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Shambles & Birthdays, Why?

05 Nov 06 - 02:05 PM (#1876835)
Subject: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: LesB

Hi Shambles, What is it with you & birthdays? Have you got the 'Big New Birthday Book' or something?
So it's ????? Birthday, does anybody care?
Les (feeling curmudgeonly)

05 Nov 06 - 02:15 PM (#1876843)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?

Some of us care and enjoy them. Is that good enough for you. Most national papers print a similar daily reminder. What's the harm?

05 Nov 06 - 02:21 PM (#1876847)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: LesB

No harm. What's the point?

05 Nov 06 - 03:01 PM (#1876885)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?

You are looking hard for a negative that doesn't exist. Write to the Times and tell them they should stop printing birthdays notifications, because you can't see the point. I am sure they'll listen.

05 Nov 06 - 03:25 PM (#1876905)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: Wolfgang

There's nothing wrong with birthday threads of folk musicians. I like to read them (mostly). But I'd wish Shambles would
(1) add the date of birth to the thread title
(2) add the BS tag to birthdays of non-folk musician people
(3) add some information (or a link) who the person is in the opening post

This way I feel these threads would be more user friendly.

I still fail to see why Shambles does not follow these simple recommendations for following them only could make his birthday threads more usefulr than they already are.


05 Nov 06 - 04:18 PM (#1876951)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?

Shambles does not follow them because someone is asking him to do so. Shambles only does what he wants. Then he complains because others don't want to do things his way. I guess he has a right to be a stubborn old goat if he feels like it.

05 Nov 06 - 04:19 PM (#1876952)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: Jeri

Shambles posted this message in his complaining thread. The very next day, he posted his first birthday thread, for Marty Robbins.

If Roger cared about the birthday threads, he'd include the date in the title so people could find who was born on a certain date. He'd say something about the artist. It's part of his mostly impotent Joe-stalking hobby, and I believe that's all it is. I also think Joe cares a lot less than Shambles thinks he does.

If people can add some actual content to the threads, it's not a bad thing.

06 Nov 06 - 05:09 AM (#1877273)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: The Shambles

Art Blakey's birthday squabble

06 Nov 06 - 11:46 AM (#1877480)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: GUEST,Sigmund

"Shambles does not follow them because someone is asking him to do so. Shambles only does what he wants. Then he complains because others don't want to do things his way."

Thanks Guest, for the insight. I strive to keep an open mind toward Shambles, but often see this mobilisation of defensive posture in his reactions. He thrives in some way by appearing to be beleagured, and his posts can become excruciatingly solipsistic.

Shambles seems to have a pretty tough ego when it emerges from behind the paranoias, and the counter-phobic, chin-first presentation is actually kind of endearing.

"It's part of his mostly impotent Joe-stalking hobby, and I believe that's all it is. I also think Joe cares a lot less than Shambles thinks he does."

Thanks, Jeri, for that observation as well. I don't imagine that Shambles really cares about the birthday threads; it's a way to roll the Trojan horse up to the door on a near-daily basis.

06 Nov 06 - 11:48 AM (#1877482)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: GUEST,A member

Y'know some of you members piss and moan when Roger is loading up other threads with his pissing and moaning. So here he is adding an enjoyable and interesting thread to the 'Cat, and you're pissing and moaning. Give the guy a f*****g break!
If you don't like it, DON'T OPEN THE GODDAMN THING!
And most of you - Wolfgang, I'm referring to you in particular - should be able to decide from the name of the person in the thread title whether or not it is folk-related or not, and open it or not accordingly.
IMO Roy Rogers is definitely folk-related.

06 Nov 06 - 11:59 AM (#1877494)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: The Shambles

Hi Shambles, What is it with you & birthdays? Have you got the 'Big New Birthday Book' or something?

Some posters seem to just take these threads at face value, provide information to them and are seen to generally enjoy them.

As this was the intention - perhaps that is the best approach for posters to be encouraged to take to these and to all threads?

Some just ignore them - and that is OK too.

Others (as you can see) just seem unable to resist posting only to judge and quibble and to publicly speculate on the possibility of dark motivations behind these threads - and in the process, succeed only in demonstrating their own paranoia and pedantry. For as Max tells us.......


06 Nov 06 - 12:09 PM (#1877499)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: Snuffy

And most of you ... should be able to decide from the name of the person in the thread title whether or not it is folk-related or not, and open it or not accordingly

Not if the name means nothing to you. I had never heard of many of the names that Shambles has opened birthday threads on, and as his first post usually only gives their date of birth, it leaves me no wiser as to the person's contribution to the sum of human happiness.

