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BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite

21 Oct 06 - 11:18 PM (#1865415)
Subject: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Sandra in Sydney

from today's Sunday Telegraph.

The United States had banned Vegemite, with Australians are now being searched for jars of the spread as they enter the country.

The crackdown was prompted because Vegemite has been deemed illegal under American food laws because it contains folate, which can only be added to breads & cereals in the US.

Kraft spokeswoman Joanna Scott said: "The (US) Food & Drug Administration doesn't allow the import of Vegemite simply because the recipe does have the addition of folate."

She said the US was a minor market for Vegemite.

Australian expatriates in the US said the ban had been gradually stepped up and was now ruining breakfast traditions.


I hope the Kuwaitis don't do the same, or my sister would have to return to Oz as she can't live without her daily (over)dose of Vegemite.

sandra (occasional Vegemite eater)

21 Oct 06 - 11:27 PM (#1865417)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Janie

Well, I just had to know. So I entered the term into my trusty Google, and now the rest of you who are also not from 'down under' get the benefit of my research!


21 Oct 06 - 11:50 PM (#1865421)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Clinton Hammond

That's just good taste

22 Oct 06 - 12:36 AM (#1865431)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: John O'L

Some folks just don't deserve Vegemite

22 Oct 06 - 12:44 AM (#1865433)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Stilly River Sage

It is ironic, if this is true, since recent findings in the U.S. show that we don't get anywhere enough folic acid. link


22 Oct 06 - 01:59 AM (#1865449)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: JennieG

I sometimes send Vegemite to my son who is living in Toronto - Vegemite and tim tams - that's what he misses about Oz! (and hopefully his parents too)


22 Oct 06 - 02:59 AM (#1865458)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: John O'L

Vegemite and Tim Tams. There's a survival pack no Aussie should venture abroad without.

22 Oct 06 - 03:25 AM (#1865465)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Liz the Squeak

Soon the US will be banning real food altogether....


22 Oct 06 - 04:06 AM (#1865476)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Sandra in Sydney

Janie, thanks for the link, I might just send it to my sister.

and thanks to Joe or the Clone who provided all the relevant links


22 Oct 06 - 04:35 AM (#1865485)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: John MacKenzie

Tim Tams are available in Tesco's in the UK, as is Vegemite.
Folic acid is recommended for expectant mothers, I believe it's to help avoid Spina Bifida in their babies.

22 Oct 06 - 06:03 AM (#1865509)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Morticia

has it banned Marmite as well? They taste very similar.

22 Oct 06 - 06:56 AM (#1865527)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: JennyO

Vegemite and Tim Tams

Preferably not together though :-)

Dunno what I'd do without my Vegemite. To some people there may be some similarity between Vegemite and Marmite, but to a true Vegemite lover, there is no substitute.

What I can't understand is, why would there be a restriction on folate? Seems like a good thing to me. Does this mean that if one was to send some Vegemite to, say, a Santee in the US, it would be confiscated?

22 Oct 06 - 06:58 AM (#1865528)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Mr Happy

22 Oct 06 - 07:02 AM (#1865530)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Sandra in Sydney

Jenny - maybe if the label was removed & a Marmite label substituted it might get thru! Tho the lid would be a give-away.

Maybe just empty the contents into a Marmite jar?


22 Oct 06 - 07:11 AM (#1865532)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: JennyO

Empty the contents into a Marmite jar? I've never bought Marmite in my life (although I've tasted it), and I'm not about to buy it just to get the jar! Anyway, does anyone know if Marmite has folate too? Maybe it does.

22 Oct 06 - 07:14 AM (#1865534)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: catspaw49

Anyone who checked any of the links at the top will know my passion for Vegemite. It started as a joke because as a typical American, I'd never heard of either Vegemite or Marmite. After making fun of both for awhile I thought it only fair I should try it. Helen in Oz actually sent me some and damned if I didn't like it! Then I tried Marmite and liked it too.

We ran thread after thread about each and both with all the traditional fighting over which was best. I had found some local sources for each and was as a happy as a dog shittin' green.   Eventually my preference became Vegemite but I still kept both on hand. I may be the single biggest American consumer.I even bought an entire case of the BIG jars........AND NOW THIS!!!!!

