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what phrases do you hate?

10 Aug 06 - 12:03 PM (#1806329)
Subject: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Bruce Baillie

What common phrases sayings or words do you hate then? here are a few of that are always guaranteed to get right up my fucking nose!
People who use expressions like 'Nice one!' 'No sweat!' 'Give me a bell!' 'Chill out!' '24/7!' ...these cause me mild irritation...
'No problem!' or 'Not a problem!' (this usually comes from someone in a shop when you've just bought a large item such as a new fridge and you ask them to deliver it on a Thursday!) as soon as the words have left there mouth you know there is definately going to be a problem, you'll wait in all day for a deliveryman who never comes and then they ring at 5pm and ask if it's OK if they deliver it the day after because there's 'been a bit of a mix up with the order!'
'Big Style!' and 'Big Time!' as in 'We fell out BIG TIME last night!'
The ones generally levelled at recalcitrant children such as 'Yer doin' my 'ead in!' and 'You are SO grounded!' And then there is the staple vocabulary of Chavland such as 'Right?' 'Innit?' 'Jernoworramean?' 'Babe!' 'Sorted and 'Gutted!' or as they are pronounce here in Yorkshire with the glottal stop in between, 'Sor'ed!' and 'Gu'ed!' Then there are the corporate gems like 'Think outside the box!' and others. I also hate the expression 'Gobsmacked!'...and please don't ever call me 'MATE!'
...Chiao Babes!

10 Aug 06 - 12:20 PM (#1806350)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?

Well there you go, right on, absoluteley, very much so, get a result,, ALL A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS.

10 Aug 06 - 12:24 PM (#1806356)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Ebbie


10 Aug 06 - 12:28 PM (#1806359)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Nick


And being referred to as 'matey' - very prevalent in the UK Midlands.

Why can't we have 'fab' or 'gear' back (shudder)?

10 Aug 06 - 12:31 PM (#1806364)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

"Guaranteed to get right up my fucking nose" and "Chiao, babes!".

10 Aug 06 - 12:41 PM (#1806375)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Elmer Fudd

Totally awesome.

10 Aug 06 - 12:43 PM (#1806380)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bill D

"my bad" !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that enough exclamation points to make the point?)

If not, I'll, like, explain it.

10 Aug 06 - 12:52 PM (#1806388)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Wesley S

Anytime the word "party" is used as a verb.

10 Aug 06 - 01:01 PM (#1806401)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bill D

even worse.."party hearty"

10 Aug 06 - 01:25 PM (#1806442)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: kendall

push the envelope,
The cutting edge
I COULD care less.
State of the art.

10 Aug 06 - 01:39 PM (#1806458)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,weerover

In the large company I worked for for many years we had regular reviews of performance. When asked what we had done over a period of time I was often told, "Yes, but all of that is your day job". I was only ever paid for that day job!


10 Aug 06 - 01:40 PM (#1806459)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Sorcha

Ya know what I mean?

10 Aug 06 - 02:37 PM (#1806512)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST, Topsie

'set to' as in 'the weather is set to get warmer', 'inflation is set to rise', 'traffic jams/pollution etc. are set to get worse'. No one sets the weather or the pollution, and though interest rates and prices are set, the rate of inflation isn't.
I also hate 'in terms of'

10 Aug 06 - 03:05 PM (#1806533)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Kaleea

Wanna go with?

So, it's like, you know, . . .

At a jam when it is someone's turn to pick the tune and they say, "You know, that ONE."

So, he's, like, . . .   And then she went, . . .   then I go, . . .
                   (are they done pottying yet?)

Once when interviewing job applicants, a young man told me, "And I'm very good at multitasking, and I'm a very thorough worker, and I do one thing at a time, and I do it right. . ."
               (do they even know what those phrases mean?)

10 Aug 06 - 03:08 PM (#1806535)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Ed

I've found it better to accept people as they are, and accept their turns of phrase.

Getting cross about such things doesn't help anyone.

10 Aug 06 - 03:19 PM (#1806542)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I agree with Ed. Complaining about such things turns one into a windbag at best. I think it is usually a sign of growing older and getting cranky at little things. Don't worry about it! If we get "bent out of shape" at phrases, then we might as well stay home all day and do crossword puzzles.

Enjoy the phrases, as cliched and out of place as they might be.

10 Aug 06 - 03:24 PM (#1806544)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: catspaw49

Hey Wes....Dude...You got like a warped groove or what? Don't be a mook ...Man ya' jus' gotta' dig it....."Party" is never a verb Man.....As a verb the word be "par-TAY"......Can ya' get with it now? Yeah, that's jake


10 Aug 06 - 03:40 PM (#1806550)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,bieh

Add half a ton of BS and shatnerize thoroughly until ready...

10 Aug 06 - 03:47 PM (#1806556)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Robyn

When the boss says "It's not negotiable!"
So maybe I am getting old Ron, but that's very frustrating.

10 Aug 06 - 03:50 PM (#1806558)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Wesley S

Any time the word par-TAY is used as a verb.

10 Aug 06 - 03:59 PM (#1806566)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Wesley S

Also "Current chief of the Mudcat Editing Team"

10 Aug 06 - 04:14 PM (#1806570)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bill D

also "perhaps" and "imposed judgements"

10 Aug 06 - 04:18 PM (#1806572)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: catspaw49

What about "Fellow Poster?"   Even worse is the "Anonymous Volunteer Fellow Poster." Sounds like mods and members are communists.......

Are you now or have you ever been an Anonymous Volunteer Fellow Poster?


10 Aug 06 - 04:21 PM (#1806574)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bill D, but I HAVE stopped beating them!

10 Aug 06 - 04:31 PM (#1806582)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?

I get pissed just typing it.

10 Aug 06 - 04:33 PM (#1806584)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bert

Second of all!

10 Aug 06 - 04:33 PM (#1806585)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Wesley S

I get tired of hearing "Has it always been that big?"

10 Aug 06 - 05:19 PM (#1806613)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Mrs.Duck

'I'm sorry you haven't got the job.'

