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BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!

18 Aug 06 - 10:25 AM (#1812957)
Subject: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Grab

A lovely solution from the village elders. But just imagine the wedding.

"Do you, Nanny, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"


18 Aug 06 - 10:27 AM (#1812959)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life never make a pretty woman your wife...

18 Aug 06 - 10:32 AM (#1812964)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Paul Burke

Women for children, boys for love, goats for pleasure, but for true ecstasy... a melon. (apocryphal old Turkish saying)

18 Aug 06 - 11:47 AM (#1813014)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Lady Hillary

That is truly an elegant [in the mathematical sense] solution!

18 Aug 06 - 11:55 AM (#1813024)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: robomatic

I think it's all a big mistake. He shoulds married the chicken and kept the goat on the side.

18 Aug 06 - 12:24 PM (#1813037)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Rapparee

Why would he want to keep a goat on its side? Let it stand on its own four feet, I say!

18 Aug 06 - 01:23 PM (#1813101)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Amos

He who marry chicken get nothing more than peck on cheek.


18 Aug 06 - 01:28 PM (#1813106)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: MMario

The true pity of the story is the bride price/dowry was $50. Says a lot.

18 Aug 06 - 01:36 PM (#1813117)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Rapparee

Too much money, you think?

18 Aug 06 - 01:41 PM (#1813120)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Grab

Depends how she looked, I guess. Maybe she'd been well groomed.

And Amos, think big. He who marry ostrich have really big pecker!

18 Aug 06 - 01:59 PM (#1813134)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Little Hawk

Esmeralda would cost a whole lot more than a miserable 50 bucks.

18 Aug 06 - 02:01 PM (#1813138)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Les from Hull

There was a young gaucho named Bruno
Who says 'Marriage is one thing I do know
Women are fine
But for an excellent time
A llama is numero uno!'

18 Aug 06 - 02:05 PM (#1813142)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Les from Hull

18 Aug 06 - 02:06 PM (#1813143)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Les from Hull

anyway - we are much more enlightened about
goat sex in Hull

18 Aug 06 - 02:25 PM (#1813165)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Barry Finn

Hall of Hull & the goat were both consenting adults. After all Hall wasn't messing with no Kid. Today it was reported that the goat is heartbroken & Hall was seen to be sobbing & drowning his sorrows, drinking shots of Woolite & Ram's Head beer chasers.


18 Aug 06 - 06:33 PM (#1813351)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Liz the Squeak

Chap near here was arrested for having sex with a pony.... turned out the pony was under age.


18 Aug 06 - 07:10 PM (#1813382)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Barry Finn

Chubby Checker always sang
"Do the pony with your partner
With a big boss line"

18 Aug 06 - 07:10 PM (#1813383)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Rapparee

Oh, fer gosh sakes, Liz! He was just horsin' around.

31 Aug 06 - 07:48 AM (#1823450)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: GUEST,jOhn

One of me neighbours shagged a goat, they sent him to jail.

31 Aug 06 - 08:02 AM (#1823460)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!

Surely a good ram will do.


31 Aug 06 - 08:03 AM (#1823461)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Paul Burke

The Kings of Ulster were inaugurated as follows:

A white mare is led into the middle of the assembly. The one who is to be raised up ... while having intercourse with the mare like a beast, proclaims that he is also a beast.

Giraldus Cambrensis

31 Aug 06 - 09:52 AM (#1823555)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: GUEST,Mingulay at work

I'm still trying to come to terms with "a packed Hull to Bridlington train".

31 Aug 06 - 11:37 AM (#1823632)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: skipy

No one has said anything about "wellies" or the "edge of a cliff" yet!
That's cliff as in mountain not singer & singer is a song not sewing & sewing is as making curtains not casting seeds.

31 Aug 06 - 11:44 AM (#1823637)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Dave the Gnome

Adds a whole new meaning to Rod, Hull and Emu...

:D (tG)

31 Aug 06 - 12:02 PM (#1823647)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Les from Hull

Mingulay - of course a Hull to Bridlington train takes people away from Hull!

31 Aug 06 - 02:26 PM (#1823739)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Donuel

We need an amendment now, goat marriage is attacking the American family.

31 Aug 06 - 09:59 PM (#1824153)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Paul from Hull


In light of THIS thread though, best not put the Wedding Photo's up on line....

01 Sep 06 - 04:27 AM (#1824293)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: GUEST,Mingulay at work

Yes Les but.........................................Bridlington!!!

Although it could have been worse - Mablethorpe???

01 Sep 06 - 07:41 AM (#1824427)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Big Al Whittle

Tried that, just made me more horny.

02 Sep 06 - 07:20 AM (#1825287)
Subject: RE: BS: Can't find a girl? Marry a goat!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

One thing about goat marriage...

If things don't work out, there's no need for a messy divorce. Just throw some charcoal on the barbecue grill...