To have only Marmite will not do......and worse, I am ready to restock Vegemite.   This is a tragedy equal to me as Rabbi Sol's non-Kosher chicken scandal. This is undoubted another George Bush fuck-up!


Spaw.....already experiencing withdrawal

22 Oct 06 - 08:42 AM (#1865574)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Sandra in Sydney

I wonder which Big Pharma lobby in Washington persuaded the FDA to attack Vegemite? What company sells lots of folate tablets? hmmm

Spaw, we couldn't even send you a jar. Nowadays all overseas parcels have to say what they contain & I assume US Customs folks would be looking for supplies in parcels from Oz.

I assume Canada hasn't banned it? But how to get it across the border in the quantities you want is another matter.

good luck


22 Oct 06 - 08:42 AM (#1865575)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Bunnahabhain

Marmite! The true path!

22 Oct 06 - 09:10 AM (#1865592)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Bunnahabhain

Although the FDA won't allow that either. Apparently the labelling isn't good enough for US consumers, and just having a weight on the jar doesn't tell you how much is in it!

22 Oct 06 - 10:02 AM (#1865618)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Linda Kelly

frankly I am not surprised because Vegamite is disgusting stuff with a consistency not unlike VIC vapour rub, whereas Marmite is nectar -glossy and it tastes divine.

22 Oct 06 - 10:26 AM (#1865631)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Sandra in Sydney

Bunnahabhain are you saying Marmite is banned too?

22 Oct 06 - 10:52 AM (#1865643)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: JennyO

I can't find anything about Marmite being banned, but it has exactly the same amount of folate in it as Vegemite, so I can't see why they would ban one and not the other.

22 Oct 06 - 11:04 AM (#1865650)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Bill D

Perhaps the company needs to consider exfoliation.

I'll get my hat....

22 Oct 06 - 11:05 AM (#1865652)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: McGrath of Harlow

Marmite and Vegemite speakeasies - bootleggers trucking it in across the Canadian border - gungerunners having battles with the Feds.

US bans Vegemite

I trust there will be a reciprocal on Coca-Cola by everyone living in the Free World outside the Yeast Curtain that contains the USA.

22 Oct 06 - 12:12 PM (#1865704)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Sorcha

Aw, just fib a bit on the forms.

22 Oct 06 - 12:27 PM (#1865710)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: MBSLynne

Hmmmm....I wonder if there is a brother(Australian) just left the US yesterday. He's stopping off to see us (in the UK) on his way to Russia. I wonder if he is going to become a vegemite smuggler??

Yes you can now buy Vegemite in Tesco, as I do regularly. When I first lived over here I had to visit London frequently because the only place you could get it then was in shops around Australia House. The trouble is, the jars they sell in Tesco are so SMALL. When we visit home we bring back several 900 gm jars. I had a friend who was living over here for a couple of years and his Mum used to send him catering tins of vegemite.

Love Lynne

22 Oct 06 - 12:43 PM (#1865720)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: catspaw49

I can see it now.....A fortune made in the speakeasy business. This time you could turn the tables a bit and actually have a bar as a false front. In back they serve up Vegemite on toast, with cream cheese on Bagel, etc..........................

Ya' know this just proves how gawdamn stupid our gummint really is. Talk about your broke-dick mamaluccas..........With all the serious problems we have, even in the prescription drug world where we could be doing so much good...........But NOOOOOOOOOOOO.....We're fuckin' around with Vegemite. Some of these people...........geeziz............Every morning they fear their brains will explode if they use them that day.........


22 Oct 06 - 12:45 PM (#1865722)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: number 6

As long as Canada doesn't ban marmite ... thas's what matters.

I gotta hand it to you folks here on the Cat that have turned me on to marmite ..... I love it!


22 Oct 06 - 12:50 PM (#1865725)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: CapriUni

If the FDA thinks folate is safe to eat inside the bread, it makes no sense to decree that it's dangerous to put top of the bread. After all, once digestion starts, everything is inside.