10 Aug 06 - 05:21 PM (#1806614)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Dave the Gnome


Now this won't hurt a bit, Dave.


Oh, Sorry...

:D (tG)

10 Aug 06 - 05:27 PM (#1806619)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Don Firth

"At this point in time."

What's the matter with a simple "now"?

Don Firth

10 Aug 06 - 05:31 PM (#1806626)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Barry Finn

"WHAT'S IN YOUR WALLET". It's part of a TV commerical in the US. It's a add credit card ad.

10 Aug 06 - 05:38 PM (#1806634)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: George Papavgeris

"Missing you already"... the hypocrisy of it!
"Visitation rights"... as if one intends to become a ghost and haunt them
"Manchester City vee Liverpool"... there are kids that believe "vee" is a verb meaning "to play"; all because some lazy sod couldn't learn "versus"

10 Aug 06 - 05:53 PM (#1806659)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Matt_R

Old people bitching in this thread.

10 Aug 06 - 05:58 PM (#1806662)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: George Papavgeris

Love you too

10 Aug 06 - 06:05 PM (#1806673)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Joe Offer

The noun "party" used as a verb and pronounced "PAR-tay"....

Party hearty, Marty.

10 Aug 06 - 06:08 PM (#1806674)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Why, you impertinent young whippersnapper! (directed at Matt R...) (grin)

10 Aug 06 - 06:35 PM (#1806712)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Matt_R


Shut the fuck up and play your goddamn banjos while you still have a shred of your old whiney lives left.

10 Aug 06 - 06:40 PM (#1806718)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Joe Offer

Matt, you're not as young as you used to be when you first came here...

10 Aug 06 - 11:34 PM (#1806923)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

I hate it when the hem of my pant leg phrase.

11 Aug 06 - 01:49 AM (#1806974)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Bruce Baillie

...And then there are the bastards who mispronounce my name! usually from some call centre in Delhi, I pick up the phone and on the other end there is some obviously, Indian guy pretending to be called 'Phillip' or 'Charles' (because they mistakenly believe you'll warm to their sales patter if you think they're English)and asking to speak to 'Mr. Barley' or 'Mr. Beeley'...well that's when I start to pretend to be Chinese!


11 Aug 06 - 07:09 AM (#1807084)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Andy

Don't watch much football but I wonder why, in the last few years the term 'scoreline' has been introduced. It's the SCORE for God's sake!! Also, whats this 'sea-change'stuff, as in 'there's been a sea-change in opinion'. Didn't know the sea changed that much, at least the last time I looked at it at Whitby it hadn't!


11 Aug 06 - 07:33 AM (#1807096)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Dave Hanson

Steady now Bruise.

Talk to the hand !!!!! what feck is that shit all about, talk out of your arse more like.


11 Aug 06 - 09:29 AM (#1807158)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Jeanie

I can't stand the term "best practice" that has crept into "business-speak". The two categories: "bad practice" and "good practice" are all that is necessary. What I don't like is the inevitable assumption on the part of the person using the term "best practice" that they (and their judgements) are infinitely superior to anyone else.

What makes it especially annoying, when I hear the term on TV or radio interviews, is if they drop the consonant and say: "bes practice". Bad speech as well as bad vocabulary !

I can't stand dropped consonants in *any* kind of phrase.

[It doesn't take much to annoy me, does it ?]

- jeanie :)

11 Aug 06 - 09:37 AM (#1807167)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"Best practice" makes you feel uncomfortable?   You hate the words "talk to the hand" yet you feel comfortable with using cliched words "feck" and "arse"?

Some of you people need to get some fresh air. Relax! They are just words and you do not own them! Just enjoy the ride.

11 Aug 06 - 10:57 AM (#1807227)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Jim

Hearing "Y'all" from a Texan is fine. Hearing, "Y'all don'know me!" from some guy/girl from Buffalo on the Jerry Springer show is another thing entirely.

Aw shit...I just admitted to watching the Jerry Springer show.

11 Aug 06 - 11:48 AM (#1807273)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Leadfingers

NO! We'll pay HALF that for twice as long playing time !

11 Aug 06 - 11:58 AM (#1807279)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: fat B****rd

All the above which I have probably used myself at one time or another but........

"End of story..."
"I rest my case...."
"..and the point you're trying to make ?.."
"...So ??......"

11 Aug 06 - 12:27 PM (#1807307)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST, Topsie

For GUEST,Andy

Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 1, scene 2, lines 399-404

Full fathom five my father lies.
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and atrange.

11 Aug 06 - 12:32 PM (#1807313)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Look at it this way, Matt. I don't have to put up with going through your youthful stupidities any more in this life. I'm done with that.   But.......YOU are still going to get old and have to put up with what I'M going through now!

So....Nyah! Nyah! Nyah!

(nothing like a little real demonstration of maturity to snap the boy into line...)

11 Aug 06 - 12:50 PM (#1807330)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Rusty Dobro

'You weren't going to do it with THAT, were you?'

11 Aug 06 - 02:04 PM (#1807381)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Don Firth

"Overarching," as in "Our company's 'overarching' concern is. . . ."

I first heard that when I was working for the telephone company (Lili Tomlin had it about right). I gagged then, and I still gag whenever I hear someone use the expression. It's sort of a Madison Avenue gas attack.

Don Firth

11 Aug 06 - 08:28 PM (#1807775)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: RangerSteve

He's got game.
Let's do lunch.

12 Aug 06 - 01:23 AM (#1807895)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Slag

Here's one of, if not the TOP hated phrase:

"Your call is really important to us."
BS. If my call was REALLY important a human being would be answering it.

A close second is "Please hold" Hey, you answered the phone so deal with me. If someone is ahead of me, deal with them, then answer my call.

12 Aug 06 - 01:30 AM (#1807898)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: JennieG

It is a sad but true fact the the English language (and for all I know, other languages too) is constantly changing and evolving.

Doesn't mean that we have to like it, but it is going to happen anyway.

And before you all think I am being righteous - there are certain expressions that make me wince too!


