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BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go

03 Oct 06 - 08:50 AM (#1849158)
Subject: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

Senator James Inhoff: "global warming is a hoax"
George Bush: "cruel inhuman and degrading treatment is vague language"
Amadijad: "Isreal will be wiped from the map"

I will add as many enemies of the Earth as I can.
The list is too long for me to get them all, but in light of the new no fly lists and American enemies lists etc. it is high time to have an enemy list that reflects the will of the people!.

03 Oct 06 - 09:49 AM (#1849195)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Mr Fox

Jeremy Clarkson: - "I don't curse speed cameras because of civil liberty issues. I curse them because they slow me down."......."speeding is no big deal"

And his acolyte, Hammond: - "Jeremy should be made Mayor so he can roar around London in a Lamborghini with a mayoral flagpole, shooting cyclists."........"Of course, in France speeding is endemic and this means they have a far, far higher death rate than we do. But let's be frank here. You can't really judge a country by the number of people who don't die in car accidents"

03 Oct 06 - 09:52 AM (#1849199)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Rapparee

Sorry, but I don't feel competent to judge.

03 Oct 06 - 10:37 AM (#1849233)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

He's makin a list and checking it twice.

In this regieme it may be imprudent to make an enemies list unless you are a neo con, evangelist christian or NSA FBI agent spying on libraries and Quakers.

but sombody has to do it with the Earth itself at heart.

03 Oct 06 - 10:37 AM (#1849236)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Tannywheeler

"...People who, in shaking hands with you, shake hands with you like THAT...I've got a little list...They'd none of them be missed..." Gilbert & Sullivan started one, but maybe it wasn't comprehensive enough for us.      Tw

03 Oct 06 - 02:11 PM (#1849418)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Bill D

That list needs to include folks like Wally Hickel and James Watt from 20-30 years ago who ignored or misunderstood the clearest of warnings and made stupid statements.

Hickel was asked about population growth...he replied that there is "plenty of room"...that he just flew back to Washington from Alaska and looked out and SAW it!

03 Oct 06 - 02:18 PM (#1849424)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Uncle_DaveO

I'm amazed!   No one has yet mentioned Bush!

Dave Oesterreich

03 Oct 06 - 02:21 PM (#1849425)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Clinton Hammond

Ummm... reread the first post DaveO....

03 Oct 06 - 03:28 PM (#1849480)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Pompy

The Daleks: "Exterminate, exterminate"
Cybermen: "You will be deleted"

03 Oct 06 - 03:45 PM (#1849494)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

The Blob - "You will be absorbed"

Woody Allen - "Prepare for death by kvetching and whining..."

Schwarzenneger - "I'll be BACK..."

03 Oct 06 - 03:46 PM (#1849497)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: wysiwyg

You know, this reads too much like a hit list to fit into my comfort zone. I hope men in black don't come for you all!


03 Oct 06 - 03:50 PM (#1849501)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

May I add Barney the Dinosaur and the Teletubbies?

03 Oct 06 - 03:51 PM (#1849502)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Pompy

Men in Black? It's the Daleks you want to worry about mate.

03 Oct 06 - 03:51 PM (#1849503)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: GUEST,lox

The Joker - "nya ha ha ha haaaaaa ..."

03 Oct 06 - 03:52 PM (#1849504)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

The greatest enemies are: Disease, Poverty, Ignorance, and there is enough glory for all in their defeat.

Yours, Aye. Dave

03 Oct 06 - 05:43 PM (#1849588)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

Ignorance is cured with education, Disease with health care and Poverty with economic reform.

There is no cure for Dick Cheney and friends, a solution perhaps but no cure.

03 Oct 06 - 05:46 PM (#1849592)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Bunnahabhain

The current leadership of the Sudan and Zimbabwe are some people we would be better off without....

03 Oct 06 - 05:48 PM (#1849597)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: John O'L

Everything else stems from ignorance. Education would fix everything.

03 Oct 06 - 05:50 PM (#1849601)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: bobad

IMO the biggest enemy of the earth today is humans - too many of them - Pogo was right.

