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BS: i have a life...

26 Sep 06 - 03:24 PM (#1843959)
Subject: BS: i have a life...
From: tarheel

i, for one, do not understand what the big deal is about a thread that reads...will this thread reach 2 billion post?
think about a billion...
one billion seconds ago, it was 1959!
one billion minutes ago,Jesus was still here on Earth!
one billion hours ago, our ancestors were walking on all fours here on earth!
so...what is the big deal here...
at least 2 or 3 threads here are asking those questions...
if that's all the information and discussions going on here,then count me out!
i have more important things to do and talk about!
i have a life !

26 Sep 06 - 03:27 PM (#1843962)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Megan L

Do you :)

26 Sep 06 - 03:49 PM (#1843983)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: jeffp

Bye then!

26 Sep 06 - 05:14 PM (#1844034)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Big Al Whittle

yeh but if a million of us wrote two short threads simultaneously - we could do that in two seconds.

yeh you're a right, I'll get a life - where did you get yours?

26 Sep 06 - 06:19 PM (#1844072)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Rapparee

I had one but I had to sell it to pay for my mother's wooden leg.

26 Sep 06 - 09:09 PM (#1844156)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Ebbie

Did you get the wooden leg special, Rap? The one hollowed out for a bottle? :)

26 Sep 06 - 11:21 PM (#1844190)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Rapparee

No, we got the cheap one made from a 2x4. We spent most of our money on the rent for her iron lung

27 Sep 06 - 01:34 PM (#1844212)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: MMario

a billion seconds ago it was 1975, not 1959.

a billion minutes ago it was 1136 AD-- and to the best of my knowledge NO one claims Christ lived during that time.

a billion hours ago there were already discernable political systems in china; carving was common, rope making, knot tying etc.

27 Sep 06 - 01:51 PM (#1844239)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Midchuck

If tarheel is in the UK and MMario in the USA, you're probably both right.

A british billion is, I understand, a million millions. A US (and French!) billion is a thousand millions.


27 Sep 06 - 01:53 PM (#1844241)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: tarheel

thank you ,peter...
i was right!

27 Sep 06 - 01:55 PM (#1844244)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: MMario

under the other system --

a billion seconds ago would be 1696

a billion minutes ago would be 16,594 BC

a billion hours ago would be over 1 million BC

27 Sep 06 - 02:02 PM (#1844253)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Big Al Whittle

have you found a way to transform these insights into a source of wealth?

otherwise I fear, this knowledge may actually be without a use: devoid of function; without practical application for our species - try telling the parrots.

For they are well known for feasting on titbits of random information, and occasionally they repeat the more emotive phrases, in the hope of striking up a conversation.

27 Sep 06 - 02:03 PM (#1844254)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: MMario

just the sort of stuff you would expect to find in a BS: thread, right? right!

27 Sep 06 - 02:05 PM (#1844258)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Little Hawk

Has anyone found a way to transform wealth into a source of great insight?

27 Sep 06 - 02:06 PM (#1844259)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: MMario

bribe a mystic

27 Sep 06 - 02:08 PM (#1844262)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: jeffp

I'm sure he found them somewhere and, as usual, swallowed them whole.

27 Sep 06 - 02:21 PM (#1844281)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Ebbie

I understand, Rapaire. Was your family as poor as ours? We were so poor we couldn't afford a dog- we had to do the barking ourselves.

(I couldn't afford that joke so I stole it from someone else)

27 Sep 06 - 02:35 PM (#1844299)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Amos

Hell, buy a mystic. Buy two!! Cheap at half the price.


27 Sep 06 - 03:42 PM (#1844364)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Rapparee

We couldn't afford a dog either. So we painted our little brother black, told everyone he was a Labrador Retriever, and took him for walks and taught him to fetch. Naturally he had to live out in the doghouse, and he was in the Air Force before he knew what a fire hydrant was REALLY for.

27 Sep 06 - 03:47 PM (#1844368)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Prodigal Son

Lived in a doghouse did he? He was lucky....

27 Sep 06 - 03:48 PM (#1844369)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

We were so poor that on Christmas Day, if you didn't wake up with a hard-on, you had noting to play with for the whole X-mas season.

