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BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing

30 Nov 06 - 08:51 PM (#1897074)
Subject: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Lonesome EJ

Guilty Plea made by Troy Gentry of Montgomery Gentry

All-American He-Man and Hero Troy Gentry of the Pop-Country duo Montgomery Gentry has just pleaded guilty to falsely tagging a tame bear which he purchased and killed in the seller's 3 acre pen in Minnesota. He agreed with the seller to have the kill filmed, and then tag the bear as killed in the wild as his hunting permit required.The bear, named "Cubby", had been raised on the seller's property. The valiant Gentry killed the bear with a high-powered bow and arrow from a treestand safely out of the bear's reach. An electric fence prevented the bear's escape.

In my view, a fine ain't enough for this jackass. Why not put him in a closed pen with a hungry grizzly?

30 Nov 06 - 08:53 PM (#1897076)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Lonesome EJ

I don't know how the clickey captured all the text. Maybe someone could fix it so that only the top line's hot?

30 Nov 06 - 08:53 PM (#1897077)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Bert

I agree, but that might be a quicker death than he deserves.

30 Nov 06 - 08:57 PM (#1897081)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Bert

Fixed your clicky.

01 Dec 06 - 05:07 AM (#1897262)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Paul Burke

I've never heard of Toy Gentry, but why would anyone want to do this? You can't lie to yourself, can you?

01 Dec 06 - 07:03 AM (#1897303)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Les in Chorlton

This could make heckling his gigs a lot more fun?

01 Dec 06 - 08:44 AM (#1897384)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Becca72

Stuff like this makes me sick to my stomach. He should get the same treatment he gave the bear and then some.

01 Dec 06 - 08:49 AM (#1897387)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Big Mick

Disgusting bastard.

01 Dec 06 - 09:10 AM (#1897412)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: McGrath of Harlow

Under the plea, the 39-year-old country singer agreed to pay a $15,000 fine, give up hunting, fishing and trapping in Minnesota for five years, and forfeit both the bear's hide and the bow he used to shoot the animal in 2004.

The law seems to work in a pretty funny way. Plea bargaining is a distortion when it allows people to walk free on minor charges - in this case they appear to have dropped anything about the killing, and done him for "a misdemeanor charge of falsely registering a captive bear as being killed in the wild".

Meanwhile Lee Marvin Greenly his "hunter guide" who didn't actually do the killing appears likely to come off rather worse:

Greenly faces a maximum prison sentence of five years for each count, forfeiture of all-terrain vehicles he and employees used to reach the bait stations, and a maximum fine of $400,000.

That seems a bit more reasonable.

The right to harm bears...

01 Dec 06 - 09:12 AM (#1897414)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: katlaughing

Fucking bastard.

01 Dec 06 - 09:21 AM (#1897427)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Dave Hanson

Why did he do it ? is he a total wanker or what ?


01 Dec 06 - 09:28 AM (#1897432)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Wesley S

As the bumper sticker says - I support the right to arm bears.

01 Dec 06 - 09:44 AM (#1897442)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Scoville

But will they get in trouble if they tag the hunter after they shoot him?

Amazing. That manages to be both cruel and completely lame at the same time. Better yet, now the whole world knows that Mr. Manly Man faked it.

I once chased an attacking dog away from a little girl. Okay, so it was a geriatric, one-eyed, shih-tzu . . .

01 Dec 06 - 11:10 AM (#1897513)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Lonesome EJ

Montgomery Gentry Tour dates in 2007

I hope, if they come to a town near you, you'll contact an animal rights group. If they aren't being picketed yet, they should be. I have never been opposed to hunting, but I find this stupid, cruel, pathetic and outrageous. And the guy's lawyer gets him off with a slap on the wrist because he's a Country Music star. These guys are champions of the "I'm just a good ole blue collar honest American boy like you" and I'm sure that's why he was filming the kill. Probably planned to show it on American Sportsman.

Well, good ole American boys play fair, and this twit should be pointed out for what he is.

