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BS: OJ and his oldest son

22 Nov 06 - 09:23 PM (#1891324)
Subject: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: GUEST,Ron

I talked to a man today that wa standing up for OJ he said that he thought that OJ Simpson' oldes son was responsible for the murders and thaT oJ WAS COVERING UP FOR HIM


22 Nov 06 - 09:28 PM (#1891329)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: Bill D

Why would any of us have any idea about that? It's easy to propose a theory......

22 Nov 06 - 09:54 PM (#1891345)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: GUEST,jeez

I think Ron should go to the library and get War and Peace, and lose himself in something useful...


22 Nov 06 - 10:08 PM (#1891356)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: Ron Davies

And I wish Guest Ron had another name--and something better to do--anything--than to spout drivel. What kind of music do you like, Guest Ron?

23 Nov 06 - 07:46 AM (#1891572)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: GUEST,Mr Red

Well the world and it's brother has made up it's mind, just a few jurors and sundry others who think differently.
Put it this way - would you invite him into your house? Would you argue if he knocked on your door?

Rather spells it out - I submit, m'lud.

23 Nov 06 - 10:34 AM (#1891726)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: Slag

I invented a new drink called "The Bloody Glove". Its 4 parts OJ, 2 parts Vodka with a slash of Sloe Gin laid on top and a drop or two of bitters. You can get away with drinking it but it leaves a rather bad taste in your mouth. So much for the Troll and the chum. Thanks for the platform to launch my new drink sensation, Guest Ron. Otherwise, enjoy War and Peace. Have you read Finnegan's Wake?

23 Nov 06 - 12:39 PM (#1891853)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: Ebbie

Which of his children did it - the then four-year-old, the eight-year-old or the ten-year-old?

23 Nov 06 - 12:47 PM (#1891859)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: bobad

From Wikipedia:

Jason Simpson Theory

Another theory that has been put forth is that Simpson's son, Jason Simpson, committed the murders. This is the central theory of a book by William Dear titled O.J. is Guilty, But Not of Murder (ISBN 0-9702058-0-5). This book attempts to explain Simpson's incriminating behavior and the incriminating evidence, and also presents an alternative theory of how the murders took place. Among the circumstances Dear, a former detective, claims in the book to support his theory are:

    * Jason Simpson had developed a crush on Nicole Brown Simpson, and was angry at the lifestyle she was involved in, which included drug use.

    * Jason Simpson had been known to go into violent epileptic rages and would often not remember what he had done.

    * Jason was a chef-in-training and would always carry his knife set with him. These knives were more than capable of committing the murders, and inflicting the type of wounds found on the victims.

    * Jason had no alibi the night of the murders, as the restaurant he was working at was closed that night. He stated he was cooking in front of 200 people the night of the murders. However, the restaurant that he worked at during the murders could hold a maximum of 87 people at any one time. He also later stated in a civil deposition that he clocked out after the murders had taken place.

    * After committing the murders, Jason called Simpson to the crime scene. Simpson struggled with his son to take the weapons from him, thus providing the detectives with the gloves and the blood evidence that would be used at his trial. Dear also believes this is where O.J. received the cut on his hand that prosecuters said was inflicted during the murders.

    * O.J. tried to cover up the crime of his son because of the guilt O.J. felt as a result of being a neglectful father.

23 Nov 06 - 12:51 PM (#1891864)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: Slag


23 Nov 06 - 06:59 PM (#1892112)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: Ron Davies

Never say that Wikipedia is not there to answer the important questions of life.

23 Nov 06 - 07:37 PM (#1892135)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: McGrath of Harlow

Actually the theory did get aired in rather more authoritative places - including a documentary on the BBC in 2000, summarised in this article in The Times.

That doesn't prove it's true of course. But then nothing has been proved in this case one way or another, except that there were two murders, for whom no one had been convicted in a criminal trial, and to which no one has confessed either.

Everything else is gossip and spin and guesswork.

23 Nov 06 - 08:20 PM (#1892159)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: Ron Davies

"Gossip and spin and guesswork"--and not worth our time.

23 Nov 06 - 11:40 PM (#1892222)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: wysiwyg

And he's explaining all this to Nicole's kids?

"No, daddy isn't a killer, just a liar. It's your big brother who is the killer in the family and took away your mommie. But you'll grow up fine, don't worry wbout it. OK honey?"

I always wanted a big brother. But not one named Simpson, unless maybe BART.

(Actually, maybe BART did it!)


24 Nov 06 - 03:40 PM (#1892676)
Subject: RE: BS: OJ and his oldest son
From: Slag

Black Bart??? (you fair haired sons of bitches)