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BS: A short way with trolls

30 Sep 06 - 08:02 PM (#1847222)
Subject: BS: A short way with trolls
From: McGrath of Harlow

I was looking at the FAQ page on the Daily Kos, which I sometimes visit, and warmly recommend, and came across this passage about how they deal with trolls:

Trolling is a sad reality of internet life. Most trolls tend to be blatant, posting comments or diaries that are clearly intended to provoke an angry response. ...

Instead of writing detailed rebuttals of whatever claims or argument the troll is making, the standard response to a troll diary is to post comments containing recipes for tasty dishes. Plenty of examples can be found in the Troll Diary tag. An entire cookbook of recipes has been collected and is being sold as a fundraiser.

I like that. Perhaps we could try something like that. It'd at least mean that trolls could serve a useful function gastronomically, and even financially.

(Rather disappointingly the link to the Kos cookbook included in that FAQ didn't work.)

30 Sep 06 - 08:11 PM (#1847228)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Little Hawk could post the lyrics to a Dylan song as a standard response.

30 Sep 06 - 08:22 PM (#1847234)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Emma B

as an enthusiastic cook I like the idea of posting recipes - so next time - Trolls stand by your ovens!

30 Sep 06 - 08:54 PM (#1847251)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls

Kill, pluck and gut a chicken. Stuff the body cavities with garlic. Pour a cup of stout over the bird which should then go into a pre-heated oven and roast for about 25 minutes a pound at about 350 degrees. Baste often. When the bird is cooked, remove it from the oven and let it 'set' for about a half hour. Then cut it and serve. Oh, yeah, make other stuff with it. Serve that, too.

30 Sep 06 - 08:58 PM (#1847254)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Emma B

Guest - first catch your Troll!

30 Sep 06 - 09:10 PM (#1847261)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls


30 Sep 06 - 09:37 PM (#1847271)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls

Sign of the times.

30 Sep 06 - 11:22 PM (#1847312)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: ragdall

If trolls are that cute, I think we should keep them. ;)

01 Oct 06 - 12:29 AM (#1847335)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: GUEST,Billy Goat #3

Trolls are mean and ugly.

01 Oct 06 - 01:22 AM (#1847345)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

McGrath of Harlow - excellent advice.

Considering that 98.l8 percent of your postings are an explosive discharge created by an elephant mouth that overloads your hummingbird asshole

Let us start now:

A recipe esteamed by Nero:

500 hummingbirds

Pluck the tongue (if still living release to the wilde)they are ornaments for the garden and will linger several days.

Prepare multiple skillets and lightly roast an ounce of shaved almonds in each.

Saute 50 tongues per twelve inch skillet for 30 seconds in clarrified butter.

Place over a thin bed of balsamic rice over sliced kinchae

Serve immediately - feeds 40. Suggested wines cider, mead, ghwerztramunder.



01 Oct 06 - 09:05 AM (#1847501)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Geoff the Duck

If we post recipes, will we not just be FEEDING the trolls?

Having trouble getting this posting to stick (503 - error)

01 Oct 06 - 09:40 AM (#1847516)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: McGrath of Harlow

Jellied Moose Nose

1 Upper jawbone of a moose
1 Onion; sliced
1 Garlic clove
1 tb Mixed pickling spice
1 ts Salt
1/2 ts Pepper
1/4 c Vinegar

1. Cut the upper jaw bone of the moose just below the eyes.

2. Place in a large kettle of scalding water and boil for 45 minutes.
3. Remove and chill in cold water.

4. Pull out all the hairs - these will have been loosened by the boiling
and should come out easily ( like plucking a duck).

5. Wash thoroughly until no hairs remain.

6. Place the nose in a kettle and cover with fresh water.

7. Add onion, garlic, spices and vinegar

8. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until the meat is tender.
Let cool overnight in the liquid.

9. When cool, take the meat out of the broth, and remove and discard the
bones and the cartilage. You will have two kinds of meat, white meat
from the bulb of the nose, and thin strips of dark meat from along the
bones and jowls.

10. Slice the meat thinly and alternate layers of white and dark meat in a
loaf pan.

11. Reheat the broth to boiling, then pour the broth over the meat in the
loaf pan.

12. Let cool until jelly has set. Slice and serve cold.

(From the "Northern Cookbook" from the Ministry of Indian Affairs, and Northern Development,Ottawa, Canada, 1977)

01 Oct 06 - 11:21 AM (#1847537)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: McGrath of Harlow

I think this recipe could readily be adjusted to make jellied troll nose.

01 Oct 06 - 11:31 AM (#1847541)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls

"Anyone who doubts the power of advertising should remember that 23 million Americans are convinced that yogurt tastes good."

