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BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day

21 Aug 06 - 12:59 PM (#1815206)
Subject: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Mr Red

Descartes - that's who.

And I said to him "can I buy you a drink René?" And he said

"I Think Not" and all of a sudden he wasn't there.

21 Aug 06 - 01:02 PM (#1815209)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Wesley S

How many pints had you already had when he appeared?

21 Aug 06 - 01:06 PM (#1815215)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Paul from Hull

...& I have actually heard it said that Rene Descartes was a drunken fart.

Hmmm...must be on the wagon, if he's refusing a drink...*G*

21 Aug 06 - 01:09 PM (#1815217)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

If you wasn't so bleedin' well red, you'd never 'ave 'eard of that Rene. Is 'e still doin' 'Ello 'Ello BTW?

21 Aug 06 - 01:12 PM (#1815220)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Mr Red

It was a magic pub - Shakespear tried to enter but the landlord wus avin nun of it

he said "Shakespear - - you is bard"

21 Aug 06 - 01:16 PM (#1815222)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Paul from Hull

Giok, the War is over mate...has been for years. You can come out of that wardrobe now.....*G*

21 Aug 06 - 02:01 PM (#1815268)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Rapparee

I met Rene once, back when he was young and completely unsure of himself. He said to me, "Cogito cogito cogito, ergo cogito cogito sum, cogito."

Later he become self-assured.

21 Aug 06 - 02:03 PM (#1815272)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Peace

Just walk away . . . .

21 Aug 06 - 02:05 PM (#1815276)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Dave the Gnome

I saw Vincent van Gogh. I sez "Wanna pint, Vinnie?"

'e sez "No thanks, I've got one ear..."

:D (tG)

21 Aug 06 - 02:14 PM (#1815282)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Rusty Dobro

Man goes in a pub. I can remember when they only sold pork scratchings.........

21 Aug 06 - 02:20 PM (#1815286)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: beardedbruce

cogito cogitare, ergo cogito mei esse.

21 Aug 06 - 02:28 PM (#1815293)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

Carpe diem, sieze the fish!

21 Aug 06 - 02:30 PM (#1815296)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: bobad

Carpe diem : The daily carp.

21 Aug 06 - 02:54 PM (#1815313)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Dave the Gnome

I thought Carpe Diem was fish of the day?

I saw that bloody Chumbawumba there last night. Whatcher drinking, Chumba, I asks.

He drinks a whisky drink He drinks a vodka drink He drinks a lager drink He drinks a cider drink

Last time I ask THAT tight git...

:D (tG)

21 Aug 06 - 03:01 PM (#1815322)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

What does that Marcel Marceau do when the wind drops?

21 Aug 06 - 04:31 PM (#1815376)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Rasener

I bumped into the artful Dodger and asked him if he would like a drink, but he said no thanks, I am on a promise with that blonde over there.
I said, you are a Jammie Dodger you is.

21 Aug 06 - 04:42 PM (#1815385)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Paul from Hull

I walked past a Pub the other day...

ok, I'm lying...

21 Aug 06 - 04:50 PM (#1815396)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Elmer Fudd

Cogito ergo sum.
When you are in the room,
I get a feeling elemental,
Then I realize you're only mental.


21 Aug 06 - 05:53 PM (#1815461)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Bill D

I was gonna study 'ol René at one time in my college career, but the professor who dealt in such matters would only do so evey 3-4 I read the 1st & 2nd meditations in detail for 2 years before I actually attended a class.....

I guess I put Descarte before Decourse.

21 Aug 06 - 07:28 PM (#1815540)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: bobad

Go to your room Bill.

21 Aug 06 - 08:27 PM (#1815590)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Elmer Fudd

Good one, Bill.

21 Aug 06 - 08:40 PM (#1815608)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: The Fooles Troupe

I'm a Magician.

Last night, while walking down the street, I turned into a pub.

21 Aug 06 - 08:45 PM (#1815613)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: robomatic

Is that where you're seen in Pub-lic?

Didn't Descarte gain a lot of weight in France so hearing that the food was, well, not quite the best side of English culture, he voyaged over to Blighty in order to lose some weight, and found that not only did he accomplish his goal, but he became rather the athlete. He was so qood at billiards they dubbed him the "Rene Reedy Reachee"

I've got my mukluks on.

21 Aug 06 - 08:48 PM (#1815615)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Paul from Hull

Ugh! You dirty devil!

21 Aug 06 - 11:49 PM (#1815756)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Jeremiah McCaw

Yer all bleedin' freakin' SICK!

And I'm damned proud and pleased to know you!

21 Aug 06 - 11:52 PM (#1815761)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Bill D

*smug smile*

22 Aug 06 - 04:27 AM (#1815862)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: GUEST,James Joyce

I was walking down Baggot Street the other day and decided to go.

22 Aug 06 - 05:08 AM (#1815878)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Sttaw Legend


22 Aug 06 - 05:31 AM (#1815883)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

Man walked into a bar.


It was an iron bar!


22 Aug 06 - 05:35 AM (#1815885)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Paul from Hull

I'm not going to dignify that one with a response...

Oh bugger, I just did....

22 Aug 06 - 05:52 AM (#1815890)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: DMcG

I met Thomas Aquinas, as it happens. It was an accident, of course, but he did keep whispering to me about substances.

22 Aug 06 - 06:17 AM (#1815897)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I've had a year of health problems.

I've been suffering from alcoholic constipation, and in spite of everything the doctors tried....


Heading swiftly for the horizon.........Byeee
Don T.

