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Post Getaway at SINSULL's

24 Oct 06 - 11:45 AM (#1867312)
Subject: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

After the Getaway, a number of Brits will be gathering at my house. Sussex Carole and Cranedriver leave on Friday so I would like to have a gathering, Thursday PM November 9th, to see them off. Mid-week but it may be your only chance to see them.

Saturday, November 11th will be the final Song Circle of the year. As always, 6PM start with a buffet then music. The remaining Brits should be well rested and in rare form by then.

Who's in? Who needs a bed? Charley Noble has graciuosly arranged additional beds if we need them.

24 Oct 06 - 03:58 PM (#1867524)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Try keeping me away!

24 Oct 06 - 04:50 PM (#1867579)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

Judy and I are certainly coming Thursday, November 9th.

We're not sure about Saturday but we'll try to make that one as well.

Charley Noble

24 Oct 06 - 06:38 PM (#1867660)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

Damn! Because of our work schedule, it looks like we're going to miss seeing Sussex Carole and Crane Driver. (Looks like I'll have to mail the socks -- or bring them along this weekend. -- Ha! Surprise, Carole! There are more moose in your future!)

But we WILL be there on Saturday the 11th and will need a bed.

This working for a living sure puts a cramp in our musical social life. How come we're not traveling by those cool personal jetpacks that My Weekly Reader promised back in the optimistic '50s?!?


25 Oct 06 - 09:16 AM (#1868137)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: ranger1


25 Oct 06 - 09:27 AM (#1868163)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Bill D

"...those cool personal jetpacks "

I saw a news report that there was actually a convention of jet-pack inventors, doing demos and reminiscing. They can fly just fine...for between 20 and 40 seconds...*grin* It didn't say whether carrying pot-luck and a guitar was included in computing the time aloft.

25 Oct 06 - 11:17 AM (#1868311)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Pistachio

Have fun - it sounds like a great way to getaway from the Getaway! Wish I could get away from here today - wet and miserable in Yorkshire.

31 Oct 06 - 08:18 PM (#1873467)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

Thursday NOT Wednesday.

31 Oct 06 - 08:21 PM (#1873469)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: JudyB

Thanks, Mary -

Charley and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday the 9th.


31 Oct 06 - 08:58 PM (#1873488)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: gnu

In spirit only. When it's on the go, please turn this into a "real time" thread so I can "be there", in spirit. Thanks.

01 Nov 06 - 11:38 AM (#1873884)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

PM me your phone numer and we'll call you, gnu. Better still, hop on a bus and join us.

01 Nov 06 - 02:19 PM (#1874033)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: gnu

Phone number? Hahahaha. I am day hawk. I go to bed early and I know ye fellers would end up calling me in the wee hours.

Of course, you can easily look up my number and call me in the wee hours if you wish. But, be careful what you wish for, as I also rise early.

Alas, if it was only a matter of resources, not time and personal committments. Someday... someday.

06 Nov 06 - 07:42 PM (#1877883)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: gnu

So... since the Getaway is over, more or less, what's on the go now?

06 Nov 06 - 07:54 PM (#1877892)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: MMario

As far as I know all the Maine contingent were planning to drive straight through to home - so they are still on the road, but might (if they are nuts) check in later tonight.

06 Nov 06 - 08:41 PM (#1877913)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

They are probably still terrorizing service stops along the way!

Charley Noble

06 Nov 06 - 08:54 PM (#1877922)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Deb and I got back at 7.00pm. We had a really good run through in her LEXUS!!!!! GPS made navigating a doddle and that is one comfortable car!

More on the memories thread tomorrow.

06 Nov 06 - 09:00 PM (#1877926)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

Anybody go backwards on the NJ Turnpike? That's a lot of fun...

06 Nov 06 - 09:05 PM (#1877930)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: katlaughing

Anyone know Micca's itinerary?

06 Nov 06 - 09:14 PM (#1877938)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Severn

Will the post Getaway (That would be a "Gotaway", right? As in "Gotaway with words, and music besides") also be done up in full costume?

Will the flamin" phlegm-in-gos have to stand outside stock still in the cold to make it look like a trailer park?

Or will the ostriches be ostrich-sized and have to stand the watch themselves? ("Sure, I can see everything with my head buried down here! Why do you ask? Ear-to-the ground and all that.....")

Some have said that the cowboys "MADE their Getaway" (Much like Frank & Jesse made theirs, I suppose)

On the other hoof (or wing?), others have asked "Is it true that aged children should be herded and not seen?"