01 Oct 06 - 11:40 AM (#1847548)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: McGrath of Harlow

Yogurt does taste good. That may not apply to the stuff sold under that name in certain parts of the world.

01 Oct 06 - 11:48 AM (#1847555)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls

22,999,999 to go.

01 Oct 06 - 12:41 PM (#1847592)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Emma B

A recipe to use the left-over moose from the Jellied Nose Moose dish above

Feeds one (small) Troll

01 Oct 06 - 12:50 PM (#1847597)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Mr Red


Trolls serve no useful function or useful food................

01 Oct 06 - 02:20 PM (#1847650)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Don Firth

The last time I went trolling, I dragged this piece of bait around the water for a couple of hours and all I caught was 84 pounds of kelp.

Don Firth

01 Oct 06 - 02:27 PM (#1847663)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Emma B

A rich, sweet and nourishing broth

1, 5"-6" piece of Kelp
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium winter squash, cubed (about 1 quart)
1/3 cup parsley, chopped
Miso to taste
Lightly rinse Kelp, check for tiny shells.
In a soup pot, cover kelp with water and simmer 10 minutes.
Remove, cut into small pieces.
Return to pot with the onion and squash, add water to cover.
5. Simmer until squash is soft, 20 -30 minutes, or pressure cook 5-10 minutes.
Puree miso with broth, add to pot. Garnish with parsley.
Suggestion: Omit parsley, add broccoli flowers and /or kale, cook until bright green.

Option: If, for appearance sake, you wish to have no Kelp pieces in the finished soup, do not return the cooked kelp to the pot. Most of the nutrition will remain in the stock

01 Oct 06 - 03:08 PM (#1847701)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Bert

How could you be so cruel?

Don't you realise that the usual suspects would starve if they couldn't have their feeding frenzy every couple of days?


01 Oct 06 - 04:50 PM (#1847763)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls

The thing is, many the trolls on Mudcat are members with names. The fact that they post under a name doesn't change that, Bert.

01 Oct 06 - 05:01 PM (#1847770)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Emma B

recipe for catching those pesky guests?

"Grab Your Wife's.... Pantyhose! I go fishing rain or shine. So I was thinking to myself what stinks real bad (catfish are attracted to smell) so cat poo is really smelly (we all know that) and you take cat poo and mix it with a can of tuna put a little cheese in and put it all in a food processor (make sure you don't use the one you prepare food in) and you mix it all up. Add garlic if necessary and put outside for 2 to 3 hours. Grab some pantyhose out of your wife's drawer and put the mixture in it and cast out in deep water. Once they smell it you better watch out - I caught a 43 pounder so try it!"

01 Oct 06 - 05:38 PM (#1847794)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: frogprince


02 Oct 06 - 04:31 AM (#1848063)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: The Shambles

The only way is of course for posters to be encouraged by example - to simply ignore them.

02 Oct 06 - 06:43 AM (#1848108)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: McGrath of Harlow

02 Oct 06 - 06:57 AM (#1848116)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: skipy


02 Oct 06 - 08:22 AM (#1848158)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Rapparee

Nonsense! Take old cheese (preferably Limburger or some other stinky type), the older the better, and thoroughly squeeze it into and through raw liver (beef, pork, sheep, whatever -- it doesn't matter as long as it's fairly fresh and nicely bloody). When you've worked the cheese it, add a bit of flour to firm it all up somewhat and put it somewhere to age (the best place is under your brother's bed). When the odor is such that your mother opens all the windows and complains about your dead socks, the catfish bait is ready. Mix in a little more flour if you must, and mold treble hoooks into the middle of it.

Fish it on the bottom. Guarenteed to take Big Blues and Muds.

02 Oct 06 - 02:22 PM (#1848488)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: gnu

EB! Love that moose recipe! Might have to alter it a slight bit for the one my buddy got Saturday.... 1200#, 58 inch boards.

02 Oct 06 - 06:02 PM (#1848688)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Tootler

Easy way to deal with trolls.

Hire the three Billy Goats Gruff!

03 Oct 06 - 12:09 AM (#1848945)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: GUEST,irritated

You guys writing recipes all over mudcat
are acting like a bunch of self indulgent wankers with over inflated egos..

it dont stop trolls

and it aint funny or entertaining for other members here either.

Please stop wasting mudcat bandwidth with all this crap
you are congesting threads with.

At the moment you are more sad and irritating than any trolls.

03 Oct 06 - 12:18 AM (#1848951)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: The Fooles Troupe

Soooooo... an irritated anonymous wanker complains about anti-troll tactics on a thread specifically dedicated to pissing off trolls...

