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Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)

24 Sep 06 - 11:49 AM (#1842075)
Subject: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Bill D

It's a milestone, folks! Mudcat will be 10 years old on Oct 1. Lots of amazing songs, people and discussions have come and....sometimes gone again.

There has been good, bad and any community, family or group. The good has been wonderful and helpful, and it's 'almost' all still here to read. The bad and ugly? Well...a lot of it is still here, some wasn't worth keeping. Lets not dwell on that.

Friends have been made, songs have been sung, knowlege has been shared, opinions have been given and disputed, jokes have been told, news has been posted...often within minutes of its happening.

I have been here 'almost' all the 10 years (I was maybe 2 weeks late in discovering the forum had been added to the database, and there's only 3-4 people still posting who beat me *grin*) it's very hard for me to encapsulate so many memories. I just thought it might be good to have a thread this week leading up to Oct.1...for memories? *shrug*

I REALLY hope it will not become a place for lots of negative, anonymous stuff, but just a spot to remember, comment, share ...and to imagine the future, maybe.

10 years ago, there was no Google, there was I.E. and Netscape and a guy named Max who agreed to host a place for the Digital Tradition and forum to discuss music.....and like any community, after we got acquainted, the discussions broadened, people met RT and and real friendships grew...and often more...*smile*

Now we are famous...sorta...and Google is indexing Mudcat and we are being discovered every day....which makes the future kinda hard to predict! it is....this unique place and its collection of personas who make it what it is.

10 years & counting....

24 Sep 06 - 11:51 AM (#1842076)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Many Happy Returns Of The Day

24 Sep 06 - 11:53 AM (#1842080)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: GUEST,Popinjay

Well done to all those who have set up and maintained Mudcat. Sterling work.

24 Sep 06 - 11:55 AM (#1842083)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Mr Happy apart from Max, the founder, who's the longest serving Mudcatter?

24 Sep 06 - 12:00 PM (#1842088)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Bill D

Well, Bert worked with Max, and was here at the start, and Dick Greenhaus and Susan of DT were doing the database....and Lamarca, who lives here in the Wash DC area near me posted a few days before I did.

24 Sep 06 - 12:01 PM (#1842090)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Uncle_DaveO

Two of them have to be Dick Greenhaus and Susan Friedman.

Dave Oesterreich

24 Sep 06 - 12:09 PM (#1842096)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday

Many happy returns of the day.
Well done, Max et al!

24 Sep 06 - 12:11 PM (#1842097)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Ebbie

How did Max and Dick and Susan meet? I was dismayed when the DigiTrad disappeared. A musician friend told me he had found it on a place called 'the Mudcat'. So far as I know, he doesn't frequent the forum although he still uses the DigiTrad.

There have been birthing pains and growing pains and black sheep and a problem child or two but it's a great place to be. Happy Birthday to all involved and may there be many, many more to come.

24 Sep 06 - 12:17 PM (#1842103)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Azizi

There's been black sheep? Here? Yeah, and so what's wrong with that?


24 Sep 06 - 12:19 PM (#1842107)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Alice

Well done Max and founders. You have enriched our world.


24 Sep 06 - 12:21 PM (#1842109)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Bill D

thread 3819 tells a bit of history...Somehow, Max found the DT when it was on another site, then when it had to taken down, offered to host it.

24 Sep 06 - 12:24 PM (#1842112)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: harpmolly

Wow! Happy Birthday Mudcat!

It was at least six or seven years ago that I first stumbled on it...


24 Sep 06 - 12:27 PM (#1842116)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Chris Amos

Well done, we owe a lot to the vision of the founding group.

Three rousing cheers for Max and the crew.


24 Sep 06 - 12:30 PM (#1842117)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Mr Happy

hip x 3!

24 Sep 06 - 12:46 PM (#1842127)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Azizi

For those who might be interested, given that Max's location in Pennsylvania is known, if more specific information about the time Mudcat came online is shared, then someone much more skilled than me could produce an astrological chart for Mudcat.

However, using 12 noon Eastern Standard Time as a speculative "birth time" for Mudcat, and using Neil F. Michelsen's "The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century, revised 5th edition", here's this forum's astrological placements:

Sun    Libra    7 degrees
Moon    Aries   27 degrees
Mercury Libra   23 degrees
Venus   Virgo   27 degrees
Mars    Leo    23 degrees
Jupiter Leo      0 degrees
Saturn Pices   25 degrees retrograde
Uranus Virgo   21 degree
Neptune Scorpio 20 degree
Pluto   Virgo   18 degree
Node    Taurus 16 retrograde


FWIW, I have share some exact and some close astrological sign/degree placements with this chart. I wouldn't be surprised to find that other persons who have posted regularly and/or who still post regularly on this forum also have exact or close connections between these placements and their astrological charts.
However, a person's astrological chart is private information, and I'm not suggesting that those details be shared on this thread or any other thread.

Happy Birthday, Mudcat! Live long and prosper.

24 Sep 06 - 12:46 PM (#1842128)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: bbc

Well, my son & I started the member pages in April of 1999 (Under "Quick Links" see Member Info & Photos) & my Mudgather was that July (see Events Photos), so I guess I've been around since before then. Thanks, Max, for the friends, the information, the music. Mudcat has been & continues to be special to me in many ways. It will be nice if everyone checks in on this thread.



24 Sep 06 - 12:48 PM (#1842130)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: wysiwyg

First thought? Mudcat's adolescence is not far off-- scary!



