya. I think you oughta take my advice about Chongo's sister, though. Dude!! It would be sweet!


17 Sep 07 - 01:00 PM (#2151185)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,Candide Reporter

There actually was a case some years ago when an American woman on Safari was abducted by a young gorilla, who was quite obviously "romantically inclined" and who kept her with him for, I think, a couple of days before she was rescued (I believe the beast was hit by a couple of tranquilliser darts, but otherwise unharmed in the rescue). Anyway, I saw her on some daytime TV Programme a coupla months after the event, and she was asked - in a roundabout sorta way - what was it like having such a liaison with an ape. She said, "It's really terrible; he never writes, never phones...."

17 Sep 07 - 01:24 PM (#2151205)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: 3refs

Trunk Monkeys on youtube. It could be another option!

17 Sep 07 - 01:54 PM (#2151223)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: TheSnail

Brother Gorilla

17 Sep 07 - 02:33 PM (#2151256)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,ibo

Send one round,ive got a chandelier it can hang on

17 Sep 07 - 02:40 PM (#2151260)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

Sung by the author.

17 Sep 07 - 02:42 PM (#2151262)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: KB in Iowa

Maybe TOM could be LH's friend.

17 Sep 07 - 03:38 PM (#2151317)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

This thread is NOT about my problem, you pathetic yobbos! It's about "perplexed" and HER problem. Get with the script.

17 Sep 07 - 03:58 PM (#2151335)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

"Perplexed" don't have a problem. It was all over between us a long time ago. It was good while it lasted, I got no regrets, and I hope she don't neither.

But I got a message for YOU, Amos, ya jerk. I don't let nobody talk about my sister like you done. You are gonna pay. You are gonna wish you hadda kept yer big mouth shut, buster. Don't think just because you are away off in California that you are beyond reach of final retribution, sucker.

I don't have no sister named "Chinga", and I know what it means. You have done it this time. There ain't gonna be enough left of you to sweep up with a wisk broom when I am done.

17 Sep 07 - 05:56 PM (#2151418)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Amos

Chinga te, monkey breath. You're real flexible, right? Like I need to be threatened by a pendejo imaginary playmate. Mwahahahaha.


18 Sep 07 - 12:40 PM (#2151949)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego

Puts a new twist on the old line about sex from Somerset Maugham (I believe) - The cost, execrable; the position, ridiculous. Sumpthin' like that...

18 Sep 07 - 12:46 PM (#2151953)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

The position may look ridicuous from a completely uninvolved perspective, but it doesn't feel that way at all to the ones who are involved...

19 Sep 07 - 01:50 AM (#2152415)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Blindlemonsteve

Rather than get involved in a serious sexual relationship with this being, i would just settle with spanking the monkey.

19 Sep 07 - 02:24 AM (#2152430)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

Sure, sure. But what if the monkey starts hitting back?

19 Sep 07 - 12:51 PM (#2152727)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: TheSnail

I say, I say, I say. Caruthers has gone up river with a gorilla.

Good God! What sort of gorilla?

Female gorilla of course; nothing queer about Caruthers.

23 Sep 07 - 04:17 AM (#2155492)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Gurney

Perplexed, no-one but Chongo can really answer your question, but herewith a word of warning:

There was a young lass from Dundee,
who was raped by a chimpanzee.
the issue was horrid;
all balls and no forehead,
ate peanuts, and lived in a tree.

23 Sep 07 - 10:01 AM (#2155613)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Amos


That is the most abridged version of that joke I've ever heard!!

BTW, Chongo's little sister, Chinga, is on the prowl and ready for fun. So if any of you male characters care to risk having your face bitten off, Little Hawk has her phone number.


23 Sep 07 - 10:10 AM (#2155619)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

Yes, and we've got your number too Amos ;^)

23 Sep 07 - 02:45 PM (#2155772)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

"Chinga" tells me that she will not be satisfied until she has ravaged Amos, bitten his nose off, ripped off his family jewels, and pinned them on her lapel as a memento. She is inquiring into the cost of a bus ride to California.

23 Sep 07 - 03:16 PM (#2155795)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: John MacKenzie

Tell her to take a microscope.
G ¦¬]

23 Sep 07 - 05:01 PM (#2155846)
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
From: Little Hawk

LOL!!!!!! Ah...Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Funny, that had not occurred to me...