I'll make it to a singaround someday, but while I'm back at the post office "pushing the envelope", I hope you all have a good time up there and that the pictures from there will be just as damaging as the ones from down here.

06 Nov 06 - 09:40 PM (#1877956)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Kat - Micca's with SINSULL this week and then goes to stay with Curmudgeon and Bat Goddess before winging his way back across the pond.

06 Nov 06 - 09:43 PM (#1877957)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: NH Dave

So many choices, so little time.

Sign me up for Thursday night, staying the night, please.


06 Nov 06 - 10:34 PM (#1877981)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

OK Dave.
We're back. No terrorizing of service areas but I did make a friend at a toll booth.
Take-out food and bed.
More tomorrow.

07 Nov 06 - 06:57 AM (#1878132)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

I think I told you, but me, Saturday, bed please.

07 Nov 06 - 07:01 AM (#1878135)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: KT

I'm checking airfares. TORTURE...that's waht this is! TORTURE, I say!

07 Nov 06 - 07:42 AM (#1878157)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: kendall

The plane fare is all it will cost you, KT.

07 Nov 06 - 08:43 AM (#1878195)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble


We'll bring a Greek pizza if that would be OK. We assume things will be starting around 6 pm? Is this house concert format, open session, or some combination of the two?

Charley Noble and JudyB

07 Nov 06 - 09:21 AM (#1878223)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Steak and kidney pudding coming with us - real English delicacy.

07 Nov 06 - 10:01 AM (#1878271)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

Open format. We seem to get more music that way. I will intervene to allow some of the quieter folks to participate.

Greek Pizza sounds fine. I am so tired right now that you'll be lucky if I manage a bag of chips.

07 Nov 06 - 12:00 PM (#1878373)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

kidney pudding?   uhhhh....pass the creamed onions, please........

07 Nov 06 - 12:14 PM (#1878382)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: NH Dave

Loverly, Jacqui. Looking forward to it.

We just don't get those great tine of steak and kidney "stew" here in the states, so puds and pies are a bit dodgy.


07 Nov 06 - 12:20 PM (#1878390)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: MMario

My grandmother used to do a steak and kidney thingie - and I'v tried a couple of times to duplicate it - her kidneys were tender and tasty - mine were like rubber and nasty tasting. What's the trick?

07 Nov 06 - 12:36 PM (#1878406)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble


Oh, we're planning on coming both Thursday and Saturday (Saturday a little late).

Charlie and Judy

07 Nov 06 - 01:09 PM (#1878434)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Leo - you need to fry the kidneys gently for a couple of minuets before stewing them along with the steak - again, slow and long.

Come to Maine - I'll make a special pudding in your honour.

07 Nov 06 - 02:02 PM (#1878480)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Barry Finn

There's a slight chance I might be able to make it but I'd be late & would surely miss the pot luck. I could bring the liver.


07 Nov 06 - 03:34 PM (#1878553)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

That was a very bad joke, Barry. Keep your old disfunctional livers at home.

07 Nov 06 - 03:39 PM (#1878562)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Tinker

But you're laughing SINS.... I can hear it here

07 Nov 06 - 03:49 PM (#1878579)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: catspaw49

They may be dysfunctional, but if you slice them really thin and have your skillet really hot................


07 Nov 06 - 09:33 PM (#1878720)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Are you going to bring some fava beans and chianti as well Barry?

07 Nov 06 - 10:07 PM (#1878731)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: kendall

MMario, the real secret of making the kidneys tasty is to first boil the piss out of them.

07 Nov 06 - 10:08 PM (#1878733)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: kendall

KT, you are becoming one of the evil ones! I love it.

07 Nov 06 - 10:16 PM (#1878740)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

The circle is definitely growing!

07 Nov 06 - 10:20 PM (#1878744)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: KT

Heh, heh, heh.......

07 Nov 06 - 10:20 PM (#1878746)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

THAT'S my girl!

07 Nov 06 - 10:21 PM (#1878747)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Big Mick

Oh no ...... not my KT ....... ****groan**** .... all is lost.

07 Nov 06 - 10:22 PM (#1878748)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

HE he he he he

07 Nov 06 - 10:53 PM (#1878771)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: katlaughing

her kidneys were tender and tasty - mine were like rubber and nasty tasting. What's the trick? Drink plenty of water...:-)

08 Nov 06 - 01:07 PM (#1879251)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

How about a plate of Rocky Mountain Oysters, lightly braised with parsley sprinkled on top?

Charley Noble

08 Nov 06 - 05:58 PM (#1879570)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Amos

If KT goes over to the Dark Side of Demonic Damseldom, I am resigning from the Volunteer Victims Corps.