.... he MUST be a TROLL! :-)

"and it aint funny or entertaining for other members here either."

Oh, but it is...

03 Oct 06 - 12:29 AM (#1848954)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: GUEST,neither troll nor immature old bloke

no.. it realy aint..

03 Oct 06 - 03:57 AM (#1848996)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: JennyO

Speak for yourself GUEST(S?) I find it very funny and entertaining myself. Irritated trolls are funny too.

Here's one I prepared earlier:


Steam your spiders live, as this is a safe method of both asphyxiating them and keeping them crisp and fresh. You'll want to chop the legs off the larger spiders and quarter them. Prepare a bed of romaine lettuce, parsley, Portobello mushrooms in season (chopped), radishes, and scallions. Toss in approximately 1 cup chopped spiders, much as you would in a seafood salad, then a generous amount of olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, and fresh ground pepper. Bon appetit!

03 Oct 06 - 05:32 AM (#1849056)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: The Shambles

Experts may be able to fight real fires with fire.

It has been clearly shown that no matter how much fun it may seem - fighting online rubbish with rubbish - only buries us all under more rubbish.

There remains only one way - but then you can't be seen to be making any judgements and it just isn't anywhere near so much fun.

The very best judgement is to be seen to completely ignore anything you may judge as attempts to intentionally disrupt, divert and prevent discussion.

03 Oct 06 - 05:35 AM (#1849058)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: The Shambles

Jolly good recipes

03 Oct 06 - 06:00 AM (#1849076)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: JennyO

But Roger, you aren't gonna find these recipes over on that thread. They may be jolly good, but where else on Mudcat will you find a recipe for these?

Frog Croquettes
A whole mess of frogs
1 package of stuffing mix
Several cups of bread crumbs

Slit frogs from butt to chin and remove entrails; wash and pat dry. Mix stuffing mix and bread crumbs with water; stuff frog cavities. Place on platter under broiler for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve on bed of lily pads. Should be eaten like hors d'oeuvres.

A Chablis is most appropriate.

03 Oct 06 - 06:11 AM (#1849088)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: The Shambles

Well should anyone be looking for such recipes - they are most unlikely to look for them on a thread with this title.

03 Oct 06 - 07:32 AM (#1849111)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Geoff the Duck

Years back there was a bloke lived somewhere near Sheffield, England, known as Brian "the Potty Poet". He self published small booklets which he sold for the price of a pint and gave any profits to charity, sending disabled children on trips to Lourdes.
One of Brian's books contained recipes which JennyO would probably approve of.
The only recipe I can recall (as I cannot locate my copy) was for "Chuck Berry Pie".
The recipe went something like-
Make a pie.
Chuck berries in it.
Bake it...


03 Oct 06 - 10:20 AM (#1849221)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: JennyO

Well should anyone be looking for such recipes - they are most unlikely to look for them on a thread with this title.

Ah but Roger, as you know, these little excursions into the unexpected are part of the charm of Mudcat. As you yourself said here:

"Subject: RE: BS: Thread race!
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 24 Sep 06 - 09:35 PM

I would argue that irrelevant cybermadness with no redeeming social value is not the purpose of the Cat.

You may argue this - but others may argue that such arguments are not the purpose of the Cat. They may well be right too:


or here:

"Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 02 Oct 06 - 12:53 PM

Our forum remains a very pleasant place to hang-out and it is pretty obviously still a place to goof off or have a good discussion."

Anyway, if you read the first post to this thread, I think you will find I am right on topic.

03 Oct 06 - 10:38 AM (#1849237)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: GUEST,irritated

But its still irritating for mudcat members who dont share
your little circle of friends 'recipe' for selfishly indulging in your food based sense of humour
in other threads;

which although possibly authored initially by trolls,
do have potential to be developed into interesting deabates
for regular mudcat members.

At worst this particular self-appointed anti-troll campaign
is embarassing lame humour being perpertrated
by embarassing lame 'humourists'.

And anyway, it appears to be an idea that you've all just copied from another forum.

03 Oct 06 - 10:47 AM (#1849243)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Tannywheeler

Emma B, I went to the clicky place you gave for the barbq moose recipe & now you need to answer a question. The recipe specifies "3 two-fours of fine Canadian beer". What's a "two-four"??? As the purpose of the beer is for the nourishment of the one supervising the 9-day(!!!?) cooking of the critter, is it, like,um, a double truckload? Or what? Have met some fine Canadian persons, but this is not a phrase I've heard uttered or explained. Yet.    Tw

03 Oct 06 - 10:58 AM (#1849248)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: bobad

A two-four is a case of 24 brews eh!