24 Sep 06 - 12:49 PM (#1842132)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Mr Happy

is Pluto still a member of the planet's suite?

Thort it recently got the sac?

24 Sep 06 - 12:59 PM (#1842139)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Ebbie

Zee, no flock of sheep is complete without its black members! The same would be true - in reverse - of a flock of black sheep. Here's to diversity and contrast.

24 Sep 06 - 01:06 PM (#1842149)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Severn

Ten Year Tenure For the Cat! Spread over how many Mud-Lives?

A Rare and Well Done medium at the same time! That's how I would have ordered it.

A milestone on the road (hopefully) to forever while you serve as an official guardian and archivist of the timeless.

Made to outlive all of us, but not without enriching all our lives before we finally pass on. Hell, even the lives of venting trolls out of our con-troll (Can only a troll be pro-troll?....but I digress. That's all water, or something, under the bridge by any other clayen-gnome-ture).

...Anyway, a Happy Anniversary, hopefully avoiding any Unhappy
An-adversities from any Unhappy An-adversaries in the future tense, as you have in the past tenth!

And thanks for making all things better during the time I've been here, and so, a traditional toast (while musicians hopefully provide the jam):

"Here's Mud in your eye!....."

24 Sep 06 - 01:10 PM (#1842152)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Azizi

Ebbie, I'm sorry but couldn't resist making my previous comment.

I was just trying to be witty.

My kudos to you and to others for actualizing the ideals of diversity on this forum.

24 Sep 06 - 01:13 PM (#1842154)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: GUEST,Popinjay

Can I be the official black sheep please, or am I probably too nice?

24 Sep 06 - 01:14 PM (#1842157)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: The Shambles


24 Sep 06 - 01:14 PM (#1842158)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Severn

Should've read:

"A Rare and Well Done medium........that we all have a stake in."

24 Sep 06 - 01:22 PM (#1842165)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: GUEST,Popinjay

If one of the founders lets me be the official black sheep, I promise to become a fully fledged member, in celebration of 10 years of Mudcat. (Does that mean the police will know where I live?)

24 Sep 06 - 01:25 PM (#1842169)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Severn

Let's just have an official flock of them.

....Sheeper By The Dozen!

24 Sep 06 - 01:39 PM (#1842178)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Big Mick

Someone from Detroit referred me in 1997, when I was looking for lyrics to an Irish song. I posted without joining until 1998. I came at the tail end of the first golden age (Anyone seen Shula lately?). I remember when Spaw came here, I remember when kat came here. I think that after Max, Bert, Dick, and Susan, the oldest active members are probably Alice in Montana, and Bill. LaMarca has been here damn near as long, but not as active as the others. Anyone been her longer than BillD or Alice?


24 Sep 06 - 01:40 PM (#1842180)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Big Mick

How about Joe? Blessings Barbara? How long have they been posting?

24 Sep 06 - 01:47 PM (#1842184)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Zany Mouse

Mudcat has enriched my life and many, many thanks.

Thanks to Mudcat I've found friends around the world, even had folk staying with us, from places like Alaska, Australia and, far too briefly, Nova Scotia.

So, Max, if ever you want to stay in sunny Worksop ...


24 Sep 06 - 03:45 PM (#1842256)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Little Robyn

So, everyone have a happy birthday.
How should we celebrate?

24 Sep 06 - 04:07 PM (#1842266)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: wysiwyg

If no one else has said it--

A birthday gift/card for Mudcat would be opportune, no?


24 Sep 06 - 04:20 PM (#1842282)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: katlaughing

What about Roger in Baltimore? Liam's Brother? They were here when I came in late 1998. And, Ferrara?

There was a Golden Age and I am grateful to have been here for it.

Happy Birthday, Mudcat, Max, Jeff and Mudelves!

Long Live the Mudcat!!


24 Sep 06 - 05:42 PM (#1842340)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Pistachio

Best Wishes for Mudcats' 10th and mega thanks to those who keep 'her'/'him' or 'it' up and running.

24 Sep 06 - 06:10 PM (#1842356)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Cruiser

How about a present of each of us donating at least $5.00 to $10.00 to Mudcat during the week of October 1? This site's archives are priceless so the money could help ensure greater stability through equipment upgrades, etc.

I will gladly give $10.00 since I have not donated this year.


24 Sep 06 - 06:18 PM (#1842363)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Peter T.

i don't know when I arrived, it was pretty early on (and I was not under my current moniker), but it was a great day for me. I can remember celebrating the first birthday! I can't believe it is ten years (one always says that).

Among the earliest highlights for me was, at the height of my early obsession, I was in Borneo and was actually able to get on Mudcat from a cafe in a village in the middle of the jungle! It was at that point that I realized that the Internet was more than just a passing fancy (as is Mudcat).

The second was the big meeting of Mudcatters in Toronto early on. I have never really gotten over seeing so many wonderful people suddenly become attached to names I knew well.

And so many friends, some here and some gone.


Peter T.

24 Sep 06 - 06:30 PM (#1842375)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: catspaw49

I'm sorry, Joe hates these birthday threads and even if Shambles does think he's a total asswipe, I like to keep him happy. I generally never refer to him as anything stronger than a tool. And Max is probably a bit down anyway after we here at Ohio State kicked Penn States ass this weekend and he lost our bet. Come to think of it I should have bet Pene/Jeff as well!!! So to appease Joe and make sure this birthday thread isn't a long list of similar good wishes.................


See, that was pretty mild but the fact is that I kinda' like the old place..........I came here in late '98 and those denizens who lived here then and the newer ones who live here now have seen me and my family through so much............**can't even get into it**..........You know what I mean.

