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BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK

18 Oct 06 - 03:14 AM (#1861920)
Subject: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: Rasener

What a great service.

Just done mine in less than 5 minutes on line. Car Tax Disc

No longer do I have to stand in long queues and only to find, I either have the wrong documents or havent brought enough documents.

18 Oct 06 - 03:24 AM (#1861924)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: Paco Rabanne

Don't buY one, just park in a field, works for me!

18 Oct 06 - 03:29 AM (#1861928)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: Folkiedave

I am not knocking the idea and I have done the same thing as you, taking wrong documents, etc.....

However you must realise this will also result in the closure of Post Offices......

Mind you, when we protested against the closure of our local Post Office, the person most against it was the postmistress who was getting a huge pay off (read "bribe").

18 Oct 06 - 06:45 AM (#1862016)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK

We're going to lose all our rural post offices. Without ours, the village will have no heart as it's also the local shop.

18 Oct 06 - 06:59 AM (#1862024)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: Paul Burke

Then they'll pay the nearest town supermarkets to run the post office services, killing off the few remaining independent rural shops.

18 Oct 06 - 07:09 AM (#1862027)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: Rasener

That may be the case Guest and I do sympathise, but if I can do my car tax in less than 5 minutes on the Internet, why would I want to go to a post office to do it.

I also do tax returns online as well as banking and most shopping and holidays. Its so much simpler. Likewise I can save a lot of dosh shopping on the Internet. That isn't to say, that we do not shop at our local stores, becuase we do, but mainly groceries.

I am afraid the Internet has changed things forever. Not necessarily for the better but life moves on.

18 Oct 06 - 07:14 AM (#1862033)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: GUEST,SJ at the Mill

At least when you do it on the internet you don't have to face some mardy humourless old bastard who's more interested in counting the particles of dust on the counter than serving the customers.

18 Oct 06 - 07:25 AM (#1862040)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: Rasener

>>some mardy humourless old bastard<<

LOL well said Strollin' Couldn't have put it any better meself :-)

Although I have to say that Jenny at the PO in Faldingworth is always very pleasant and she and John (her husband) attend Market Rasen Folk Club. So it would be nice if that one stayed open.

18 Oct 06 - 09:10 AM (#1862100)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: nutty

Just done the same thing but over the telephone.

I realise that it means problems for the Post Office, but at least it is now very easy to check if a vehicle has the proper documentation.

18 Oct 06 - 09:29 AM (#1862119)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: My guru always said

I did mine online a couple of months ago & was well impressed - agree excellent service!!

18 Oct 06 - 09:33 AM (#1862124)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: Liz the Squeak

How easy is to check if the vehicle has the proper documentation??

Ask the bloke who illegaly registered his car at our address so that we are now being threatened with bailiffs and removal notices because he ran up parking fines and didn't pay.

He found it easy enough, but the bastard bailiffs are insisting that WE prove he doesn't live here, rather than him proving he DOES.


18 Oct 06 - 12:22 PM (#1862287)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: GUEST,SJ about to leave the Mill and go for a lie

Liz, can't you point them towards the Register of Electors they keep at the Town Hall? If he ain't on your registration there, I reckon you've got a watertight case that he doesn't live with you?

Or maybe see a Commissioner for Oaths and swear that he's not resident at your address - they'd surely have to take notice of that? Would cost you, but it would be better than harrassment from the bailiffs?

Hope that one of them works!

18 Oct 06 - 12:45 PM (#1862314)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: Zany Mouse

Swearing an oath doesn't actually cost anything if you go to a Court to do it.


18 Oct 06 - 05:53 PM (#1862641)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: Liz the Squeak

That's what I've told the bailiffs office to do, several times, but they still insist we provide them with 'utility bills' to prove we live here.... Like that's going to prove anything. My name doesn't appear on the utility bills but I still live here.


18 Oct 06 - 06:30 PM (#1862677)
Subject: RE: BS: New Car Tax Disc online UK
From: nutty

Unfortunately Liz , such situations are not confined to the DVLA. I've had a similar set-to with the TalkTalk mobile phone company about a bill sent to my mother's empty property.
It took some time to convince them that a 94year old who could no longer remember how to switch on the TV was likely to have signed up for a mobile.