Yet more evidence that the FDA has drifted from its original mandate to protect our health, and is now more concerned with protecting big business's profits.

22 Oct 06 - 02:41 PM (#1865790)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: McGrath of Harlow

Now when we read in the paper about police confiscating "certain substances" after raids we'll have to keep in mind that it might be yeast extract they are talking about.

I would think that used imaginatively this could do enormous things for sales of Vegemite back in Australia.

How long before patriotic Aussies (is there any other sort?) will be singing the Vegemite Song rather than Waltzing Matilda or Advance Australia Fair:

We're happy little Vegemites
As bright as bright can be.
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch, and tea.
Our mother says we're growing
stronger every single week.
Because we love our Vegemite.
We all adore our Vegemite.
It puts a rose in every cheek!

I hope they extend the ban to Marmite...

22 Oct 06 - 02:43 PM (#1865794)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite

I can see Spaw sharing a cell with a Columbian drug lord, jailed on the same charges.

22 Oct 06 - 03:08 PM (#1865812)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: catspaw49

Sins, I aspire to reach that exalted level.......Right now the best I can do is hang around the schools:

"Hey......(whistles)....yeah, you...Kid..........c'meer a sec........Wanna' be cool?..........I can jazz ya' up on B12 Man.....Makes you a wildman...........Hey....won't hurtcha'............Try this...........a little toast and a little Vegemite and you'll be digging your boringass History teacher......Give it a try..........."


22 Oct 06 - 03:38 PM (#1865828)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Peace

They ought to ban termites instead.

22 Oct 06 - 05:25 PM (#1865906)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Bunnahabhain

FDA refusal Actions ( from the fda website)

United Kingdom                     GX5-9912303-9 33   1
    Unilever Bestfoods Ltd.
    Crawley Gb-Wsx, GB RH10 9RQ                            LOS-DO
    37KCT99   MARMITE YEAST EXTRACT                        Reason:      
                        21-SEP-2006                        LACKS N/C
                                                          NUTRIT LBL

Reason: LACKS N/C
    Section: 502(b)(2), 801(a)(3); MISBRANDING
    Charge: The article is in package form and appears to not
    have a label containing an accurate statement of the
    quantity of the contents in terms of weight, measure or
    numerical count and no variations or exemptions have been

    Section: 403(q); 801(a)(3); Misbranding
    Charge: The article appears to be misbranded in that the
    label or labeling fails to bear the required nutrition

Given that was a month ago, sounds like a ban to me.

22 Oct 06 - 05:58 PM (#1865940)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Liz the Squeak

Asking for ingredients on a packet of yeast extract is like putting 'contains nuts' on a packet of nuts....


22 Oct 06 - 06:05 PM (#1865945)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Peace

This product DOES contain nuts.

This one, too. Hopefully not when the pic was taken.

22 Oct 06 - 06:16 PM (#1865956)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's the info on a jar of Marmite:

Ingredients: Yeast Extract, Salt,Vegetabvle Extrract, Niacin, Spice Extraxcts, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Celery Extract, Bitamin B12

Nutrition Information per 100 gms
Energy 920J/219 kcal
Protein 38.4gm
Carbohydrate 19.2g, of whuich sugars 0.5gm
Fat 0.1gm of which saturates trace
Fibre 3.1gm
Sodium 4.3gm
Thiamin 5.8mg (414% RDA)
Riboflavin 7.0mg (438% RDA)
Folic Acid 2500mu g (2500% RDA)
Vitamin B12 15 mu g (1500 RDA)

What do these pillocks want in the way of a list of ingredients?

22 Oct 06 - 06:17 PM (#1865957)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Greg F.

Jesus wept.

Yet more evidence that the FDA has drifted from its original mandate to protect our health, and is now more concerned with protecting big business's profits.

Hasn't "drifted" at all- it was perfectly deliberate. Thank the BuShites for the change in focus- just like the Department of Labor that once protected workers & now protects corporations.

Y'all remember to vote Republican, now.....

22 Oct 06 - 06:27 PM (#1865960)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Bunnahabhain

On the other hand, a ban on importing vegemite and marmite could just be
to stop chemical or biological weapons getting into the US. Well, which are they?