Many of us have benefitted from the friendships made here and know the real power that Mudcat has. There were those wonderful nights of Mudcat Radio and the Great Mudcat Tour, and all those cross pond visits and annamils first gathering and Wyzzy's gatherings too, Sinsull's Song Circles....and of course the Getaway that became a Mudcat event thanks to the friendship of those 'catters who belong to the FSSGW...........There were so many good times and bad times and all sorts of "times" in between.........And those years brought us friends and took them away. I can't think of this "birthday" without thing of Murray, BruceO, LR Mole, Little John Cameron, and of course Rick Fielding................................................

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUDCAT and thanks to ya' Max for all these years and all these folks.


24 Sep 06 - 06:51 PM (#1842397)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Joe Offer

I love you, too, Spaw. What would we do without you?

I was on one of my long investigator itineraries in the fall of 1996 (I think that was when I was working Yosemite), and didn't discover Mudcat until January, 1997, when I discovered that the Digital Tradition had moved from Xerox to a new home, after having been offline for a while. I found Mudcat by searching for the DT.

The very first Mudcat thread is - it got scrambled in the Crash of 2005, so I've linked to the printer-friendly version, which is in proper order. There is a Thread 1 and even a Thread 2 - but for some reason, thread 004 is the oldest and first.

We now have had some 94,964 threads, and this is message number 1842397. Let me get back to you on the number of registered members....

It's nice to be here. Thanks a lot for all this, Max.


Our most recent member is #19023, Duncan_Edwards - welcome, Duncan!!

24 Sep 06 - 06:54 PM (#1842399)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Herga Kitty

I first heard about the DT in 2000, when Graham Moore ran a workshop at Whitby about internet folk resources, and Dick and Susan just happened to be there... was subsequently introduced to the Mudcat cafe at the Ducks' BBQ at Whitby in 2001. Many thanks to everyone who has kept it going for the last 10 years, and best wishes for the next 10+!


24 Sep 06 - 06:59 PM (#1842402)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Ron Davies

Congratulations to Max--and everybody else who helps Mudcat run smoothly. Even if we may not always show it, I'm sure we really do appreciate it.

24 Sep 06 - 07:03 PM (#1842406)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Bugsy

HAPPY 10th!! and thanks to Max and all you guys who work so hard on this website.

I REALLY MISS Mudcat Radio though.



24 Sep 06 - 07:29 PM (#1842432)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Peter Kasin

Thank you Max, Joe, Dick and Susan, Pene Azul, Big Mick & the Joe Clones, and all others who are or have been associated with creating and keeping Mudcat going! Happy birthday.


24 Sep 06 - 08:09 PM (#1842469)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: McGrath of Harlow

There is a Thread 1 and even a Thread 2 - but for some reason, thread 004 is the oldest and first.

I like that.

The Golden Age for most things always seems to be just before we got there, at the same. And subsequently it turns out to be just after we got there.

I think the Mudcat is some kind of a miracle. Hangs on and somehow regains its balance every time it looks like its going over the edge. If we ever lose it, how we'll miss it. But that won't happen. Roll the old chariot along.

24 Sep 06 - 08:24 PM (#1842483)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Chip2447

My first post as a registered catter was early in 2001, with at least a couple of years as a guest lurker who rarely read the threads and used the DT to find lyrics of songs that I had heard at a Renfest. Before that I can remember dropping in a few times a year as I went through my list of bookmarks. All in all I'd guess that I've been around here in one form or another since mid 1997 or so.

Happy Bday Mudcat,
Thanx Max...

24 Sep 06 - 08:57 PM (#1842507)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Ebbie

I knew that, Azizi. Saggies, you know. :)

24 Sep 06 - 09:03 PM (#1842509)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Azizi



24 Sep 06 - 09:54 PM (#1842534)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Ebbie

I've spent the best part of two hours browsing over the FlickR photos. What fun the Getaway is! Next year, for sure...

24 Sep 06 - 11:36 PM (#1842587)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: katlaughing

Bugsy, we miss YOU on Mudcat Radio!!!

25 Sep 06 - 12:04 AM (#1842595)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

What a sad, sad, day when

The DeltaBlues

sunk into the fetid cat muck.

How I miss exchanging 3.5 floppies and DOS 3.0. and a world before the nattering neighbobs of negativism began foisting their anal-gasous-exhaust or wicked-wiccan-ways, upon simple, common, folk.


25 Sep 06 - 12:47 AM (#1842609)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: GutBucketeer

Damn how time flies!

I first found the Digital Tradition when Xerox was hosting it. Then it disapeared. Then Max generously decided to host it.

I lurked for awhile. The earliest post I can find that I made was from March 31 1998.

Still its been a long journey with more to come.

Happy Birthday to the MUDCAT!


25 Sep 06 - 12:47 AM (#1842610)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: catspaw49

Garg, you have improved some over the years! You got foisting which surprised me but sadly blew nabob which is an easy one as well as gaseous. Also, the old verve is gone when you post like that without wishing one of us an early demise. Glad to see you anyway..........


25 Sep 06 - 08:27 AM (#1842775)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Snuffy

Nice guys don't come foist. And we'll leave it to you to gasous.

25 Sep 06 - 11:57 AM (#1842934)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Mooh

I started as a casual observer, snooping about looking for lyrics. I'm pretty sure it was my dear departed mother who alerted me to the wonderful wide world of Mudcat. Been a member for maybe 7 years. Made new friends, found old friends, learned, laughed, consoled and been consoled, and been enlightened.