03 Oct 06 - 11:14 AM (#1849260)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: JennyO

I see - so that is what is known down-under as a "slab". Do you think a slab of Coopers Sparkling Ale would do at a pinch? I might need several slabs if I decide to try this one for my next dinner party - takes 6 weeks all up:

Elephant Stew
1 Elephant
200 c Water
700 ts Salt
Pepper, to taste
650 (10 oz.) cans brown gravy
2 Rabbits (optional)

Remove tusks; wash well; cut into chunks - takes about 2 weeks.

Place meat in large kettles; season with salt and pepper. Cover with water and gravy. Cook over kerosene fire at 455 degrees for about 4 weeks, or until tender.

This amount should serve 3,800 people; however, if more guests are expected, you may add 2 rabbits the last hour of cooking, but do so only if necessary because most people do not like to find hare in their stew.

03 Oct 06 - 11:22 AM (#1849262)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: bobad

The definition of planning ahead for a Canuck is buying 2 two-fours.

03 Oct 06 - 01:02 PM (#1849355)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: McGrath of Harlow

Just try the recipe technique. It actually seems to work sometimes.

(As for harvesting recipes scattered in this way, the search engine provides exellent ways of doing that.

04 Oct 06 - 12:38 PM (#1850264)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: The Shambles

Hot snot and bogey pie
All mixed-up with a dead dog's eye
Lay it on a bit o bread, nice and thick
And wash it down with a cup of cold sick.

09 Jan 09 - 11:11 AM (#2536067)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Amos

How to Deal With Tricky Posts, by the US Air Force

09 Jan 09 - 11:29 AM (#2536095)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Bill D

Oh, wonderful! Bureaucratic instructions for coping with trolls.

Maybe the idea is that, after you have analyzed all the relevant options and worked out the proper tone, you will have forgotten why you wanted to reply!

09 Jan 09 - 12:53 PM (#2536182)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: PoppaGator

The recipe provided so very long ago for "Jellied Moose Nose" seems not to include any gelatin or pectin, etc. I sat and wondered: How can this be?

The Shambles' post just above (which effectively killed this thread for a couple of years) may have provided the answer in its first line, "Hot snot and bogey pir..."

I suppose you just need to make sure that the moose-nose comes with its own built-in supply of moose-snot. That'll make the final product "set"!

By the way, back in 2006 all this talk of cooking moose would not have inspired any thoughts of a certain Alaskan governor. Not so today!

09 Jan 09 - 01:38 PM (#2536253)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

I think the Mudcatters should take over the US Air Force.

That's a great post Poppa, it's got me laughing insatiably! :0)

09 Jan 09 - 06:19 PM (#2536542)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Rapparee

Moose nose could contain gelatin, as calve's feet do. It could "set up" without any more help.

24 Feb 09 - 03:50 AM (#2574429)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: semi-submersible

Yes, cartilage seems to dissolve into gelatin. The same technique makes other traditional dishes like calf's head jelly. Grandma made excellent head cheese once from some large salmon heads, but only the once because it was so big a job to pick all the tid-bits of meat from the bones. (I've often had salmon juice set up in a pan overnight. I suspect proteins from the skin also contribute.)

24 Feb 09 - 07:16 AM (#2574531)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: bobad

Actually moose nose contains collagen, a connective tissue protein present in animal bones, skin, tendon, cartilage, ligaments etc. The collagen is denatured into gelatin by boiling.

24 Feb 09 - 07:26 AM (#2574536)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls

McGrath of Harlow, the name troll seems to be given to anyone who doesn't agree with you or other members of the "Inner Circle" here. Get a life mate.

24 Feb 09 - 10:42 AM (#2574686)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Ebbie

Mosquito Stew

Recipe is found in 'The Road Less Travelled'. I assure you it is tasty.

24 Feb 09 - 01:54 PM (#2574850)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Don Firth

Seagull or fish duck tend to taste very fishy in a most unpleasant way. But there is a way of getting a meal out of these fowl.

Dig a fire pit and line it with rocks. Build a good roaring fire in the pit. While the rocks are heating, take two medium size seagulls. You don't need to go to the trouble of cleaning the birds or even plucking the feathers for reasons that will become clear shortly.

Coat the birds heavily with thick mud.

When the rocks in the pit are heated practically to the glowing point, clean out the ashes and debris from the fire and place the two mud coated birds in the pit on the rocks. Bury the birds in the pit, then build another fire on top.

Since it will take several hours to cook them properly, it is a good idea to make these preparations the evening before. Once the birds are buried in the pit and the fire on top is well under way, you can then crawl into your tent for a good night's sleep.