22 Oct 06 - 06:43 PM (#1865974)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: RangerSteve

Now we're going to have illegal vegemite being shipped into the cities, with Vegemite turf wars giving rise to an Australian organized crime ring. Feds will be raiding vegemite stills in the back woods, and people will be making bathtub vegemite at home. Vegemite runners will be smuggling it in from ships anchored off the coast. Didn't we learn anything from Prohibition?

22 Oct 06 - 07:08 PM (#1865993)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: McGrath of Harlow

Yup - how to promote something by banning it. As demonstrated all these years with other prohibited substances. That's why prohibitions continue - it clearly can't be anything to do with seeking to reduce use.

I think this has been organised by the manufacturers as a way to build up US sales of Vegemite (and apparently Marmite as well).

Doesn't a ban make you want to have a little taste...

22 Oct 06 - 07:18 PM (#1866001)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Helen

The Vegemite ads were on tv again last night here in Oz, so they are using the ban in the US to spark interest (i.e. create more Vegemite addicts) over here. Good marketing ploy. Negative publicity creates sales.

And yes, McGrath of Harlow, I'm just getting the cravings now for Vegemite on toast. Darnit! Now I'll have to go and make my breakfast.


22 Oct 06 - 07:30 PM (#1866013)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Helen

Just had a little panic there. I thought we had run out of Vegemite but I found the emergency rations, so it's okay.

And 'Spaw, as I recall, I did warn you before I sent you that jar that it could be addictive. It was your own choice when you took your first "hit". :-)


22 Oct 06 - 07:40 PM (#1866026)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: The Badger

Vegemite - Marmite with taste!

22 Oct 06 - 07:57 PM (#1866048)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: John O'L

"The Yeast Curtain" - I love that.

22 Oct 06 - 08:07 PM (#1866055)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Lox

Yeast curtains?

Isn't that a euphamism for thrush?

There is potential here for some very unpleasant jokes.

I will keep them all to myself and let someone else take the rap!

22 Oct 06 - 08:10 PM (#1866057)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Don Firth

Scene:   Waterfront, container ship has just docked.

One Homeland Security inspector to another: "Forget that geiger counter, Fred. Those containers could be full of Vegemite!"

Don Firth

22 Oct 06 - 08:30 PM (#1866077)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: McGrath of Harlow

Vegemite - Marmite Lite.

But in face of a common enemy the various mites should cease this squabbling. Mites Unite!

22 Oct 06 - 08:53 PM (#1866090)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: GUEST,Allen in OZ

Re Mites Unite

Who remembers the phrase:

" Ma mite
" Pa Will"

AD ( a Happy little Vegemite at least until they sold the company to Kraft of US)

22 Oct 06 - 11:06 PM (#1866158)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Richard Bridge

Unilever are big baastards. They mght well ahve the clout and the lawyers to rip the knickers off the FDA.

23 Oct 06 - 09:53 AM (#1866443)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite

well - I guess you either love it or you ban it (as well as .............).

23 Oct 06 - 05:07 PM (#1866720)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: GUEST,James:

Sign the petition:
Help save vegemite for us expats.

23 Oct 06 - 07:48 PM (#1866819)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: catspaw49

Blue Clicky for Petition



24 Oct 06 - 09:22 AM (#1867173)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: MBSLynne

Vegemite label:

Yeast extract, salt, potassium chloride, malt extract, colour (E150d), [contains preservative (sulphur dioxide)], vegetable extract (contains onion) Niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid.

Nutritional info:
per 4g serving
Energy 32kj/8kcal
Protein 1g
Carbohydrate 0.8g
of which sugars Trace
Fat Trace
of which saturates Trace
Fibre Nil
Sodium* .14g
niacin 2mg (10%RDA)
Thiamine .45mg (30%RDA)
Riboflavin .35mg (20%RDA)
Folic acid 8microg (40%RDA)
*Equivalent as salt .3g

After which it has a Guideline daily amount chart for men and women for calories, fat and salt.
Looks pretty comprehensive to me

Love Lynne

24 Oct 06 - 09:29 AM (#1867184)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Donuel

Hey mates , building a black market for US vegemite could be mighty profitable. Boosting sales with the claim of intensifying a mariquana high is a good start.
We could sell vegimate by the $5 quarter oz.

