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BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?

27 Dec 06 - 02:13 PM (#1920011)
Subject: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: GUEST,guest Wilfried Schaum abroad

Dear friends,

I am still incommunicado. My PC has lost its connection to the web, I have difficulties with the repairs, and I have no access to my office PC because of the closing of my library between Xmas and New Year. The week before Xmas I was confined to bed coughing my lungs out (bad luck).
Now I'm sitting in an Internet Café controlling my mail.
I know that I have missed some birthdays; my best to all whom I wished to congratulate. Pardon a sick man.
And for you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


27 Dec 06 - 02:23 PM (#1920015)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: John MacKenzie

Mr Foamy we love you, sorry to hear about your PC problems, there's nothing like a busted PC to make you appreciate the Mudcat when you get back on line.
Hope you're sorted out soon, and a happy new year to you my friend.

27 Dec 06 - 03:30 PM (#1920050)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: freda underhill


that cough needs some steam and eucalyptus oil! I hope you're feeling better soon, and that your computer gets back into gear. Have a peaceful recovery and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

best wishes


27 Dec 06 - 05:18 PM (#1920100)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Rapparee

Yes, I was asking myself that very same question just the other day.

I hope that you had a frolicsome Weinnachtfest (or as much of one as you could) and will have a Wonderful New Year.

Me, I'm sitting here in DC throwing up.

27 Dec 06 - 05:19 PM (#1920101)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: robomatic

I know how you feel. Went out of state to visit relatives, and we were all sick in a cold house (but happy). Back here to shovel snow for two hours and collapse into bed with a bleary head. As soon as I am well enough I get to shovel more snow, so I've got that working for me.

27 Dec 06 - 05:32 PM (#1920113)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Bill D

Take care of yourself and don't worry....we'll be here when you, your PC and your health are better. (Maybe a few select German curses at the computer will help!)

Thanks for saying hello.

27 Dec 06 - 06:36 PM (#1920145)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Skipjack K8

Hope you are back feeling reet grand soon, Wilfried, and looking forward you seeing you in Kiel.

All the best


27 Dec 06 - 07:00 PM (#1920165)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Ron Davies

Schnelle Besserung, Wilfried!!! (auch im Bezug auf das PC)

27 Dec 06 - 11:44 PM (#1920314)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Stilly River Sage

BillD, maybe you and Rita should check up on our Idaho liberry man, Rapaire? This is at least the second thread on which he has remarked upon his poor health. I think it is a cry for help, and you are at least in his proximity (I think he's there to visit the Arlington National Cemetery).


27 Dec 06 - 11:52 PM (#1920319)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Alice

Happy New Year and GET WELL soon to ALL.


28 Dec 06 - 02:33 AM (#1920354)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Ernest

Happy new year, Wilfried - and avoid the Schaumschlägers ;0)

Best wishes


28 Dec 06 - 10:50 AM (#1920497)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Rapparee

No, he came to DC to visit family-in-law for Christmas. I'm pretty sure he ate something that really didn't agree with him. He's not running off with with his wife and friend Mary to Gettysburg and West Chester the next few days, though. He's going to stay right here and try to get well.

I'm pretty certain of all of this.

28 Dec 06 - 09:03 PM (#1920958)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: CET


Sorry to hear you haven't been well. Take of yourself and give us some updates on your health.


28 Dec 06 - 09:37 PM (#1920984)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Bill D

*grin*...that's what *I* figgered that 'ol Rapaire was doin'.

He has had a sort of "open invitation" to give a call if he's ever in the DC area with time and space to spare.

I do hope he feels better, anyway....heck of a time to be 'down'..

(I'm catching some sort of little cold, my own self)

29 Dec 06 - 09:44 AM (#1921287)
Subject: RE: BS: What about Wilfried Schaum?
From: Wilfried Schaum

Thanks, dear friends, for all the good wishes.
I was able to rise at friday, Dec. 22, to listen to my daughter the wee sweet nightingale in a Xmas concerto, at Xmas eve to meet my daughters and to collect my gifts, and today for a guided tour through my hometown for some Swiss boy scouts. At Jan 3 next year I have to work again and I think I'll make the day.

And a good recovery for all the sick Mudcatters remembered in this thread!

Sing and enjoy