In the morning, scrape the fire debris away and dig up the birds. You will note that the fire has turned the mud coating the birds into hard clay.

Crack the clay by slamming the birds on a large rock. Pull the clay away from the birds.

You will note that, as you remove the clay, it takes all the feathers with it (Neat, eh?).

Throw away the clay.

Throw away the birds.

Eat your tent.

Don Firth

P. S.   Garnish with a roll of Tums for GUEST,irritated, and those of similar ilk.

P. P. S. I live not too far from this troll:   CLICKY #1.   A troll in the larval stage:   CLICKY #2.   Everyone who surfs the internet needs this:   CLICKY #3.

24 Feb 09 - 02:04 PM (#2574859)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Amos

3 1/4-pound boneless pork shoulder, also known as…Boston butt!

4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided

2 large onions, chopped

2 large carrots, chunked

1 1/2 cups dried cherries

1/2 cup golden raisins

2 tablespoons sugar

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

2 cups Guwerztraminer

2 cups low-salt chicken broth

5 Sprigs fresh Thyme

Preheat oven to 325°F. Sprinkle pork with salt and pepper. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in heavy large ovenproof pot over medium-high heat. Add pork to pot and cook until browned on all sides, about 13 minutes total. Transfer pork to plate; discard fat in pot. Heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil in same pot over medium heat. Add onions and carrots; sauté until onions are golden, stirring occasionally, about 3 minutes. Add sugar; sauté 30 seconds. Add vinegar; bring mixture to boil and cook until slightly reduced, about 3 minutes. Add broth and wine, thyme, dried fruits, and pork with juices from plate. Bring to boil. Cover pot and transfer to oven. Braise pork 1 hour. Using tongs, turn pork over and continue braising until meat is very tender, about 45 minutes longer. Using slotted spoon, transfer pork to platter; tent with foil.

Remove herb sprigs from pot. Boil cooking liquid over high heat until thickened, about 7 minutes. Season sauce with salt and pepper. Pour over pork and serve.

24 Feb 09 - 02:28 PM (#2574877)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Don Firth

An excellent anytime snack, guaranteed to lift your spirits.

Take two slices of whole wheat or nine-grain bread and toast in toaster or toaster oven.

Coat one slice of toast with a generous portion of peanut butter (chunky or smooth as you prefer, or soy butter makes an interesting substitute, but it has a somewhat milder flavor than peanut butter).

Spread lavish amounts of King Kelly orange marmalade on the other slice of toast. Place the two slices of toast together with the marmalade and the peanut or soy butter sides facing each other.

Eat with merry smile.


Wipe marmalade carefully off shirt front (very sticky, and if you don't get it off immediately, you'll eventually find it dripping from the ceiling).

Don Firth

24 Feb 09 - 04:00 PM (#2574961)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: GUEST,lox

Just thought I'd do a spot of trolling ...

... grrrr ....

... looks like its time for another recipe ...


24 Feb 09 - 04:59 PM (#2575000)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Peace

"Jellied Moose Nose"

Don't know about the jellied part, but the roasted nose is really good.

24 Feb 09 - 05:23 PM (#2575034)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Jeri

I'm trying to get over a 12 day (so far) 'cold' involving copious amounts of snot (not to mention a blocked up ear). You people are making me sick(er).

24 Feb 09 - 06:20 PM (#2575111)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Don Firth

I just thought I'd remind everybody:

The chocolate mousse is an endangered species.

Don Firth

24 Feb 09 - 06:33 PM (#2575132)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Liz the Squeak

Especially in my house... where chocolate of any variety is endangered, if not positively threatened!


24 Feb 09 - 06:48 PM (#2575145)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Peace

Jaysus, Jeri, you still not well?

24 Feb 09 - 06:53 PM (#2575149)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: ClaireBear

I can hardly credit it -- someone besides me has a copy of "The Northern Cookbook"? (I should say "had"; sadly I gave mine away a few years back, but I continue to remember it fondly.)

I used to leave recipes from the "Arctic cuisine" chapter of that cookbook as outgoing messages on my answering machine. I called them "Stirring recitations." They were short enough to fit in the 20 seconds allowed for outgoing messages, and they tended to go something like this:


Drop porcupine in fire to burn off quills. Put in pot of water. Boil until soft. This is good to eat with muktuk.

Ah, those were the days!


24 Feb 09 - 07:05 PM (#2575167)
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
From: Jeri

This sniphilis is hanging on. Luckily, I don't feel that bad. Moat of me, anyway. The nose, sinuses and ears are another story.