It is not until somebody else comes on and adds some useful (usually musical) information that the thread becomes meaningful. Some of the "unknowns" have turned out to be folk, but many of both the known and unknown names come nowhere near anything I would recognise as "folk". The net is cast exceeding wide.

06 Nov 06 - 01:04 PM (#1877533)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

" I had never heard of many of the names that Shambles has opened birthday threads on"

There are hundreds of threads on this site about obscure UK performers and events. There is no harm in that. There is no harm in birthday threads.   Knowledge is power.   There is nothing wrong about finding out who someone is. If it doesn't interest you, you move on. If you meet a boring soul on the street, do you stop and tell them that they are boring and should go away? No, life goes on.

I find it appaling that people will use opportunties like this to slam another Mudcatter. Take your arguements outside folks! Stop puffing your chests, you aren't impressing or influencing anyone.

06 Nov 06 - 01:36 PM (#1877558)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: LesB

Hi all, I seemed to have opened a can of worms here. I was only curious as to why Shambles seemed to have a thing for non-folk birthdays. It was not an attack on Shambles, but it seems to have been an unintentional rallying cry for some to do so.
I personally don't see the poin. But there again I don't look at birthdays in papers, care a jot for what so called celebrities are up to, or read horoscopes. And in reply to 'Guest's ' suggestion to "DON'T OPEN THE GODDAMN THING!" one has to open it to see what is inside. By the way, "guest" some of us take exception to be shouted at and sworn at.

06 Nov 06 - 01:43 PM (#1877563)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: Georgiansilver

I may not be in agreement with some of Shambles postings....I may not like Shambles if we meet..but I won't go looking for negative things for the sake of doing so....or support you if you do.

06 Nov 06 - 01:48 PM (#1877565)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Les, if you were simply curious you could have sent a PM to Shambles. Why ask a personal question in public unless you were looking to start a discussion, which we all know would not go well.

06 Nov 06 - 01:56 PM (#1877573)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: kendall

Shambles used to irritate the hell out of me by wasting space just to have something to say. Now, I simply ignor any post that he puts up. Works for me.

06 Nov 06 - 01:57 PM (#1877574)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: LesB

I don't mind starting a discussion, after all that's what Mudcat is, but I didn't intend to start a slanging match. A little light hearted banter was what I had in mind.

06 Nov 06 - 01:57 PM (#1877575)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko


06 Nov 06 - 02:06 PM (#1877587)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: Grab

Nothing wrong with birthday threads. And using it as an excuse to bash Shambles is a cheap shot.

Whilst the requests so far have been far from polite, tweaking the titles *would* be worth doing for clarity - many of us don't check the site every day, so knowing when this birthday happened would be nice. And content for slightly more obscure references (and for me, even Art Blakey is obscure - sorry, I'm just ignorant ;-). If people care then no doubt they'll post more info, but if it's someone whose music/contribution you value then sticking that in the first post would be nice. Maybe a Wikipedia link?

Whatever, though. As Guest says above, I don't see the negative in it.


06 Nov 06 - 04:16 PM (#1877716)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: The Shambles

I know what I know about these people (which in some cases is not much) but it is always interesting to find out more and to find out what others know about them and how these people have affected their lives.

And to do this without having to wait for them to die first (as many of them are already dead).

I have found out some interesting things and hopefully so have others - so it seems to work quite well. And with those threads that folks don't post much to - perhaps we are just not very interested in these individuals?

I must admit to not being a great fan of OBIT threads but using an artist's birth - rather than their death - as an excuse to post about them and their lives - does seem a little more positive. It should prevent posts that quibble about what comments are suitable for OBIT threads.

I am also not a great fan of this strict demarcation between music related threads and the BS section. So these threads seem to be a good way of bridging that gap. An acceptable way of bringing some music to the BS and of bringing some BS to the music.

But as with any thread and our forum in general - it will be what we make it.

06 Nov 06 - 04:30 PM (#1877723)
Subject: RE: Shambles & Birthdays, Why?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Keep posting them Shambles. They are fun. I always like to be reminded of anniversaries and birthdays. I have a "day in history" feature on my blogsite - , and I also have gathered birthday information from many of the artists whose music I play on the radio. I think a commemoration once a year is worth a mention and a rememberance.

I also feel the obit threads are important. As Lee Hays would say, I like to check them to make sure that I am not in them!
    This thread should never have been started. In general, we do not allow threads that attack other Mudcatters. UIt might have been appropriate to question the proliferation of birthday threads in a birthday thread, but starting a new thread to directly challenge Shambles has the tone of a personal attack. As a rule, I close or delete all threads directed at our usual trolls. Therefore, I'm closing this one.
    -Joe Offer-