Nice place to visit and I WOULD like to live here.

Happy birthday Mudcat!

Peace, Love, & Understanding,


25 Sep 06 - 01:25 PM (#1843010)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: gnu

Thanks... to everyone from Max through to GUEST. This place is a true treasure.

25 Sep 06 - 01:27 PM (#1843011)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: jacqui.c

Happy birthday Mudcat and thanks for all you have given me.

25 Sep 06 - 02:04 PM (#1843034)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Wesley S

I surfed in looking for lyrics just like a lot of other folks. I'm pretty sure it was in the fall of 1999. It's been a good place for me and I appreciate the friends I've made here even though I've only met 5 or 6 of them in person. May the Mudcat have many many more productive years.

25 Sep 06 - 02:21 PM (#1843041)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: John MacKenzie

Happy birthday Mudcat, and to keep this thread in the top section, here's Stevie Wonder saying it too!

Happy Birthday

You know it doesn't make much sense
There ought to be a law against
Anyone who takes offense
At a day in your celebration
'Cause we all know in our minds
That there ought to be a time
That we can set aside
To show just how much we love you
And I'm sure you will agree
It couldn't fit more perfectly
Than to have a world party on the day you came to be

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday

I just never understood
How a man who died for good
Could not have a day that would
Be set aside for his recognition
Because it should never be
Just because some cannot see
The dream as clear as he
That they should make it become an illusion
And we all know everything
That he stood for time will bring
For in peace our hearts will sing
Thanks to Martin Luther King

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday

Why has there never been a holiday
Where peace is celebrated
all throughout the world

The time is overdue
For people like me and you
You know the way to truth
Is love and unity to all God's children
It should be a great event
And the whole day should be spent
In full remembrance
Of those who lived and died for the oneness of
all people
So let us all begin
We know that love can win
Let it out don't hold it in
Sing it loud as you can

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday

(Background Stevie)
Happy birthday Ooh yeah
Happy birthday,
To you

We know the key to unity of all
Is in the dream that you had so
Long ago
That lives in all of the hearts
Of people
That believe in unity
We'll make the dream become
A reality
I know we will
Because our hearts tell us so

Heres to the next 10, may we all live to see it.


25 Sep 06 - 02:24 PM (#1843045)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: John MacKenzie

Not forgetting this great variation on the theme. Happy Birthday


25 Sep 06 - 02:31 PM (#1843052)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: John MacKenzie

Oh before I forget, here it is in Portuguese.

Parabéns a você
Nesta data querida
Muitas felicidades
Muitos anos de vida!

Tenha tudo do bom
Do que a vida contém
Tenha muita saúde
E amigos também

Hoje é dia de festa
Cantam as nossas almas
Para o menino(a) "filipe"
Uma salva de palmas!


25 Sep 06 - 02:36 PM (#1843057)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Big Mick

Happy Birthday Mudcat, and thanks for giving us jacqui c.


25 Sep 06 - 03:25 PM (#1843094)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: jeffp

I've been here at least since December 1999 and have gotten an amazing amount of information, entertainment and support from these fine people.

Thanks Max and minions!


25 Sep 06 - 04:23 PM (#1843128)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: terrier

I've just checked, my first post was 27th June, 2006, trying to find the tune for a song. Although I don't post a lot, I regularly look in to Madcat (oops sorry...MUDCAT). Over the last few months, I've gradualy started to find my way around the site and find the Catter banter too readable and entertaining to switch off, thereby robbing me of a lot of nights sleep.
I sincerely hope that fate doesn't deal any foul blows to this fantastic site and that it continues for a long time yet.
BTW... in dog years MUDCAT is around seventy years old!!!!


Terrier (woof woof wag wag)

25 Sep 06 - 04:48 PM (#1843148)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday

Is it an American custom to celebrate birthdays six days early ?

25 Sep 06 - 05:07 PM (#1843165)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: John MacKenzie

Well curmudgeonly Guest, birthdays in Mudcatland last for a lot longer than one day. I try to make mine last at least a week ☺
Giok ☻

25 Sep 06 - 05:16 PM (#1843172)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday

Yes, but wouldn't they last just as long if the thread were started on the actual birthday ?

Just seems a trifle bizarre to start it a week early...

25 Sep 06 - 05:29 PM (#1843184)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: John MacKenzie

A good point, but it's better than missing alltogether don't you think


25 Sep 06 - 05:41 PM (#1843193)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday

I don't think there was ever the remotest chance of the birthday being missed, Giok.

I am sure there were plenty eager Mudcatters just itching to be the first to do the honours...

25 Sep 06 - 06:24 PM (#1843222)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: John MacKenzie

Salient point!

25 Sep 06 - 07:44 PM (#1843275)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Bill D

such amazing nitpicking! *I* started the thread, saying that Mudcat WILL be 10 in a week, and that "I just thought it might be good to have a thread this week leading up to Oct.1...for memories?" why some troll who can't be a member, or admit to being a member, would need to kibitz over the TIMING of the thread is beyond me....but that sort of badgering is one of the 'changes' we have come to expect in the last few years. We are pretty well known now, so we have lots of detractors...the price of fame, I guess. *grin*

But here we are...and most of our open members are still glad we're here and are having a good time. Sorry about the 'rest' of you .....hmmmm, no, actually, I'm not....

25 Sep 06 - 07:48 PM (#1843277)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: John O'L

Celebrations are always more enthusiastic and enjoyable leading up to the occasion than after it's over.