27 Sep 06 - 03:54 PM (#1844376)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Rapparee

It wasn't a very good doghouse. In fact, it was a cardboard box that was all torn and ripped. A neighbor gave it to us so my little brother wouldn't have to sleep out in the snow. Of course, we took it away during the summer and our family lived in it.

27 Sep 06 - 03:58 PM (#1844381)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

"We were so poor on the farm that once when I threw an old soup bone to our dogs, one of them signaled for a fair catch."

27 Sep 06 - 04:02 PM (#1844389)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Prodigal Son

Lived in a cardboard box eh? You were lucky.

27 Sep 06 - 04:13 PM (#1844403)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Megan L

Ye call that poor jings mon we wir that poor when faither shot a haggis it hid tae last us till the next hirin fair

27 Sep 06 - 04:58 PM (#1844453)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...


27 Sep 06 - 05:14 PM (#1844460)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: catspaw49

We were so poor that we couldn't even afford a paper kite as a toy.   My old man used to rent one for us occasionally from the Kites For Hire guy. I have a picture of him downtown with the kite guy standing in front of Grasselli's Bar and Grill.......He was hirin' a kite.

I'll be leaving now.


27 Sep 06 - 05:50 PM (#1844496)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...


28 Sep 06 - 11:02 AM (#1845046)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: tarheel

well, being "silly poor" and really poor, are two different things!
we were always taught that you were only poor,if you choose to be!
at christmas,i got as small brown paper bag with an apple,an orange and a peppermint candy stick! that was it and no more and i thought that i was the only kid on the block to have as much for christmas!!
and many times at the supper table us kids ate a piece of fried fat back,a biscuit and some pinto beans!
it was at that moment in my young life when i first wondered how the poor folks on tne other side of the tracks ,were getting along!

28 Sep 06 - 11:09 AM (#1845055)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: number 6

"silly poor" and "really poor"





28 Sep 06 - 11:40 AM (#1845082)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Paul Burke

Without correcting for exactly when leap years fell, or for the change between Julian and Grgorian calendars, I make the dates January 1975 (1^9 seconds), May 105AD (1^9 minutes), February 112073BC (1^9 hours), about 2.7 million years ago (1^9 days).

One billion inches woould take you round the world at 50 degrees latitude.

A billion is a little under the estimated volume of the world's oceans in cubic kilometres. And if that seems a lot, don't forget that if the world were the size of a soccer ball, all the depth of the ocean would be a few thousands of an inch, it would just seem to have damp patches on the ever-so-smooth surface. Even Everest would be only a thousandth of an inch high.

I must get a life too. Or a file.

28 Sep 06 - 11:42 AM (#1845091)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

"I must get a life too. Or a file."

I understand completely. Decisions, decisions. Live, or do my nails.

28 Sep 06 - 11:46 AM (#1845101)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Kaleea

If we're really gonna be here for awhile, we'd better start singing, ok everybody take the pacifiers out of your mouths,
   and a one & a two & a

   99 bottles of milk on the wall,
   99 bottles of milk------------,
   take one down & pass it around,
   98 bottles of milk on the wall . . . "

28 Sep 06 - 11:52 AM (#1845105)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Paul Burke

Infinity current buns in a bakers shop,
Round and fat with sugar on the top,
Along came a boy with a penny one day,
Bought a current bun and took it right away.

Infinity minus one current buns in a bakers shop,
Round and fat with sugar on the top,
Along came a boy with a penny one day,
Bought a current bun and took it right away.

Infinity minus two current buns in a bakers shop,
Round and fat with sugar on the top,
Along came a boy with a penny one day,
Bought a current bun and took it right away


Infinity minus three hundred and ninety five thousand, one hundred and twenty two current buns in a bakers shop,
Round and fat with sugar on the top,
Along came a boy with a penny one day,
Bought a current bun and took it right away.

Oh go to sleep you little sod.

28 Sep 06 - 12:26 PM (#1845137)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: number 6

"We may be dirt poor, but we're not dirtbags"

...Ron Hynes


28 Sep 06 - 05:39 PM (#1845416)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: GUEST,Ibo


28 Sep 06 - 07:09 PM (#1845498)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Gray D

Erm . . . infinity minus 1 . . . is still infinity.