12 Aug 06 - 04:01 AM (#1807937)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Gurney

Slag, try to hear Les Barker doing 'Voicemail.'

"Have a nice day!"       I just bought SANDPAPER AND PAINT, you idiot!

"Have you been saved?"

12 Aug 06 - 07:14 AM (#1808025)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Liz the Squeak

One I used to use myself until I realise how much it really peeved me when I heard Joey from Friends using it...

How you doing?

I mean... how you doing what? What's wrong with 'how are you?'
'What are you doing?'

Mutter mutter, darkly darkly....


12 Aug 06 - 12:41 PM (#1808153)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Clinton Hammond

Noting is ever more innocuous that referring to anything by saying

"Ya! That's a CLASSIC"

A more inane and vacuous statement has yet to be uttered by the human race

12 Aug 06 - 12:53 PM (#1808157)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Dave the Gnome

Especialy when refering to the latest bit of dross from whoever is the current fad in bum wiggling, croaking, plastic pop!

12 Aug 06 - 01:02 PM (#1808160)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Clinton Hammond

Like that's in any way worse than a fat old guy in a cable knit sweater droning on and on and on about a past that never really existed?

12 Aug 06 - 01:09 PM (#1808166)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Divis Sweeney

My hate is someone going on about something and then at the end of it saying "Well I don't know". Why talk about the bloody thing in the first place.

12 Aug 06 - 01:10 PM (#1808168)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?

Have a nice day
in the fullness of time
We'll have to priorize that
window of opportunity
blowout sale
pre owned

12 Aug 06 - 02:02 PM (#1808188)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?

It's all go

12 Aug 06 - 02:28 PM (#1808201)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Dave the Gnome

Nah - suppose not Clinton. Just annoys me more:-)

12 Aug 06 - 03:08 PM (#1808227)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Too bad you never got to meet my Dad, Clinton... ;-)

What the hell is a "cable knit sweater"?

12 Aug 06 - 03:10 PM (#1808229)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

Cable knit sweater.

12 Aug 06 - 03:13 PM (#1808235)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, that's what I figured. God, are they ever ugly!

12 Aug 06 - 04:06 PM (#1808259)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Joe Offer

My brother-in-law is an accounting professor at the University of Wisconsin - but he's a philosopher at heart and wrote his dissertation on ethics in accounting. He takes a cynical view of the MBA's graduating from his program, and tries to ensure they keep a human perspective instead of a corporate one.

So, he plays "buzzword bingo" in class. Any time somebody uses a business buzzword, the entire class responds with loud razzberry sounds. Occasionally, my brother-in-law will get caught himself - but not often.

He also uses a lot of puns in his counter-corporate campaign. He contends these puns have a very important humanizing effect. His wife (my sister) and I disagree - we think the damn puns are obnoxious.

But I wish there were more business professors like my brother-in-law.


12 Aug 06 - 05:20 PM (#1808307)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Joe, I respect you as though you were my own brother, but YOUR brother is right. Puns are fun, and require a desterous mind to make a really good one. Why I, myself, have been known to play with words just for the pun of it. ;>)

12 Aug 06 - 05:55 PM (#1808330)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Slag

Week, John, 7/24 week.

12 Aug 06 - 06:09 PM (#1808342)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

A notorious punster in Olde Englande was told by the King that if he made anymore puns he would be hanged. He was unable to contain himself and he did indeed tell another. The King found out and he was hauled to the gallows. The King, wishing to be perceived by his subjects as a warm-hearted monarch said, "If you swear NEVER to tell another as long as you live, I will allow you to leave." The punster said, "Thank you my Lord. No noose is good noose." THE ENDE

12 Aug 06 - 06:32 PM (#1808356)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Dave the Gnome

Mind you, it just struck me, the old fat bloke in the cable knit sweater (Arran is earlier to type btw) is more likely to sing 'Stairway to heaven' than is the bum-wiggling, mini-skirted totty. So I take it back, Clinton, it is worse.



12 Aug 06 - 06:47 PM (#1808372)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: SussexCarole

"Touch Base" and "Team Player"    arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

12 Aug 06 - 10:26 PM (#1808482)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: RangerSteve

Someone mentioned "pre-owned". I'm puzzled over the phrase "certified pre-owned" in car ads. I guess they guarantee that the car is used, whereas if it isn't certified, it's possible that the car may actually not be used at all. I'd sure be pissed if I was buying a used car and got a brand new one instead at the same price.

12 Aug 06 - 11:02 PM (#1808498)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Slag

RangerSteve! You have just impacted the tapred iron stud upon the flattened upper extremity! Well done!

12 Aug 06 - 11:31 PM (#1808508)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

Vote for me and I will . . . .

12 Aug 06 - 11:42 PM (#1808514)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Don Firth

"Free gift."

Well, gloriosky! Does that mean they're giving me a gift and I don't have to pay for it? What do they call a gift that isn't free?


Don Firth

13 Aug 06 - 12:04 AM (#1808528)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

We're from the government and we want to help . . .

13 Aug 06 - 12:58 AM (#1808543)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

Tax audit.

13 Aug 06 - 12:59 AM (#1808544)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

"Now, isn't THAT interesting" from a doctor or dentist.

13 Aug 06 - 05:33 AM (#1808615)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?

Strangers who call me "love", "chicken" etc.

"Bear with me for a moment". *Bear* with me? Do they know what that means?

"If you wish to talk to sales, please press 1..."

All illiteracies that misinterpret a common phrase, such as "hone in on".

New coinages when a proper word exists - can't think of any, but very common in business language.

Migrating emphasis in words - CONtemplative instead of conTEMPlative, INVisible instead of inVISible and the like.

13 Aug 06 - 05:44 AM (#1808618)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?

operationalization - I think it means 'start'.

13 Aug 06 - 06:07 PM (#1809069)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Slag

"utilize" or "utilization" when most often the correct word is simply "use". It sounds very pretentious.

13 Aug 06 - 06:11 PM (#1809072)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

This will just take a minute.