Happy Birthday from me and The Arrogant Worms

25 Sep 06 - 08:31 PM (#1843296)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: dick greenhaus

When does Mudcat get to open the presents?

25 Sep 06 - 09:07 PM (#1843306)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: McGrath of Harlow

Any parties planned?

25 Sep 06 - 11:23 PM (#1843383)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: momnopp

October 10, 1999 was my first post, though I claim to have been lurking for about a year by then.

M U D C A T    R O C K S

Happy Birthday to us.

Loveya, Max!

Thank you clones and elves and pixies and bears, oh, my!



26 Sep 06 - 05:42 AM (#1843511)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Crystal

Go Mudcat!!!!

26 Sep 06 - 06:48 AM (#1843536)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I joined in Feb 2004, after three years lurking and using the DT. My first PM was from the late, and sorely missed, Dave Bryant, asking me to post on the "Mudcat Recovery Ward" thread, a song that Clive Lever and myself ("Sic Transit") sing. Somehow I didn't get round to doing so, but, on Mudcat reaching ten years of age, the song seems somehow to fit rather well with its history of survival through all kinds of trials and tribulations, so here it is.

"HYPOCHONDRIA" Words and music by Clive Lever.

I'm the coward of the county of dementia,
And the trouble started back when I was nine,
Got yellow jaundice, scarlet fever, and green sickness,
Which confused the hell out of me, I'm colour blind.

CH. I've got measles, mumps, and meningitis,
    Hepati, hepati, hepatitis,
    Impotence, impetigo, I've got the lot,
    I'm a personal friend of Bruce E Losis,
    Yellow Jack Jaundice, and Hal I Tosis,
    But hypochond-ri-ay I sure ain't got.

In a rose garden in a good year for neuroses,
I got sleepin' sickness from a blanket on the ground,
I got more than Asian flu, when I slept with a boy named Sue,
On the day Rubella took her love to town.


I've got Alopecia, jaunty alopecia,
Nearly had my doctor tearing out his hair,
And he told me I've got phobaphobaphobia,
Which means I'm scared of gittin' scared of gittin' scared.


(starting very slow then accelerating)
I've got Delhi belly, beri-beri, dysentery, pulmonary embolism, and I've got a whole darn list of 'em,
Long enough to reach to the home of the Hong Kong flu,
I don't pretend I'm sick, I wouldn't pull that kind of trick,
But I know darn well I'm ill and so do you.

'cos I've got measles, mumps, and meningitis,
    Hepati, hepati, hepatitis,
    Impotence, impetigo, I've got the lot,
    I'm a personal friend of Bruce E Losis,
    Yellow Jack Jaundice, and Hal I Tosis,
    But hypochond-ri-ay I sure ain't got.

    No, no, no, hypochond-ri-ay I sure ain't got,

    I tell ya hypochond-ri-ayee yodelayee yodelayee yodelay-ee dee (cough, cough) I sure ain't got.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUDCAT, and many more to follow
Don(Wyziwyg)T and Wildrover

26 Sep 06 - 09:27 AM (#1843632)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

And that should remove certain objections to this thread being above the line.

Don T.

26 Sep 06 - 09:43 AM (#1843639)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: The Shambles

And that should remove certain objections to this thread being above the line.

I am not sure that there have been any.

The point was only made - that somewhat surprisingly - it did remain and that there had not been any objections made (yet) in this thread about this non-music thread still remaining above the line.

And the wish that this was heralding a more open and common sense approach to such things - for the next ten years on our forum.

26 Sep 06 - 11:51 AM (#1843739)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Llanfair

Is it really 10 years? I can honestly say that Mudcat helped me to rearrange the priorities in my life, and I will always be grateful for that. I only pop in now and then to see what's going on, these days, but should contribute more!!

For those who don't know, I organised the first two UK gatherings here in Wales, and then it all went european!!!

It's an important milestone for a site that has been running on expertise, a wing and a prayer, and here's to the next ten years.

Blessings, Bron.

26 Sep 06 - 01:54 PM (#1843881)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Barry Finn

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUDCAT & my thanks to Dick, Susan, Max, Dennis & all the other elfs & clones, my heroes.

Yes, time does flies when you're having fun. I just checked my 1st post was 12 feb of 97, I think I had been lurking about a month at that point. I had just fallen off a roof while working & broke both feet & the family was in terror, fear of being around me in housed 24/7. So it was decieded for their health that I needed a 1st computer. It saved them, I found mudcat while doing song researchs. Since then I've met many who I would've never come across otherwise, been to a lot of music gatherings where I otherwise would've never heard about or bothered with. I also found more of the histories & backgrounds to the songs I knew & didn't know & to songs I found here. Best of all though, was in meeting the posters for the 1st time & my 1st Getaway where there was, what I thought, a mass meeting of mudcatters, which really has turned into a great gathering of mudcatters & the Washington - Baltimore area folkies +, who most of us wouldn't have met if they hadn't have hosted us.


26 Sep 06 - 04:47 PM (#1844026)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Gervase

As another '99er, I wish I'd come across the forum earlier when I first started my shameless plagiarism of the lyrics from the Xerox site.
Anyway, happy birthday, and let's hope the awkward adolescent years will soon be put behind us...