24 Oct 06 - 09:32 AM (#1867188)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Tig

Don't give up hope!

You can now get BEEF bovril again - although it has the word in BIG letters on the label in case you think you are getting the vege version.

Someone saw sense - they might do on this too.

24 Oct 06 - 12:17 PM (#1867337)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Tom Hamilton frae Saltcoats Scotland

Best bloody thing, it's like a food stuff we have over here called Bovril, or marmite, Bovoril, is one that you make into a drink, and the other Marmite, taste really revolting, the best thing do is, fling it into the bin.

It looks like shite, marmite/vegemite

24 Oct 06 - 12:51 PM (#1867365)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: McGrath of Harlow

"It looks like shite" I'd advise you to see a doctor quickly, if that's the case. You've probabaly got a bleeding stomach ulcer.

24 Oct 06 - 01:57 PM (#1867425)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Don Firth

From the now defunct (but into syndicated re-runs) "Frasier" show:
Daphne (holding a small battle she just fished out of the trash):    "Who threw my bottle of Bovril away?"

Frasier:    "I did. It tastes like it's spoiled."

Daphne:    "It's supposed to taste like that! It's English!"
Don Firth

24 Oct 06 - 02:48 PM (#1867459)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: jeffp

The Bovril's with the gravy,
The Marmite's with the jam.

There. Now it's a music thread.

25 Oct 06 - 12:09 AM (#1867865)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Desert Dancer

O.k., here's a little adaptationist story that popped into my head today as I was reading an article on the evolution of human skin color:

The primary explanation that's accepted for the adaptive advantage of melanin in skin and the strong correlation between the amount of melanin in the skin of indigenous peoples and the level of UV radiation is protection against UV-induced photolysis of folate, because of all the types of UV-induced damage, this has the most direct negative effect on "fitness" (used in the evolutionary sense). Folate is a metabolite essential for normal development of the embryonic neural tube, and deficiencies in folate are a significant cause of pre- and post-natal infant death.

Ok, here's my story: peoples of northern European descent in Australia (outside the low-UV region to which they are adapted) have adopted and become dependent upon Vegemite (unconsciously?) in order to compensate for the UV-caused loss of folate via their pale skins.

Whaddaya think?

~ Becky in Tucson
where it's also too sunny

"Since records have been kept in developed countries, anencephalus and spina bifida have been found to be particularly common in ight-skinned populations. These defects accounted for as much as 15% of all perinatal and 10% of all postperinatal mortality in the worst-affected populations prior to the introduction of preventative nutritional supplementation (Elwood & Elwood, 1980). Since the advent of prenatal diagnosis, the prevalence of NTDs in relation to all conceptions has been shown to be significantly higher than birth prevalence (Velie & Shaw, 1996; Forrester et al., 1998), partly because of the high rate of early miscarriage in the case of the most serious defects (C. Bower, personal communication)."

"In addition to its important role in ensuring embryonic survival through proper neurulation, folate has been shown to be critical to another important process central to reproduction, spermatogenesis. In both mice (Cosentino et al., 1990) and rats (Mathur et al., 1977), chemically induced folate deficiency resulted in spermatogenic arrest and male infertility, findings which prompted investigations of antifolate agents as male contraceptives in humans.

"Thus, through folate's roles in the survival of embryos through normalization of neurulation and maintenance of male fertility, and its involvement in a range of other physiological processes dependent on nucleotide biosynthesis, regulation of folate levels appears to be critical to individual reproductive success. Folate levels in humans are influenced by dietary intake of folic acid and by destructive, exogenous factors such as UV radiation. Therefore, the solution to the evolutionary problem of maintaining adequate folate levels in areas of high UV radiation involved the ingestion of adequate amounts of folic acid in the diet and protection against UV radiation induced folate photolysis. The latter was accomplished by increasing the concentration of the natural sunscreen, melanin, in the skin. The low prevalences of severe folate deficiency (Lawrence, 1983; Lamparelli et al., 1988) and NTDs (Carter, 1970; Elwood & Elwood, 1980; Buccimazza et al., 1994; Wiswell et al., 1990; Shaw et al., 1994) observed among native Africans and African Americans, even among individuals of marginal nutritional status, are probably due to a highly melanized integument, which protects against folate photolysis."