01 Dec 06 - 11:54 AM (#1897557)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Strollin' Johnny

"And the guy's lawyer gets him off with a slap on the wrist because he's a Country Music star".

He might be a star in your country mate, but no-one's heard of the prick in the UK. Let's keep it that way.

01 Dec 06 - 11:58 AM (#1897565)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: frogprince

How can one act be so damn wrong in so damn many ways at once? And in no way a momentary slip of judgement; deeply sick, carried out unflinchingly, and intended to be passed off as admirable.

01 Dec 06 - 12:18 PM (#1897576)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: McGrath of Harlow

""I relied on the experts around me for guidance, and I regret that today. Not so much because I was fined and punished, but because it appears that I don't have respect for the law."

What a creep. And this is a 39 year old man.

Fall of Troy, I trust.

01 Dec 06 - 12:26 PM (#1897582)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: bobad

A fitting sentence, IMO, would be to require him to put in a substantial amount of his time, say a year, working in a wildlife rehabilitation setting. This just might teach him to have a little more respect for animals.

01 Dec 06 - 12:39 PM (#1897598)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Les in Chorlton

Preferably dressed in a bear suite, fake of course.

All together now:

If you down in the woods today your sure of a big surprise

how does that go on?

01 Dec 06 - 12:53 PM (#1897606)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: McGrath of Harlow

They do this kind of thing quite a lot in South Africa - farms where "wild animals" are bred so that tourist killers from abroad - mostly the USA, I'm afraid - can come and shoot them for a price.

Here's a site about Canned Hunting, which appears to be a growth industry in the States.

Of course it's not that different from the way "sportsmen" in the UK shoot gamebirds who have been reared form the purpose of being released and shot.

01 Dec 06 - 01:00 PM (#1897616)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Richard Bridge

Could he be releaased in a female bear suit?

01 Dec 06 - 01:06 PM (#1897618)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Les in Chorlton

Careful Richard ................

I understand that Hunts (spell check on) bred foxes?

01 Dec 06 - 01:41 PM (#1897642)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Jeri

McGrath, you quoted him as saying, "I relied on the experts around me for guidance, and I regret that today. Not so much because I was fined and punished, but because it appears that I don't have respect for the law."

He should maybe regret it because it shows him to be a sick bastard that enjoys killing. I understand hunting, but this is just sheer cruelty. I would think that hunters might be among the more incensed by this incident, and Gentry's perceived example. He's not a hunter. He's a killer who knows he'll be in trouble if he blows a person away.

The fact he doesn't seem to understand that splattering confined animals for fun might be viewed by a few people as sadistic indicates he's not just sadistic, but clueless as well.

01 Dec 06 - 02:11 PM (#1897675)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing

Tame or wild it dosen`t matter,what the hell pleasure do you get killing animals, a total shit-house like all the other cowardly bastards that derives pleasure from killing animals.

01 Dec 06 - 05:31 PM (#1897842)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Richard Bridge

Hey. look, the guy is a country singer, he enjoys torturing people too.

01 Dec 06 - 06:29 PM (#1897878)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Paul from Hull

*LOL* Richard

In all seriousness though, what a sad, inadequate individual. He must have some serious issues, that he presumably has more than enough cash to get addressed professionally.

01 Dec 06 - 06:52 PM (#1897890)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Bert

Where's Dick Cheney when you need him?

01 Dec 06 - 08:16 PM (#1897948)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Good point McG. You could have added that many of the game birds bred in the UK specially to be shot have their wings clipped in order to give their intrepid "hunters" a sporting chance.

But this pales into into insignificance in comparison with what goes on quite legally elsewhere in the EU. In Spain bulls are routinely tormented and baited, often to their deaths, for the entertainment of huge audiences; goats and donkeys are thrown from great heights, and in the streets of Pamplona, bulls are made to run a crazy gauntlet of frenzied idiots, all in the name of cultural tradition.

In Rumania, soon to join to EU, people still derive amusememt from the antics of "dancing" bears - wretched, emaciated creatures that will endure any degredation to relieve the torment of barbed rings that gradually tear their snouts apart.