08 Nov 06 - 06:58 PM (#1879626)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Barry Finn

Looks as if I won't make this one either. My sons due for oral surgey & I'll be by his side. The last thing he's gonna want to hear is the pain of folk music. Maybe next time.


08 Nov 06 - 09:13 PM (#1879739)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: NH Dave

If you sing it right, it isn't painful.


08 Nov 06 - 10:08 PM (#1879808)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble


Maybe we could send a shanty team to assist the oral surgeon?

All together now!
Haul 'er away!

But, perhaps, it's better to just extend my condolences to your growng son.

Charley Noble

08 Nov 06 - 10:19 PM (#1879821)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

Sorry Barry. Oral surgery sucks.

08 Nov 06 - 10:39 PM (#1879852)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Amos

Just got back from Mexico where I had two titanium risers screwed into the back of my jaw. Aside from feeling like Rocky Balboa's foil, I am fine, but I sympathize with oral surgerees all over the country. Anyway, Sins, that's why I wasn't ther, too.


09 Nov 06 - 09:19 AM (#1880127)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

Are Andrew and Carole now in residence?

I was fearing that they might have got washed out to sea coming up to Maine from Boston yesterday afternoon.

Charley Noble

09 Nov 06 - 09:21 AM (#1880131)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

They are still abed after dinner at Bugaboo Creek and wine and talk at home.

09 Nov 06 - 12:09 PM (#1880284)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

Hey Carole & Andrew!

Really wish Tom and I would be able to get to see you this trip -- so near and yet so far.

Carole, make sure Sinsull remembers to give you a new pair of wearable moose attire that I left for you at her place a couple weeks ago.


09 Nov 06 - 08:17 PM (#1880743)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

Where's NH Dave? Hope all is OK. See you Friday?

09 Nov 06 - 08:40 PM (#1880766)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Amos

SInsull --

New Hampshire is just a bit to the left of you -- don't blink...


10 Nov 06 - 01:51 AM (#1880946)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

Dave didn't make it. Everyone else has left or gone to bed. I am so tired but too tired to sleep. Wonderful music; great friends; magic moments. Phone call to gnu; phone call from Leadfingers. Plans for next year. And to bed.

10 Nov 06 - 07:47 AM (#1881134)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

Survivors to The Press Room tonight?

Carole and Andrew, please have a safe and uneventful trip home -- keep your toes warm.


10 Nov 06 - 08:10 AM (#1881159)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

My head's still reeling from the combination of the music and the falling down water.

Tami surpassed herself with her songs, alone and in duet with Deborah.

Mexicali Rose is working like a dreeam to keep the music flowing and Andrew's own compositions made a major impression on everybody present - that man can write!

We have a reprise tomorrow night, sadly without Carole and Andrew.

Must get some rest sometime - the Getaway seems to last longer and longer as the years go by!

10 Nov 06 - 08:27 AM (#1881203)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Micca

Sitting at the screen at8.30 on Friday morning my head is still full of the music too, I echo what Jacqui says above, That McKay is a writer and a half, he has a batch of songs I wish I had written, and that iS the highest compliment a songwriter can pay another. Songs last night were, as ususal, a mixture of serious and silly, but enjoyable for all that, and well done Ranger and Debora for your duetting, I think we can say that you guys are developing a "repetoire"

10 Nov 06 - 08:53 AM (#1881300)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: kendall

I really enjoyed the evening. I looked around and realized the room was full of Brits! (don't mention the war...)
The food was outstanding, the curry was with me all night,GOOD THOUGH!

10 Nov 06 - 11:10 AM (#1882233)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

Another excellent evening of singing. Thanks for hosting these house parties, Sinsull! However, in the future I'm going to avoid shifting from ale to champaine and back to ale. The curry was, indeed, excellent.

Judy and I had great fun in the afternoon showing Andrew and Carole around the Portland area. The weather couldn't have been better, bright and sunny in the mid sixties, and the waves out at Portland Head Light, lingering after the previous night's storm, were simply fantastic. Driving back to the Portland Waterfront I was able to find my usual free parking space in front of J's Oyster House, and we then paid a brief visit to Harbor Fish Co. to admire their tasteful displays of fresh food from the sea, and their tanks teeming with lively lobsters. We also paid homage to the Portland Observatory, a timber-framed octagonal tower high on Munjoy Hill built in 1807 to keep track of USO's, unidentified sailing objects. We stepped into China Sea Marine Trading Co. to admire their collection of fine nautical antiques and other miscellaneous bric-a-brac; Andrew and Carole added to their "fid" collection. We then adjourned to Gritty MacDuff's for contemplation of Black Fly Stout and Best Brown, along with a plate of Cajun sweet potato fries.