13 Aug 06 - 06:42 PM (#1809096)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Don Firth

Whenever it's said by my barber or my dentist:   "Oops!"

Don Firth

13 Aug 06 - 06:44 PM (#1809101)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

Wot's a barber?

13 Aug 06 - 10:34 PM (#1809218)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bill D

a barber is a cross between a Berber and a barbarian. I have been successfully avoiding them since summer, 1977.

13 Aug 06 - 10:40 PM (#1809220)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

Got it, Bill. So, they ride horses, right?

13 Aug 06 - 10:49 PM (#1809223)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Slag

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

13 Aug 06 - 11:57 PM (#1809242)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: JennyO

"I think I missed the turnoff."

14 Aug 06 - 12:07 AM (#1809248)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

What happens when ya push THIS?

14 Aug 06 - 12:15 AM (#1809252)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: JennyO

"Pull over, ma'am."

14 Aug 06 - 12:18 AM (#1809256)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

Put your hands on the car and step beckwards . . . .

21 Aug 06 - 02:30 PM (#1815295)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Rusty Dobro

Thirty years ago, but I still wake up screaming:

'Now, I ken fine you're all enjoying the band, and havin' a wee bit tae drink, but here's my friend come all the way from England to Glasgow for ma weddin'! He's no expecting this, but I know he'll gie us a song! Find the man a guitar, will ye!'

21 Aug 06 - 05:04 PM (#1815410)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

"Still waiting for Jews to riot" It's getting tiresome.

22 Aug 06 - 06:01 AM (#1815891)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: DMcG

"That's just sematics" (and similar phrases)

Usually people mean 'splitting hairs' when they say that, but that is not what 'semantics' means. Is it possible to have a rational argument without paying attention to the semantics?

22 Aug 06 - 07:42 AM (#1815945)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Bruce Baillie

...and I forgot to mention 'Sleeping together', now come on, you fucked, shagged, made love, copulated, made a beast with two backs, had a tumble, played around, had sex or whatever! but at no time during the event were you ASLEEP!!!

22 Aug 06 - 08:39 AM (#1815980)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Jim Dixon

I've noticed there are a lot of companies that don't provide products or services anymore. They provide "business solutions"!

22 Aug 06 - 10:16 AM (#1816058)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: EBarnacle

I can't believe no one has mentioned "I won't lie to you." Whenever I hear that, I know the person is about to begin lying.
"To Tell the truth," does this mean the person has been lying all along?
Hang in there.

22 Aug 06 - 11:21 AM (#1816181)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: leeneia

Here are two habits people have developed that I dislike because they convey "You are so unimportant that I don't even want to waste a few words on you."

One is when people announce themselves merely by saying their own names, like this:
The phone was ringing.
"Leeneia? John Paul Jones."
I want to say, "What about him? If you want to speak to him, you've called the wrong number. He's been dead quite some time, anyway."

The other situation is when I am waiting on a customer in the fabric & craft store, and another person barges up to the table and snaps out a single word at me, paying no attention the fact that it's not her turn and that I need to concentrate when I use computerizd equipment.

One day a burb-bitch came up and snapped, "Frogs?"

I could have said, "Are you looking for

    fabric with frogs printed on it,
    for Chinese-style frogs for closing a garment,
    for the wire frogs used to arrange flowers,
    for a stuffed frog toy,
    or a ceramic garden frog?"

Instead I followed the policy I had worked out already and ignored her existence.

22 Aug 06 - 11:34 AM (#1816192)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bill D

I'm already weary of "Snakes on a plane"

22 Aug 06 - 12:25 PM (#1816220)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Firecat

I hate "At the end of the day". Well, obviously it's then otherwise you wouldn't be going on about it!!

Add to that "When all is said and done" and "In the fullness of time" and I want to punch out the pretentious smegger saying it!

Another one that gets me is "Are you over 18?". OK, I only look about 16, but I wouldn't be trying to do something for over 18s only if I wasn't!!

And relax...

22 Aug 06 - 01:12 PM (#1816249)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

In the fullness of time, Firecat, when all is said and done, this matter of people questioning your age will no longer be a problem.

22 Aug 06 - 02:25 PM (#1816307)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Jim Dixon

Every year, Lake Superior State University publishes a list of Banished Words (click for the current year's list). Follow links to previous years' lists. You can also submit your own words for consideration.

22 Aug 06 - 04:25 PM (#1816379)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,prisoner in a cubicle

I've just been told to reach out to so-and-so to set up a meeting. He's over a hundred miles away. Can't I just phone him instead?

23 Aug 06 - 07:15 AM (#1816862)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Crystal

Firecat You might be a nice moral person who wouldn't DREAM of ever violating the law, but lots of 16 year olds would! Actually I'm always being told I look too young, but the only times I've ever been ID'd (buying alcohol) was on my 21st and 22nd birthdays Ho-hum.

23 Aug 06 - 07:24 AM (#1816870)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Dave'sWife

Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk - PM
Date: 10 Aug 06 - 12:31 PM

"Guaranteed to get right up my fucking nose" and "Chiao, babes!".<<<

yes but can we at least let Eddy Izzard still say Ciao with a fake italian accent?

BTW I hate "it's all good"

23 Aug 06 - 07:56 AM (#1816894)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Tunesmith

"learning curve". Can't understand this one! What is this curve? Learning, I would have thought, developes in stages, going up, hopefully, but now and again hitting a plateau.

23 Aug 06 - 08:04 AM (#1816899)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Yes, but time and space ARE curved! There are actually no straight lines anywhere. Straight lines are an illusion. ;-)

23 Aug 06 - 12:52 PM (#1817103)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: melodeonboy

Yes, Jim Dixon, this "solutions" business really gets on my tits. In Sittingbourne (Kent) post office, envelopes are now called "mailing solutions". And what about "employment solutions" (meaning "jobs")?

Private Eye magazine runs a regular column on the subject.

23 Aug 06 - 02:01 PM (#1817170)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bert

Straight lines are an illusion... Gawd Hawks, that, coming from a man who is the nearest thing to a straight line that I've ever seen.