28 Sep 06 - 09:15 AM (#1844958)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: JennyO

So Mudcat is another Libra. No wonder we get along so well! So from one birthday girl (c'mon, she HAS to be a female!) to another -


28 Sep 06 - 04:33 PM (#1845340)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Rapparee

I first saw mudcat about 1953, I think it was. Caught one on a worm below the dam on the Mississippi. Ugly critter, lemme tell...oh. The Mudcat Cafe!!

If you would like to relive the drivel that I have posted over the years, please feel free to do so. If you don't want to -- and I wouldn't blame you one whit if you didn't -- feel free to contemplate this good-lookin' fella.

28 Sep 06 - 04:40 PM (#1845347)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday

OK, I am outvoted.

(Just go with the flow).


And while I am about it, may I take this opportunity to wish everybody a peaceful Thanksgiving, and a Merry Christmas, and hey, let's all enjoy a HAPPY NEW YEAR as well

28 Sep 06 - 07:47 PM (#1845544)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: John O'L

(c'mon, she HAS to be a female!)

Of course she is! That wait, I can't say that on a female forum.

28 Sep 06 - 11:17 PM (#1845644)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: JennyO

You don't have to, John O'L - I'm already thinking it ;-)

28 Sep 06 - 11:30 PM (#1845654)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Amos

It just IS, ok?????!!!!!???


28 Sep 06 - 11:44 PM (#1845662)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: JennyO

So all those 503 errors were just Mudcat with a bad case of PMT........

29 Sep 06 - 12:14 AM (#1845671)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: John O'L

Ah, Jenny Jenny Jenny, you just had to, didn't you?

29 Sep 06 - 12:28 AM (#1845675)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: JennyO

*big grin*

29 Sep 06 - 02:33 AM (#1845705)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Rowan

Mudcat's tenth birthday!
Happy birthday to you all!
Here's to many more!

Cheers, Rowan

29 Sep 06 - 02:24 PM (#1846196)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: gnu

Sham... "And the wish that this was heralding a more open and common sense approach to such things - for the next ten years on our forum."

I would like to thank and congratulate Max for ten years of just such open (mindedness) and common sense. The tolerence and dedication that this man has shown for free speech is true wisdom. It is something we all should strive for and support.

My hat is off to you Max. Ten years of allowing this forum to become itself, at personal, and financial sacrifice... true wisdom from such a young man... we should all learn this lesson.

Of course, as I stated previously, thanks to all those who make this site a success... even the trolls.

29 Sep 06 - 02:36 PM (#1846208)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Bill D

503s prevent us from sharing music....therefore, they are examples of PMS
Pre-Minstrel Syndrome

29 Sep 06 - 03:44 PM (#1846266)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: bradfordian

My first post as a member was March 2001, but I'd been extracting songs from the DT as a non-member for a couple of years before that. Joined up because I suddenly felt guilty about taking out, so I hoped I could put something back. Don't know if I've succeeded in that aim.
The highlight for me has been the ability to meet Mudcatters in the UK and in the USA (for which I am especially grateful) and you just cannot wish to meet a better bunch of people.
Thanks not only to Max, but the whole bunch of guys who put in the effort to keep this site going; and guys lets not forget to do our bit with a few donations here & there.
Well done guys & Happy Birthday

29 Sep 06 - 08:04 PM (#1846433)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Dave Swan

Yep, thanks Max and clones and elves and contributors. Many Happy Returns of the Day to the 'cat. I think I wandered in about 1999, and it's been good.

30 Sep 06 - 05:45 PM (#1847147)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Linda Goodman Zebooker

BillD Thanks for alerting us to this momentous occasion. And I like WYSIWYG's idea about a birthday gift. Spent many a happy hour here - and it's a trusted resource.

01 Oct 06 - 12:00 AM (#1847326)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Joe Offer

So, Max's first message was at 12:00 AM on 1 October 1996. I wonder how close I can get this one to 12:00 AM on 1 October 2006.


01 Oct 06 - 12:01 AM (#1847328)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Joe Offer


Happy Birthday, Mudcat!!!

01 Oct 06 - 12:20 AM (#1847332)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: CapriUni

Just Happ?

Okay, then. I'll add the
y Bir

01 Oct 06 - 12:24 AM (#1847334)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Birthday
From: Joe Offer

It says "Happy Birthday, Mudcat!" on my Firefox browser, CapriUni. Maybe "Marquee" doesn't work on yours.
(post #98)

01 Oct 06 - 12:43 AM (#1847337)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: CapriUni

Usually, Marquee works just fine on my browser (IE ... I know, I know. But it's what came preinstalled on this machine), but maybe IE's marquee and firefox's marquee don't quite speak the same dialect?

Anyway, I just clicked on my own screen name, to see how long I've been here, and the earliest hit that came back was August 18, 2004. And I know I've been here longer than that; on my personal page, my earliest archived PM (explaining how to search for threads, from CarolC) was dated August 17, 2001. So that's probably around the time I started posting as a member (just over half of Mudcat's lifespan). And I was using the DT here for a couple of years before that.

Does this make me one of Mudcat's (young) oldtimers?

01 Oct 06 - 12:52 AM (#1847339)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Nice posting J.O. - within the box and all.

FIREFOX - can be configured into virtually any key or discorded harmony immaginable!

What a delightful browser, for those inclined to explore, reminds me of the early DT.


01 Oct 06 - 02:28 AM (#1847349)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: chrisgl

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(based on a picture by 'snd')

chris :-)

01 Oct 06 - 01:38 PM (#1847626)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: fat B****rd

Happy Birthday, Mudcat and much gratitude to all who keep her going.

01 Oct 06 - 02:00 PM (#1847635)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: CapriUni

Chris, that's great!