03 Oct 06 - 06:04 PM (#1849616)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Don Firth

The Ferengi!

Surgically altered Ferengi have been infiltrating our government for decades now, and they've succeeded in taking over the country.

A brief and random selection from The Rules of Acquisition:
181.        Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.
189.        Let others keep their reputation. You keep their money.
202.        The justification for profit is profit.
211.        Employees are rungs on the ladder of success. Don't hesitate to step on them.
239.        Never be afraid to mislabel a product.
242.        More is good ... all is better.
261.        A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience.
266.        When in doubt, lie.
Obvious, innit?

Don Firth

03 Oct 06 - 06:21 PM (#1849624)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

In a nutshell, Don. I've been saying the same for years. Our system is run by well-disguised Ferengi, there's no doubt about it.

03 Oct 06 - 06:56 PM (#1849667)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: John O'L

"Well-disguised"? Maybe once, but I think it's pretty well out there these days, LH. There is no longer even the semblance of a nod to discretion.

03 Oct 06 - 07:35 PM (#1849690)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

No, John, what I mean can't tell by looking at them that they aren't human... ;-)

You don't notice the big ears or anything.

03 Oct 06 - 07:57 PM (#1849704)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

Firth, the laws of acquisition would make great corporate inspiration posters. You have probably seen what I mean at gift stores.

03 Oct 06 - 08:22 PM (#1849725)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

Definitely. It's the new version of "the American Dream".

03 Oct 06 - 08:31 PM (#1849730)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

I have a dream...

followed by a truckload of Republican rules of acquisition.

Here in MD the republicans are running political ads that say Martin Luther King was a Republican and that Democrats fought against every civil rights bill or decision ever made.
It also said the KKK were Democrats, which strictly speaking isn't far from the truth in 1870.

03 Oct 06 - 08:32 PM (#1849732)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

LOL! They'll say any damn thing to get votes, won't they?

04 Oct 06 - 02:26 AM (#1849840)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go


"LOL! They'll say any damn thing to get votes, won't they? "

Rven the truth, when it is possible.

"King registered as a Republican in 1956."

"Readily granted, King's father had been a registered Republican at one point."

Either these are true , or not. FACTS would be reasonable. Anyone have any INFORMATION to the contrary??

04 Oct 06 - 03:13 AM (#1849852)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Paul Burke

No one mentioned 12 foot high shape changing lizards yet?

04 Oct 06 - 01:15 PM (#1850296)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

I wasn't implying it wasn't true, GUEST. I was implying that it's a ridiculous and petty way of trying to snag a few more black votes...and that it's typical of the ridiculous and petty tactics ALL politicians (not just Republicans) use when they are campaigning.

I don't care for either the Democrats or the Republicans. They're both out to do the same thing: defraud the public for their own gain, and serve their rich pals in corporation-land. It's all for the money.

04 Oct 06 - 01:35 PM (#1850307)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: GUEST,Scoville in XML class

Actually, the KKK probably were Democrats way back when. Parties "switched" during the Depression. Lincoln was a Republican according to party name but probably would have been a Democrat today.

I don't really trust any of them. I'm not rich enough for the Republicans to want to help me and not religious enough for them to be able to fool me. The Democrats just don't have the guts.

04 Oct 06 - 01:40 PM (#1850312)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Clinton Hammond

"Enemies of the Earth that need to go"

Anybody who thinks the world was ever covered in water....

Anyone who believes it's o.k. to kill because some invisible man in the sky said so

04 Oct 06 - 01:41 PM (#1850313)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

In addition to which, the Democrats are corrupt and duplicitous. ;-) While the Republicans are ruthless and in some cases quite possibly insane.

What an awful choice to put before the wretched voters!

04 Oct 06 - 02:28 PM (#1850356)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

"Ralph King registered as a Republican in 1956." probably a fact:)

Enemies of the Earth that need to go
Condoleeza Rice. (named after Uncle Ben, an over priced apartment and a character in a Gershwin operetta.)

04 Oct 06 - 02:31 PM (#1850363)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

Clinton Hammond has got to go. ;-)

But go where? That's the question.