23 Aug 06 - 03:14 PM (#1817243)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bill D

" Straight lines are an illusion. ;-)"

not so! A circle is 'a round straight line with a hole in the middle'!

23 Aug 06 - 11:15 PM (#1817561)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Buck

Press 1 for English

24 Aug 06 - 01:44 AM (#1817621)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bert

LOL Bill.

24 Aug 06 - 01:55 AM (#1817625)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bert

Oh! I forgot, Bill knows all about round straight lines from those bowls and vases he turns.

26 Aug 06 - 05:46 AM (#1819274)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?

Presenters on television who say 'I'll see you tomorrow' - no, they won't, even if I tune in to the programme next day they will only see the camera operators.

The man doing the lottery draw who says 'Good luck everybody. I hope your numbers come up.' - Imagine all the disappointed punters if one week they all chose the same numbers and those numbers came up!

26 Aug 06 - 06:11 AM (#1819278)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: ossonflags

The latest bit of jargon in singarounds that seems to have crept in - or have I not been listening for a few years - " This is an A leval/degree leval/ chorus, Oh............... and being called "Squire"

26 Aug 06 - 09:48 AM (#1819377)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: freda underhill

"you should.."

26 Aug 06 - 04:20 PM (#1819613)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: leeneia

It's not a phrase, but I'm really tired of the word "surreal." Does it mean anything? At one time, it was a useful word for dealing with the strange art of Salvador Dali, but that was a long time ago.

I once heard a woman describe the kid who zipped around on a motorcycle in the movie "Local Hero" as surreal. All I could think of in reply was "Ummm."

It's dying out, fortunately, but I always disliked it when people used "anal" to mean "precise or perfectionistic." It was another way people had of arming themselves with the jargon of psychology when they were not qualified psychologists. Other examples:

paranoid = more nervous than I am
narcissistic = cares more about clothing and appearance than I do
nymphomaniac = has more sex than I do
over-emotional = makes me tense

26 Aug 06 - 04:23 PM (#1819615)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: leeneia

Jim Dixon, thanks for the link to the Lake Superior State site. Since I don't watch TV, I hadn't heard some of the phrases, but the students were sure right about "breaking news."

Where is Lake Superior State? I was curious about it, but the home page was taking too long to load.

26 Aug 06 - 05:33 PM (#1819649)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

At work I hate any phrases that include the words 'proactive' and 'team' or 'teamwork'. When employers, these days, insist on employing insanely ambitious, talentless, little oicks with inflated egos, who would boil their own grannies down for soap if they thought that it would advance their careers, I maintain that effective teamwork is more or less impossible!

I also hate the phrase "can I get ...?" as in "can I get a pizza/cheeseburger/doughnut etc." Actually, this is probably perfectly acceptable usage in Chicago or Los Angeles but it sounds sort of annoying and pretentious when uttered by some spotty youth in Manchester (UK). I know that this is very petty and probably sounds a bit anti-American (sorry guys!) but it really grates with me!

26 Aug 06 - 06:55 PM (#1819698)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: terrier

The two fearsome phrases shouted by the landlord of the local Hostelry:

26 Aug 06 - 07:18 PM (#1819707)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: 282RA

That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

Some jerk made a country song out of it. That's how you know it's a fucking retarded phrase--some ass goes and makes a country song out of it.

27 Aug 06 - 03:58 AM (#1819857)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: ossonflags

Think team Think team

27 Aug 06 - 11:11 AM (#1819987)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: leeneia

The idea of teamwork originated in games, where nothing real is being done or won. In a game, if a player makes a sacrifice and his team wins, then the player is still a winner.

In business, the person who makes the sacrifice is usually just branded a schlemiel.

28 Aug 06 - 04:14 AM (#1820530)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: ossonflags

I found out the other dsy that we now call "Notice Boards" "Information Islands"

28 Aug 06 - 07:49 AM (#1820601)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,solo

In a game, if you make a mistake and the team loses, they all hate you. Same in business. I am self-employed, and in games I play as an individual, not in a team. If I make a mistake I have only myself to answer to.

03 Aug 07 - 10:27 AM (#2118270)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Mr Happy

........when some dimwit landlord/lady shouts 'Can you startfinishingnow!'

03 Aug 07 - 01:32 PM (#2118407)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Big Al Whittle

heres a song from the Copper family of Rottingdean, Sussex
(I know where they come from)

this is song I haven't sung for about five years, so I may forget some bits
(yeh, like the words and the tune)

03 Aug 07 - 01:38 PM (#2118413)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

"maundering winsomely, he fetched the ambrosia"

I just detest it when people say that. Specially on stage. And most of all, at folk festivals.

03 Aug 07 - 02:47 PM (#2118470)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Donuel

good write

national security

national interest


there is no such thing as the American ruling class.

03 Aug 07 - 02:53 PM (#2118476)
Subject: RE: WHAT ABBREVIATIONS do you hate?
From: Donuel

TSA (tough shit asshole)

NSA (no such agency)

CIA   -(_)=(_)-





03 Aug 07 - 03:14 PM (#2118492)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: emjay

Damn. this is so much fun!

"Give it up for" when the crowd is supposed to applaud for someone.

How about someone saying such and such an athlete gives "110 percent." Where does he get that extra 10 percent and does anyone ever really give 100 percent?

And one that seems to have faded out now, when you want a little sympathy and someone says, "That sounds like a personal problem to me." Ok, so that's what it is.

And any statement that begins, "Thankfully," which I almost used to introduce the preceding paragraph. It is so easy to use some of these, even the ones I dislike the most.

03 Aug 07 - 04:03 PM (#2118529)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Big Al Whittle

we're doing it for the craic....
(means - we're all pissed, you're not getting paid, if you walk away without doing a turn - you really are a mean piece of shit!)

03 Aug 07 - 09:20 PM (#2118722)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,joe_f

price tag

03 Aug 07 - 10:35 PM (#2118755)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

The "new hire". ("Hire" is supposed to be a verb, not a noun.)