We're looking forward to Saturday but are grateful that we have Friday to recharge batteries.

Charley Noble

10 Nov 06 - 11:14 AM (#1882238)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: NH Dave


    I emailed you directly around 4:00 on Friday, saying that I wasn't feeling well, and would not be able to make it. As things turned out, this was a good decision, and I will try to be up this Saturday.


10 Nov 06 - 01:21 PM (#1882366)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

No problem, Dave. Hope you can make it tomorrow.

10 Nov 06 - 02:34 PM (#1882436)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

Hey, Sins, and all, wouldn't it be great if someone recorded some of the music from this event tonight??? Huh? Wouldn't that be GREAT? Huh? I think it would be GREAT! And then, someone could make me a copy, and then....


10 Nov 06 - 04:14 PM (#1882491)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: kendall

With or without 10 cuts of Mexacali Rose?

10 Nov 06 - 05:49 PM (#1882606)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Tinker

With of course if you want the full flavor of the event you need to know where the giggles are coming from....

I'd like one to pretty please...

10 Nov 06 - 08:51 PM (#1882759)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: KT

Well, I've never had the pleasure of hearing "Mexicali Rose" so I s'pose ten cuts would be just fine with me. Hope Your all having a grand time!


10 Nov 06 - 09:00 PM (#1882764)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Severn

Mexicali Rose From The Grave 10 times? And that won't even be the enhanced reissue with the onus cuts added. I'll take one.

10 Nov 06 - 09:28 PM (#1882786)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

My well bred guests all disappeared today and gave me an afternoon of peace and quiet. Ready to go again now.

Mexicali Rose stop cryyyyyyyyiiiiiiing...

10 Nov 06 - 09:49 PM (#1882804)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Uncle Jaque

Glad to see you're still at it; been a while since Aunt Mahtha & me wuz down t' one o' these things, & would love to do it again sometime.

Since then, we moved from Yarmouth up here to Monmouth (sort of halfway between Augusta and Lewiston) at the end of Sept., and our Daughter produced our first Granddaughter, Anabeth Avery, via C-section (the kid was, per family tradition, bass-akwards) on Oct. 30. Cute lil' critter, too. If she takes after her Maw, she'll be a singer for sure.

I'd forgotten what a pain in the arse moving was - but sure got a rude reminder on this one, after almost 30 years in the yarmouth digs. Spend most of my time looking for stuff, then doing without when I caint find it. Havn't even had my guitar out of the case for over a month now.

Was going to march in the Portland parade tomorrow with the 3rd Maine, but vascular issues in feet from Korea '68 have been acting up and marching on asphalt followed by an hour or two of standing around listening to obligatory bloviations would do them no good.
Besides, I've forgotten about half of our fife repitoire, and can't find my darned music book to brush up with.

The VA up here at TOGUS is doing right well by me, Jeri; it's possibly the best thing our gub'mint ever come up with for us. Amazing.
The only hassle I've got now is all the paperwork and falderall involved in applying for disability rating - I need to buy a copier to back up all the documents that have a way of getting "lost".

Do any of you know if there are any folkie things - jams, sessions, whathaveyou going on up this way? I'd kinda like to get back into it if I could. Looks like my civilwar so'jerin' days are about played out.   As you know, I'm mos'ly into the old stuff - early to mid 19th Century for the mos' part.

It's sure to be a hoot at Sins' Sat night, and I'll be missin' ye; kind regards and warm fuzzy feelin's tae ye all!

11 Nov 06 - 08:21 AM (#1883028)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: maeve

Hi, all. Thursday's gathering sounded wonderful! I wish I could be there tonight, but no such luck. Please remember me when you start up the song circles again, Mary. I'll be looking forward to joining you. Hi to Kendall and Jacqui.

Meanwhile, make a joyful noise tonight.


11 Nov 06 - 09:03 AM (#1883047)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

We are hoping that there will be a song circle at Deborah's house on December 9th.

WE thought that it would be good to have a pre-Christmas session to get all those seasonal songs out of the system. (And to let Kendall cry "Bah, Humbug!") :0)

Further details to follow.

11 Nov 06 - 02:54 PM (#1883274)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Barry Finn

Hi Mary & ALL
A good surprize for me, Gabe's mouth will be covered by Justine eye so I'm breaking out.
Can you or anyone else PM or e-mail me with Mary's address & tel #(in case I get lost). I'll be heading to Maine in a few hours.
& what can I bring along, I don't want to be walking in as te only person with one arm as long as the other.
(e-mail finfam4atcomcastdotnet)


11 Nov 06 - 03:34 PM (#1883304)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Just PM'd Barry with the details.

What great news!