It's a funny old thing, human nature.

01 Dec 06 - 11:19 PM (#1898023)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Ron Davies

This feeble excuse for a man (Gentry?--(is this what gentry do?)--should be banned from hunting-- and not just in Minnesota. At least in the whole US. And not just for 5 years----for life. And pay at least the $400,000 maximum his "hunting guide" may face. And community service along the lines already suggested by other posters.

And have to explain to his little daughters exactly why he had to do all this. Possibly on nationwide TV.

But--one good thing about the fact that this is now public. The publicity stemming from this will not help his career in the least--even without Humane Society etc. involvement.

Not all "country music"-- (even 70's rock under another name, which is basically what commercial "country music" is these days)-- fans, contrary to what some Mudcatters may fondly believe, are slavering yahoos. Even some Toby Keith fans are not complete Neanderthals. Many "country music" fans do know the difference between hunting and the disgusting travesty of it in which Mr. Gentry engaged.

And they may even adjust their country music buying habits-- CD's and concerts---unless they feel a need to "make a statement" against perceived PETA etc. harassment that may now arise.

03 Dec 06 - 08:50 PM (#1899249)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Ron Davies

Jan says that on CMT (Country Music Television), they are now acknowledging this incident.

BUT it's a complete whitewash. They only mention that the bear was "mislabeled". No noting of the bear being shot in an enclosure--or of being tame.

Pretty revolting. It's the "industry" standing behind its own. Sounds like protests may well be called for after all--to force them to deal with the whole story.

03 Dec 06 - 09:17 PM (#1899264)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Rapparee

The practice of killing penned animals and calling it "hunting" has been castigated over and over by hunters. Shucks, if you want elk (for example) to eat you can buy it in some stores, including those on the East Coast -- and it's a helluva lot cheaper than flying out here and pretending you're a Great White Hunter.

Folks out here that hunt, meaning that they go out into the mountains and woods!!, stalk, kill, dress out, haul out, and butcher or have butchered an animal -- why, do you know that they actuall EAT the meat??? In fact, many of them not only eat the meat, but tan the hide and make things from it??

Of course, if all you want is a head for the rank right up there with the folks who come up from Salt Lake City or LA and shoot cattle.

05 Dec 06 - 12:55 PM (#1900738)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: GUEST,Mp

What a POS Gentry is. Feed him to the bears. I'll never buy (or listen) to his music again.

05 Dec 06 - 01:22 PM (#1900756)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: frogprince

"I relied on the experts around me for guidance, and I regret that today. Not so much because I was fined and punished, but because it appears that I don't have respect for the law."

What the hell would those "experts" have had to suggest to him before it would have occured to him that it was just too damned wrong? And if he wants to claim that he has respect for the law, it would behoove him to pull his head out of his behind and pay a little attention to the law.

06 Dec 06 - 12:38 PM (#1901611)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Rapparee

Iffen ya wanna hunt bears, try somethin' like this. If you do, please don't just take the head and/or the hide -- eat the meat, too.

06 Dec 06 - 03:17 PM (#1901749)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Strollin' Johnny

"Folks out here that hunt, meaning that they go out into the mountains and woods!!, stalk, kill, dress out, haul out, and butcher or have butchered an animal -- why, do you know that they actuall EAT the meat??? In fact, many of them not only eat the meat, but tan the hide and make things from it??"

Is that supposed to make it decent and civilised? They're still arseholes in my book, mate.

06 Dec 06 - 04:53 PM (#1901846)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: jeffp

It's much more civilized to have your killing done for you.

06 Dec 06 - 11:36 PM (#1902133)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Lonesome EJ

Please! Let's not confuse what Gentry did with hunting. Intelligent people come down on both sides of the hunting issue, but what TroyBoy did was slaughter a penned animal and I thyink everyone can agree on that one..

07 Dec 06 - 11:28 PM (#1903111)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Ron Davies

Exactly. I think even current "country" fans would agree on that--too bad they're not being told the truth.