"Do you want fries with that?"

"Are youse ready?" ("Youse" is a term used by people who don't know that the word "you" does not have a plural form, but some people get so used to it that they even start using it for the singular! The people who use it around here unwittingly expose their class by so doing...that is to say, they are probably from the next level just above the common garden slug.)

03 Aug 07 - 10:49 PM (#2118768)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peace

"I seen it."

That one drives me apeshit.

03 Aug 07 - 10:57 PM (#2118771)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

You gotta stay clear of Shane, man...

03 Aug 07 - 11:00 PM (#2118774)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Sorcha

Ya know what I mean?
Like, been there, done that.
Ya with me here?
So, what are you trying to say?
Are we on the same page here?
At this point in time....
Came/come on board for joining

'Verbing' of nouns...such as impacting, facilitating etc.

03 Aug 07 - 11:13 PM (#2118782)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

What with all the verbing of nouns and nouning of verbs, we may be on our way to a whole new form of language: Newspeak.

Here's another thing that has been happening. Take a formerly simple, straightforward way of saying something and add further complications to it for emphasis:

Huge becomes "humungous".

Gigantic becomes "ginormous".

This becomes "this here".

That becomes "that there".

Disoriented becomes "disorientated".

Underestimate becomes "misunderestimate".

Regardless becomes "irregardless".

"Listen!" becomes "Listen up!"

"Wait!" becomes "Wait up!"

What in the hell do either of those last two require the addition of the word "up" for in order to be understood????? But you hear it in every movie now...

"Awright, men, LISTEN UP!"   

No, shut up... I am willing to listen, but I am not willing to listen up.

03 Aug 07 - 11:20 PM (#2118786)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Oh, here's another beauty:

Guess becomes "guesstimate"!

George Bush is an expert at Newspeak. Just listen (up?) to him.

04 Aug 07 - 02:52 AM (#2118847)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: JennyO

I've noticed a new one creeping in lately - saying "What do you think to this?" instead of "What do you think of this?"

04 Aug 07 - 03:03 AM (#2118851)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Bonzo3legs

"Clubbing" - so called "night clubs" are no more than discos!!

04 Aug 07 - 03:26 AM (#2118858)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: SharonA

"Don't you think that [insert speaker's bloviated opinion here]???" The implication, of course, is that anyone who disagrees with the speaker must be a drooling idjit and/or the spawn of the devil.

"The problem is, is that [insert problem here]" and similar "is, is" phrases. There is no need for the second "is"!!! Only slightly less annoying is "What the problem is, is that [insert problem here]", which is closer to being grammatically correct but has yet another unnecessary word ("what" as well as the second "is").

One that was in vogue some years ago, when personal computers were newer, is "interfacing", which was used for any sort of person-to-person communication... as in "Let's interface for lunch."

Sports metaphors in a business office setting, especially mixed metaphors. I remember a job review I had once, where the department head told me I needed to "step up to the plate and run with the ball." When I asked her (yes, her) for clarification with regard to my job description and responsibilities, she said nothing except to repeat the baseball-football metaphor, which rendered it even more meaningless than it had been when she said it the first time. I was left to imagine a baseball hitter catching the baseball barehanded as it was thrown over the plate at 100 mph, and running the bases with the ball in his broken hand... and to wonder how such a maneuver would have been scored.

04 Aug 07 - 08:54 AM (#2118951)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

"Don't sweat the small stuff."

This ubiquitous platitude really irks me, especially since it's generally uttered by some fatuous nitwit who often goes on to point out that "it's all small stuff." In which case, why not just go back to bed and stop boring everyone else?!


04 Aug 07 - 12:26 PM (#2119037)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Alice

"I'm the decider." GW Bush

04 Aug 07 - 12:27 PM (#2119039)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Alice

"That's what it's all about, people!!!"
Ty Pennington, repeated about 20 times each
episode of Extreme Home Makeover

04 Aug 07 - 12:35 PM (#2119045)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: saulgoldie

Has anyone said "x times MORE than?" What folks really mean is "x times AS MANY as." "X times MORE THAN" is X times the original plus the original. This doesn't mean that much when the number is 100 or some other very large number. But when the original is, say 4, than the difference is between 4 times as many as, which equals 4, and four times MORE THAN, which equals 5. That is a 20% difference. One cannot be sure what the speaker or writer actually meant.

I recognize and don't care that the language is evolving. Evolution is one thing. But some things are just plain stupid or sloppy. Orientate, irregardless, nukular, AARRGGHHH!!!

04 Aug 07 - 01:23 PM (#2119070)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Hey, folks? Listen up! Don't disunderempower me by misunderestimating me when I guesstimate, because at the end of the day I always give it 110 per cent, know what I mean? Can we run that one up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes? And who's gonna take the ball and run with it? I don't want to see anyone drop the ball! Do you capiche? Do you hear what I'm sayin'? Now I have to go spend some quality time with my significant other. We're gonna do lunch. It'll be a power lunch. Chill, brother. It's all good. (evil grin...)

04 Aug 07 - 04:07 PM (#2119145)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: JohnInKansas

saulgoldie -

Since you brought up one of my favorite gripes. . .

As you said, 4 times more than is 5 times as much.

There's also the flip side: "10 times smaller than. . ."

Sorry, but once it's one time smaller, it's gone.

With either of these, you never know whether the speaker (or the writer) realizes that (s)he's an idiot, so you have to guess.

Unfortunately, this idiotic construction has been propogated in "public speaking," "media," "debate," "salemanship" and numerous other fields taught by degenerate wannabe (and failing) pseudo-literati on the falsity that "you have to use the emphatic construction and strong words" to be persuasive.

The only thing it persuades me of is:

1. The person using the term is mathematically illiterate, and hence NOTHING THEY SAY CAN BE BELIEVED, or

2. The person using the term is a liar, hoping you'll believe inflated, exaggerated lies, and NOTHING THEY SAY CAN BE BELIEVED, or

3. The person using the term doesn't know the actual comparison intended, and NOTHING THEY SAY CAN BE BELIEVED.

4. The person using the term gave up, goes along with the crowd, has NO OPINIONS of his/her own, and hence NOTHING THEY SAY CAN BE BELIEVED.