Now all we have to do is imagine it big enough for every Mudcatter to get a slice.

And how big would that oven have to be?!

01 Oct 06 - 02:25 PM (#1847661)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Azizi

Reading over this thread, I realize that the astrological placements that I had previously posted for Mudcat's birthday are wrong.
I don't know what year/month/day I was looking up.
For anyone who's interested, here are the astrological placements for October 1, 1996 [Source- Neil F. Michelsen "The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century, revised 5th edition"]

Sun-Libra 8
Moon-Taurus 27 {as of 0 hr}
Mercury-Virgo 20
Venus-Leo 26
Mars-Leo 13
Jupiter-9 Capricorn
Saturn-Aries 3 retrograde
Uranus-Aquarius 0 retrograde
Neptune-Capricorn 24 retrograde
Pluto-Sagittarius 1
North Node-7 Taurus retrograde


Happy Birthday, Mudcat!

01 Oct 06 - 02:28 PM (#1847666)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Bill D

Hooray! We made it! Thanks for the banner, Joe...and for the cake chrisg

(Joe is right on these things....he got the 1 millionth post a couple years ago. Now we are heading rapidly towards 2,000,000!.....)

but, I do think..*gasp*...that my title has been **EDITED** without asking my permission first! Perhaps this could be seen as an example of the Chief of the Current Mudcat Editorial Team imposing his will on a poor, defenseless memeber without.....*giggle*...permission, and could possibly...*grin* lead to *chuckle*...even more...*snerk*...abuses of our forum by.......*hee, hee, hee*...those who........*snort*..............ROTFL.....

...*wiping my eyes*....

What WOULD a birthday be without some topical humor?

but, seriously folks, I am privileged to have been here for this occasion, and in a couple of weeks, I'll reach the anniversary of my first post. With any luck, both I and Mudcat will still be around when it becomes 21.

    I have met personally a couple of hundred of you, and perhaps I will get to the UK and Europe and meet even more for music, gossip and ideas.

Thanks to everyone for helping make this place a great experience.....and thanks to Max, Joe, Jeff, Dick G., Susan of DT,...and all the others who keep the ol' wheels greased.

01 Oct 06 - 03:06 PM (#1847700)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Stilly River Sage

Many Happy returns, Mudcat!

01 Oct 06 - 03:15 PM (#1847703)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Cllr

Happy birthday Cllr

01 Oct 06 - 05:31 PM (#1847788)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Andy Jackson

Well done and thanks to all at Mudcat. Such a diverse bunch of people with all the characteristics of the family we really are

01 Oct 06 - 07:31 PM (#1847879)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: katlaughing

BillD, if you do any toastng, be sure to include the puir hamsters, will yew? I know they've been put out to pasture, but they were here with you from the start, so I think they deserve a little celebration, too!**big grin**

01 Oct 06 - 07:59 PM (#1847893)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Bill D

(they have a little wheel beside the computer, where they look on in amazement and thank the hamster gods they don't have to make the thing run at cable modem speeds!)

01 Oct 06 - 08:45 PM (#1847920)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: freda underhill

Happy birthday Cllr - on such an auspicious day! and I think this is the eleventy oneth post on this thread (just like Bilbo had an elenty onth birthday!)

Bill, hope you're over your pre minstrel tension - when's the music starting?

Thank you Max and all the wonderful people that are Mudcat!

best wishes


01 Oct 06 - 09:25 PM (#1847933)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: jacqui.c

Looking at the natal chart - heavy on earth and fire - no water signs at all and just a little air.

02 Oct 06 - 01:01 AM (#1847991)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: dick greenhaus

Jacqui- Sounds more like a marine forecast.

02 Oct 06 - 01:59 AM (#1848000)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: GUEST,Fossil in NZ

Well I started 'cattin' seven years ago. In between then and now have happended a few things, principally the Mudgathering Euope in Brussels 2002,plus a move all the way round the world, lifetime stuff of not much interest to anyone else. plus I'm working my way into the partial capo. Have bought and sold a few guitars, and always there's been the 'cat. To amuse, entertain, to irritate and to enjoy.

Max and all the many clones and especially to Joe Offer, a toast?wish, old, ancient blessing:-

"May the road rise to meet your feet,
May the wind be always at your back,
And my the Lord hold you in the hollow of his hand"

Keep going, my friends....

02 Oct 06 - 02:32 AM (#1848013)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Helen

I had been lurking for a little while before posting a request for the name of a song on May 27 1997. The reply was prompt and helpful, and above all friendly.

At the time I was very lonely and isolated, working in a job that meant travelling around the state and visiting organisations for a period of time and then never seeing those people again. I was working long, hard hours as well as studying in the evenings, and I couldn't go to the Tuesday night sessions that I had attended for 10 years since their inception, so Mudcat quickly became my lifeline to a constant social community based on mutual interests. My finances and my jobs since then have been in total chaos, but I am happy to say that now, finally, I am in a position to start donating to Mudcat. Every time I thought I was in a position to donate the financial walls came tumbling down again. I owe Mudcat, big time, and I intend to pay my dues.

Thanks heaps to Max, and everyone who has kept Mudcat going, and to this wonderful community. I have met only a handful of Mudcatters in the real world, but this community transcends the real world, as far as social contact goes. In my opinion.

Happy birthday, Mudcat.


02 Oct 06 - 11:03 AM (#1848297)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Cruiser

Nice post Helen and a good reminder to donate to Mudcat today.