22 Aug 06 - 07:15 AM (#1815926)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

It was said about me "Pass his driving test; he couldn't pass a pub" mind you now that pubs in Scotland are non smoking they are a real pleasure to visit.

22 Aug 06 - 08:42 AM (#1815982)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: The Fooles Troupe

Talk about 'iron bar'

that is the nickname of one of our Aussie politicians...

Iron Bar Tucky...

22 Aug 06 - 10:08 AM (#1816051)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Dave the Gnome

Is his real name Ken?

22 Aug 06 - 06:41 PM (#1816504)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: The Fooles Troupe

Wilson Tucky

23 Aug 06 - 05:26 PM (#1817346)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Dave the Gnome

That's no fun. I suppose your going to tell me next that Mr Shires nickname isn't Lanky. Or that Mr and Mrs Bates's son isn't called Master... Oh. Perhaps not.

I met Dracula in the pub last night. There was food on and he polished off the lot. When I complained to the landlord he said, "Well, they do call him vampire the buffet slayer."

:D (tG)

23 Aug 06 - 08:32 PM (#1817464)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: gnu

Ben Franklin was loaded to the two eyeballs. Made a spectacle of himself.

23 Aug 06 - 08:55 PM (#1817484)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: The Fooles Troupe

At least the media didn't castigate him for dumping his load...

24 Aug 06 - 03:48 AM (#1817655)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Dave Masterson

News story seen years ago about philosophy lessons given in a home for 'women of ill-repute'.
The headline – 'Putting Descartes before de whores'

24 Aug 06 - 05:11 AM (#1817691)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

Reminds me of the remark attributed to the late great Dorothy Parker.

"You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think"

This was her alleged response to a challenge, which was to make witty remark using the word horticulture.


24 Aug 06 - 05:37 AM (#1817695)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Hrothgar

I drink, therefore I am.

24 Aug 06 - 06:10 AM (#1817699)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Micca

Cogito ergo sum
Think, its Arithmatic!

24 Aug 06 - 06:43 AM (#1817713)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: The Fooles Troupe

Work is the curse of the drinking classes!

24 Aug 06 - 06:48 AM (#1817717)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

Sic transit gloria mundi

Gloria was unwell in the back of the van on Monday.


24 Aug 06 - 11:17 AM (#1817899)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: GUEST,CrazyEddie

24 Aug 06 - 12:54 PM (#1817989)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Nick

I got chatting to a bloke in the pub who was introduced to me as 'Leslie Welch - the Memory Man'.

'Well what do you know?' says I.

Big mistake, thought I'd never shut him up.

24 Aug 06 - 01:05 PM (#1818001)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

Ooh Nick, you are old!

24 Aug 06 - 01:27 PM (#1818014)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Nick

Google is ageless...

24 Aug 06 - 01:41 PM (#1818022)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

Nonsense Google is about 10 years old!

24 Aug 06 - 04:28 PM (#1818125)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Slag

That little twit Rene' meets 'imself comin' and goin'. He gits a few pints into 'imself and he's ere-goin'. "piss off" e says, " After you" I says. I wish e would turn into a bar.

24 Aug 06 - 08:11 PM (#1818286)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Nick

Nonsense - originally from googol the number coined by nine-year-old Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner in 1920. The Internet search engine Google was named after this number. The original founders were going for 'Googol', but ended up with 'Google' due to a spelling mistake on a cheque that investors wrote to the founders.

25 Aug 06 - 12:49 AM (#1818411)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Slag

Glad they didn't name it Godot. We'd still be waiting for our search reslults. Google = 10 to the 100th power. Googleplex 10 to the 100th to the 100th a number so large that it cannot be written. If you could inscribe every subatomic particle with a zero ( and a single one with a 1 you do not have enough matter in the known Universe to write out the number. I don't know what this has to do with meeting strangers, turning into bars and pubs or that little wussy Descarte but thought you might like to know if'n you didn't know already.

25 Aug 06 - 02:50 AM (#1818432)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Dave Hanson

I went into a pub last night, it cost £2.00 to get in, and you could drink all you wanted for free all night, I thought wow this is great................,
    then I realised I'd gone into a swimming pool.


25 Aug 06 - 04:22 AM (#1818485)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: JennyO

A piece of string goes into a bar...........

25 Aug 06 - 04:42 AM (#1818490)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: freda underhill

Jean-Paul Sartre is sitting at a French cafe, revising his draft of Being and Nothingness. He says to the waitress, "I'd like a cup of coffee, please, with no cream." The waitress replies, "I'm sorry, monsieur, but we're out of cream. How about with no milk?"

25 Aug 06 - 05:09 AM (#1818500)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

Nick all that proves is that Google, that famous spelling mistake is about 10 years old, a googol on the other hand is word brought into the discussuion to try and prove me wrong. This, as me three ex wives will tell you, is impossible.
My uncle used to love me, but she died.

25 Aug 06 - 07:59 AM (#1818591)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: The Fooles Troupe

"try and prove me wrong. This, as me three ex wives will tell you, is impossible."

Just as well you stay out of those 'Middle East' threads then, there's enough of your type in there...

25 Aug 06 - 09:06 AM (#1818647)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: John MacKenzie

Deceptions are a result of our misuse of free will.

25 Aug 06 - 09:08 AM (#1818649)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Paul from Hull

Profound, & very true!

26 Aug 06 - 04:15 AM (#1819241)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Slag


26 Aug 06 - 05:09 AM (#1819261)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: Dave Hanson

A free Will with every five gallons.


26 Aug 06 - 07:58 AM (#1819315)
Subject: RE: BS: Guess who I met in the pub the other day
From: The Fooles Troupe

Where there's a Will, there's greedy relatives.