Funny how all the possibilities end the same way.

What is astonishing is that this usage crops up quite frequently even in scientific and technical journals where authors, and ESPECIALLY editors, are expected to know the difference, and apparently DON'T.


04 Aug 07 - 04:16 PM (#2119149)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah? Look, John, don't conflate the issue. (whatever the hell "conflate" means...I can't find it in the dictionary, but people seem to keep using it these days when they mean "confuse".)

They also keep saying "infer" when they mean "imply".

If we lived nearer to one another, we could interface at the local coffee shop, spend some quality time together, and arrive at a meeting of hearts and minds over this.

04 Aug 07 - 04:43 PM (#2119171)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

LH, I think what I'm hearing you say is that you'd be on board if you could "liase" (AAAAARRRGGGHHH) with John...


04 Aug 07 - 04:51 PM (#2119177)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

LOL! Great example, Desdemona. Mastery of 50 or so key buzzwords and phrases such as "liase" and "run it up the flagpole and see who salutes" is the fast line to success and advancement in the corporate world of today, and it is exactly how I got to be the Supreme Leader of both the Mormons and the Freemasons.

04 Aug 07 - 05:40 PM (#2119235)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: SharonA

Liase on, brother, liase on.

04 Aug 07 - 06:59 PM (#2119307)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: autolycus

In radio and telly discussions,

   "Sorry, we've run out of time..."

   and thus,

   "I'm sure we'll return to this topic."

Well if you flaming well keep guillotining the discussion, we're going to HAVE to return to it. Idiots.


04 Aug 07 - 07:13 PM (#2119317)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Alice

A phrase my co-workers and I hate "the golden hours" -
as in "the golden hours of selling",
which means, you are expected to do all your paperwork and
preparation on your own time in the evening and on weekends.

04 Aug 07 - 08:17 PM (#2119345)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: JohnInKansas

When I was in the Army at Yuma Proving Ground a lifetime ago, the Commanding Orifice got bored and decided the "staff" needed some training, so he hired a prof from Arizona Western University (a JuCo known locally as "Arizona's Worst College") to come in and teach us all something.

The "staff" - consisting of 26 military and 360 feathermerchants (civil service employees to the uninformed) - were arbitrarily split in half, and I was soooooooo fortunate to be assigned to the first group, which took the classes.

The "perfessor" spent all but approximately one hour of the three months of "classes" trying to get the difference between "effect" and "affect" clarified for the students. I don't think the esteemed professor ever did get it figured out.

At the end of the first group's classes the CO requested an "evaluation" of the course from all those who took it.

I think I was the only one who actually turned anyting in.

I got called in to "debrief" with the CO. We had a nice chat.

Nobody else ever took the course.


04 Aug 07 - 10:01 PM (#2119380)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Did it affect you adversely or have any longlasting effects that were deleterious? How effective would you say the course was in regards to affecting people's nonmilitary affectations and what were the overriding effects of that degree of effectiveness?

05 Aug 07 - 03:00 AM (#2119493)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Backwoodsman

"Backbone Data Warehouse".
In the company I work for, this is IT-Bollocks-Speak meaning "I'm saying this because I know you won't have a clue what it means, and I therefore gain an advantage over you".

05 Aug 07 - 03:01 AM (#2119494)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Slag

"Head-on, applied directly to the forehead!"
"Trust me. I know what I'm doing."
"Read my lips, etc. (you know what I mean).
"You know what I mean."
"You know" endlessly
" Oh My Gawd"

05 Aug 07 - 03:27 AM (#2119500)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Roger the Skiffler

"meet with"
"it's been a roller coaster ride"
"put it on an Excel spreadsheet" (being retired means never having to do this ever again!)
"Less" (instead of "fewer")

ete etc

(the original grumpy old man)

05 Aug 07 - 03:57 AM (#2119512)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: goatfell

any phrase that come out of anyone who is PC.

you know what I mean like whatever

05 Aug 07 - 09:02 AM (#2119605)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: autolycus

Oh, far more than 'meet with', I really dislike

'meet up with'    -   that's 2 redundant words. What the hell's wrong with    'meet'?   (I'll show you grumpy

   It's ok, I'm fine really.

   it's all these 'up's and 'up with's that get on my wick, e.g.

   'head up the organisation', (come to think of it, it sounds like he has !!)

   All those 'up's and 'up with's are a waste of space/breath.

   And why do people on the meeja have to give the whole year name every time? '"It was on two thousand and five when it began, and now in two thousand and seven......." Why not "oh five" and "oh seven"?

btw, if you have to say it in full, it should be "twenty-oh seven" anyway   :-)

And politicians, and now others, saying "the important thing..........", are pretty smart. Interviewers fall into line with that one. I've yet to hear one say, "Surely there are other important things to consider."

lastly, an overused word, IMO, on this side of the pond, globe and galaxy, is "sorry". I'm as polite as the next person (I hope - depends who the next person is), yet this relentless "sorry".....................well, anyway.


05 Aug 07 - 09:08 AM (#2119614)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,ibo

people who say LIKE all the time,and YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?   it drives me nuts

05 Aug 07 - 03:28 PM (#2119851)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: autolycus

When people say,"You know what I mean?",

I reply, "Yes, I know what you mean."


05 Aug 07 - 03:59 PM (#2119874)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,faintingoat

I hate when people destroy the written language. Internet aside (although I do HATE when ppL TyP LiK DisS)I think the world needs to learn that "definitely" is NOT spelled "definately". "Then" and "than" are different words with different meanings. As are "their", "they're", and "there"

Also, you cannot do something "on" accident.

And You do NOT(bold underline italicize) need to ask where someone is AT.

No do you WARSH your clothes (that might just be where I live, but still). Coloring with "ornge crowns" is also "unpossible."