Nina G. Jablonski and George Chaplin, The evolution of human skin coloration. Journal of Human Evolution (2000) 39, 57:106

25 Oct 06 - 03:05 AM (#1867911)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Rowan

So, Becky, I've got to eat vegemite if I want any potential partner to get pregnant?
Sounds like an argument the males in the FDA couldn't resist!

Cheers, Rowan

25 Oct 06 - 06:27 AM (#1867998)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Ella who is Sooze

Thank gawd... Marmite next me hopes!

25 Oct 06 - 06:40 AM (#1868004)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Bagpuss

Apparently this story is a load of old bollocks and vegemite hasn't been banned at all.


25 Oct 06 - 07:12 AM (#1868032)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Ella who is Sooze

my day is ruined!

25 Oct 06 - 07:28 AM (#1868047)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: GUEST,Elfcall

Time to come out of the closet - my name is Elfcall and I am bi-miter. I am a Uker and enjoy both marmite and vegemite (although I prefer Marmite)


25 Oct 06 - 07:37 AM (#1868052)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Bagpuss

I prefer tescos own brand extract.

25 Oct 06 - 07:45 AM (#1868057)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Sandra in Sydney

Teh Greens put out a bupersticker "Is that the news, or is your News Ltd", I must find where I put it.

ps. Sunday Telegraph is a News Ltd paper, stable mate of the infamous tabloid, the Sydney Telecrap, which is not a source of news.

25 Oct 06 - 08:21 AM (#1868081)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Bunnahabhain

We could do with some of those here. Rupert @%$£&&& Murdoch gets everywhere!

25 Oct 06 - 08:48 AM (#1868108)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Sandra in Sydney

well, if you have a buper to stick it on, PM your address & I'll send you one (when I find it)


25 Oct 06 - 09:20 AM (#1868144)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: The Fooles Troupe,21985,20641599-5005961,00.html

US denies Vegemite banFrom correspondents in Los Angeles

October 25, 2006 06:11am
Article from: AAP

AUSTRALIANS travelling to the US can breathe easy. So can the 100,000 or so Australian expatriates living in America.

The US government today dismissed media reports it had banned Vegemite.

"There is no ban on Vegemite," US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spokesman Mike Herndon said.

Media reports at the weekend claimed American border officials were confiscating Vegemite from Australians as they entered the US.

The FDA, charged with policing America's food supply, has not issued an "import alert" to border officials to halt the import of Vegemite.

Mr Herndon said the FDA was surprised by the media reports.

The controversy centres on folate, an ingredient in Vegemite.

Under US regulations, folate can be added only to breads and cereals.

"One of the Vitamin B components (in Vegemite) is folate," Mr Herndon said.

"In and of itself, it's not a violation. If they're adding folate to it, boosting it up, technically it would be a violation.

"But the FDA has not targeted it and I don't think we intend to target Vegemite simply because of that."

Joanna Scott, spokesperson for Vegemite's maker, Kraft, reportedly has said, "The Food and Drug Administration doesn't allow the import of Vegemite simply because the recipe does have the addition of folic acid".

But Mr Herndon said, "Nobody at the FDA has told them (Kraft) there is a ban".

To eradicate any grey areas or potential regulation breaches, Mr Herndon said, Kraft could petition the FDA, something other food manufacturers have done.

While many Aussies living in the US rely on visiting Australian relatives and friends to bring them a jar or two of Vegemite from Australia, the product is available in some US supermarkets.

The price slapped on Vegemite, however, is tough to swallow.

A tiny, four ounce jar of Vegemite sells for around $US4.80 ($6.33) in US supermarkets.