I'll get me anorak.

Gray D

28 Sep 06 - 07:14 PM (#1845506)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: GUEST,ibo


28 Sep 06 - 07:21 PM (#1845515)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

INFINITY is NOT a verb!

28 Sep 06 - 07:28 PM (#1845528)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: GUEST,ibo

my arse,okay

28 Sep 06 - 10:29 PM (#1845624)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Rapparee

Is it a verb?

28 Sep 06 - 11:02 PM (#1845637)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: JennyO

Hey ibo, your capslock is unstuck! How long is that gonna last?

BTW, did you get a kitchen for your kitchen table yet?

29 Sep 06 - 07:55 AM (#1845861)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: GUEST,lox

Ibo is so poor he has to ration his lower case letters.

And I bet none of you realized how lucky you are!

29 Sep 06 - 09:24 AM (#1845936)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: JennyO

It is indeed a wonderful thing to have the full complement of letters to play with. As long as I don't need too many question marks. There is a shortage of those caused by over-use by a certain fellow poster, who is not anonymous. Not that I am judging his worth or anything - perish the thought!

29 Sep 06 - 11:35 AM (#1846030)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

I hAvE a DiFfErEnT pRoBlEm > . > .

29 Sep 06 - 11:38 AM (#1846034)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

Yes, tarheel, you have a life. However, it's the gray matter that is in question from time to time. Kiss, kiss.

29 Sep 06 - 11:53 AM (#1846046)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: JennyO

GUEST, looks to me like a case of "irritable vowel syndrome".

29 Sep 06 - 09:43 PM (#1846496)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

i AgReE wItH yOu, JeNnY. i WoRkEd FoR mAnY yEaRs In A pIsToN fAcToRy.

29 Sep 06 - 09:46 PM (#1846498)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: bobad

Wherein you were pissed on one too many times.

29 Sep 06 - 09:47 PM (#1846500)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

Have a good joke about that which I will send to you, Bobad.

29 Sep 06 - 11:15 PM (#1846543)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: GUEST,John Huggen (ship's surgeon)

"i AgReE wItH yOu, JeNnY. i WoRkEd FoR mAnY yEaRs In A pIsToN fAcToRy."


Oh my Gawd HAHA snort HAHA HA
That is bloody hilarious. My Gawd!! Ha snort haha

I say let's all have a drink with that.

now, where is that bottle of port. Aha, there it is.

Allow me to pour mine first.

29 Sep 06 - 11:46 PM (#1846559)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

A ship's sturgeon? By jove. Something fishy about that.

29 Sep 06 - 11:51 PM (#1846561)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: GUEST,John Huggen (ship's surgeon)

No my good friend Guest.

I'm the ship's surgeon.

Appointed by the Admiralty.

Here, have a drink. It's the finest of ports.

29 Sep 06 - 11:57 PM (#1846563)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

The finest you say? No, no. The finest of ports must surely be Jacksonville, Florida.

30 Sep 06 - 12:02 AM (#1846565)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: JennyO

A fine port eh? Well you know me - any port in a storm!

So ship's surgeon, are you a virgin surgeon, or would that be vergin' on the ridiculous?

30 Sep 06 - 12:03 AM (#1846566)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

And this is (get ready for it)

the pinest of forts.

30 Sep 06 - 12:14 AM (#1846567)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: GUEST,John Huggen (ship's surgeon)




Ho, by Jove. I apoligize my good friends. How rude of me. I just nodded off.

Now. Where where we.

First of all. I say we have a drink.

30 Sep 06 - 12:19 AM (#1846568)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

A few of these should get us started.

30 Sep 06 - 02:30 AM (#1846600)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: JennyO

A few of these would be better.

30 Sep 06 - 10:19 PM (#1847290)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...

I ate too much horse meat as a kid. Couldn't face anymore.

30 Sep 06 - 11:57 PM (#1847325)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: Little Hawk

Why hasn't Clinton shown up yet to tell Tarheel that, to the contrary, he really doesn't have a life?

01 Oct 06 - 04:18 AM (#1847381)
Subject: RE: BS: i have a life...
From: JennyO

Horse meat? That was the finest port. And that's straight from the horse's mouth!