05 Aug 07 - 08:35 PM (#2120025)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: The Walrus

One word that irritates me is 'Homophobia'

The trait being described is not HOMOphobia but HETROphobia, a hatred or fear of that which is DIFFERENT - the only people who could commit what are commonly described as 'Homophobic offences against gays and be TRUELY Homophobic are Homosexuals (ditto straights against straights).

HOMO = Same. As in homosexual, homogeneus, homophone, homonym.
HETRO = Different. As in hetrosexual, hetrogenius, hetrodox, hetromorphic.

It's a silly point, but it has a similar effect (to me) as fingernails on a black-board.
Ah well, the term is too deeply dug in for me to be able to do anything about it.

Am I a pedant?


05 Aug 07 - 09:55 PM (#2120054)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

Perhaps I should start a whole new "pet punctuation peeves" thread, but one of the things that really, really, really annoys me is the wanton misplacement of the innocent, well-meaning apostrophe, as in "twin lobster's" or--in the specific case of a local landmark that I'm sorely tempted to amend, in an act of guerilla punctuation--"Two Brother's Cafe." It just enrages me.


05 Aug 07 - 10:47 PM (#2120071)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Sam L

I've always hated the word "perfect." It never seems the right word for the context. "Screw" is so absurdly wrong I don't know whether to love it or hate it.

But more to the topic I hate when people talk about a "line" between art and life, and how things cross, or "blur" that line.
I think art is a wholly owned subsidiary of life, and to think otherwise means you have a pretty loose grasp on things.

05 Aug 07 - 10:48 PM (#2120072)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Rowan

"Thank you for sharing that." A number of these are interesting   It's rather unique and I might of replied but I'm disinterested in what you say.
Actually, Walrus, I think you meant "Hetero".

05 Aug 07 - 11:27 PM (#2120086)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Slag

Hear, Hear! Here 2 4 it is hetero (my hero!)

06 Aug 07 - 12:01 AM (#2120098)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Sam L

I hate "gay marriage." There's no test for gayness. Gay marriage might as well describe a gay man marrying a lesbian, which is perfectly legal. It's same gender marriage, and odds are pretty good that heteros will jump in to undermine the sanctity of it.

06 Aug 07 - 12:08 AM (#2120100)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

I get shudders when people say, "Thank you for sharing that"....UGH! It gives me the creeps.

On the one hand, it's really smarmy-sounding and affected, a kind of a New Age expression that is supposed to let everyone know how terrifically broadminded and progressive the person is who just said it. On the other hand I often doubt that they really mean it, because what I think they're really thinking inside is, "God what a bore it was listening to you when we all could have been listening to me instead! Thanks for finally finishing."

Mind you, it also depends on who says it and how they say it. Sometimes it comes across okay. I guess you could say that about most things people say.

06 Aug 07 - 01:40 AM (#2120128)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Sam L

I'd like to hear a tribal leader say Have your people talk to my people. That would be pretty cute.

06 Aug 07 - 11:44 AM (#2120293)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Donuel

jewish rabbi

06 Aug 07 - 04:09 PM (#2120378)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: goatfell

people who text with short words and some words that they can't spell.

for example


06 Aug 07 - 04:10 PM (#2120379)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: goatfell

06 Aug 07 - 04:11 PM (#2120383)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: goatfell

I know that I'm hopeless at spelling certain words, but I hate these people that uses big long words were a wee short word will do instead

06 Aug 07 - 04:13 PM (#2120385)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Like when they say, "fornicate in some remote location far away from here" ?

06 Aug 07 - 05:30 PM (#2120445)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: HouseCat

"Amazing" and "Awesome". The two most worn-out words on TV, especially on home-improvement shows.

06 Aug 07 - 05:43 PM (#2120458)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah. ;-) What good is awe anymore when it has become as common as the dandelion?

06 Aug 07 - 08:59 PM (#2120539)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: The Walrus

"...Actually, Walrus, I think you meant "Hetero"..."


I stand corrected, you are correct, 'Hetero' it is.

My only excuse is that mi triperwriter kan't spel.


06 Aug 07 - 09:48 PM (#2120560)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: dick greenhaus

I never heard a horse sing it...

07 Aug 07 - 03:27 AM (#2120651)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Peter Kasin

There aren't any phrases that get me really irritated. I don't sweat the small stuff (which, come to think of it, is a phrase that might irritate those who are irritated by irritating phrases, making them irritable). The closest one to irritating me is when someone says "conversate," which is a laughable distortion of language.


07 Aug 07 - 02:27 PM (#2120964)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Jim Dixon

I work in the "post office" of a university. I've had this conversation many times:

STUDENT: Can you sell me a stamp?
ME: Sure.
STUDENT: Awesome!

Actually, it feels kinda good to be told repeatedly that I do awesome work. Maybe I should be wearing a Superman costume....

07 Aug 07 - 03:18 PM (#2121005)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: GUEST,Big Mick in the Badlands of South Dakota

At the end of the day...... One of those good expressions that seems to be so in vogue that you hear it in every conversation. It's like folks look for something they can use and suspend the thought process that decent conversation requires.

Unions were important once, there was a need, but they aren't needed anymore....... Another of the same. Folks just flip it out without thinking it through. Then when I point out the issues of today, as contrasted from when those folks thought unions were important, they get quiet.

AND FINALLY..........

Joe Clones. We are moderators and each of us exercises our own judgment. Joe was the original moderator, and has additional responsibilities, but ultimately we all answer to Max. I am proud to be associated with Joe, and envy his even handedness, but I am not a clone (as used in today's vernacular) of anyone.

All the best,


07 Aug 07 - 05:39 PM (#2121137)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Cluin

When people use the word "ignorant" when the mean obnoxious or rude. ("Don't get ignorant with me!" is the worst).

And also the way the word "terrific" has come to mean a superlative of "good". The root of the word is "terror".

07 Aug 07 - 08:39 PM (#2121278)
Subject: RE: what phrases do you hate?
From: Slag

or the other IMHO
A "considered opinion" would be refreshing!