02 Oct 06 - 11:23 AM (#1848315)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: jacqui.c

There's a shawl in the auction - all proceeds to Mudcat funds......

02 Oct 06 - 01:51 PM (#1848468)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Helen

I've been thinking about my stand-out memories of Mudcat and the first thoughts which come to mind are:

Me in 1997, sitting one lunchtime on one of the monthly team meeting days i.e. the only times our work team saw each other from month to month, and dialing up Mudcat to check in, have a giggle, see what info requests were there, and just get some social contact.

The women's song circle thread, and especially the wonderful Shula.

The amazing rallying round which occurred when catspaw scared us all silly with his medical "adventures".

When I met my first Mudcatters in real life: alison, Alan of Australia, Spider Tom and Bob Bolton at the 1999 or 2000 St Alban's Festival.

And the total, gut wrenching shock of reading of the passing of a great Mudcatter, Rick Fielding and others like Little John Cameron, and Animaterra's partner and Dave Bryant.

Mudcat has been an integral part of my life for nearly 10 years. Long live Mudcat!


02 Oct 06 - 02:31 PM (#1848496)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: karen k

Happy Birthday Mudcat. Long may you live. Thanks so much Max. You are awesome. Sorry to have missed the actual day but I was away in Maine. Here's to the next 10.

karen kobela

02 Oct 06 - 02:56 PM (#1848522)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Cruiser

I know making donations is a personal choice and not everyone can do so. I don't donate much, but if we all gave some it might help upgrade hardware and software and perhaps get some work done on updating the DigiTrad.

The link below is to the PayPal link and is an easy way to donate. There are other ways to pay if you do not have PayPal or prefer not to use it.

This link is just above the snail-mail address for Mudcat about 2/3s the way down the page.

Donating to The Mudcat Cafe


02 Oct 06 - 09:44 PM (#1848880)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: JennieG

Happy Birthday to Mudcat! And because Mudcat is made up of us all---Happy Birthday to all of us! (and so say all of us.......)

I joined Mudcat (at Bob Bolton's urging) early in 2000 and it has been great since then. Have met Catters in Oz, Canada and Alaska - to meet a Catter is to meet an instant friend.


03 Oct 06 - 06:48 PM (#1849646)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Claymore

I was first introduced to the Mudcat by CarolC, who was neighbor of mine, and first came on as a Guest in 98 as Carols Friend Don. She had some differences with the way I expressed my views, and later for several years I was GUEST: Claymore, due to the policies at one Federal agency where I worked. Later, I became a member although I have not posted for the past couple of months due to several reasons:

1. I realized that for all the flame I was sending or receiving, it was changing no-ones minds, and was creating bad feelings amongst folks I would later meet at the Getaways and turn out to really like. An example was when I had a heart attack and one of my first visitors was Bobbert, with whom I had carried a spirited reposte.

2. Life is what happens when you're making plans, and I have a daughter back in my life who I had last seen when she was 4. She found me by Google and some posts on the Mudcat where I had mentioned the Cultural Hub of the Known Universe, Shepherdstown WV. From there it was to a phone book where I have always left my name and number public, just knowing she would try to find me as soon as she become 18. She did great in her first year of college, but decided that now is the time to ride for USET (United States Equestrian Team) and is sponsored by a big farm in Middleburg, VA, the center of English style riding in the US.

3. At the same time I am now playing with Sam Rizzetta (founder of Trapazoid) and Maddie McNeil ( both whom I consider to be the God and Goddess of the Hammered Dulcimer and Lap Dulcimer) and in company I never thought I would end up in. This was after a journey that started in 58 playing to KT , PPM, the Weavers and Bud and Travis, and ended up as the only Marine Lt. in Vietnam with an autoharp.

4. I'll be sixty in two weeks, and never planned to live that long.

All in all the Mudcat has been good to me, although I never did get the answer to the first question I asked on the Mudcat; did anybody know where I could find the words and music to the song, " One Quick Martini". I finally ran across it a couple of months ago; it was the same as I remembered it, and that's another story.

Grateful Thanks to a group of people who set about with good intentions and well-executed plans, and provided their community with an invaluble and dedicated service. Were it to fall apart tomorrow, you would be remembered for many years...

03 Oct 06 - 07:51 PM (#1849701)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Col K

Happy Birthday Mudcat.

Many many thanks to Max and all his helpers over the years. Long may he and they continue.

All the Best to everyone

Col K

04 Oct 06 - 03:25 AM (#1849856)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: Sandra in Sydney

Where would I be without Mudcat? I'm another who was introduced by Bob Bolton, around 2000, & I've looked in almost every night since (apart from interruptions like last week's holiday!) Mudcat is my homepage & a very important part of my life.

I've met some great people, in person & on line, & expect to sort out my photos in the next few weeks & send pics of Mudcatters in Sydney & Canberra to Mudcat (one day, soonish, maybe)

Happy Birthdya, Mudcat & Mudcatters! And many thankyous to Max for creating this wonderful site & Joe & Jeff & clones for maintaining it, and to all who contribute their knowledge.


05 Oct 06 - 01:28 AM (#1850735)
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Tenth Birthday (October 1, 2006)
From: alison

good grief have I really been here 10 years? wow...... I must have been one of the first non US members

nice to meet all of you - sorry to those with whom I have lost touch, the friendships are still treasured.

lovely to see you again Bugsy

many happy memories of mucat radio (with a roomful of catters providing commentary on ICQ), hearme, paltalk...

and endless non fattening cheesecake at Shula's parties.

happy birthday us