Any volunteers?

04 Oct 06 - 02:35 PM (#1850371)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Mooh

bobad...Yup Pogo was right! (Oliver Hazard Perry said, "we have met the enemy and they are ours" or words to that effect, so Pogo knew his history!).

All this begs the question of what we are prepared to do and sacrifice to rid Earth of its enemies. Fossil fuels for example?

Makes my brain hurt.

Peace, Mooh.

04 Oct 06 - 03:46 PM (#1850430)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Tannywheeler

NOOOOOOOOO, Little Hawk--NOT the Teletubbies!!!!!!!!!! Please???? I have grandbabies.......biiiig hug.....         Tw

05 Oct 06 - 10:00 AM (#1850979)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

HENRY KISSINGER what is he 107?

Fred Phelps

Bill O'really

The director of the civilian CIA, GENERAL Ben Dover* (who serves at the pleasure of the President. *not his real name but every time I see him I think of Tweety Bird.

05 Oct 06 - 10:36 AM (#1851017)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Alaska Mike

The answer to our political leadership is not in political parties.

1. We need to elect only those good folks who would experience a pay increase if they were elected.
2. We need to tie the minimum wage to the breaks in the tax brackets (i.e. people making up to 3x min wage pays 15%, 5x mw pays 25%, 8x mw pays 35%, anyone over that pays 50%)
3. We MUST have a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget.
4. There should be a vote OF THE PEOPLE before this country goes to war against other countries that haven't attacked us.
5. Only women should be elected president.

Just my thoughts,

05 Oct 06 - 10:44 AM (#1851024)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

Hey MIke, any relation to Kinky Friedman?

We have been looted as never before. Makes Reagan deficits look like an amateur job.

What about taxing multi national corporations?

06 Oct 06 - 05:39 AM (#1851811)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Rman


06 Oct 06 - 11:30 PM (#1852477)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Fossil

Well, I'm still in New Zealand, but I've got me cookie back.

Enemies of the Earth that need to go. Hmmmm...

One: How about the designers, manufacturers and sellers of and anyone who purchases or drives a Porsche Cayenne? Or a Hummer? They know who they are... they have to go IMHO. Clarkson isn't the disease, he's but a symptom.

Two: Anyone who knowingly and with intent, kills a whale, dolphin or any other cetacean, whether for research or for any other reason has to go.

Three: All drummers, bhodran players and mimes. Out, no question of it.

Will think about the rest.

06 Oct 06 - 11:42 PM (#1852486)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Little Hawk

Ming the Merciless!

07 Oct 06 - 06:18 AM (#1852587)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: GUEST,Shimrod

Marketing men (and women) - until you've worked in a 'marketing-led industry' (and which industries aren't these days?), you won't know how powerful these people are. Unfortunately their power isn't matched by their intelligence, imagination or scruples. For the most part they are ignorant, often insanely ambitious, bandwagon jumping hacks. At the very least you should not believe a word they say (they know nothing after all!). In my opinion they have to go!

07 Oct 06 - 10:04 AM (#1852716)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

"ignorant, often insanely ambitious, bandwagon jumping hacks"

good alliteration and phraseology

however like the caveman offended by by a commercial reffering to cavemen as ignorant, this is an insult to all hacks.

Donald Hackman

07 Oct 06 - 10:21 AM (#1852729)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Bobert

Hmmmmmmmm? How can one begin to discuss enemies of the Earth without mentioning the some 50.7% of the folks who voted for an anti-human and anti-Earth George Bush in 2004???

Yeah, each and everyone one of them is equally guilty...

07 Oct 06 - 10:37 AM (#1852734)
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
From: Donuel

I'll lay odds that most people will sadly vote for their perceived religious interests over national and international issues.

It is my opinion that a minimum of 5% of the vote was skewed by computer fraud among Diebold, Sequoia and VS Inc. The rest was good ol fashioned fraud like Jeb Bush ordering certain Florida ballots be collected by a special cadre of the State Police,
of which many ballots were found in dumpsters.

Even amateur crooks suceed now and then.