08 Dec 06 - 09:29 AM (#1903417)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Rapparee

You want to kill a penned animal, get a job at a slaughterhouse.

And if you elect to eat meat, wild or farm raised, the animal dies to feed you. The only difference is that if you buy your meat in the store you remove yourself from the nasty bits of killing and butchering.

Those who hunt (for meat, which is the only reason to hunt) are way more honest about it than those who buy their meat dead, butchered, and wrapped in plastic.

08 Dec 06 - 01:01 PM (#1903587)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Strollin' Johnny

Hunting for food's one thing Rap, killing for fun's something else. And the majority of people don't NEED to hunt for food, they just enjoy the killing. Blood-lust - nothing more, nothing less.

If it's so great, let's make a real contest of it - instead of shooting the animal safely from a distance, let's see those cowardly twats face their prey armed with nothing but their own bare hands. That'll sort out the men from the boys.

Nothing sickens me more than photos of grinning eejits standing over the corpses of a beautiful animals they just shot.

You won't agree, and I don't give a fuck.

08 Dec 06 - 01:15 PM (#1903595)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Rapparee

On the contrary, I think that hunting anything other than for food is wrong. I can't think of very many things that disgust me more than "head hunting" or those who, like Troy Gentry, kill penned animals.

Believe it or not, I know several people who live "off the grid." They hunt their meat, grow their own vegetables and fruits, and even make their own clothes, some of them from the hides of the animals they eat. What electricity they use they generate themselves, one by solar panels and another by a small, homemade, hydroelectric setup. One of them, nicknamed Crazy, lived for three years in a smoked-buffalo-hide teepee he made himself. And here in on the Western Slope of the Rockies that's a good trick.

11 Dec 06 - 12:03 AM (#1905985)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing

I am a hunter and what I don't understand is as a country star he could contact any of the hunting shows or magazines and they would have fallen all over themselves to set him up with a legit hunt for any legal game animal in the world for an article or show segmant. Instead he pulls this lame crap.

11 Dec 06 - 01:47 AM (#1906015)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Cluin

It's cause he's a lame country star.

No, he really does suck.

12 Dec 06 - 08:03 AM (#1907311)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Ron Davies

Yet another irony of this sordid business is that Montgomery Gentry's new hit single is "Some People Change"--about the power of redemption.

Some people change--and some just excel in covering up.

12 Dec 06 - 02:31 PM (#1907604)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: GUEST,a concerned guest

what sickens me is the post on the bands website :
"based on the Prosecutions' recent decision to reduce the initial charge from a felony to a misdemeanor. While the case had nothing to do with the actual hunt – a legal act - Gentry accepts responsibility for a tag incorrectly submitted on his behalf."

the part about this being a legal act. what have we reduced ourselves to??

growing up in SD, we hunted deer - we stalked the woods, shot, butchered and ate our kill. now, living in TX, i won't hunt - sitting in a tree, aiming at a feeder i have been filling all year is just not right.

12 Dec 06 - 07:01 PM (#1907889)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Cluin

Turns your stomach alright. It is nowhere near hunting. It's the act of a thug and a bully.

12 Dec 06 - 10:38 PM (#1908011)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: frogprince

I wonder if the same PR "experts" he let suck him into this mess in the first place are orchestrating all the statements intended as damage contol. The guy has to be a great contortionist; at one and the same time, he has his head up his ass, and his foot in his mouth clear up to his ass.

12 Dec 06 - 10:41 PM (#1908016)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Cluin

Be afraid. Once he has disappeared up there totally, a quantum singularity may form and we'll all be sucked in.

That fucking Troy Gentry...

13 Dec 06 - 07:36 AM (#1908285)
Subject: RE: BS: Troy Gentry Guilty in Tame Bear Killing
From: Ron Davies

The hunt was "a legal act"--since enclosures where people can shoot animals do exist legally.

Of course, Gentry's participation in such a travesty of hunting tells us all we need to know about his morals. And if that doesn't, his obvious endorsement of the coverup of the whole story sure does.