11 Nov 06 - 03:48 PM (#1883314)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Barry Finn

Thanks Luv
See ya there.


11 Nov 06 - 04:19 PM (#1883343)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's


12 Nov 06 - 11:34 AM (#1883799)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

What a rowdy evening!

It was so good to see Barry there and he gave us good reason to celebrate his presence with some terrific songs. Micca did the third part of his Fiorst World War trilogy and there were a number of other songs from the floor to mark November 11.

Kendall was back to picking and telling stories, when we could get the rest of the crew to shut up.

We went back for breakfast this morning only to find that Mary was still abed. After a lot of searching we managed to find the makings for coffee and breakfast and Ms Mary was even given a cup of coffee in bed by Jeri, who was the only one brave (or foolish) enough to take it to her. That was Kendall's idea but he demurred to enter her bedroom! It was worth the effort as the lady in question joined the throng with a smile on her face, having been fortified by the infusion of beans.

Next song circle will be on 9 December at Deborah's house. PM me for directions if needed. Get your Christmas offerings ready!

12 Nov 06 - 11:40 AM (#1883807)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

Barry did arrive safely, as well as a host of other folks. Judy and I got in about 7 pm with the singing already in progress (retrogress?). There were fine traditional songs, outrageous parodies, bawdy songs, oldies but goodies, and totally incomprehensible songs. When we left about 1 pm, things were winding down to the incomprehensible but who knows if there wasn't another burst of energy after we safely exited.

I'm thinking this morning (safe at home) that some of these folks are going to be experiencing (are experiencing?) serious Post-Getaway Re-Entry Stress (PGRES). After all, why would anyone want to do anything else other than sit around with a group of friends and sing songs all night, graze at the bountiful buffet, and sip various fermented fluids?

Grateful thanks to Sinsull for hosting this gathering.

Charley Noble

12 Nov 06 - 11:56 AM (#1883817)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

This was an exceptional evening. Thank you all for wonderful music and recitations. Thank you Jeri for coffee in bed. Micca is off with Linn and Tom. The house is empty. Now I go into post-Getaway slump. I think I will go and burn the lyrics to Mexicali Rose.

12 Nov 06 - 03:40 PM (#1884037)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

Lovely evening! Lovely drive home today (in nuisance rain, then pelting rain -- good conversation, though!).

Sorry, I've been here (in this thread) for about 15 minutes, but been too busy comparing mystery series, favorite authors, good sources for books, etcet etcet with Micca, while my computer twiddled its thumbs.

Pity Mary didn't burn the words to "Mexicali Rose" yesterday...


12 Nov 06 - 11:36 PM (#1884396)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's

It served a purpose, Linn. More music/Less talk.
Now go check the BS thread about bones. We need answers.

13 Nov 06 - 09:41 AM (#1884646)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Micca in NH

Well, all I can say is what a cracking evening, in the best of company with a wonderful range of songs and a few stories, several rememberance songs for the day . There were some guesses as to who exactly I had in mind and am refferingi to in "The Shantyman whose never been to sea" mostly wrong, which I intend to publish here as soon as I get back to UK my heartfelt thanks to all who took part ina most enjoyable even and to Blessed mary for hosting it . You folks are just Magic

13 Nov 06 - 12:16 PM (#1884765)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Micca

I mean I will publish the song NOT the guesses when I get home!!! sorry ,pre coffee be fuddlement in the above post

13 Nov 06 - 12:19 PM (#1884773)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: MMario

why not do both? Or at least the *WRONG* guesses...

13 Nov 06 - 12:28 PM (#1884785)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Micca

MMario, it could be embarrassing , as some of the guesses suggested a n element of spite and d suggested that the shanty singing of some well respected singers was rather less than "authentic"And I have NO wish to throw petrol on that fire , thank you very much

13 Nov 06 - 12:35 PM (#1884792)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Micca

Uncle Jacque, I passed a Message of greeting and asked to be remembered to you to one of your band colleagues in 3rd Maine at the Veterans day parade, may I complement them and you on their smart turnout and the precision of their drill? i have some photos of the m and the "firing of the volley" if they are of any interest to you or them PM me when I get back to London , after next w/e and I wil send copies to any e-mail ad

13 Nov 06 - 05:47 PM (#1885037)
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble


It was a pleasure to encounter you again on this side of the Great Pond.

Best of luck on the long flight home.

Charley Noble