25 Oct 06 - 09:24 AM (#1868152)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: The Fooles Troupe

In Australia, as well as packs of individual serves intended for motel breakfasts, etc, you can get "caterer's packs".... :-)

25 Oct 06 - 09:24 AM (#1868153)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Tom Hamilton frae Saltcoats Scotland

well its brown and sticky like shit

25 Oct 06 - 09:25 AM (#1868154)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Tom Hamilton frae Saltcoats Scotland

Anyway who cares, I just don't like the stuff.

25 Oct 06 - 09:29 AM (#1868168)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: The Fooles Troupe

I'm waiting for Myth Busters to try to use the stuff for rocket fuel or making explosions - well, they HAVE used salami...

25 Oct 06 - 09:39 AM (#1868183)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: John O'L

If it looks like shit and you haven't had a recent skinful of Guinness, you should probably see a doctor.

25 Oct 06 - 05:47 PM (#1868628)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Joybell

61 years surrounded by the stuff and I always thought it was only good for making little brown worms. You spread it - along with butter -on one of those little crackers with the holes in them. Place another little cracker, with holes in it, on top. And squeeze. Brown and cream worms!! Then give the whole mess away and watch the victim eat worms. I had a brief but very satisfactory moment of fame with this creation when I was a five-year-old school kid.

Cheers, Joy

25 Oct 06 - 08:50 PM (#1868726)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Rowan

Join the club, Joybell

Foolestroupe's posts are a problem;
"But the FDA has not targeted it and I don't think we intend to target Vegemite simply because of that."

With my long experience of bureaucrats, that seems to imply they'll be targetting it using other ammunition.

And, he also posts;
Joanna Scott, spokesperson for Vegemite's maker, Kraft, reportedly has said, "The Food and Drug Administration doesn't allow the import of Vegemite simply because the recipe does have the addition of folic acid".

My recollection of biochemistry from many years ago suggests folate is part of the vitamin B group that is normally part of the yeast residue from which the stuff is made; I wouldn't have thought it was 'added' to the recipe.

Cheers, Rowan

25 Oct 06 - 09:32 PM (#1868754)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: The Fooles Troupe

So now the interpretation of "added" includes "contains".... ???? :-)

25 Oct 06 - 09:49 PM (#1868765)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: JennyO

Ah yes Joybell. I remember "vegemite worms" well. The crackers with the holes are vita weats. You can still get them - one of the best tasting diet biscuits.

26 Oct 06 - 10:30 AM (#1869107)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: jeffp

Rowan is correct. The folate in Vegemite is not added, it is natural. Therefore, it is not regulated by the FDA and is not banned. We have seen an urban legend go from start to debunk in less than one week.

26 Oct 06 - 10:36 AM (#1869112)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Ella who is Sooze

please desist from this putrid sticky brown talk... I'm turning green...


and it smells!

26 Oct 06 - 09:45 PM (#1869593)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: GUEST,Adrianel

Maybe the FDA Vegemite ban is an urban legend, but, according to their website, they banned at least some imports of Marmite ("inadequate labelling"). I don't have the exact reference, but if you go to the, and search for "marmite", you'll find the reference to a ban. In the same month, they also banned Bisto.

01 Dec 06 - 06:37 AM (#1897296)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite

i agree with Tom Hamilton

vegimite/marmite both look like shite.

you either like it or hate it

01 Dec 06 - 07:50 AM (#1897333)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: The Fooles Troupe

American children grow up without Marmite or Vegemite, whereas Aussie children are fed tons of it - the B vitamins are good for brain growth and development....


01 Dec 06 - 08:03 AM (#1897345)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Tom Hamilton frae Saltcoats Scotland

so why are certain Aussies stupid, I mean they voted for John Howard.

01 Dec 06 - 08:12 AM (#1897354)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: The Fooles Troupe

You tell me and we'll both know!

02 Dec 06 - 06:05 AM (#1898161)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Tom Hamilton frae Saltcoats Scotland

I have been to Australia quite a few times, and I have met these ones that are silly, but you get that in any country.

02 Dec 06 - 06:06 AM (#1898163)
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no!! US bans Vegemite
From: Tom Hamilton frae Saltcoats Scotland

And I'm sorry if I have offened anyone.
